
Annex K. (informative) 根元素位置

This clause is informative.

本节根据其部件名称及其 XML Schema,提供了[附录 A] 中提供的规范 XML 模式文件集中每个部件的根元素(如[第 16 节]中所标识)的位置:

Root Element Locations

This clause is informative.

This clause provides the location of each part's root element (as identified in [§16]) within the set of normative XML Schema files provided in [Annex A], based on both its part name and its XML Schema:

K.1 按部件名分组

Grouped by Part Name

K.1.1 DrawingML

Part Schema Element Name
DrawingML Chart dml-chart.xsd chartSpace
DrawingML Chart Drawing dml-chart.xsd userShapes
DrawingML Diagram Colors dml-diagram.xsd colorsDef
DrawingML Diagram Data dml-diagram.xsd dataModel
DrawingML Diagram Layout Definition dml-diagram.xsd layoutDef
DrawingML Diagram Style dml-diagram.xsd styleDef
DrawingML Table Styles dml-main.xsd tblStyleLst
DrawingML Theme dml-main.xsd theme
DrawingML Theme dml-main.xsd themeOverride

Part Schema Element Name
DrawingML Chart dml-chart.xsd chartSpace
DrawingML Chart Drawing dml-chart.xsd userShapes
DrawingML Diagram Colors dml-diagram.xsd colorsDef
DrawingML Diagram Data dml-diagram.xsd dataModel
DrawingML Diagram Layout Definition dml-diagram.xsd layoutDef
DrawingML Diagram Style dml-diagram.xsd styleDef
DrawingML Table Styles dml-main.xsd tblStyleLst
DrawingML Theme dml-main.xsd theme
DrawingML Theme dml-main.xsd themeOverride

K.1.2 PresentationML

Part Schema Element Name
PresentationML Comments Authors dml-pml.xsd cmAuthorLst
PresentationML Comments dml-pml.xsd cmLst
PresentationML Handout Master dml-pml.xsd handoutMaster
PresentationML Notes Master dml-pml.xsd notesMaster
PresentationML Notes Slide dml-pml.xsd notes
PresentationML Presentation dml-pml.xsd presentation
PresentationML Slide dml-pml.xsd sld
PresentationML Slide Layout dml-pml.xsd sldLayout
PresentationML Slide Master dml-pml.xsd sldMaster
PresentationML Slide Synchronization Data dml-pml.xsd sldSyncPr
PresentationML User-Defined Tags dml-pml.xsd tagLst
PresentationML View Properties dml-pml.xsd viewPr

Part Schema Element Name
PresentationML Comments Authors dml-pml.xsd cmAuthorLst
PresentationML Comments dml-pml.xsd cmLst
PresentationML Handout Master dml-pml.xsd handoutMaster
PresentationML Notes Master dml-pml.xsd notesMaster
PresentationML Notes Slide dml-pml.xsd notes
PresentationML Presentation dml-pml.xsd presentation
PresentationML Slide dml-pml.xsd sld
PresentationML Slide Layout dml-pml.xsd sldLayout
PresentationML Slide Master dml-pml.xsd sldMaster
PresentationML Slide Synchronization Data dml-pml.xsd sldSyncPr
PresentationML User-Defined Tags dml-pml.xsd tagLst
PresentationML View Properties dml-pml.xsd viewPr

K.1.3 Shared

Part Schema Element Name
Shared Additional Characteristics shared-additionalCharacteristics.xsd additionalCharact eristics
Shared Extended File Properties shared-documentPropertiesExtended.xsd Properties
Shared Bibliography shared-bibliography.xsd Sources
Shared Custom File Properties shared-documentPropertiesCustom.xsd Properties
Shared Custom XML Data Storage Properties shared-customXmlDataProperties.xsd datastoreItem

Part Schema Element Name
Shared Additional Characteristics shared-additionalCharacteristics.xsd additionalCharact eristics
Shared Extended File Properties shared-documentPropertiesExtended.xsd Properties
Shared Bibliography shared-bibliography.xsd Sources
Shared Custom File Properties shared-documentPropertiesCustom.xsd Properties
Shared Custom XML Data Storage Properties shared-customXmlDataProperties.xsd datastoreItem

