
5. 符号约定

ECMA-376 中使用以下印刷约定:

  • 新术语第一次出现时用斜体字书写。 [例如: ECMA-376 中的文本分为规范性(normative)类别和信息性(informative)类别。]

  • 在[第 4 节](术语和定义)中术语的每个定义中,该术语均以粗体书写。 [例如: behavior — 外在表现或动作。 ]

  • XML 元素的标签名称是使用不同的样式和字体编写的。 [例如: bookmarkStartbookmarkEnd 元素指定... ]

  • XML 属性的名称是使用不同的样式和字体编写的。 [例如: dropCap 属性指定... ]

  • XML 属性的值是使用恒定宽度样式编写的。 [例如: auto 的属性值指定... ]

  • 简单类型(simple type)、复杂类型(complex type)或基本数据类型(base datatype)的限定(qualified)或非限定(unqualified)名称是使用不同的样式和字体编写的。 [例如: 该属性的可能值由 ST_HexColor 简单类型定义。 ]


Notational Conventions

The following typographical conventions are used in ECMA-376:

  • The first occurrence of a new term is written in italics. [Example: The text in ECMA-376 is divided into normative and informative categories. end example]

  • In each definition of a term in §4 (Terms and Definitions), the term is written in bold. [Example: behavior — External appearance or action. end example]

  • The tag name of an XML element is written using a distinct style and typeface. [Example: The bookmarkStart and bookmarkEnd elements specify … end example]

  • The name of an XML attribute is written using a distinct style and typeface. [Example: The dropCap attribute specifies … end example]

  • The value of an XML attribute is written using a constant-width style. [Example: The attribute value of auto specifies … end example]

  • The qualified or unqualified name of a simple type, complex type, or base datatype is written using a distinct style and typeface. [Example: The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_HexColor simple type. end example]

When assigned namespaces are used in examples, they are included at the beginning of the example, but with the specific namespace replaced with ellipsis ("…") for brevity.

最后更新: 2024年4月11日
创建日期: 2024年4月11日