
Pydantic Company

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Hypothesis 是用于基于属性的测试 的 Python 库。 Hypothesis 可以从 typing 中推断出如何构造带类型注释的类,并支持内置类型、许多标准库类型和泛型类型 和 typing_extensions 默认模块。

从 Pydantic v1.8 和 Hypothesis v5.29.0,Hypothesis 将自动加载对自定义类型PaymentCardNumberPositiveFloat,这样 st.builds()st.from_type() 策略无需任何用户配置即可支持它们。



示例测试 Example tests

import typing
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr, PaymentCardNumber, PositiveFloat

class Model(BaseModel):
    card: PaymentCardNumber
    price: PositiveFloat
    users: typing.List[EmailStr]

def test_property(instance):
    # Hypothesis calls this test function many times with varied Models,
    # so you can write a test that should pass given *any* instance.
    assert 0 < instance.price
    assert all('@' in email for email in instance.users)

@given(st.builds(Model, price=st.floats(100, 200)))
def test_with_discount(instance):
    # This test shows how you can override specific fields,
    # and let Hypothesis fill in any you don't care about.
    assert 100 <= instance.price <= 200
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr, PaymentCardNumber, PositiveFloat

class Model(BaseModel):
    card: PaymentCardNumber
    price: PositiveFloat
    users: list[EmailStr]

def test_property(instance):
    # Hypothesis calls this test function many times with varied Models,
    # so you can write a test that should pass given *any* instance.
    assert 0 < instance.price
    assert all('@' in email for email in instance.users)

@given(st.builds(Model, price=st.floats(100, 200)))
def test_with_discount(instance):
    # This test shows how you can override specific fields,
    # and let Hypothesis fill in any you don't care about.
    assert 100 <= instance.price <= 200


与 JSON 模式一起使用 Use with JSON Schemas

要测试客户端代码,您可以将 Model.schema()hypothesis-jsonschema 生成与模式匹配的任意 JSON 实例。 对于 Web API 测试,Schemathesis 提供了更高级别的包装器,可以检测错误和安全漏洞。