
附录 B(规范性)Type 4 函数中的操作符

Annex B (normative) Operators in Type 4 Functions

B.1 概述

B.1 General

本附件总结了可能出现在类型 4 函数中的 PostScript 运算符,如 7.10.5“类型 4(PostScript 计算器)函数”中所述。有关这些运算符的详细信息,请参阅《PostScript 语言参考》第三版。

This annex summarizes the PostScript operators that may appear in a type 4 function, as discussed in 7.10.5, "Type 4 (PostScript Calculator) Functions". For details on these operators, see the PostScript Language Reference, Third Edition.

B.2 算术操作符

B.2 Arithmetic Operators

\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) add sum 返回 \(\text{num}_1\)\(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) sub difference 返回 \(\text{num}_1\)\(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) mul product 返回 \(\text{num}_1\) 乘以 \(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) div 返回 \(\text{num}_1\) 除以 \(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{int}_1 \space \text{int}_2\) idiv 返回 int1 除以 int2 后的整数
\(\text{int}_1 \space \text{int}_2\) mod 余数 返回 int1 除以 int2 后的余数
\(\text{num}_1\) neg \(\text{num}_2\)返回\(\text{num}_1\) 的负数
\(\text{num}_1\) abs \(\text{num}_2\)返回 \(\text{num}_1\) 的绝对值
\(\text{num}_1\) ceiling \(\text{num}_2\)返回 \(\text{num}_1\) 的上限
\(\text{num}_1\) floor \(\text{num}_2\)返回 \(\text{num}_1\) 的下限
\(\text{num}_1\) round \(\text{num}_2\)\(\text{num}_1\) 返回为最接近的整数
\(\text{num}_1\) truncate \(\text{num}_2\)删除 \(\text{num}_1\) 的小数部分
\(\text{num}\) sqrt \(\text{num}_2\)返回 num 的平方根
num sqrt real 返回 num 的平方根
angle sin real 返回角度的正弦度
角度 cos real 返回角度的余弦度
num den atan angle 返回 num/den 的反正切度
base exponent exp real 将底数提升为指数幂
num ln real 返回自然对数(底数为 e)
num log real 返回常用对数(底数为10)
num cvi int 转换为整数
num cvr real 转换为实数

\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) add sum Return \(\text{num}_1\) plus \(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) sub difference Return \(\text{num}_1\) minus \(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) mul product Return \(\text{num}_1\) times \(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) div quotient Return \(\text{num}_1\) divided by \(\text{num}_2\)
\(\text{int}_1 \space \text{int}_2\) idiv quotient Return int1 divided by int2 as an integer
\(\text{int}_1 \space \text{int}_2\) mod remainder Return remainder after dividing int1 by int2
\(\text{num}_1\) neg \(\text{num}_2\)Return negative of \(\text{num}_1\)
\(\text{num}_1\) abs \(\text{num}_2\)Return absolute of \(\text{num}_1\)
\(\text{num}_1\) ceiling \(\text{num}_2\)Return ceiling of \(\text{num}_1\)
\(\text{num}_1\) floor \(\text{num}_2\)Return floor of \(\text{num}_1\)
\(\text{num}_1\) round \(\text{num}_2\)Return \(\text{num}_1\) to nearest integer
\(\text{num}_1\) truncate \(\text{num}_2\)Remove fractional part of \(\text{num}_1\)
\(\text{num}\) sqrt \(\text{num}_2\)Return square root of num
num sqrt real Return square root of num
angle sin real Return sine of angle degrees
angle cos real Return cosine of angle degrees
num den atan angle Return arc tangent of num/den in degrees
base exponent exp real Raise base to exponent power
num ln real Return natural logarithm (base e)
num log real Return common logarithm (base 10)
num cvi int Convert to integer
num cvr real Convert to real

