pypdf._page 源代码

# Copyright (c) 2006, Mathieu Fenniak
# Copyright (c) 2007, Ashish Kulkarni <>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

from ._cmap import (
from ._protocols import PdfCommonDocProtocol
from ._text_extraction import (
from ._utils import (
from .constants import AnnotationDictionaryAttributes as ADA
from .constants import ImageAttributes as IA
from .constants import PageAttributes as PG
from .constants import Resources as RES
from .errors import PageSizeNotDefinedError, PdfReadError
from .filters import _xobj_to_image
from .generic import (

    from PIL.Image import Image

    pil_not_imported = False
except ImportError:
    Image = object  # type: ignore
    pil_not_imported = True  # error will be raised only when using images

MERGE_CROP_BOX = "cropbox"  # pypdf<=3.4.0 used 'trimbox'

def _get_rectangle(self: Any, name: str, defaults: Iterable[str]) -> RectangleObject:
    retval: Union[None, RectangleObject, IndirectObject] = self.get(name)
    if isinstance(retval, RectangleObject):
        return retval
    if is_null_or_none(retval):
        for d in defaults:
            retval = self.get(d)
            if retval is not None:
    if isinstance(retval, IndirectObject):
        retval = self.pdf.get_object(retval)
    retval = RectangleObject(retval)  # type: ignore
    _set_rectangle(self, name, retval)
    return retval

def _set_rectangle(self: Any, name: str, value: Union[RectangleObject, float]) -> None:
    name = NameObject(name)
    self[name] = value

def _delete_rectangle(self: Any, name: str) -> None:
    del self[name]

def _create_rectangle_accessor(name: str, fallback: Iterable[str]) -> property:
    return property(
        lambda self: _get_rectangle(self, name, fallback),
        lambda self, value: _set_rectangle(self, name, value),
        lambda self: _delete_rectangle(self, name),

[文档] class Transformation: """ Represent a 2D transformation. The transformation between two coordinate systems is represented by a 3-by-3 transformation matrix matrix with the following form:: a b 0 c d 0 e f 1 Because a transformation matrix has only six elements that can be changed, it is usually specified in PDF as the six-element array [ a b c d e f ]. Coordinate transformations are expressed as matrix multiplications:: a b 0 [ x′ y′ 1 ] = [ x y 1 ] × c d 0 e f 1 Example: >>> from pypdf import Transformation >>> op = Transformation().scale(sx=2, sy=3).translate(tx=10, ty=20) >>> page.add_transformation(op) """ # 9.5.4 Coordinate Systems for 3D # 4.2.2 Common Transformations def __init__(self, ctm: CompressedTransformationMatrix = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)): self.ctm = ctm @property def matrix(self) -> TransformationMatrixType: """ Return the transformation matrix as a tuple of tuples in the form: ((a, b, 0), (c, d, 0), (e, f, 1)) """ return ( (self.ctm[0], self.ctm[1], 0), (self.ctm[2], self.ctm[3], 0), (self.ctm[4], self.ctm[5], 1), )
[文档] @staticmethod def compress(matrix: TransformationMatrixType) -> CompressedTransformationMatrix: """ Compresses the transformation matrix into a tuple of (a, b, c, d, e, f). Args: matrix: The transformation matrix as a tuple of tuples. Returns: A tuple representing the transformation matrix as (a, b, c, d, e, f) """ return ( matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], )
[文档] def transform(self, m: "Transformation") -> "Transformation": """ Apply one transformation to another. Args: m: a Transformation to apply. Returns: A new ``Transformation`` instance Example: >>> from pypdf import Transformation >>> op = Transformation((1, 0, 0, -1, 0, height)) # vertical mirror >>> op = Transformation().transform(Transformation((-1, 0, 0, 1, iwidth, 0))) # horizontal mirror >>> page.add_transformation(op) """ ctm = Transformation.compress(matrix_multiply(self.matrix, m.matrix)) return Transformation(ctm)
[文档] def translate(self, tx: float = 0, ty: float = 0) -> "Transformation": """ Translate the contents of a page. Args: tx: The translation along the x-axis. ty: The translation along the y-axis. Returns: A new ``Transformation`` instance """ m = self.ctm return Transformation(ctm=(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4] + tx, m[5] + ty))
[文档] def scale( self, sx: Optional[float] = None, sy: Optional[float] = None ) -> "Transformation": """ Scale the contents of a page towards the origin of the coordinate system. Typically, that is the lower-left corner of the page. That can be changed by translating the contents / the page boxes. Args: sx: The scale factor along the x-axis. sy: The scale factor along the y-axis. Returns: A new Transformation instance with the scaled matrix. """ if sx is None and sy is None: raise ValueError("Either sx or sy must be specified") if sx is None: sx = sy if sy is None: sy = sx assert sx is not None assert sy is not None op: TransformationMatrixType = ((sx, 0, 0), (0, sy, 0), (0, 0, 1)) ctm = Transformation.compress(matrix_multiply(self.matrix, op)) return Transformation(ctm)
[文档] def rotate(self, rotation: float) -> "Transformation": """ Rotate the contents of a page. Args: rotation: The angle of rotation in degrees. Returns: A new ``Transformation`` instance with the rotated matrix. """ rotation = math.radians(rotation) op: TransformationMatrixType = ( (math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation), 0), (-math.sin(rotation), math.cos(rotation), 0), (0, 0, 1), ) ctm = Transformation.compress(matrix_multiply(self.matrix, op)) return Transformation(ctm)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Transformation(ctm={self.ctm})" @overload def apply_on(self, pt: List[float], as_object: bool = False) -> List[float]: ... @overload def apply_on( self, pt: Tuple[float, float], as_object: bool = False ) -> Tuple[float, float]: ...
