22. 检查网站状态的示例¶
22. Example of Checking Website Status
我们可以使用 asyncio 通过打开流并写入和读取 HTTP 请求和响应来查询网站的 HTTP 状态。
然后我们可以使用 asyncio 同时查询多个网站的状态,甚至动态报告结果。
We can query the HTTP status of websites using asyncio by opening a stream and writing and reading HTTP requests and responses.
We can then use asyncio to query the status of many websites concurrently, and even report the results dynamically.
Let’s get started.
22.1 如何使用 Asyncio 检查 HTTP 状态¶
22.1 How to Check HTTP Status with Asyncio
asyncio 模块提供对打开套接字连接以及通过流读写数据的支持。
- 打开连接
- 写一个请求
- 读一个响应
- 关闭连接
The asyncio module provides support for opening socket connections and reading and writing data via streams.
We can use this capability to check the status of web pages.
This involves perhaps four steps, they are:
- Open a connection
- Write a request
- Read a response
- Close the connection
Let’s take a closer look at each part in turn.
22.2 打开 HTTP 连接¶
22.2 Open HTTP Connection
可以使用 asyncio.open_connection() 函数在 asyncio 中打开连接。
这是一个必须等待的协程,并返回一个 StreamReader 和一个 StreamWriter,用于使用套接字进行读写。
这可用于在端口 80 上打开 HTTP 连接。
# 打开套接字连接
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('www.google.com', 80)
我们还可以使用 ssl=True 参数打开 SSL 连接。 这可用于在端口 443 上打开 HTTPS 连接。
# 打开套接字连接
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('www.google.com', 443, ssl=True)
A connection can be opened in asyncio using the asyncio.open_connection() function.
Among many arguments, the function takes the string hostname and integer port number
This is a coroutine that must be awaited and returns a StreamReader and a StreamWriter for reading and writing with the socket.
This can be used to open an HTTP connection on port 80.
For example:
# open a socket connection
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('www.google.com', 80)
We can also open an SSL connection using the ssl=True argument. This can be used to open an HTTPS connection on port 443.
For example:
# open a socket connection
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('www.google.com', 443, ssl=True)
22.3 写入 HTTP 请求¶
22.3 Write HTTP Request
打开后,我们可以向 StreamWriter 写入查询以发出 HTTP 请求。
例如,HTTP 版本 1.1 请求 是纯文本形式。 我们可以请求文件路径“/”,如下所示:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.google.com
作为 Python 字符串,这可能如下所示:
'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: www.google.com\r\n'
您可以在此处了解有关 HTTP v1.1 请求消息的更多信息:
在写入 StreamWriter 之前,必须将该字符串编码为字节。
这可以通过对字符串本身使用 encode() 方法来实现。
# 将字符串编码为字节
byte_data = string.encode()
然后可以通过 StreamWriter 通过 write() 将字节写入套接字 方法。
# 将查询写入套接字
这可以通过 drain() 方法来实现。
# 等待套接字准备好。
await writer.drain()
Once open, we can write a query to the StreamWriter to make an HTTP request.
For example, an HTTP version 1.1 request is in plain text. We can request the file path ‘/’, which may look as follows:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.google.com
Importantly, there must be a carriage return and a line feed (\r\n) at the end of each line, and an empty line at the end.
As Python strings this may look as follows:
'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: www.google.com\r\n'
You can learn more about HTTP v1.1 request messages here:
This string must be encoded as bytes before being written to the StreamWriter.
This can be achieved using the encode() method on the string itself.
The default ‘utf-8‘ encoding may be sufficient.
For example:
# encode string as bytes
byte_data = string.encode()
You can see a listing of encodings here:
The bytes can then be written to the socket via the StreamWriter via the write() method.
For example:
# encode string as bytes
byte_data = string.encode()
You can see a listing of encodings here:
The bytes can then be written to the socket via the StreamWriter via the write() method.
For example:
# write query to socket
After writing the request, it is a good idea to wait for the byte data to be sent and for the socket to be ready.
This can be achieved by the drain() method.
This is a coroutine that must be awaited.
