
19.6 幻灯片同步数据

通常情况下,幻灯片会从现有演示文稿中重新调整用途,以用于其他演示文稿。 在这种情况下,原始幻灯片与其所有复制实例之间存在关联或配对通常是有益的。 在存在这种配对的情况下,应用程序可以启用各种节省时间的功能,包括当原始幻灯片发生更改时自动更新复制的幻灯片。 幻灯片同步数据部分旨在实现此类应用程序定义的功能。



参考: 9.2 Office Open Xml 中的关系

Slide Synchronization Data

It is often the case that slides are repurposed from existing presentations to be used in other presentations. In such cases, it is often beneficial for there to be an association, or a pairing, between the original slide and all copied instances of it. In the presence of such a pairing, applications can enable a variety of time-saving features, including the automatic updates of copied slides when the original slide changes. The Slide Synchronization Data part is designed to enable such application-defined functionality.

This information is stored in the Slide Synchronization Data part, which is referenced via an implicit relationship from the associated Slide part.

19.6.1 sldSyncPr (幻灯片同步属性)


属性 描述

日期/时间(date/time)以 ISO 8601 格式存储。

[注意: 该值可用于通知用户上次同步的时间,以及确定下次检查更新版本的时间。 ]

此属性的可能值由 W3C XML Schema dateTime 数据类型定义。
(服务器的幻灯片文件 ID)

此属性的可能值由 W3C XML Schema字符串(string)数据类型定义。

日期和时间以 ISO 8601 格式存储。

此属性的可能值由 W3C XML Schema dateTime 数据类型定义。

sldSyncPr (Slide Synchronization Properties)

This element specifies the information needed to associate the original slide with all copied instances of it.

Attributes Description
(Client Slide Insertion date/time)
The date and time that the original slide was last updated in the current presentation.

The date/time is stored in ISO 8601 format.

[Note: This value can be used to inform the user of when the last synchronization was, as well as to determine when to next check for an updated version. end note]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema dateTime datatype.
(Server's Slide File ID)
A string that, when paired with the target of the Slide Synchronization Data part’s external relationship, uniquely identifies the original slide.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema string datatype.
(Server's Slide File's modification date/time)
The date and time that the original slide was last modified in its location as defined by the target of the Slide Synchronization Data part’s external relationship.

The date and time are stored in ISO 8601 format.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema dateTime datatype.

最后更新: 2024年4月11日
创建日期: 2024年4月11日