[文档] def apply_on( self, pt: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float]], as_object: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float]]: """ Apply the transformation matrix on the given point. Args: pt: A tuple or list representing the point in the form (x, y) Returns: A tuple or list representing the transformed point in the form (x', y') """ typ = FloatObject if as_object else float pt1 = ( typ(float(pt[0]) * self.ctm[0] + float(pt[1]) * self.ctm[2] + self.ctm[4]), typ(float(pt[0]) * self.ctm[1] + float(pt[1]) * self.ctm[3] + self.ctm[5]), ) return list(pt1) if isinstance(pt, list) else pt1
[文档] @dataclass class ImageFile: """ Image within the PDF file. *This object is not designed to be built.* This object should not be modified except using :func:`ImageFile.replace` to replace the image with a new one. """ name: str = "" """ Filename as identified within the PDF file. """ data: bytes = b"" """ Data as bytes. """ image: Optional[Image] = None """ Data as PIL image. """ indirect_reference: Optional[IndirectObject] = None """ Reference to the object storing the stream. """
[文档] def replace(self, new_image: Image, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Replace the image with a new PIL image. Args: new_image (PIL.Image.Image): The new PIL image to replace the existing image. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``. Raises: TypeError: If the image is inline or in a PdfReader. TypeError: If the image does not belong to a PdfWriter. TypeError: If `new_image` is not a PIL Image. Note: This method replaces the existing image with a new image. It is not allowed for inline images or images within a PdfReader. The `kwargs` parameter allows passing additional parameters to ``, such as quality. """ if pil_not_imported: raise ImportError( "pillow is required to do image extraction. " "It can be installed via 'pip install pypdf[image]'" ) from ._reader import PdfReader # to prevent circular import from .filters import _xobj_to_image from .generic import DictionaryObject, PdfObject if self.indirect_reference is None: raise TypeError("Cannot update an inline image.") if not hasattr(self.indirect_reference.pdf, "_id_translated"): raise TypeError("Cannot update an image not belonging to a PdfWriter.") if not isinstance(new_image, Image): raise TypeError("new_image shall be a PIL Image") b = BytesIO(), "PDF", **kwargs) reader = PdfReader(b) assert reader.pages[0].images[0].indirect_reference is not None self.indirect_reference.pdf._objects[self.indirect_reference.idnum - 1] = ( reader.pages[0].images[0].indirect_reference.get_object() ) cast( PdfObject, self.indirect_reference.get_object() ).indirect_reference = self.indirect_reference # change the object attributes extension, byte_stream, img = _xobj_to_image( cast(DictionaryObject, self.indirect_reference.get_object()) ) assert extension is not None =[:".")] + extension = byte_stream self.image = img
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={}, data: {_human_readable_bytes(len(})" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()[:-1] + f", hash: {hash(})"
[文档] class VirtualListImages(Sequence[ImageFile]): """ Provides access to images referenced within a page. Only one copy will be returned if the usage is used on the same page multiple times. See :func:`PageObject.images` for more details. """ def __init__( self, ids_function: Callable[[], List[Union[str, List[str]]]], get_function: Callable[[Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str]]], ImageFile], ) -> None: self.ids_function = ids_function self.get_function = get_function self.current = -1 def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.ids_function())
[文档] def keys(self) -> List[Union[str, List[str]]]: return self.ids_function()
[文档] def items(self) -> List[Tuple[Union[str, List[str]], ImageFile]]: return [(x, self[x]) for x in self.ids_function()]
@overload def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, str, List[str]]) -> ImageFile: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Sequence[ImageFile]: ... def __getitem__( self, index: Union[int, slice, str, List[str], Tuple[str]] ) -> Union[ImageFile, Sequence[ImageFile]]: lst = self.ids_function() if isinstance(index, slice): indices = range(*index.indices(len(self))) lst = [lst[x] for x in indices] cls = type(self) return cls((lambda: lst), self.get_function) if isinstance(index, (str, list, tuple)): return self.get_function(index) if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("Invalid sequence indices type") len_self = len(lst) if index < 0: # support negative indexes index = len_self + index if index < 0 or index >= len_self: raise IndexError("Sequence index out of range") return self.get_function(lst[index]) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ImageFile]: for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i] def __str__(self) -> str: p = [f"Image_{i}={n}" for i, n in enumerate(self.ids_function())] return f"[{', '.join(p)}]"
[文档] class PageObject(DictionaryObject): """ PageObject represents a single page within a PDF file. Typically these objects will be created by accessing the :attr:`pages<pypdf.PdfReader.pages>` property of the :class:`PdfReader<pypdf.PdfReader>` class, but it is also possible to create an empty page with the :meth:`create_blank_page()<pypdf._page.PageObject.create_blank_page>` static method. Args: pdf: PDF file the page belongs to. indirect_reference: Stores the original indirect reference to this object in its source PDF """ original_page: "PageObject" # very local use in writer when appending def __init__( self, pdf: Optional[PdfCommonDocProtocol] = None, indirect_reference: Optional[IndirectObject] = None, ) -> None: DictionaryObject.__init__(self) self.pdf = pdf self.inline_images: Optional[Dict[str, ImageFile]] = None # below Union for mypy but actually Optional[List[str]] self.indirect_reference = indirect_reference if not is_null_or_none(indirect_reference): assert indirect_reference is not None, "mypy" self.update(cast(DictionaryObject, indirect_reference.get_object())) self._font_width_maps: Dict[str, Tuple[Dict[str, float], str, float]] = {}
