

本节专门介绍 mypy 支持的几种类型收缩技术。

类型缩小是指您让类型检查器相信更广泛的类型实际上更具体,例如,Shape 类型的对象实际上是更窄的 Square 类型。

Type narrowing

This section is dedicated to several type narrowing techniques which are supported by mypy.

Type narrowing is when you convince a type checker that a broader type is actually more specific, for instance, that an object of type Shape is actually of the narrower type Square.


Type narrowing expressions


  • isinstance 就像 isinstance(obj, float) 会将 obj 缩小为 float 类型
  • issubclass 就像 issubclass(cls, MyClass) 会将cls 缩小为 Type[MyClass] 类型
  • type 就像 type(obj) is int 会将 obj 缩小为 int 类型
  • callable 就像 callable(obj) 将对象缩小为可调用类型

类型缩小是根据上下文而定的。 例如,根据条件,mypy 将仅在if分支内缩小表达式:

def function(arg: object):
    if isinstance(arg, int):
        # 类型仅在“if”分支内缩小
        reveal_type(arg)  # 显示类型:“builtins.int”
    elif isinstance(arg, str) or isinstance(arg, bool):
        # 在这个 elif 分支中,类型以不同的方式缩小:
        reveal_type(arg)  # 显示类型:“builtins.str |builtins.bool”

        # 后续的缩小操作将进一步缩小类型
        if isinstance(arg, bool):
            reveal_type(arg)  # 显示类型: "builtins.bool"

    # 回到“if”语句之外,类型没有缩小:
    reveal_type(arg)  # 显示类型: "builtins.object"

Mypy 理解return或异常引发对对象类型的影响:

def function(arg: int | str):
    if isinstance(arg, int):

    # 此时 `arg` 不能是 `int`:
    reveal_type(arg)  # 显示类型: "builtins.str"


def function(arg: Any):
    assert isinstance(arg, int)
    reveal_type(arg)  # 显示类型: "builtins.int"


使用 --warn-unreachable 将类型缩小到某些不可能的状态将被视为错误。

def function(arg: int):
    # error: “int”和“str”的子类不能存在:
    # 会有不兼容的方法签名
    assert isinstance(arg, str)

    # error: 声明无法访问(Statement is unreachable)
    print("so mypy concludes the assert will always trigger")

如果没有--warn-unreachable,mypy 将不会检查它认为无法访问的代码。 有关更多信息,请参阅无法访问的代码

x: int = 1
assert isinstance(x, str)
reveal_type(x)  # 显示类型 "builtins.int"
print(x + '!')  # 使用`mypy`进行类型检查,但在运行时失败。

The simplest way to narrow a type is to use one of the supported expressions:

  • isinstance like in isinstance(obj, float) will narrow obj to have float type
  • issubclass like in issubclass(cls, MyClass) will narrow cls to be Type[MyClass]
  • type like in type(obj) is int will narrow obj to have int type
  • callable like in callable(obj) will narrow object to callable type

Type narrowing is contextual. For example, based on the condition, mypy will narrow an expression only within an if branch:

def function(arg: object):
    if isinstance(arg, int):
        # Type is narrowed within the ``if`` branch only
        reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type: "builtins.int"
    elif isinstance(arg, str) or isinstance(arg, bool):
        # Type is narrowed differently within this ``elif`` branch:
        reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type: "builtins.str | builtins.bool"

        # Subsequent narrowing operations will narrow the type further
        if isinstance(arg, bool):
            reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type: "builtins.bool"

    # Back outside of the ``if`` statement, the type isn't narrowed:
    reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type: "builtins.object"

Mypy understands the implications return or exception raising can have for what type an object could be:

def function(arg: int | str):
    if isinstance(arg, int):

    # `arg` can't be `int` at this point:
    reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type: "builtins.str"

We can also use assert to narrow types in the same context:

def function(arg: Any):
    assert isinstance(arg, int)
    reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type: "builtins.int"


With --warn-unreachable narrowing types to some impossible state will be treated as an error.

def function(arg: int):
    # error: Subclass of "int" and "str" cannot exist:
    # would have incompatible method signatures
    assert isinstance(arg, str)

    # error: Statement is unreachable
    print("so mypy concludes the assert will always trigger")

Without --warn-unreachable mypy will simply not check code it deems to be unreachable. See unreachable code for more information.

x: int = 1
assert isinstance(x, str)
reveal_type(x)  # Revealed type is "builtins.int"
print(x + '!')  # Typechecks with `mypy`, but fails in runtime.



