2 一致性¶
2.1 General¶
符合规范的PDF文件应遵守ISO 32000-1规范的所有要求,并且符合规范的文件没有义务使用除ISO 32000-1明确要求之外的任何特性。
Conforming PDF files shall adhere to all requirements of the ISO 32000-1 specification and a conforming file i not obligated to use any feature other than those explicitly required by ISO 32000-1.
The proper mechanism by which a file can presumptively identify itself as being a PDF file of a given version level is described in 7.5.2, "File Header".
2.2 符合要求的阅读器¶
Conforming readers
一个符合规范的阅读器应遵守ISO 32000-1中关于阅读器功能行为的所有要求。ISO 32000-1对阅读器行为的要求是以适用于所有符合规范的阅读器的一般功能要求的形式陈述的。ISO 32000-1不规定任何符合规范的阅读器的具体技术设计、用户界面或实现细节。符合规范的文件的渲染应按照ISO 32000-1所定义的方式执行。
A conforming reader shall comply with all requirements regarding reader functional behaviour specified in ISO 32000-1. The requirements of ISO 32000-1 with respect to reader behaviour are stated in terms of general functional requirements applicable to all conforming readers. ISO 32000-1 does not prescribe any specific technical design, user interface or implementation details of conforming readers. The rendering of conforming files shall be performed as defined by ISO 32000-1.
2.3 符合要求的写入器¶
Conforming writers
一个符合规范的写入器应遵守ISO 32000-1中关于创建PDF文件的所有要求。ISO 32000-1对写入器行为的要求以适用于所有符合规范的写入器的一般功能要求的形式提出,并侧重于创建符合规范的文件。ISO 32000-1不规定任何符合规范的写入器的具体技术设计、用户界面或实现细节。
A conforming writer shall comply with all requirements regarding the creation of PDF files as specified in ISO 32000-1. The requirements of ISO 32000-1 with respect to writer behaviour are stated in terms of general functional requirements applicable to all conforming writers and focus on the creation of conforming files. ISO 32000-1 does not prescribe any specific technical design, user interface or implementation details of conforming writers.
2.4 符合要求的产品¶
Conforming products
一个符合规范的产品应遵守ISO 32000-1中关于创建PDF文件的所有要求,并且也应遵守ISO 32000-1中关于阅读器功能行为的所有要求。
A conforming product shall comply with all requirements regarding the creation of PDF files as specified in ISO 32000-1 as well as comply with all requirements regarding reader functional behavior specified in ISO 32000-1.