======================= .. py:module:: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Utilities for testing nameko services. Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: Exceptions ---------- .. autoapisummary:: Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: entrypoint_hook(container, method_name, context_data=None, timeout=30) Yield a function providing an entrypoint into a hosted service. The yielded function may be called as if it were the bare method defined in the service class. Intended to be used as an integration testing utility. :Parameters: container : ServiceContainer The container hosting the service owning the entrypoint method_name : str The name of the entrypoint decorated method on the service class context_data : dict Context data to provide for the call, e.g. a language, auth token or session. timeout : int Maximum seconds to wait **Usage** To verify that `ServiceX` and `ServiceY` are compatible, make an integration test that checks their interaction: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/testing/ .. py:function:: entrypoint_waiter(container, method_name, timeout=30, callback=None) Context manager that waits until an entrypoint has fired, and the generated worker has exited and been torn down. It yields a :class:`nameko.testing.waiting.WaitResult` object that can be used to get the result returned (exception raised) by the entrypoint after the waiter has exited. :Parameters: container : ServiceContainer The container hosting the service owning the entrypoint method_name : str The name of the entrypoint decorated method on the service class timeout : int Maximum seconds to wait callback : callable Function to conditionally control whether the entrypoint_waiter should exit for a particular invocation The `timeout` argument specifies the maximum number of seconds the `entrypoint_waiter` should wait before exiting. It can be disabled by passing `None`. The default is 30 seconds. Optionally allows a `callback` to be provided which is invoked whenever the entrypoint fires. If provided, the callback must return `True` for the `entrypoint_waiter` to exit. The signature for the callback function is:: def callback(worker_ctx, result, exc_info): pass Where there parameters are as follows: worker_ctx (WorkerContext): WorkerContext of the entrypoint call. result (object): The return value of the entrypoint. exc_info (tuple): Tuple as returned by `sys.exc_info` if the entrypoint raised an exception, otherwise `None`. **Usage** :: class Service(object): name = "service" @event_handler('srcservice', 'eventtype') def handle_event(self, msg): return msg container = ServiceContainer(Service, config) container.start() # basic with entrypoint_waiter(container, 'handle_event'): ... # action that dispatches event # giving access to the result with entrypoint_waiter(container, 'handle_event') as result: ... # action that dispatches event res = result.get() # with custom timeout with entrypoint_waiter(container, 'handle_event', timeout=5): ... # action that dispatches event # with callback that waits until entrypoint stops raising def callback(worker_ctx, result, exc_info): if exc_info is None: return True with entrypoint_waiter(container, 'handle_event', callback=callback): ... # action that dispatches event .. py:exception:: EntrypointWaiterTimeout Bases: :py:obj:`Exception` Common base class for all non-exit exceptions. Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. .. py:function:: worker_factory(service_cls, **dependencies) Return an instance of ``service_cls`` with its injected dependencies replaced with :class:`~mock.MagicMock` objects, or as given in ``dependencies``. **Usage** The following example service proxies calls to a "maths" service via an ``RpcProxy`` dependency:: from nameko.rpc import RpcProxy, rpc class ConversionService(object): name = "conversions" maths_rpc = RpcProxy("maths") @rpc def inches_to_cm(self, inches): return self.maths_rpc.multiply(inches, 2.54) @rpc def cm_to_inches(self, cms): return self.maths_rpc.divide(cms, 2.54) Use the ``worker_factory`` to create an instance of ``ConversionService`` with its dependencies replaced by MagicMock objects:: service = worker_factory(ConversionService) Nameko's entrypoints do not modify the service methods, so instance methods can be called directly with the same signature. The replaced dependencies can