aio_pika.robust_channel 源代码

import asyncio
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, MutableSet, Optional, Type, Union
from warnings import warn
from weakref import WeakSet

import aiormq

from .abc import (
    AbstractConnection, AbstractRobustChannel, AbstractRobustExchange,
    AbstractRobustQueue, TimeoutType,
from .channel import Channel
from .exchange import Exchange, ExchangeType
from .log import get_logger
from .queue import Queue
from .robust_exchange import RobustExchange
from .robust_queue import RobustQueue
from .tools import CallbackCollection

log = get_logger(__name__)

[文档] class RobustChannel(Channel, AbstractRobustChannel): # type: ignore """ Channel abstraction """ QUEUE_CLASS: Type[Queue] = RobustQueue EXCHANGE_CLASS: Type[Exchange] = RobustExchange RESTORE_RETRY_DELAY: int = 2 _exchanges: DefaultDict[str, MutableSet[AbstractRobustExchange]] _queues: DefaultDict[str, MutableSet[RobustQueue]] default_exchange: RobustExchange def __init__( self, connection: AbstractConnection, channel_number: Optional[int] = None, publisher_confirms: bool = True, on_return_raises: bool = False, ): """ :param connection: :class:`aio_pika.adapter.AsyncioConnection` instance :param loop: Event loop (:func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` when :class:`None`) :param future_store: :class:`aio_pika.common.FutureStore` instance :param publisher_confirms: False if you don't need delivery confirmations (in pursuit of performance) """ super().__init__( connection=connection, channel_number=channel_number, publisher_confirms=publisher_confirms, on_return_raises=on_return_raises, ) self._exchanges = defaultdict(WeakSet) self._queues = defaultdict(WeakSet) self._prefetch_count: int = 0 self._prefetch_size: int = 0 self._global_qos: bool = False self.reopen_callbacks: CallbackCollection = CallbackCollection(self) self.__restore_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.__restored = asyncio.Event() self.close_callbacks.add(self.__close_callback) async def ready(self) -> None: await self._connection.ready() await self.__restored.wait() async def get_underlay_channel(self) -> await self._connection.ready() return await super().get_underlay_channel() async def restore(self, channel: Any = None) -> None: if channel is not None: warnings.warn( "Channel argument will be ignored because you " "don't need to pass this anymore.", DeprecationWarning, ) async with self.__restore_lock: if self.__restored.is_set(): return await self.reopen() self.__restored.set() async def __close_callback(self, _: Any, exc: BaseException) -> None: if isinstance(exc, asyncio.CancelledError): # This happens only if the channel is forced to close from the # outside, for example, if the connection is closed. # Of course, here you need to exit from this function # as soon as possible and to avoid a recovery attempt. self.__restored.clear() return in_restore_state = not self.__restored.is_set() self.__restored.clear() if self._closed or in_restore_state: return await self.restore() async def reopen(self) -> None: await super().reopen() await self.reopen_callbacks() async def _on_open(self) -> None: if not hasattr(self, "default_exchange"): await super()._on_open() exchanges = tuple(chain(*self._exchanges.values())) queues = tuple(chain(*self._queues.values())) channel = await self.get_underlay_channel() await channel.basic_qos( prefetch_count=self._prefetch_count, prefetch_size=self._prefetch_size, ) for exchange in exchanges: await exchange.restore() for queue in queues: await queue.restore() if hasattr(self, "default_exchange"): = self self.__restored.set() async def set_qos( self, prefetch_count: int = 0, prefetch_size: int = 0, global_: bool = False, timeout: TimeoutType = None, all_channels: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> aiormq.spec.Basic.QosOk: if all_channels is not None: warn('Use "global_" instead of "all_channels"', DeprecationWarning) global_ = all_channels await self.ready() self._prefetch_count = prefetch_count self._prefetch_size = prefetch_size self._global_qos = global_ return await super().set_qos( prefetch_count=prefetch_count, prefetch_size=prefetch_size, global_=global_, timeout=timeout, )
[文档] async def declare_exchange( self, name: str, type: Union[ExchangeType, str] = ExchangeType.DIRECT, durable: bool = False, auto_delete: bool = False, internal: bool = False, passive: bool = False, arguments: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: TimeoutType = None, robust: bool = True, ) -> AbstractRobustExchange: await self.ready() exchange = ( await super().declare_exchange( name=name, type=type, durable=durable, auto_delete=auto_delete, internal=internal, passive=passive, arguments=arguments, timeout=timeout, ) ) if not internal and robust: # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._exchanges[name].add(exchange) # type: ignore return exchange # type: ignore
async def exchange_delete( self, exchange_name: str, timeout: TimeoutType = None, if_unused: bool = False, nowait: bool = False, ) -> aiormq.spec.Exchange.DeleteOk: await self.ready() result = await super().exchange_delete( exchange_name=exchange_name, timeout=timeout, if_unused=if_unused, nowait=nowait, ) self._exchanges.pop(exchange_name, None) return result
[文档] async def declare_queue( self, name: Optional[str] = None, *, durable: bool = False, exclusive: bool = False, passive: bool = False, auto_delete: bool = False, arguments: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, timeout: TimeoutType = None, robust: bool = True, ) -> AbstractRobustQueue: await self.ready() queue: RobustQueue = await super().declare_queue( # type: ignore name=name, durable=durable, exclusive=exclusive, passive=passive, auto_delete=auto_delete, arguments=arguments, timeout=timeout, ) if robust: self._queues[].add(queue) return queue
async def queue_delete( self, queue_name: str, timeout: TimeoutType = None, if_unused: bool = False, if_empty: bool = False, nowait: bool = False, ) -> aiormq.spec.Queue.DeleteOk: await self.ready() result = await super().queue_delete( queue_name=queue_name, timeout=timeout, if_unused=if_unused, if_empty=if_empty, nowait=nowait, ) self._queues.pop(queue_name, None) return result
__all__ = ("RobustChannel",)