For example:
# wait for the socket to be ready.
await writer.drain()
22.4 读取 HTTP 响应¶
22.4 Read HTTP Response
一旦发出 HTTP 请求,我们就可以读取响应。
这可以通过套接字的 StreamReader 来实现。
可以使用 read() 方法读取响应,该方法将读取一大块字节,或者使用 readline() 方法读取一行字节。
我们可能更喜欢 readline() 方法,因为我们使用基于文本的 HTTP 协议,它一次发送一行 HTML 数据。
readline() 方法是一个协程,必须等待。
# 读取一行响应
line_bytes = await reader.readline()
HTTP 1.1 响应 由两部分组成,一个由空行分隔的标头,然后是由空行终止的正文。
header 包含有关请求是否成功以及将发送什么类型的文件的信息,body 包含文件的内容,例如 HTML 网页。
HTTP 标头的第一行包含服务器上所请求页面的 HTTP 状态。
您可以在此处了解有关 HTTP v1.1 响应的更多信息:
这可以通过对字节数据使用 decode() 方法来实现。 同样,默认编码是“utf_8”。
# 将字节解码为字符串
line_data = line_bytes.decode()
Once the HTTP request has been made, we can read the response.
This can be achieved via the StreamReader for the socket.
The response can be read using the read() method which will read a chunk of bytes, or the readline() method which will read one line of bytes.
We might prefer the readline() method because we are using the text-based HTTP protocol which sends HTML data one line at a time.
The readline() method is a coroutine and must be awaited.
For example:
# read one line of response
line_bytes = await reader.readline()
HTTP 1.1 responses are composed of two parts, a header separated by an empty line, then the body terminating with an empty line.
The header has information about whether the request was successful and what type of file will be sent, and the body contains the content of the file, such as an HTML webpage.
The first line of the HTTP header contains the HTTP status for the requested page on the server.
You can learn more about HTTP v1.1 responses here:
Each line must be decoded from bytes into a string.
This can be achieved using the decode() method on the byte data. Again, the default encoding is ‘utf_8‘.
For example:
# decode bytes into a string
line_data = line_bytes.decode()
22.5 关闭 HTTP 连接¶
22.5 Close HTTP Connection
我们可以通过关闭 StreamWriter 来关闭套接字连接。
这可以通过调用 close() 方法来实现。
# 关闭连接
现在我们知道如何使用 asyncio 发出 HTTP 请求并读取响应,让我们看一些检查网页状态的示例。
We can close the socket connection by closing the StreamWriter.
This can be achieved by calling the close() method.
For example:
# close the connection
This does not block and may not close the socket immediately.
Now that we know how to make HTTP requests and read responses using asyncio, let’s look at some worked examples of checking web page statuses.
22.6 按顺序检查 HTTP 状态的示例¶
22.6 Example of Checking HTTP Status Sequentially
我们可以开发一个示例来使用 asyncio 检查多个网站的 HTTP 状态。
在此示例中,我们将首先开发一个协程来检查给定 URL 的状态。 然后,我们将为前 10 个网站中的每个网站调用一次该协程。
首先,我们可以定义一个协程,它将接受 URL 字符串并返回 HTTP 状态。
# 获取网页的 HTTP/S 状态
async def get_status(url):
