nameko.testing.utils ==================== .. py:module:: nameko.testing.utils .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Common testing utilities. Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: nameko.testing.utils.MockCallArgs nameko.testing.utils.ANY_PARTIAL Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: nameko.testing.utils.AnyInstanceOf nameko.testing.utils.DummyProvider nameko.testing.utils.ResourcePipeline Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: nameko.testing.utils.get_extension nameko.testing.utils.get_container nameko.testing.utils.wait_for_call nameko.testing.utils.wait_for_worker_idle nameko.testing.utils.assert_stops_raising nameko.testing.utils.unpack_mock_call nameko.testing.utils.get_rabbit_connections nameko.testing.utils.reset_rabbit_connections nameko.testing.utils.find_free_port Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: get_extension(container, extension_cls, **match_attrs) Inspect ``container.extensions`` and return the first item that is an instance of ``extension_cls``. Optionally also require that the instance has an attribute with a particular value as given in the ``match_attrs`` kwargs. .. py:function:: get_container(runner, service_cls) Inspect ``runner.containers`` and return the first item that is hosting an instance of ``service_cls``. .. py:function:: wait_for_call(timeout, mock_method) Return a context manager that waits ``timeout`` seconds for ``mock_method`` to be called, yielding the mock if so. Raises an :class:`eventlet.Timeout` if the method was not called within ``timeout`` seconds. .. py:function:: wait_for_worker_idle(container, timeout=10) Blocks until ``container`` has no running workers. Raises an :class:`eventlet.Timeout` if the method was not called within ``timeout`` seconds. .. py:function:: assert_stops_raising(fn, exception_type=Exception, timeout=10, interval=0.1) Assert that ``fn`` returns successfully within ``timeout`` seconds, trying every ``interval`` seconds. If ``exception_type`` is provided, fail unless the exception thrown is an instance of ``exception_type``. If not specified, any `:class:`Exception` instance is allowed. .. py:data:: MockCallArgs .. py:function:: unpack_mock_call(call) .. py:class:: AnyInstanceOf(cls) Bases: :py:obj:`object` .. py:attribute:: cls .. py:method:: __eq__(other) .. py:method:: __ne__(other) .. py:method:: __repr__() .. py:data:: ANY_PARTIAL .. py:class:: DummyProvider(method_name=None) Bases: :py:obj:`nameko.extensions.Entrypoint` 入口点封装类 :Parameters: expected_exceptions : 异常类或异常类元组 指定可能由调用者引起的异常(例如,通过提供错误的参数)。 保存在入口点实例中作为 ``entrypoint.expected_exceptions``,供其他扩展(例如监控系统)后续检查。 sensitive_arguments : 字符串或字符串元组 将参数或参数的一部分标记为敏感。保存在入口点实例中作为 ``entrypoint.sensitive_arguments``, 供其他扩展(例如日志系统)后续检查。 :seealso: :func:`nameko.utils.get_redacted_args` .. py:attribute:: method_name 记录了RPC调用的方法名称 .. py:function:: get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager) .. py:function:: reset_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager) .. py:function:: find_free_port(host='') .. py:class:: ResourcePipeline(create, destroy, size=3) Bases: :py:obj:`object` Creates and destroys resources in background threads. Creates up to `size` resources ahead of time so the caller avoids waiting for lazy creation. .. py:attribute:: STOP .. py:attribute:: ready .. py:attribute:: trash .. py:attribute:: size .. py:attribute:: create .. py:attribute:: destroy .. py:method:: _start() .. py:method:: _shutdown() .. py:method:: _create() .. py:method:: _destroy() .. py:method:: get() .. py:method:: run()