K.1.4 SpreadsheetML

Part Schema Element Name
SpreadsheetML Calculation Chain sml.xsd calcChain
SpreadsheetML Chartsheet sml.xsd chartsheet
SpreadsheetML Comments sml.xsd comments
SpreadsheetML Connections sml.xsd connections
SpreadsheetML Custom XML Mappings sml.xsd MapInfo
SpreadsheetML Dialogsheet sml.xsd dialogsheet
SpreadsheetML Drawing dml-spreadsheetDrawing.xsd wsDr
SpreadsheetML External Workbook References sml.xsd externalLink
SpreadsheetML Metadata sml.xsd metadata
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table sml.xsd pivotTableDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Definition sml.xsd pivotCacheDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Records sml.xsd pivotCacheRecords
SpreadsheetML Query Table sml.xsd queryTable
SpreadsheetML Shared String Table sml.xsd sst
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Headers sml.xsd header
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Log sml.xsd revisions
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook User Data sml.xsd users
SpreadsheetML Single Cell Table Definitions sml.xsd singleXmlCells
SpreadsheetML Styles sml.xsd styleSheet
SpreadsheetML Table Definitions sml.xsd table
SpreadsheetML Volatile Dependencies sml.xsd volTypes
SpreadsheetML Workbook sml.xsd workbook
SpreadsheetML Worksheet sml.xsd worksheet

Part Schema Element Name
SpreadsheetML Calculation Chain sml.xsd calcChain
SpreadsheetML Chartsheet sml.xsd chartsheet
SpreadsheetML Comments sml.xsd comments
SpreadsheetML Connections sml.xsd connections
SpreadsheetML Custom XML Mappings sml.xsd MapInfo
SpreadsheetML Dialogsheet sml.xsd dialogsheet
SpreadsheetML Drawing dml-spreadsheetDrawing.xsd wsDr
SpreadsheetML External Workbook References sml.xsd externalLink
SpreadsheetML Metadata sml.xsd metadata
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table sml.xsd pivotTableDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Definition sml.xsd pivotCacheDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Records sml.xsd pivotCacheRecords
SpreadsheetML Query Table sml.xsd queryTable
SpreadsheetML Shared String Table sml.xsd sst
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Headers sml.xsd header
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Log sml.xsd revisions
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook User Data sml.xsd users
SpreadsheetML Single Cell Table Definitions sml.xsd singleXmlCells
SpreadsheetML Styles sml.xsd styleSheet
SpreadsheetML Table Definitions sml.xsd table
SpreadsheetML Volatile Dependencies sml.xsd volTypes
SpreadsheetML Workbook sml.xsd workbook
SpreadsheetML Worksheet sml.xsd worksheet

K.1.5 WordprocessingML

Part Schema Element Name
WordprocessingML Comments wml.xsd comments
WordprocessingML Document Settings wml.xsd settings
WordprocessingML Endnotes wml.xsd endnotes
WordprocessingML Font Table wml.xsd fonts
WordprocessingML Footer wml.xsd ftr
WordprocessingML Footnotes wml.xsd footnotes
WordprocessingML Glossary Document wml.xsd glossaryDocument
WordprocessingML Header wml.xsd hdr
WordprocessingML Mail Merge Recipient Data wml.xsd recipientData
WordprocessingML Main Document wml.xsd document
WordprocessingML Numbering Definitions wml.xsd numbering
WordprocessingML Style Definitions wml.xsd styles
WordprocessingML Web Settings wml.xsd webSettings

Part Schema Element Name
WordprocessingML Comments wml.xsd comments
WordprocessingML Document Settings wml.xsd settings
WordprocessingML Endnotes wml.xsd endnotes
WordprocessingML Font Table wml.xsd fonts
WordprocessingML Footer wml.xsd ftr
WordprocessingML Footnotes wml.xsd footnotes
WordprocessingML Glossary Document wml.xsd glossaryDocument
WordprocessingML Header wml.xsd hdr
WordprocessingML Mail Merge Recipient Data wml.xsd recipientData
WordprocessingML Main Document wml.xsd document
WordprocessingML Numbering Definitions wml.xsd numbering
WordprocessingML Style Definitions wml.xsd styles
WordprocessingML Web Settings wml.xsd webSettings