# ...
URL 必须被解析为其组成部分。
发出 HTTP 请求时,我们需要主机名和文件路径。 我们还需要知道 URL 方案(HTTP 或 HTTPS),以便确定是否需要 SSL。
这可以使用 urllib.parse.urlsplit() 函数来实现,该函数接受 URL 字符串并返回所有 URL 的命名元组。 网址元素。
# 将 url 拆分为多个部分
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
然后我们可以根据 URL 方案打开 HTTP 连接并使用 URL 主机名。
# 打开连接
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
接下来,我们可以使用主机名和文件路径创建 HTTP GET 请求,并使用 StreamWriter 将编码字节写入套接字。
# send GET request
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# write query to socket
# wait for the bytes to be written to the socket
await writer.drain()
接下来,我们可以读取 HTTP 响应。
我们只需要包含 HTTP 状态的响应的第一行。
# 读取单行响应
response = await reader.readline()
# 关闭连接
最后,我们可以解码从服务器读取的字节、远程尾随空格,并返回 HTTP 状态。
# 解码并去除空白
status = response.decode().strip()
# 返回响应
return status
将它们结合在一起,下面列出了完整的 get_status() 协程。
# 获取网页的 HTTP/S 状态
async def get_status(url):
# 将 url 拆分为多个组件
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
# 打开连接
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
# 发送GET请求
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# 将查询写入套接字
# 等待字节写入套接字
await writer.drain()
# 读取单行响应
response = await reader.readline()
# 关闭连接
# 解码并去除空白
status = response.decode().strip()
# 返回响应
return status
接下来,我们可以为我们想要检查的多个网页或网站调用 get_status() 协程。
在本例中,我们将定义世界排名前 10 的网页列表。
# 要检查的前 10 个网站列表
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
然后我们可以使用 get_status() 协程依次查询每个。
# 检查所有网站的状态
for url in sites:
# 获取 url 的状态
status = await get_status(url)
# 报告 url 及其状态
使用 asyncio 时,我们可以比顺序做得更好,但这提供了一个很好的起点,我们可以在以后进行改进。
将它们结合在一起,main() 协程查询前 10 个网站的状态。
# 主协程
async def main():
# 要检查的前 10 个网站列表
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
# 检查所有网站的状态
for url in sites:
# 获取 url 的状态
status = await get_status(url)
# 报告 url 及其状态
最后,我们可以创建 main() 协程并将其用作 asyncio 程序的入口点。
# 运行异步程序
# SuperFastPython.com
# 检查许多网页的状态
import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
# 获取网页的 HTTP/S 状态
async def get_status(url):
# 将 url 拆分为多个组件
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
# 打开连接
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
# 发送 GET 请求
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# 将查询写入套接字
# 等待字节写入套接字
await writer.drain()
# 读取单行响应
response = await reader.readline()
# 关闭连接
# 解码并去除空白
status = response.decode().strip()
# 返回响应
return status
# 主协程
async def main():
# 要检查的前 10 个网站列表
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
# 检查所有网站的状态
for url in sites:
# 获取 url 的状态
status = await get_status(url)
# 报告 url 及其状态
# 运行异步程序
运行该示例首先创建 main() 协程并将其用作程序的入口点。
main() 协程运行,定义前 10 个网站的列表。
然后按顺序遍历网站列表。 main() 协程挂起并调用 get_status() 协程来查询某个网站的状态。
get_status() 协程运行、解析 URL 并打开连接。 它构造一个 HTTP GET 查询并将其写入主机。 响应被读取、解码并返回。
main() 协程恢复并报告 URL 的 HTTP 状态。
对列表中的每个 URL 重复此操作。
该程序大约需要 5.6 秒才能完成,或者平均每个 URL 大约需要半秒。
这突出显示了我们如何使用 asyncio 来查询网页的 HTTP 状态。
尽管如此,它并没有充分利用 asyncio 来并发执行任务。
https://www.google.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.youtube.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.facebook.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
https://twitter.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.instagram.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.baidu.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.wikipedia.org/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://yandex.ru/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Moved temporarily
https://yahoo.com/ : HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
https://www.whatsapp.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
We can develop an example to check the HTTP status for multiple websites using asyncio.
In this example, we will first develop a coroutine that will check the status of a given URL. We will then call this coroutine once for each of the top 10 websites.
Firstly, we can define a coroutine that will take a URL string and return the HTTP status.
# get the HTTP/S status of a webpage
async def get_status(url):
# ...
The URL must be parsed into its constituent components.
We require the hostname and file path when making the HTTP request. We also need to know the URL scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) in order to determine whether SSL is required nor not.
This can be achieved using the urllib.parse.urlsplit() function that takes a URL string and returns a named tuple of all the URL elements.
# split the url into components
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
We can then open the HTTP connection based on the URL scheme and use the URL hostname.
# open the connection
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
Next, we can create the HTTP GET request using the hostname and file path and write the encoded bytes to the socket using the StreamWriter.
# send GET request
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# write query to socket
# wait for the bytes to be written to the socket
await writer.drain()
Next, we can read the HTTP response.
We only require the first line of the response that contains the HTTP status.