[文档] def hash_bin(self) -> int: """ Used to detect modified object. Note: this function is overloaded to return the same results as a DictionaryObject. Returns: Hash considering type and value. """ return hash( (DictionaryObject, tuple(((k, v.hash_bin()) for k, v in self.items()))) )
[文档] def hash_value_data(self) -> bytes: data = super().hash_value_data() data += b"%d" % id(self) return data
@property def user_unit(self) -> float: """ A read-only positive number giving the size of user space units. It is in multiples of 1/72 inch. Hence a value of 1 means a user space unit is 1/72 inch, and a value of 3 means that a user space unit is 3/72 inch. """ return self.get(PG.USER_UNIT, 1)
[文档] @staticmethod def create_blank_page( pdf: Optional[PdfCommonDocProtocol] = None, width: Union[float, Decimal, None] = None, height: Union[float, Decimal, None] = None, ) -> "PageObject": """ Return a new blank page. If ``width`` or ``height`` is ``None``, try to get the page size from the last page of *pdf*. Args: pdf: PDF file the page is within. width: The width of the new page expressed in default user space units. height: The height of the new page expressed in default user space units. Returns: The new blank page Raises: PageSizeNotDefinedError: if ``pdf`` is ``None`` or contains no page """ page = PageObject(pdf) # Creates a new page (cf PDF Reference page.__setitem__(NameObject(PG.TYPE), NameObject("/Page")) page.__setitem__(NameObject(PG.PARENT), NullObject()) page.__setitem__(NameObject(PG.RESOURCES), DictionaryObject()) if width is None or height is None: if pdf is not None and len(pdf.pages) > 0: lastpage = pdf.pages[len(pdf.pages) - 1] width = lastpage.mediabox.width height = lastpage.mediabox.height else: raise PageSizeNotDefinedError page.__setitem__( NameObject(PG.MEDIABOX), RectangleObject((0, 0, width, height)) # type: ignore ) return page
def _get_ids_image( self, obj: Optional[DictionaryObject] = None, ancest: Optional[List[str]] = None, call_stack: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ) -> List[Union[str, List[str]]]: if call_stack is None: call_stack = [] _i = getattr(obj, "indirect_reference", None) if _i in call_stack: return [] else: call_stack.append(_i) if self.inline_images is None: self.inline_images = self._get_inline_images() if obj is None: obj = self if ancest is None: ancest = [] lst: List[Union[str, List[str]]] = [] if PG.RESOURCES not in obj or RES.XOBJECT not in cast( DictionaryObject, obj[PG.RESOURCES] ): return [] if self.inline_images is None else list(self.inline_images.keys()) x_object = obj[PG.RESOURCES][RES.XOBJECT].get_object() # type: ignore for o in x_object: if not isinstance(x_object[o], StreamObject): continue if x_object[o][IA.SUBTYPE] == "/Image": lst.append(o if len(ancest) == 0 else ancest + [o]) else: # is a form with possible images inside lst.extend(self._get_ids_image(x_object[o], ancest + [o], call_stack)) assert self.inline_images is not None lst.extend(list(self.inline_images.keys())) return lst def _get_image( self, id: Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str]], obj: Optional[DictionaryObject] = None, ) -> ImageFile: if obj is None: obj = cast(DictionaryObject, self) if isinstance(id, tuple): id = list(id) if isinstance(id, List) and len(id) == 1: id = id[0] try: xobjs = cast( DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj[PG.RESOURCES])[RES.XOBJECT] ) except KeyError: if not (id[0] == "~" and id[-1] == "~"): raise if isinstance(id, str): if id[0] == "~" and id[-1] == "~": if self.inline_images is None: self.inline_images = self._get_inline_images() if self.inline_images is None: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("No inline image can be found") return self.inline_images[id] imgd = _xobj_to_image(cast(DictionaryObject, xobjs[id])) extension, byte_stream = imgd[:2] f = ImageFile( name=f"{id[1:]}{extension}", data=byte_stream, image=imgd[2], indirect_reference=xobjs[id].indirect_reference, ) return f else: # in a sub object ids = id[1:] return self._get_image(ids, cast(DictionaryObject, xobjs[id[0]])) @property def images(self) -> VirtualListImages: """ Read-only property emulating a list of images on a page. Get a list of all images on the page. The key can be: - A string (for the top object) - A tuple (for images within XObject forms) - An integer Examples: * `reader.pages[0].images[0]` # return first image * `reader.pages[0].images['/I0']` # return image '/I0' * `reader.pages[0].images['/TP1','/Image1']` # return image '/Image1' within '/TP1' Xobject/Form * `for img in reader.pages[0].images:` # loops through all objects images.keys() and images.items() can be used. The ImageFile has the following properties: * `.name` : name of the object * `.data` : bytes of the object * `.image` : PIL Image Object * `.indirect_reference` : object reference and the following methods: `.replace(new_image: PIL.Image.Image, **kwargs)` : replace the image in the pdf with the new image applying the saving parameters indicated (such as quality) Example usage: reader.pages[0].images[0]=replace("new_image.jpg", quality = 20) Inline images are extracted and named ~0~, ~1~, ..., with the indirect_reference set to None. """ return VirtualListImages(self._get_ids_image, self._get_image) def _translate_value_inlineimage(self, k: str, v: PdfObject) -> PdfObject: """Translate values used in inline image""" try: v = NameObject( { "/G": "/DeviceGray", "/RGB": "/DeviceRGB", "/CMYK": "/DeviceCMYK", "/I": "/Indexed", "/AHx": "/ASCIIHexDecode", "/A85": "/ASCII85Decode", "/LZW": "/LZWDecode", "/Fl": "/FlateDecode", "/RL": "/RunLengthDecode", "/CCF": "/CCITTFaxDecode", "/DCT": "/DCTDecode", "/DeviceGray": "/DeviceGray", "/DeviceRGB": "/DeviceRGB", "/DeviceCMYK": "/DeviceCMYK", "/Indexed": "/Indexed", "/ASCIIHexDecode": "/ASCIIHexDecode", "/ASCII85Decode": "/ASCII85Decode", "/LZWDecode": "/LZWDecode", "/FlateDecode": "/FlateDecode", "/RunLengthDecode": "/RunLengthDecode", "/CCITTFaxDecode": "/CCITTFaxDecode", "/DCTDecode": "/DCTDecode", }[cast(str, v)] ) except (TypeError, KeyError): if isinstance(v, NameObject): # It is a custom name, thus we have to look in resources. # The only applicable case is for ColorSpace. try: res = cast(DictionaryObject, self["/Resources"])["/ColorSpace"] v = cast(DictionaryObject, res)[v] except KeyError: # for res and v raise PdfReadError(f"Cannot find resource entry {v} for {k}") return v def _get_inline_images(self) -> Dict[str, ImageFile]: """ get inline_images entries will be identified as ~1~ """ content = self.get_contents() if is_null_or_none(content): return {} imgs_data = [] assert content is not None, "mypy" for param, ope in content.operations: if ope == b"INLINE IMAGE": imgs_data.append( {"settings": param["settings"], "__streamdata__": param["data"]} ) elif ope in (b"BI", b"EI", b"ID"): # pragma: no cover raise PdfReadError( f"{ope!r} operator met whereas not expected," "please share usecase with pypdf dev team" ) """backup elif ope == b"BI": img_data["settings"] = {} elif ope == b"EI": imgs_data.append(img_data) img_data = {} elif ope == b"ID": img_data["__streamdata__"] = b"" elif "__streamdata__" in img_data: if len(img_data["__streamdata__"]) > 0: img_data["__streamdata__"] += b"\n" raise Exception("check append") img_data["__streamdata__"] += param elif "settings" in img_data: img_data["settings"][ope.decode()] = param """ files = {} for num, ii in enumerate(imgs_data): init = { "__streamdata__": ii["__streamdata__"], "/Length": len(ii["__streamdata__"]), } for k, v in ii["settings"].items(): if k in {"/Length", "/L"}: # no length is expected continue if isinstance(v, list): v = ArrayObject( [self._translate_value_inlineimage(k, x) for x in v] ) else: v = self._translate_value_inlineimage(k, v) k = NameObject( { "/BPC": "/BitsPerComponent", "/CS": "/ColorSpace", "/D": "/Decode", "/DP": "/DecodeParms", "/F": "/Filter", "/H": "/Height", "/W": "/Width", "/I": "/Interpolate", "/Intent": "/Intent", "/IM": "/ImageMask", "/BitsPerComponent": "/BitsPerComponent", "/ColorSpace": "/ColorSpace", "/Decode": "/Decode", "/DecodeParms": "/DecodeParms", "/Filter": "/Filter", "/Height": "/Height", "/Width": "/Width", "/Interpolate": "/Interpolate", "/ImageMask": "/ImageMask", }[k] ) if k not in init: init[k] = v ii["object"] = EncodedStreamObject.initialize_from_dictionary(init) extension, byte_stream, img = _xobj_to_image(ii["object"]) files[f"~{num}~"] = ImageFile( name=f"~{num}~{extension}", data=byte_stream, image=img, indirect_reference=None, ) return files @property def rotation(self) -> int: """ The visual rotation of the page. This number has to be a multiple of 90 degrees: 0, 90, 180, or 270 are valid values. This property does not affect ``/Contents``. """ rotate_obj = self.get(PG.ROTATE, 0) return rotate_obj if isinstance(rotate_obj, int) else rotate_obj.get_object() @rotation.setter def rotation(self, r: float) -> None: self[NameObject(PG.ROTATE)] = NumberObject((((int(r) + 45) // 90) * 90) % 360)
[文档] def transfer_rotation_to_content(self) -> None: """ Apply the rotation of the page to the content and the media/crop/... boxes. It is recommended to apply this function before page merging. """ r = -self.rotation # rotation to apply is in the otherway self.rotation = 0 mb = RectangleObject(self.mediabox) trsf = ( Transformation() .translate( -float(mb.left + mb.width / 2), -float(mb.bottom + mb.height / 2) ) .rotate(r) ) pt1 = trsf.apply_on(mb.lower_left) pt2 = trsf.apply_on(mb.upper_right) trsf = trsf.translate(-min(pt1[0], pt2[0]), -min(pt1[1], pt2[1])) self.add_transformation(trsf, False) for b in ["/MediaBox", "/CropBox", "/BleedBox", "/TrimBox", "/ArtBox"]: if b in self: rr = RectangleObject(self[b]) # type: ignore pt1 = trsf.apply_on(rr.lower_left) pt2 = trsf.apply_on(rr.upper_right) self[NameObject(b)] = RectangleObject( ( min(pt1[0], pt2[0]), min(pt1[1], pt2[1]), max(pt1[0], pt2[0]), max(pt1[1], pt2[1]), ) )
[文档] def rotate(self, angle: int) -> "PageObject": """ Rotate a page clockwise by increments of 90 degrees. Args: angle: Angle to rotate the page. Must be an increment of 90 deg. Returns: The rotated PageObject """ if angle % 90 != 0: raise ValueError("Rotation angle must be a multiple of 90") self[NameObject(PG.ROTATE)] = NumberObject(self.rotation + angle) return self
def _merge_resources( self, res1: DictionaryObject, res2: DictionaryObject, resource: Any, new_res1: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: try: assert isinstance(self.indirect_reference, IndirectObject) pdf = self.indirect_reference.pdf is_pdf_writer = hasattr( pdf, "_add_object" ) # ---------- expect isinstance(pdf,PdfWriter) except (AssertionError, AttributeError): pdf = None is_pdf_writer = False def compute_unique_key(base_key: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]: """ Find a key that either doesn't already exist or has the same value (indicated by the bool) Args: base_key: An index is added to this to get the computed key Returns: A tuple (computed key, bool) where the boolean indicates if there is a resource of the given computed_key with the same value. """ value = page2res.raw_get(base_key) # TODO : possible improvement : in case of writer, the indirect_reference # can not be found because translated : this may be improved # try the current key first (e.g. "foo"), but otherwise iterate # through "foo-0", "foo-1", etc. new_res can contain only finitely # many keys, thus this'll eventually end, even if it's been crafted # to be maximally annoying. computed_key = base_key idx = 0 while computed_key in new_res: if new_res.raw_get(computed_key) == value: # there's already a resource of this name, with the exact # same value return computed_key, True computed_key = f"{base_key}-{idx}" idx += 1 return computed_key, False if new_res1: new_res = DictionaryObject() new_res.update(res1.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).get_object()) else: new_res = cast(DictionaryObject, res1[resource]) page2res = cast( DictionaryObject, res2.