
Nameko 包含多个内置的 扩展 。本节介绍这些扩展并给出它们用法的简要示例。


Nameko 包含一个基于 AMQP 的 RPC 实现。它包括 @rpc 入口点,一个服务间通信的代理,以及一个独立的代理,非 Nameko 客户端可以使用它来向集群发起 RPC 调用:

from nameko.rpc import rpc, RpcProxy

class ServiceY:
    name = "service_y"

    def append_identifier(self, value):
        return u"{}-y".format(value)

class ServiceX:
    name = "service_x"

    y = RpcProxy("service_y")

    def remote_method(self, value):
        res = u"{}-x".format(value)
        return self.y.append_identifier(res)
from nameko.standalone.rpc import ClusterRpcProxy

config = {
    'AMQP_URI': AMQP_URI  # e.g. "pyamqp://guest:guest@localhost"

with ClusterRpcProxy(config) as cluster_rpc:
    cluster_rpc.service_x.remote_method("hellø")  # "hellø-x-y"

正常的 RPC 调用会阻塞,直到远程方法完成,但代理也具有异步调用模式,可以将 RPC 调用后台执行或并行化:

with ClusterRpcProxy(config) as cluster_rpc:
    hello_res = cluster_rpc.service_x.remote_method.call_async("hello")
    world_res = cluster_rpc.service_x.remote_method.call_async("world")
    # do work while waiting
    hello_res.result()  # "hello-x-y"
    world_res.result()  # "world-x-y"

在具有多个目标服务实例的集群中,RPC 请求会在实例之间进行轮询。请求将由目标服务的一个实例处理。

只有在请求成功处理后,AMQP 消息才会被确认。如果服务未能确认消息并且 AMQP 连接关闭(例如,如果服务进程被终止),则代理会撤销并将消息分配给可用的服务实例。

请求和响应负载会序列化为 JSON 格式,以便通过网络传输。

事件 (发布-订阅)

Nameko 事件是一个异步消息系统,实现了发布-订阅模式。服务会分发事件,这些事件可能会被零个或多个其他服务接收:

from nameko.events import EventDispatcher, event_handler
from nameko.rpc import rpc

class ServiceA:
    """ Event dispatching service. """
    name = "service_a"

    dispatch = EventDispatcher()

    def dispatching_method(self, payload):
        self.dispatch("event_type", payload)

class ServiceB:
    """ Event listening service. """
    name = "service_b"

    @event_handler("service_a", "event_type")
    def handle_event(self, payload):
        print("service b received:", payload)

EventHandler 入口点有三种 handler_types ,它们决定了事件消息在集群中是如何接收的:

  • SERVICE_POOL — 事件处理程序按服务名称进行分组,每个池中的一个实例接收事件,类似于 RPC 入口点的集群行为。这是默认的处理程序类型。

  • BROADCAST — 每个监听的服务实例都将接收该事件。

  • SINGLETON — 精确一个监听的服务实例将接收该事件。

使用 BROADCAST 模式的示例:

from nameko.events import BROADCAST, event_handler

class ListenerService:
    name = "listener"

        "monitor", "ping", handler_type=BROADCAST, reliable_delivery=False
    def ping(self, payload):
        # all running services will respond
        print("pong from {}".format(self.name))

事件会序列化为 JSON 格式,以便通过网络传输。


HTTP 入口点是基于 werkzeug 构建的,支持所有标准 HTTP 方法(GET/POST/DELETE/PUT 等)。

HTTP 入口点可以为单个 URL 指定多个 HTTP 方法,使用逗号分隔的列表。请参见下面的示例。


  • 一个字符串,作为响应体

  • 一个 2 元组 (状态码, 响应体)

  • 一个 3 元组 (状态码, 头部字典, 响应体)

  • 一个 werkzeug.wrappers.Response 的实例

# http.py

import json
from nameko.web.handlers import http

class HttpService:
    name = "http_service"

    @http('GET', '/get/<int:value>')
    def get_method(self, request, value):
        return json.dumps({'value': value})

    @http('POST', '/post')
    def do_post(self, request):
        return u"received: {}".format(request.get_data(as_text=True))

    @http('GET,PUT,POST,DELETE', '/multi')
    def do_multi(self, request):
        return request.method
$ nameko run http
starting services: http_service
$ curl -i localhost:8000/get/42
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 13
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 14:51:18 GMT

{'value': 42}
$ curl -i -d "post body" localhost:8000/post
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 14:55:01 GMT

received: post body


# advanced_http.py

from nameko.web.handlers import http
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response

class Service:
    name = "advanced_http_service"

    @http('GET', '/privileged')
    def forbidden(self, request):
        return 403, "Forbidden"

    @http('GET', '/headers')
    def redirect(self, request):
        return 201, {'Location': 'https://www.example.com/widget/1'}, ""

    @http('GET', '/custom')
    def custom(self, request):
        return Response("payload")
$ nameko run advanced_http
starting services: advanced_http_service
$ curl -i localhost:8000/privileged
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 9
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 14:58:02 GMT
curl -i localhost:8000/headers
Location: https://www.example.com/widget/1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 14:58:48 GMT

您可以通过重写 response_from_exception() 来控制从您的服务返回的错误格式:

import json
from nameko.web.handlers import HttpRequestHandler
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from nameko.exceptions import safe_for_serialization

class HttpError(Exception):
    error_code = 'BAD_REQUEST'
    status_code = 400

class InvalidArgumentsError(HttpError):
    error_code = 'INVALID_ARGUMENTS'

class HttpEntrypoint(HttpRequestHandler):
    def response_from_exception(self, exc):
        if isinstance(exc, HttpError):
            response = Response(
                    'error': exc.error_code,
                    'message': safe_for_serialization(exc),
            return response
        return HttpRequestHandler.response_from_exception(self, exc)

http = HttpEntrypoint.decorator

class Service:
    name = "http_service"

    @http('GET', '/custom_exception')
    def custom_exception(self, request):
        raise InvalidArgumentsError("Argument `foo` is required.")
$ nameko run http_exceptions
starting services: http_service
$ curl -i http://localhost:8000/custom_exception
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 72
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2015 09:53:56 GMT

{"message": "Argument `foo` is required.", "error": "INVALID_ARGUMENTS"}

你可以通过配置中的 WEB_SERVER_ADDRESS 来改变 HTTP 的端口和IP地址:

# foobar.yaml

AMQP_URI: 'pyamqp://guest:guest@localhost'


Timer 是一个简单的入口点,它会每隔可配置的秒数触发一次。该计时器不是“集群感知”的,会在所有服务实例上触发。

from nameko.timer import timer

class Service:
    name ="service"

    def ping(self):
        # method executed every second