# read the single line response
response = await reader.readline()
The connection can then be closed.
# close the connection
Finally, we can decode the bytes read from the server, remote trailing white space, and return the HTTP status.
# decode and strip white space
status = response.decode().strip()
# return the response
return status
Tying this together, the complete get_status() coroutine is listed below.
It does not have any error handling, such as the case where the host cannot be reached or is slow to respond.
These additions would make a nice extension for the reader.
# get the HTTP/S status of a webpage
async def get_status(url):
# split the url into components
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
# open the connection
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
# send GET request
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# write query to socket
# wait for the bytes to be written to the socket
await writer.drain()
# read the single line response
response = await reader.readline()
# close the connection
# decode and strip white space
status = response.decode().strip()
# return the response
return status
Next, we can call the get_status() coroutine for multiple web pages or websites we want to check.
In this case, we will define a list of the top 10 web pages in the world.
# list of top 10 websites to check
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
We can then query each, in turn, using our get_status() coroutine.
In this case, we will do so sequentially in a loop, and report the status of each in turn.
# check the status of all websites
for url in sites:
# get the status for the url
status = await get_status(url)
# report the url and its status
We can do better than sequential when using asyncio, but this provides a good starting point that we can improve upon later.
Tying this together, the main() coroutine queries the status of the top 10 websites.
# main coroutine
async def main():
# list of top 10 websites to check
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
# check the status of all websites
for url in sites:
# get the status for the url
status = await get_status(url)
# report the url and its status
Finally, we can create the main() coroutine and use it as the entry point to the asyncio program.
# run the asyncio program
Tying this together, the complete example is listed below.
# SuperFastPython.com
# check the status of many webpages
import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
# get the HTTP/S status of a webpage
async def get_status(url):
# split the url into components
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
# open the connection
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
# send GET request
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# write query to socket
# wait for the bytes to be written to the socket
await writer.drain()
# read the single line response
response = await reader.readline()
# close the connection
# decode and strip white space
status = response.decode().strip()
# return the response
return status
# main coroutine
async def main():
# list of top 10 websites to check
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
# check the status of all websites
for url in sites:
# get the status for the url
status = await get_status(url)
# report the url and its status
# run the asyncio program
Running the example first creates the main() coroutine and uses it as the entry point into the program.
The main() coroutine runs, defining a list of the top 10 websites.
The list of websites is then traversed sequentially. The main() coroutine suspends and calls the get_status() coroutine to query the status of one website.
The get_status() coroutine runs, parses the URL, and opens a connection. It constructs an HTTP GET query and writes it to the host. A response is read, decoded, and returned.
The main() coroutine resumes and reports the HTTP status of the URL.
This is repeated for each URL in the list.
The program takes about 5.6 seconds to complete, or about half a second per URL on average.
This highlights how we can use asyncio to query the HTTP status of webpages.
Nevertheless, it does not take full advantage of the asyncio to execute tasks concurrently.
https://www.google.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.youtube.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.facebook.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
https://twitter.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.instagram.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.baidu.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.wikipedia.org/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://yandex.ru/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Moved temporarily
https://yahoo.com/ : HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
https://www.whatsapp.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Next, let’s look at how we might update the example to execute the coroutines concurrently.
