
第 7 章: 使用 WebGL 进行 3D 图形

3D Graphics with WebGL


我们将通过复制第3章第4章中介绍的OpenGL 1.1的大部分功能来开始本章。但很快,我们将通过添加聚光灯、Phong着色和环境映射等功能超越这些。

The previous chapter covered WebGL, but only in the context of two-dimensional graphics. As we move into 3D, we will have to work with more complex transformations. For that, we will rely mainly on an open-source JavaScript library for vector and matrix math. We will also need to implement lighting and material, which we will do directly in GLSL.

We begin the chapter by duplicating most of the capabilities of OpenGL 1.1 that were covered in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. But we will soon move beyond that by adding features such as spotlights, Phong shading, and environment mapping.