K.2 按模式名分组

Grouped by Schema Name

Schema Part Name Element
dml-chart.xsd DrawingML Chart chartSpace
DrawingML Chart Drawing userShapes
dml-diagram.xsd DrawingML Diagram Colors colorsDef
DrawingML Diagram Data dataModel
DrawingML Diagram Layout Definition layoutDef
DrawingML Diagram Style styleDef
dml-spreadsheetDrawing.xsd SpreadsheetML Drawing wsDr
dml-main.xsd DrawingML Theme theme
DrawingML Theme Override themeOverride
DrawingML Table Styles tblStyleLst
pml.xsd PresentationML Comment Authors cmAuthorLst
PresentationML Comments cmLst
PresentationML Presentation presentation
PresentationML Presentation Properties presentationPr
PresentationML Handout Master handoutMaster
PresentationML Notes Master notesMaster
PresentationML Notes Slide notes
PresentationML Slide sld
PresentationML Slide Layout sldLayout
PresentationML Slide Master sldMaster
PresentationML Slide Synchronization Data sldSyncPr
PresentationML User-Defined Tags tagLst
PresentationML View Properties viewPr
shared-additionalCharacteristics.xsd Shared Additional Characteristics additionalCharacteristics
shared-bibliography.xsd Shared Bibliography Sources
shared-customXmlDataProperties.xsd Shared Custom XML Data Storage Properties datastoreItem
shared-documentPropertiesCustom.xsd Shared Custom File Properties Properties
shared-documentPropertiesExtended.xsd Shared Application-Defined File Properties Properties
sml.xsd SpreadsheetML Calculation Chain calcChain
SpreadsheetML Comments comments
SpreadsheetML Custom XML Mappings MapInfo
SpreadsheetML Connections connections
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table pivotTableDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Definition pivotCacheDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Records pivotCacheRecords
SpreadsheetML Query Table queryTable
SpreadsheetML Shared String Table sst
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Headers header
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Log revisions
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook User Data users
SpreadsheetML Chartsheet chartsheet
SpreadsheetML Dialogsheet dialogsheet
SpreadsheetML Worksheet worksheet
SpreadsheetML Metadata metadata
SpreadsheetML Single Cell Table Definitions singleXmlCells
SpreadsheetML Styles styleSheet
SpreadsheetML External Workbook References externalLink
SpreadsheetML Table Definitions table
SpreadsheetML Volatile Dependencies volTypes
SpreadsheetML Workbook workbook
wml.xsd WordprocessingML Comments comments
WordprocessingML Document Settings settings
WordprocessingML Endnotes endnotes
WordprocessingML Font Table fonts
WordprocessingML Footer ftr
WordprocessingML Footnotes footnotes
WordprocessingML Glossary Document glossaryDocument
WordprocessingML Header hdr
WordprocessingML Mail Merge Recipient Data recipientData
WordprocessingML Main Document document
WordprocessingML Numbering Definitions numbering
WordprocessingML Style Definitions styles
WordprocessingML Web Settings webSettings

Grouped by Schema Name

Schema Part Name Element
dml-chart.xsd DrawingML Chart chartSpace
DrawingML Chart Drawing userShapes
dml-diagram.xsd DrawingML Diagram Colors colorsDef
DrawingML Diagram Data dataModel
DrawingML Diagram Layout Definition layoutDef
DrawingML Diagram Style styleDef
dml-spreadsheetDrawing.xsd SpreadsheetML Drawing wsDr
dml-main.xsd DrawingML Theme theme
DrawingML Theme Override themeOverride
DrawingML Table Styles tblStyleLst
pml.xsd PresentationML Comment Authors cmAuthorLst
PresentationML Comments cmLst
PresentationML Presentation presentation
PresentationML Presentation Properties presentationPr
PresentationML Handout Master handoutMaster
PresentationML Notes Master notesMaster
PresentationML Notes Slide notes
PresentationML Slide sld
PresentationML Slide Layout sldLayout
PresentationML Slide Master sldMaster
PresentationML Slide Synchronization Data sldSyncPr
PresentationML User-Defined Tags tagLst
PresentationML View Properties viewPr
shared-additionalCharacteristics.xsd Shared Additional Characteristics additionalCharacteristics
shared-bibliography.xsd Shared Bibliography Sources
shared-customXmlDataProperties.xsd Shared Custom XML Data Storage Properties datastoreItem
shared-documentPropertiesCustom.xsd Shared Custom File Properties Properties
shared-documentPropertiesExtended.xsd Shared Application-Defined File Properties Properties
sml.xsd SpreadsheetML Calculation Chain calcChain
SpreadsheetML Comments comments
SpreadsheetML Custom XML Mappings MapInfo
SpreadsheetML Connections connections
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table pivotTableDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Definition pivotCacheDefinition
SpreadsheetML Pivot Table Cache Records pivotCacheRecords
SpreadsheetML Query Table queryTable
SpreadsheetML Shared String Table sst
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Headers header
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook Revision Log revisions
SpreadsheetML Shared Workbook User Data users
SpreadsheetML Chartsheet chartsheet
SpreadsheetML Dialogsheet dialogsheet
SpreadsheetML Worksheet worksheet
SpreadsheetML Metadata metadata
SpreadsheetML Single Cell Table Definitions singleXmlCells
SpreadsheetML Styles styleSheet
SpreadsheetML External Workbook References externalLink
SpreadsheetML Table Definitions table
SpreadsheetML Volatile Dependencies volTypes
SpreadsheetML Workbook workbook
wml.xsd WordprocessingML Comments comments
WordprocessingML Document Settings settings
WordprocessingML Endnotes endnotes
WordprocessingML Font Table fonts
WordprocessingML Footer ftr
WordprocessingML Footnotes footnotes
WordprocessingML Glossary Document glossaryDocument
WordprocessingML Header hdr
WordprocessingML Mail Merge Recipient Data recipientData
WordprocessingML Main Document document
WordprocessingML Numbering Definitions numbering
WordprocessingML Style Definitions styles
WordprocessingML Web Settings webSettings

最后更新: 2024年4月11日
创建日期: 2024年4月11日