lxml 常见问题解答¶
lxml FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions on lxml. See also the notes on compatibility to ElementTree.
有关 lxml 的常见问题。 另请参阅有关 ElementTree 兼容性的说明。
- 一般问题
- 有教程吗?
- 在哪里可以找到有关 lxml 的更多文档?
- lxml执行什么标准?
- 谁使用lxml?
- lxml.etree 和 lxml.objectify 之间有什么区别?
- 如何让我的应用程序运行得更快?
- 序列化元素上的尾随文本怎么样?
- 如何确定某个元素是评论还是 PI?
- 如何将 XML 树映射到字典的字典中?
- 为什么 lxml 有时会返回 Python 2 中文本的“str”值?
- 为什么我在某些系统上会遇到 XInclude 或 DTD 查找失败的情况,而在其他系统上却不会?
- 命名空间在 lxml 中如何工作?
- 安装
- 我应该使用或需要哪个版本的 libxml2 和 libxslt?
- 二进制版本在哪里?
- 为什么在安装 lxml 时出现缺少 UCS4 符号的错误?
- 我的 C 编译器在安装时崩溃
- 贡献
- 为什么 lxml 不是用 Python 编写的?
- 我怎样才能做出贡献?
- 问题
- 我的应用程序崩溃了!
- 我的应用程序在 MacOS-X 上崩溃!
- 我想我在 lxml 中发现了一个错误。 我应该怎么办?
- 我如何知道错误确实存在于 lxml 中而不是 libxml2 中?
- 线程
- 我可以使用线程并发访问lxml API吗?
- 如果我使用线程,我的程序运行得更快吗?
- 如果我关闭线程,我的单线程程序会运行得更快吗?
- 为什么我不能在其他线程中重用 XSLT 样式表?
- 我的程序在使用 mod_python/Pyro/Zope/Plone/... 运行时崩溃
- 解析和序列化
- 为什么 Pretty_print 选项不重新格式化我的 XML 输出?
- 为什么 lxml 无法从 unicode 字符串解析我的 XML?
- lxml 可以解析以 unicode/text 模式打开的文件对象吗?
- str(xslt(doc)) 和 xslt(doc).write() 有什么区别 ?
- 为什么我不能在 iterparse() 中删除父节点或清除根节点?
- 如何在 XML 文本中输出空字符?
- lxml 是否容易受到 XML 炸弹的攻击?
- 如何安全地使用 lxml 作为 Web 服务端点?
- 如何对属性进行排序?
- XPath 和 文档 相关
- Element(Tree) 上的 findall() 和 xpath() 方法是什么?
- 为什么 findall() 不支持完整的 XPath 表达式?
- 如何找出文档中使用了哪些命名空间前缀?
- 如何为 XPath 表达式指定默认命名空间?
- 如何在迭代过程中修改树?
>>> from lxml import etree
更多参考原文: https://lxml.de/FAQ.html
有关 lxml 的常见问题。 另请参阅有关 ElementTree 兼容性的说明。
- General Questions
- Is there a tutorial?
- Where can I find more documentation about lxml?
- What standards does lxml implement?
- Who uses lxml?
- What is the difference between lxml.etree and lxml.objectify?
- How can I make my application run faster?
- What about that trailing text on serialised Elements?
- How can I find out if an Element is a comment or PI?
- How can I map an XML tree into a dict of dicts?
- Why does lxml sometimes return 'str' values for text in Python 2?
- Why do I get XInclude or DTD lookup failures on some systems but not on others?
- How do namespaces work in lxml?
- Installation
- Which version of libxml2 and libxslt should I use or require?
- Where are the binary builds?
- Why do I get errors about missing UCS4 symbols when installing lxml?
- My C compiler crashes on installation
- Contributing
- Why is lxml not written in Python?
- How can I contribute?
- Bugs
- My application crashes!
- My application crashes on MacOS-X!
- I think I have found a bug in lxml. What should I do?
- How do I know a bug is really in lxml and not in libxml2?
- Threading
- Can I use threads to concurrently access the lxml API?
- Does my program run faster if I use threads?
- Would my single-threaded program run faster if I turned off threading?
- Why can't I reuse XSLT stylesheets in other threads?
- My program crashes when run with mod_python/Pyro/Zope/Plone/...
- Parsing and Serialisation
- Why doesn't the pretty_print option reformat my XML output?
- Why can't lxml parse my XML from unicode strings?
- Can lxml parse from file objects opened in unicode/text mode?
- What is the difference between str(xslt(doc)) and xslt(doc).write() ?
- Why can't I just delete parents or clear the root node in iterparse()?
- How do I output null characters in XML text?
- Is lxml vulnerable to XML bombs?
- How do I use lxml safely as a web-service endpoint?
- How can I sort the attributes?
- XPath and Document Traversal
- What are the findall() and xpath() methods on Element(Tree)?
- Why doesn't findall() support full XPath expressions?
- How can I find out which namespace prefixes are used in a document?
- How can I specify a default namespace for XPath expressions?
- How can I modify the tree during iteration?
The code examples below use the 'lxml.etree` module:
>>> from lxml import etree
更多参考原文: https://lxml.de/FAQ.html
创建日期: 2024年4月11日
创建日期: 2024年4月11日