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).get_object() ) rename_res = {} for key in page2res: unique_key, same_value = compute_unique_key(key) newname = NameObject(unique_key) if key != unique_key: # we have to use a different name for this rename_res[key] = newname if not same_value: if is_pdf_writer: new_res[newname] = page2res.raw_get(key).clone(pdf) try: new_res[newname] = new_res[newname].indirect_reference except AttributeError: pass else: new_res[newname] = page2res.raw_get(key) lst = sorted(new_res.items()) new_res.clear() for el in lst: new_res[el[0]] = el[1] return new_res, rename_res @staticmethod def _content_stream_rename( stream: ContentStream, rename: Dict[Any, Any], pdf: Optional[PdfCommonDocProtocol], ) -> ContentStream: if not rename: return stream stream = ContentStream(stream, pdf) for operands, _operator in stream.operations: if isinstance(operands, list): for i, op in enumerate(operands): if isinstance(op, NameObject): operands[i] = rename.get(op, op) elif isinstance(operands, dict): for i, op in operands.items(): if isinstance(op, NameObject): operands[i] = rename.get(op, op) else: raise KeyError(f"Type of operands is {type(operands)}") return stream @staticmethod def _add_transformation_matrix( contents: Any, pdf: Optional[PdfCommonDocProtocol], ctm: CompressedTransformationMatrix, ) -> ContentStream: """Add transformation matrix at the beginning of the given contents stream.""" a, b, c, d, e, f = ctm contents = ContentStream(contents, pdf) contents.operations.insert( 0, [ [ FloatObject(a), FloatObject(b), FloatObject(c), FloatObject(d), FloatObject(e), FloatObject(f), ], b"cm", ], ) return contents def _get_contents_as_bytes(self) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Return the page contents as bytes. Returns: The ``/Contents`` object as bytes, or ``None`` if it doesn't exist. """ if PG.CONTENTS in self: obj = self[PG.CONTENTS].get_object() if isinstance(obj, list): return b"".join(x.get_object().get_data() for x in obj) else: return cast(EncodedStreamObject, obj).get_data() else: return None
[文档] def get_contents(self) -> Optional[ContentStream]: """ Access the page contents. Returns: The ``/Contents`` object, or ``None`` if it does not exist. ``/Contents`` is optional, as described in § of the PDF Reference. """ if PG.CONTENTS in self: try: pdf = cast(IndirectObject, self.indirect_reference).pdf except AttributeError: pdf = None obj = self[PG.CONTENTS].get_object() if isinstance(obj, NullObject): return None else: return ContentStream(obj, pdf) else: return None
[文档] def replace_contents( self, content: Union[None, ContentStream, EncodedStreamObject, ArrayObject] ) -> None: """ Replace the page contents with the new content and nullify old objects Args: content: new content; if None delete the content field. """ if not hasattr(self, "indirect_reference") or self.indirect_reference is None: # the page is not attached : the content is directly attached. self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = content return if isinstance(self.get(PG.CONTENTS, None), ArrayObject): for o in self[PG.CONTENTS]: # type: ignore[attr-defined] try: self._objects[o.indirect_reference.idnum - 1] = NullObject() # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(content, ArrayObject): for i in range(len(content)): content[i] = self.indirect_reference.pdf._add_object(content[i]) if is_null_or_none(content): if PG.CONTENTS not in self: return else: assert self.indirect_reference is not None assert self[PG.CONTENTS].indirect_reference is not None self.indirect_reference.pdf._objects[ self[PG.CONTENTS].indirect_reference.idnum - 1 # type: ignore ] = NullObject() del self[PG.CONTENTS] elif not hasattr(self.get(PG.CONTENTS, None), "indirect_reference"): try: self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = self.indirect_reference.pdf._add_object( content ) except AttributeError: # applies at least for page not in writer # as a backup solution, we put content as an object although not in accordance with pdf ref # this will be fixed with the _add_object self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = content else: assert content is not None, "mypy" content.indirect_reference = self[ PG.CONTENTS ].indirect_reference # TODO: in a future may required generation management try: self.indirect_reference.pdf._objects[ content.indirect_reference.idnum - 1 # type: ignore ] = content except AttributeError: # applies at least for page not in writer # as a backup solution, we put content as an object although not in accordance with pdf ref # this will be fixed with the _add_object self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = content # forces recalculation of inline_images self.inline_images = None
[文档] def merge_page( self, page2: "PageObject", expand: bool = False, over: bool = True ) -> None: """ Merge the content streams of two pages into one. Resource references (i.e. fonts) are maintained from both pages. The mediabox/cropbox/etc of this page are not altered. The parameter page's content stream will be added to the end of this page's content stream, meaning that it will be drawn after, or "on top" of this page. Args: page2: The page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. over: set the page2 content over page1 if True (default) else under expand: If True, the current page dimensions will be expanded to accommodate the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ self._merge_page(page2, over=over, expand=expand)