B.3 关系、布尔和位操作符

B.3 Relational, Boolean, and Bitwise Operators

\(\text{any}_1 \space \text{any}_2\) eq bool 测试相等
\(\text{any}_1 \space \text{any}_2\) ne bool 测试不相等
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) gt bool 测试大于
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) ge bool 测试大于或相等
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) lt bool 测试小于
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) le bool 测试小于或等于
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | \space int_1 \space bool_2 \space | \space \text{int}_2\) and \(\text{bool}_3 | \text{int}_3\) 执行逻辑 | 按位与
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | \space int_1 \space bool_2 \space | \space \text{int}_2\) \(\text{bool}_3 | \text{int}_3\) 执行逻辑 | 按位包含或
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | \space int_1 \space bool_2 \space | \space \text{int}_2\) xor \(\text{bool}_3 | \text{int}_3\) 执行逻辑 | 按位排他或
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | int_1\) \(\text{bool}_2 | \text{int}_2\) 执行逻辑 | 按位非
\(\text{int}_1 shift\) bitshift \(\text{int}_2\) 执行 \(\text{int}_1\) 的按位移位(正数为左移)
true true 返回布尔值 true
false false 返回布尔值 false

\(\text{any}_1 \space \text{any}_2\) eq bool Test equal
\(\text{any}_1 \space \text{any}_2\) ne bool Test not equal
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) gt bool Test greater than
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) ge bool Test greater than or equal
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) lt bool Test less than
\(\text{num}_1 \space \text{num}_2\) le bool Test less than or equal
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | \space int_1 \space bool_2 \space | \space \text{int}_2\) and \(\text{bool}_3 | \text{int}_3\) Perform logical | bitwise and
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | \space int_1 \space bool_2 \space | \space \text{int}_2\) or \(\text{bool}_3 | \text{int}_3\) Perform logical | bitwise inclusive or
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | \space int_1 \space bool_2 \space | \space \text{int}_2\) xor \(\text{bool}_3 | \text{int}_3\) Perform logical | bitwise exclusive or
\(\text{bool}_1 \space | int_1\) not \(\text{bool}_2 | \text{int}_2\) Perform logical | bitwise not
\(\text{int}_1 shift\) bitshift \(\text{int}_2\) Perform bitwise shift of \(\text{int}_1\) (positive is left)
true true Return boolean value true
false false Return boolean value false

B.4 条件操作符

B.4 Conditional Operators

bool { expr } if 如果 bool 为 true,则执行 expr
bool { \(\text{expr}_1\) } { \(\text{expr}_2\) } ifelse – 如果 bool 为 true,则执行 expr1,如果为 false,则执行 expr2

bool { expr } if Execute expr if bool is true
bool { \(\text{expr}_1\) } { \(\text{expr}_2\) } ifelse – Execute expr1 if bool is true, expr2 if false

B.5 栈操作符

B.5 Stack Operators

any pop 丢弃顶部元素
\(\text{any}_1 \space \text{any}_2\) exch \(\text{any}_2 any_1\) 交换顶部两个元素
any dup any any 复制顶部元素
\(\text{any}_1 \space … \space any_n \space n\) copy \(\text{any}_1 … any_n any_1 … any_n\) 复制顶部 n元素
\(\text{any}_n \space … \space any_0 \space n\) index \(\text{any}_n … any_0 any_n\) 重复任意元素
\(\text{any}_{n-1} \space … \space any_0 \space n \space j\) roll \(\text{any}_{(j-1) \space mod \space n} \space … \space any_0 \space any_{n-1} \space … \space any_{j \space mod \space n}\) cccc

any pop Discard top element
\(\text{any}_1 \space \text{any}_2\) exch \(\text{any}_2 any_1\) Exchange top two elements
any dup any any Duplicate top element
\(\text{any}_1 \space … \space any_n \space n\) copy \(\text{any}_1 … any_n any_1 … any_n\) Duplicate top n elements
\(\text{any}_n \space … \space any_0 \space n\) index \(\text{any}_n … any_0 any_n\) Duplicate arbitrary element
\(\text{any}_{n-1} \space … \space any_0 \space n \space j\) roll \(\text{any}_{(j-1) \space mod \space n} \space … \space any_0 \space any_{n-1} \space … \space any_{j \space mod \space n}\) cccc