Mypy 还可以使用 issubclass 在处理类型和元类时进行更好的类型推断:

class MyCalcMeta(type):
    def calc(cls) -> int:

def f(o: object) -> None:
    t = type(o)  # 我们必须在这里使用一个变量
    reveal_type(t)  # 揭示的类型是 "builtins.type"

    if issubclass(t, MyCalcMeta):  # `issubclass(type(o), MyCalcMeta)` 不起作用
        reveal_type(t)  # 揭示的类型是 "Type[MyCalcMeta]"
        t.calc()  # Okay

Mypy can also use issubclass for better type inference when working with types and metaclasses:

class MyCalcMeta(type):
    def calc(cls) -> int:

def f(o: object) -> None:
    t = type(o)  # We must use a variable here
    reveal_type(t)  # Revealed type is "builtins.type"

    if issubclass(t, MyCalcMeta):  # `issubclass(type(o), MyCalcMeta)` won't work
        reveal_type(t)  # Revealed type is "Type[MyCalcMeta]"
        t.calc()  # Okay



Mypy 在类型检查期间知道哪些类型可调用,哪些类型不可调用。 所以,我们知道 callable() 会返回什么。 例如:

from typing import Callable

x: Callable[[], int]

if callable(x):
    reveal_type(x)  # N: 揭示的类型是 "def () -> builtins.int"
    ...  # 永远不会被执行并且会引发错误 `--warn-unreachable`

callable 函数甚至可以将 Union 类型拆分为可调用部分和不可调用部分:

from typing import Callable, Union

x: Union[int, Callable[[], int]]

if callable(x):
    reveal_type(x)  # N: 揭示的类型是 "def () -> builtins.int"
    reveal_type(x)  # N: 揭示的类型是 "builtins.int"

Mypy knows what types are callable and which ones are not during type checking. So, we know what callable() will return. For example:

from typing import Callable

x: Callable[[], int]

if callable(x):
    reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is "def () -> builtins.int"
    ...  # Will never be executed and will raise error with `--warn-unreachable`

callable function can even split Union type for callable and non-callable parts:

from typing import Callable, Union

x: Union[int, Callable[[], int]]

if callable(x):
    reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is "def () -> builtins.int"
    reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is "builtins.int"



Mypy 支持类型转换,通常用于将静态类型值强制转换为子类型。 然而,与 Java 或 C# 等语言不同,mypy 强制转换仅用作类型检查器的提示,并且不执行运行时类型检查。 使用函数 typing.cast 执行转换:

from typing import cast

o: object = [1]
x = cast(list[int], o)  # OK
y = cast(list[str], o)  # OK (强制转换不执行实际的运行时检查)

为了支持上述类型转换的运行时检查,我们必须检查所有列表项的类型,这对于大型列表来说效率非常低。 强制转换用于消除虚假的类型检查器警告,并在类型检查器无法完全理解正在发生的情况时为类型检查器提供一些帮助。


You can use an assertion if you want to perform an actual runtime check:

def foo(o: object) -> None:
    print(o + 5)  # Error: can't add 'object' and 'int'
    assert isinstance(o, int)
    print(o + 5)  # OK: type of 'o' is 'int' here

正如前面所解释的,您不需要对Any类型的表达式进行强制转换,或者在分配给类型为Any的变量时进行强制转换。 您还可以使用Any作为转换目标类型——这允许您对结果执行任何操作。 例如:

from typing import cast, Any

x = 1
x.whatever()  # Type check error
y = cast(Any, x)
y.whatever()  # Type check OK (runtime error)

Mypy supports type casts that are usually used to coerce a statically typed value to a subtype. Unlike languages such as Java or C#, however, mypy casts are only used as hints for the type checker, and they don't perform a runtime type check. Use the function typing.cast to perform a cast:

from typing import cast

o: object = [1]
x = cast(list[int], o)  # OK
y = cast(list[str], o)  # OK (cast performs no actual runtime check)

To support runtime checking of casts such as the above, we'd have to check the types of all list items, which would be very inefficient for large lists. Casts are used to silence spurious type checker warnings and give the type checker a little help when it can't quite understand what is going on.