def _merge_page( self, page2: "PageObject", page2transformation: Optional[Callable[[Any], ContentStream]] = None, ctm: Optional[CompressedTransformationMatrix] = None, over: bool = True, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # First we work on merging the resource dictionaries. This allows us # to find out what symbols in the content streams we might need to # rename. try: assert isinstance(self.indirect_reference, IndirectObject) if hasattr( self.indirect_reference.pdf, "_add_object" ): # ---------- to detect PdfWriter return self._merge_page_writer( page2, page2transformation, ctm, over, expand ) except (AssertionError, AttributeError): pass new_resources = DictionaryObject() rename = {} try: original_resources = cast(DictionaryObject, self[PG.RESOURCES].get_object()) except KeyError: original_resources = DictionaryObject() try: page2resources = cast(DictionaryObject, page2[PG.RESOURCES].get_object()) except KeyError: page2resources = DictionaryObject() new_annots = ArrayObject() for page in (self, page2): if PG.ANNOTS in page: annots = page[PG.ANNOTS] if isinstance(annots, ArrayObject): new_annots.extend(annots) for res in ( RES.EXT_G_STATE, RES.FONT, RES.XOBJECT, RES.COLOR_SPACE, RES.PATTERN, RES.SHADING, RES.PROPERTIES, ): new, newrename = self._merge_resources( original_resources, page2resources, res ) if new: new_resources[NameObject(res)] = new rename.update(newrename) # Combine /ProcSet sets, making sure there's a consistent order new_resources[NameObject(RES.PROC_SET)] = ArrayObject( sorted( set( original_resources.get(RES.PROC_SET, ArrayObject()).get_object() ).union( set(page2resources.get(RES.PROC_SET, ArrayObject()).get_object()) ) ) ) new_content_array = ArrayObject() original_content = self.get_contents() if original_content is not None: original_content.isolate_graphics_state() new_content_array.append(original_content) page2content = page2.get_contents() if page2content is not None: rect = getattr(page2, MERGE_CROP_BOX) page2content.operations.insert( 0, ( map( FloatObject, [ rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.width, rect.height, ], ), b"re", ), ) page2content.operations.insert(1, ([], b"W")) page2content.operations.insert(2, ([], b"n")) if page2transformation is not None: page2content = page2transformation(page2content) page2content = PageObject._content_stream_rename( page2content, rename, self.pdf ) page2content.isolate_graphics_state() if over: new_content_array.append(page2content) else: new_content_array.insert(0, page2content) # if expanding the page to fit a new page, calculate the new media box size if expand: self._expand_mediabox(page2, ctm) self.replace_contents(ContentStream(new_content_array, self.pdf)) self[NameObject(PG.RESOURCES)] = new_resources self[NameObject(PG.ANNOTS)] = new_annots def _merge_page_writer( self, page2: "PageObject", page2transformation: Optional[Callable[[Any], ContentStream]] = None, ctm: Optional[CompressedTransformationMatrix] = None, over: bool = True, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # First we work on merging the resource dictionaries. This allows us # to find which symbols in the content streams we might need to # rename. assert isinstance(self.indirect_reference, IndirectObject) pdf = self.indirect_reference.pdf rename = {} if PG.RESOURCES not in self: self[NameObject(PG.RESOURCES)] = DictionaryObject() original_resources = cast(DictionaryObject, self[PG.RESOURCES].get_object()) if PG.RESOURCES not in page2: page2resources = DictionaryObject() else: page2resources = cast(DictionaryObject, page2[PG.RESOURCES].get_object()) for res in ( RES.EXT_G_STATE, RES.FONT, RES.XOBJECT, RES.COLOR_SPACE, RES.PATTERN, RES.SHADING, RES.PROPERTIES, ): if res in page2resources: if res not in original_resources: original_resources[NameObject(res)] = DictionaryObject() _, newrename = self._merge_resources( original_resources, page2resources, res, False ) rename.update(newrename) # Combine /ProcSet sets. if RES.PROC_SET in page2resources: if RES.PROC_SET not in original_resources: original_resources[NameObject(RES.PROC_SET)] = ArrayObject() arr = cast(ArrayObject, original_resources[RES.PROC_SET]) for x in cast(ArrayObject, page2resources[RES.PROC_SET]): if x not in arr: arr.append(x) arr.sort() if PG.ANNOTS in page2: if PG.ANNOTS not in self: self[NameObject(PG.ANNOTS)] = ArrayObject() annots = cast(ArrayObject, self[PG.ANNOTS].get_object()) if ctm is None: trsf = Transformation() else: trsf = Transformation(ctm) for a in cast(ArrayObject, page2[PG.ANNOTS]): a = a.get_object() aa = a.clone( pdf, ignore_fields=("/P", "/StructParent", "/Parent"), force_duplicate=True, ) r = cast(ArrayObject, a["/Rect"]) pt1 = trsf.apply_on((r[0], r[1]), True) pt2 = trsf.apply_on((r[2], r[3]), True) aa[NameObject("/Rect")] = ArrayObject( ( min(pt1[0], pt2[0]), min(pt1[1], pt2[1]), max(pt1[0], pt2[0]), max(pt1[1], pt2[1]), ) ) if "/QuadPoints" in a: q = cast(ArrayObject, a["/QuadPoints"]) aa[NameObject("/QuadPoints")] = ArrayObject( trsf.apply_on((q[0], q[1]), True) + trsf.apply_on((q[2], q[3]), True) + trsf.apply_on((q[4], q[5]), True) + trsf.apply_on((q[6], q[7]), True) ) try: aa["/Popup"][NameObject("/Parent")] = aa.indirect_reference except KeyError: pass try: aa[NameObject("/P")] = self.indirect_reference annots.append(aa.indirect_reference) except AttributeError: pass new_content_array = ArrayObject() original_content = self.get_contents() if original_content is not None: original_content.isolate_graphics_state() new_content_array.append(original_content) page2content = page2.get_contents() if page2content is not None: rect = getattr(page2, MERGE_CROP_BOX) page2content.operations.insert( 0, ( map( FloatObject, [ rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.width, rect.height, ], ), b"re", ), ) page2content.operations.insert(1, ([], b"W")) page2content.operations.insert(2, ([], b"n")) if page2transformation is not None: page2content = page2transformation(page2content) page2content = PageObject._content_stream_rename( page2content, rename, self.pdf ) page2content.isolate_graphics_state() if over: new_content_array.append(page2content) else: new_content_array.insert(0, page2content) # if expanding the page to fit a new page, calculate the new media box size if expand: self._expand_mediabox(page2, ctm) self.replace_contents(new_content_array) # self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = ContentStream(new_content_array, pdf) # self[NameObject(PG.RESOURCES)] = new_resources # self[NameObject(PG.ANNOTS)] = new_annots def _expand_mediabox( self, page2: "PageObject", ctm: Optional[CompressedTransformationMatrix] ) -> None: corners1 = ( self.mediabox.left.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.right.as_numeric(),, ) corners2 = ( page2.mediabox.left.as_numeric(), page2.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), page2.mediabox.left.as_numeric(),, page2.mediabox.right.as_numeric(),, page2.mediabox.right.as_numeric(), page2.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), ) if ctm is not None: ctm = tuple(float(x) for x in ctm) # type: ignore[assignment] new_x = tuple( ctm[0] * corners2[i] + ctm[2] * corners2[i + 1] + ctm[4] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ) new_y = tuple( ctm[1] * corners2[i] + ctm[3] * corners2[i + 1] + ctm[5] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ) else: new_x = corners2[0:8:2] new_y = corners2[1:8:2] lowerleft = (min(new_x), min(new_y)) upperright = (max(new_x), max(new_y)) lowerleft = (min(corners1[0], lowerleft[0]), min(corners1[1], lowerleft[1])) upperright = ( max(corners1[2], upperright[0]), max(corners1[3], upperright[1]), ) self.mediabox.lower_left = lowerleft self.mediabox.upper_right = upperright
