3. 关系数据库理论


本书的第三部分解释了关系数据库技术的数学和理论基础。下图显示了章节之间的强依赖关系。前三章需要按顺序阅读;然而,关于数据库规范化的3.3章对于那些通过SQL(文本的 Part 1)具备坚实关系数据库基础的学生来说,即使没有前面的关系模型章节,也应该是可理解的。阅读3.4章的读者也将受益于一定的SQL知识,尽管这并不是先决条件。



Part 3 of this book explains the mathematical and theoretical foundations of relational database technology. The diagram below shows the strong dependencies between chapters. The first three chapters need to be read in order; however, chapter 3.3 on database normalization should be accessible for students who have a strong foundation in relational databases through the lens of SQL (Part 1 of the text) even without the preceding chapters on the relational model. Readers of chapter 3.4 will benefit from some exposure to SQL as well, although that is not a prerequisite.


Chapter dependency graph for Part 3