be used as any other MagicMock object, so a complete unit test for the conversion service may look like this:: # create worker instance service = worker_factory(ConversionService) # replace "maths" service service.maths_rpc.multiply.side_effect = lambda x, y: x * y service.maths_rpc.divide.side_effect = lambda x, y: x / y # test inches_to_cm business logic assert service.inches_to_cm(300) == 762 service.maths_rpc.multiply.assert_called_once_with(300, 2.54) # test cms_to_inches business logic assert service.cms_to_inches(762) == 300 service.maths_rpc.divide.assert_called_once_with(762, 2.54) *Providing Dependencies* The ``**dependencies`` kwargs to ``worker_factory`` can be used to provide a replacement dependency instead of a mock. For example, to unit test a service against a real database: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/testing/ If a named dependency provider does not exist on ``service_cls``, a ``ExtensionNotFound`` exception is raised. .. py:class:: MockDependencyProvider(attr_name, dependency=None) Bases: :py:obj:`nameko.extensions.DependencyProvider` 请注意,`Extension.__init__` 在 `bind` 过程中以及实例化时都会被调用,因此请避免在此方法中产生副作用。请使用 `setup`。 此外,`bind` 和 `iter_extensions` 使用反射来查找扩展可能声明的任何子扩展。扩展上的任何描述符应该预计在反射过程中被调用,这发生在 `ServiceContainer.__init__` 和 `ServiceContainer.setup` 之间。 `Extension.container` 属性提供对绑定到该扩展的 `nameko.containers.ServiceContainer` 实例的访问,否则为 `None`。 .. py:attribute:: attr_name .. py:attribute:: dependency .. py:method:: get_dependency(worker_ctx) 在工作者执行之前调用。依赖提供者应返回一个对象,以便容器将其注入到工作者实例中。 .. py:function:: _replace_dependencies(container, **dependency_map) .. py:function:: replace_dependencies(container, *dependencies, **dependency_map) 用 `MockDependencyProvider` 的实例替换 ``container`` 上的依赖提供者。 在 \*dependencies 中命名的依赖项将被替换为 `MockDependencyProvider` ,该提供者注入一个 MagicMock 作为依赖项。 另外,您可以使用关键字参数来命名依赖项并提供 `MockDependencyProvider` 应该注入的替代值。 返回在 (\*dependencies) 参数中指定的每个依赖项的 `MockDependencyProvider.dependency` ,以便可以检查对被替代依赖项的调用。如果只替换了一个依赖项,则返回单个对象;否则返回一个生成器,按与 ``dependencies`` 相同的顺序生成替代项。请注意,通过关键字参数 `**dependency_map` 指定的任何被替代依赖项将不会被返回。 替代项在容器实例上进行替换,对服务类没有影响。因此,新容器实例不会受到先前实例上的替代项的影响。 **用法** :: from nameko.rpc import RpcProxy, rpc from nameko.standalone.rpc import ServiceRpcProxy class ConversionService(object): name = "conversions" maths_rpc = RpcProxy("maths") @rpc def inches_to_cm(self, inches): return self.maths_rpc.multiply(inches, 2.54) @rpc def cm_to_inches(self, cms): return self.maths_rpc.divide(cms, 2.54) container = ServiceContainer(ConversionService, config) mock_maths_rpc = replace_dependencies(container, "maths_rpc") mock_maths_rpc.divide.return_value = 39.37 container.start() with ServiceRpcProxy('conversions', config) as proxy: proxy.cm_to_inches(100) # assert that the dependency was called as expected mock_maths_rpc.divide.assert_called_once_with(100, 2.54) 通过关键字提供特定的替代项: :: class StubMaths(object): def divide(self, val1, val2): return val1 / val2 replace_dependencies(container, maths_rpc=StubMaths()) container.start() with ServiceRpcProxy('conversions', config) as proxy: assert proxy.cm_to_inches(127) == 50.0 .. py:function:: restrict_entrypoints(container, *entrypoints) 限制 ``container`` 上的入口点,仅限于 ``entrypoints`` 中指定的名称。 此方法必须在容器启动之前调用。 **用法** 以下服务定义有两个入口点: .. code-block:: python class Service(object): name = "service" @timer(interval=1) def foo(self, arg): pass @rpc def bar(self, arg) pass @rpc def baz(self, arg): pass container = ServiceContainer(Service, config) 要禁用 ``foo`` 上的计时器入口点,仅保留 RPC 入口点: .. code-block:: python restrict_entrypoints(container, "bar", "baz") 请注意,无法单独识别同一方法上的多个入口点。 .. py:class:: Once(*args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`nameko.extensions.Entrypoint` Entrypoint that spawns a worker exactly once, as soon as the service container started. :Parameters: expected_exceptions : 异常类或异常类元组 指定可能由调用者引起的异常(例如,通过提供错误的参数)。 保存在入口点实例中作为 ``entrypoint.expected_exceptions``,供其他扩展(例如监控系统)后续检查。 sensitive_arguments : 字符串或字符串元组 将参数或参数的一部分标记为敏感。保存在入口点实例中作为 ``entrypoint.sensitive_arguments``, 供其他扩展(例如日志系统)后续检查。 :seealso: :func:`nameko.utils.get_redacted_args` .. py:attribute:: expected_exceptions .. py:attribute:: sensitive_arguments .. py:attribute:: sensitive_variables .. py:attribute:: args .. py:attribute:: kwargs .. py:method:: start() 在容器成功启动时调用绑定的扩展。 此方法仅在所有其他扩展成功返回 `Extension.setup` 后被调用。如果扩展对外部事件做出反应,它现在应该开始对此进行响应。 .. py:data:: once .. py:data:: dummy