22.7 并发检查网站状态的示例¶
22.7 Example of Checking Website Status Concurrently
asyncio 的一个好处是我们可以同时执行许多协程。
我们可以使用 asyncio.gather() 函数在 asyncio 中同时查询网站的状态。
该函数采用一个或多个协程,暂停执行所提供的协程,并将每个协程的结果作为可迭代对象返回。 然后我们可以遍历协程的 URL 列表和可迭代的返回值并报告结果。
# 创建所有协程请求
coros = [get_status(url) for url in sites]
接下来,我们可以执行协程并使用 asyncio.gather() 获取可迭代的结果。
# 执行所有协程并等待
results = await asyncio.gather(*coros)
然后我们可以遍历 URL 列表和返回的状态并依次报告。
# 处理所有结果
for url, status in zip(sites, results):
# 报告状态
# SuperFastPython.com
# 检查许多网页的状态
import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
# 获取网页的 HTTP/S 状态
async def get_status(url):
# 将 url 拆分为多个组件
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
# 打开连接
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
# 发送 GET 请求
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# 将查询写入套接字
# 等待字节写入套接字
await writer.drain()
# 读取单行响应
response = await reader.readline()
# 关闭连接
# 解码并去除空白字符
status = response.decode().strip()
# 返回响应
return status
# 主协程
async def main():
# 要检查的前 10 个网站列表
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
# 创建所有协程请求
coros = [get_status(url) for url in sites]
# 执行所有协程并等待
results = await asyncio.gather(*coros)
# 处理所有结果
for url, status in zip(sites, results):
# 报告状态
# 运行异步程序
运行该示例会像以前一样执行 main() 协程。
然后调用 asyncio.gather() 函数,传递协程并挂起 main() 协程,直到它们全部完成。
main() 协程恢复并接收可迭代的状态值。 然后使用 zip() 内置函数遍历该可迭代对象以及 URL 列表,并报告状态。
它也比上面的顺序版本更快,在我的系统上大约需要 1.4 秒即可完成。
https://www.google.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.youtube.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.facebook.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
https://twitter.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.instagram.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.baidu.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.wikipedia.org/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://yandex.ru/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Moved temporarily
https://yahoo.com/ : HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
https://www.whatsapp.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
接下来,让我们探讨一下 asyncio 入门时的常见错误。
A benefit of asyncio is that we can execute many coroutines concurrently.
We can query the status of websites concurrently in asyncio using the asyncio.gather() function.
This function takes one or more coroutines, suspends executing the provided coroutines, and returns the results from each as an iterable. We can then traverse the list of URLs and iterable of return values from the coroutines and report results.
This may be a simpler approach than the above.
First, we can create a list of coroutines.
# create all coroutine requests
coros = [get_status(url) for url in sites]
Next, we can execute the coroutines and get the iterable of results using asyncio.gather().
Note that we cannot provide the list of coroutines directly, but instead must unpack the list into separate expressions that are provided as positional arguments to the function.
# execute all coroutines and wait
results = await asyncio.gather(*coros)
This will execute all of the coroutines concurrently and retrieve their results.
We can then traverse the list of URLs and returned status and report each in turn.
# process all results
for url, status in zip(sites, results):
# report status
Tying this together, the complete example is listed below.
# SuperFastPython.com
# check the status of many webpages
import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
# get the HTTP/S status of a webpage
async def get_status(url):
# split the url into components
url_parsed = urlsplit(url)
# open the connection
if url_parsed.scheme == 'https':
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 443, ssl=True)
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(url_parsed.hostname, 80)
# send GET request
query = f'GET {url_parsed.path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {url_parsed.hostname}\r\n\r\n'
# write query to socket
# wait for the bytes to be written to the socket
await writer.drain()
# read the single line response
response = await reader.readline()
# close the connection
# decode and strip white space
status = response.decode().strip()
# return the response
return status
# main coroutine
async def main():
# list of top 10 websites to check
sites = ['https://www.google.com/',
# create all coroutine requests
coros = [get_status(url) for url in sites]
# execute all coroutines and wait
results = await asyncio.gather(*coros)
# process all results
for url, status in zip(sites, results):
# report status
# run the asyncio program
Running the example executes the main() coroutine as before.
In this case, a list of coroutines is created in a list comprehension.
The asyncio.gather() function is then called, passing the coroutines and suspending the main() coroutine until they are all complete.
The coroutines execute, querying each website concurrently and returning their status.
The main() coroutine resumes and receives an iterable of status values. This iterable along with the list of URLs is then traversed using the zip() built-in function and the statuses are reported.
This highlights a simpler approach to executing the coroutines concurrently and reporting the results after all tasks are completed.
It is also faster than the sequential version above, completing in about 1.4 seconds on my system.
https://www.google.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.youtube.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.facebook.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
https://twitter.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.instagram.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.baidu.com/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://www.wikipedia.org/ : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
https://yandex.ru/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Moved temporarily
https://yahoo.com/ : HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
https://www.whatsapp.com/ : HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Next, let’s explore common errors when getting started with asyncio.
创建日期: 2024年9月4日