[文档] def merge_transformed_page( self, page2: "PageObject", ctm: Union[CompressedTransformationMatrix, Transformation], over: bool = True, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: """ merge_transformed_page is similar to merge_page, but a transformation matrix is applied to the merged stream. Args: page2: The page to be merged into this one. ctm: a 6-element tuple containing the operands of the transformation matrix over: set the page2 content over page1 if True (default) else under expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ if isinstance(ctm, Transformation): ctm = ctm.ctm self._merge_page( page2, lambda page2Content: PageObject._add_transformation_matrix( page2Content, page2.pdf, cast(CompressedTransformationMatrix, ctm) ), ctm, over, expand, )
[文档] def merge_scaled_page( self, page2: "PageObject", scale: float, over: bool = True, expand: bool = False ) -> None: """ merge_scaled_page is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is scaled by applying a transformation matrix. Args: page2: The page to be merged into this one. scale: The scaling factor over: set the page2 content over page1 if True (default) else under expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ op = Transformation().scale(scale, scale) self.merge_transformed_page(page2, op, over, expand)
[文档] def merge_rotated_page( self, page2: "PageObject", rotation: float, over: bool = True, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: """ merge_rotated_page is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is rotated by applying a transformation matrix. Args: page2: The page to be merged into this one. rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees over: set the page2 content over page1 if True (default) else under expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ op = Transformation().rotate(rotation) self.merge_transformed_page(page2, op, over, expand)
[文档] def merge_translated_page( self, page2: "PageObject", tx: float, ty: float, over: bool = True, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: """ mergeTranslatedPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is translated by applying a transformation matrix. Args: page2: the page to be merged into this one. tx: The translation on X axis ty: The translation on Y axis over: set the page2 content over page1 if True (default) else under expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ op = Transformation().translate(tx, ty) self.merge_transformed_page(page2, op, over, expand)
[文档] def add_transformation( self, ctm: Union[Transformation, CompressedTransformationMatrix], expand: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Apply a transformation matrix to the page. Args: ctm: A 6-element tuple containing the operands of the transformation matrix. Alternatively, a :py:class:`Transformation<pypdf.Transformation>` object can be passed. See :doc:`/user/cropping-and-transforming`. """ if isinstance(ctm, Transformation): ctm = ctm.ctm content = self.get_contents() if content is not None: content = PageObject._add_transformation_matrix(content, self.pdf, ctm) content.isolate_graphics_state() self.replace_contents(content) # if expanding the page to fit a new page, calculate the new media box size if expand: corners = [ self.mediabox.left.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.left.as_numeric(),, self.mediabox.right.as_numeric(),, self.mediabox.right.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), ] ctm = tuple(float(x) for x in ctm) # type: ignore[assignment] new_x = [ ctm[0] * corners[i] + ctm[2] * corners[i + 1] + ctm[4] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ] new_y = [ ctm[1] * corners[i] + ctm[3] * corners[i + 1] + ctm[5] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ] lowerleft = (min(new_x), min(new_y)) upperright = (max(new_x), max(new_y)) self.mediabox.lower_left = lowerleft self.mediabox.upper_right = upperright
[文档] def scale(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> None: """ Scale a page by the given factors by applying a transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size. This updates the mediabox, the cropbox, and the contents of the page. Args: sx: The scaling factor on horizontal axis. sy: The scaling factor on vertical axis. """ self.add_transformation((sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0)) self.cropbox = self.cropbox.scale(sx, sy) self.artbox = self.artbox.scale(sx, sy) self.bleedbox = self.bleedbox.scale(sx, sy) self.trimbox = self.trimbox.scale(sx, sy) self.mediabox = self.mediabox.scale(sx, sy) if PG.ANNOTS in self: annotations = self[PG.ANNOTS] if isinstance(annotations, ArrayObject): for annotation in annotations: annotation_obj = annotation.get_object() if ADA.Rect in annotation_obj: rectangle = annotation_obj[ADA.Rect] if isinstance(rectangle, ArrayObject): rectangle[0] = FloatObject(float(rectangle[0]) * sx) rectangle[1] = FloatObject(float(rectangle[1]) * sy) rectangle[2] = FloatObject(float(rectangle[2]) * sx) rectangle[3] = FloatObject(float(rectangle[3]) * sy) if PG.VP in self: viewport = self[PG.VP] if isinstance(viewport, ArrayObject): bbox = viewport[0]["/BBox"] else: bbox = viewport["/BBox"] # type: ignore scaled_bbox = RectangleObject( ( float(bbox[0]) * sx, float(bbox[1]) * sy, float(bbox[2]) * sx, float(bbox[3]) * sy, ) ) if isinstance(viewport, ArrayObject): self[NameObject(PG.VP)][NumberObject(0)][ # type: ignore NameObject("/BBox") ] = scaled_bbox else: self[NameObject(PG.VP)][NameObject("/BBox")] = scaled_bbox # type: ignore