You can use an assertion if you want to perform an actual runtime check:

def foo(o: object) -> None:
    print(o + 5)  # Error: can't add 'object' and 'int'
    assert isinstance(o, int)
    print(o + 5)  # OK: type of 'o' is 'int' here

You don't need a cast for expressions with type Any, or when assigning to a variable with type Any, as was explained earlier. You can also use Any as the cast target type -- this lets you perform any operations on the result. For example:

from typing import cast, Any

x = 1
x.whatever()  # Type check error
y = cast(Any, x)
y.whatever()  # Type check OK (runtime error)


User-Defined Type Guards

Mypy 支持用户定义的类型防护 (PEP 647).


基本上,TypeGuardbool类型的“智能(smart)”别名。 让我们看一下常规的bool示例:

def is_str_list(val: list[object]) -> bool:
return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)

def func1(val: list[object]) -> None:
    if is_str_list(val):
        reveal_type(val)  # Reveals list[object]
        print(" ".join(val)) # Error: incompatible type


from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for Python 3.9 and below

def is_str_list(val: list[object]) -> TypeGuard[list[str]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)

def func1(val: list[object]) -> None:
    if is_str_list(val):
        reveal_type(val)  # list[str]
        print(" ".join(val)) # ok

它是如何工作的? TypeGuard 将第一个函数参数 (val) 缩小为指定为第一个类型参数 (list[str]) 的类型。


缩小范围不严格(not strict)。 例如,您可以将str缩小为int

def f(value: str) -> TypeGuard[int]:
    return True

注意: 由于不强制执行严格的缩小,因此很容易破坏类型安全。

然而,坚定或不知情的开发人员可以通过多种方式破坏类型安全——最常见的是使用强制转换或 Any。 如果 Python 开发人员花时间在代码中学习和实现用户定义的类型保护,则可以安全地假设他们对类型安全感兴趣,并且不会以破坏类型安全或破坏类型安全的方式编写类型保护函数。 产生无意义的结果。

Mypy supports User-Defined Type Guards (PEP 647).

A type guard is a way for programs to influence conditional type narrowing employed by a type checker based on runtime checks.

Basically, a TypeGuard is a "smart" alias for a bool type. Let's have a look at the regular bool example:

def is_str_list(val: list[object]) -> bool:
"""Determines whether all objects in the list are strings"""
return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)

def func1(val: list[object]) -> None:
    if is_str_list(val):
        reveal_type(val)  # Reveals list[object]
        print(" ".join(val)) # Error: incompatible type

The same example with TypeGuard:

from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for Python 3.9 and below

def is_str_list(val: list[object]) -> TypeGuard[list[str]]:
    """Determines whether all objects in the list are strings"""
    return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)

def func1(val: list[object]) -> None:
    if is_str_list(val):
        reveal_type(val)  # list[str]
        print(" ".join(val)) # ok

How does it work? TypeGuard narrows the first function argument (val) to the type specified as the first type parameter (list[str]).


Narrowing is not strict. For example, you can narrow str to int:

def f(value: str) -> TypeGuard[int]:
    return True

Note: since strict narrowing is not enforced, it's easy to break type safety.

However, there are many ways a determined or uninformed developer can subvert type safety -- most commonly by using cast or Any. If a Python developer takes the time to learn about and implement user-defined type guards within their code, it is safe to assume that they are interested in type safety and will not write their type guard functions in a way that will undermine type safety or produce nonsensical results.


TypeGuard 也可以使用泛型类型:

from typing import TypeVar
from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

_T = TypeVar("_T")

def is_two_element_tuple(val: tuple[_T, ...]) -> TypeGuard[tuple[_T, _T]]:
    return len(val) == 2

def func(names: tuple[str, ...]):
    if is_two_element_tuple(names):
        reveal_type(names)  # tuple[str, str]
        reveal_type(names)  # tuple[str, ...]

TypeGuard can also work with generic types:

from typing import TypeVar
from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

_T = TypeVar("_T")

def is_two_element_tuple(val: tuple[_T, ...]) -> TypeGuard[tuple[_T, _T]]:
    return len(val) == 2

def func(names: tuple[str, ...]):
    if is_two_element_tuple(names):
        reveal_type(names)  # tuple[str, str]
        reveal_type(names)  # tuple[str, ...]


Typeguards with parameters


from typing import Type, TypeVar
from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

_T = TypeVar("_T")

def is_set_of(val: set[Any], type: Type[_T]) -> TypeGuard[set[_T]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, type) for x in val)

items: set[Any]
if is_set_of(items, str):
    reveal_type(items)  # set[str]

Type guard functions can accept extra arguments:

from typing import Type, TypeVar
from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

_T = TypeVar("_T")

def is_set_of(val: set[Any], type: Type[_T]) -> TypeGuard[set[_T]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, type) for x in val)

items: set[Any]
if is_set_of(items, str):
    reveal_type(items)  # set[str]


TypeGuards as methods


class StrValidator:
    def is_valid(self, instance: object) -> TypeGuard[str]:
        return isinstance(instance, str)

def func(to_validate: object) -> None:
    if StrValidator().is_valid(to_validate):
        reveal_type(to_validate)  # Revealed type is "builtins.str"


请注意,TypeGuard不会缩小self的类型 或cls隐式参数。


class Parent:
    def method(self) -> None:
        reveal_type(self)  # Revealed type is "Parent"
        if is_child(self):
            reveal_type(self)  # Revealed type is "Child"

class Child(Parent):

def is_child(instance: Parent) -> TypeGuard[Child]:
    return isinstance(instance, Child)

A method can also serve as the TypeGuard:

class StrValidator:
    def is_valid(self, instance: object) -> TypeGuard[str]:
        return isinstance(instance, str)

def func(to_validate: object) -> None:
    if StrValidator().is_valid(to_validate):
        reveal_type(to_validate)  # Revealed type is "builtins.str"


Note, that TypeGuard does not narrow types of self or cls implicit arguments.

If narrowing of self or cls is required, the value can be passed as an explicit argument to a type guard function:

class Parent:
    def method(self) -> None:
        reveal_type(self)  # Revealed type is "Parent"
        if is_child(self):
            reveal_type(self)  # Revealed type is "Child"

class Child(Parent):

def is_child(instance: Parent) -> TypeGuard[Child]:
    return isinstance(instance, Child)


Assignment expressions as TypeGuards

有时您可能需要创建一个新变量并同时将其缩小为某种特定类型。 这可以通过将TypeGuard:= 运算符 一起使用来实现。

from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

def is_float(a: object) -> TypeGuard[float]:
    return isinstance(a, float)

def main(a: object) -> None:
    if is_float(x := a):
        reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.float'
        reveal_type(a)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.object'
    reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.object'
    reveal_type(a)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.object'


  1. 我们创建一个新变量x并为其分配值a
  2. 我们在x上运行is_float()类型保护
  3. 它将x缩小为if上下文中的float,并且不涉及a


这同样适用于isinstance(x := a, float)

Sometimes you might need to create a new variable and narrow it to some specific type at the same time. This can be achieved by using TypeGuard together with := operator.

from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

def is_float(a: object) -> TypeGuard[float]:
    return isinstance(a, float)

def main(a: object) -> None:
    if is_float(x := a):
        reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.float'
        reveal_type(a)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.object'
    reveal_type(x)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.object'
    reveal_type(a)  # N: Revealed type is 'builtins.object'

What happens here?

  1. We create a new variable x and assign a value of a to it
  2. We run is_float() type guard on x
  3. It narrows x to be float in the if context and does not touch a


The same will work with isinstance(x := a, float) as well.

最后更新: 2023年7月30日
创建日期: 2023年7月6日