[文档] def scale_by(self, factor: float) -> None: """ Scale a page by the given factor by applying a transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size. Args: factor: The scaling factor (for both X and Y axis). """ self.scale(factor, factor)
[文档] def scale_to(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: """ Scale a page to the specified dimensions by applying a transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size. Args: width: The new width. height: The new height. """ sx = width / float(self.mediabox.width) sy = height / float(self.mediabox.height) self.scale(sx, sy)
[文档] def compress_content_streams(self, level: int = -1) -> None: """ Compress the size of this page by joining all content streams and applying a FlateDecode filter. However, it is possible that this function will perform no action if content stream compression becomes "automatic". """ content = self.get_contents() if content is not None: content_obj = content.flate_encode(level) try: content.indirect_reference.pdf._objects[ # type: ignore content.indirect_reference.idnum - 1 # type: ignore ] = content_obj except AttributeError: if self.indirect_reference is not None and hasattr( self.indirect_reference.pdf, "_add_object" ): self.replace_contents(content_obj) else: raise ValueError("Page must be part of a PdfWriter")
@property def page_number(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Read-only property which returns the page number within the PDF file. Returns: int : page number; None if the page is not attached to a PDF. """ if self.indirect_reference is None: return None else: try: lst = self.indirect_reference.pdf.pages return lst.index(self) except ValueError: return None def _debug_for_extract(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover out = "" for ope, op in ContentStream( self["/Contents"].get_object(), self.pdf, "bytes" ).operations: if op == b"TJ": s = [x for x in ope[0] if isinstance(x, str)] else: s = [] out += op.decode("utf-8") + " " + "".join(s) + ope.__repr__() + "\n" out += "\n=============================\n" try: for fo in self[PG.RESOURCES]["/Font"]: # type:ignore out += fo + "\n" out += self[PG.RESOURCES]["/Font"][fo].__repr__() + "\n" # type:ignore try: enc_repr = self[PG.RESOURCES]["/Font"][fo][ # type:ignore "/Encoding" ].__repr__() out += enc_repr + "\n" except Exception: pass try: out += ( self[PG.RESOURCES]["/Font"][fo][ # type:ignore "/ToUnicode" ] .get_data() .decode() + "\n" ) except Exception: pass except KeyError: out += "No Font\n" return out def _get_actual_font_widths( self, cmap: Tuple[ Union[str, Dict[int, str]], Dict[str, str], str, Optional[DictionaryObject] ], text_operands: str, font_size: float, space_width: float ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: font_widths: float = 0 font_name: str = cmap[2] if font_name not in self._font_width_maps: if cmap[3] is None: font_width_map: Dict[Any, float] = {} space_char = " " actual_space_width: float = space_width font_width_map["default"] = actual_space_width * 2 else: space_char = get_actual_str_key(" ", cmap[0], cmap[1]) font_width_map = build_font_width_map(cmap[3], space_width * 2) actual_space_width = compute_font_width(font_width_map, space_char) if actual_space_width == 0: actual_space_width = space_width self._font_width_maps[font_name] = (font_width_map, space_char, actual_space_width) font_width_map = self._font_width_maps[font_name][0] space_char = self._font_width_maps[font_name][1] actual_space_width = self._font_width_maps[font_name][2] if text_operands: for char in text_operands: if char == space_char: font_widths += actual_space_width continue font_widths += compute_font_width(font_width_map, char) return (font_widths * font_size, space_width * font_size, font_size) def _handle_tj( self, text: str, operands: List[Union[str, TextStringObject]], cm_matrix: List[float], tm_matrix: List[float], cmap: Tuple[ Union[str, Dict[int, str]], Dict[str, str], str, Optional[DictionaryObject] ], orientations: Tuple[int, ...], font_size: float, rtl_dir: bool, visitor_text: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None]], space_width: float, actual_str_size: Dict[str, float] ) -> Tuple[str, bool, Dict[str, float]]: text_operands, is_str_operands = get_text_operands( operands, cm_matrix, tm_matrix, cmap, orientations) if is_str_operands: text += text_operands else: text, rtl_dir = get_display_str( text, cm_matrix, tm_matrix, # text matrix cmap, text_operands, font_size, rtl_dir, visitor_text) font_widths, actual_str_size["space_width"], actual_str_size["str_height"] = ( self._get_actual_font_widths(cmap, text_operands, font_size, space_width)) actual_str_size["str_widths"] += font_widths return text, rtl_dir, actual_str_size def _extract_text( self, obj: Any, pdf: Any, orientations: Tuple[int, ...] = (0, 90, 180, 270), space_width: float = 200.0, content_key: Optional[str] = PG.CONTENTS, visitor_operand_before: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, visitor_operand_after: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, visitor_text: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, ) -> str: """ See extract_text for most arguments. Args: content_key: indicate the default key where to extract data None = the object; this allow to reuse the function on XObject default = "/Content" """ text: str = "" output: str = "" rtl_dir: bool = False # right-to-left cmaps: Dict[ str, Tuple[ str, float, Union[str, Dict[int, str]], Dict[str, str], DictionaryObject ], ] = {} try: objr = obj while NameObject(PG.RESOURCES) not in objr: # /Resources can be inherited sometimes so we look to parents objr = objr["/Parent"].get_object() # if no parents we will have no /Resources will be available # => an exception will be raised resources_dict = cast(DictionaryObject, objr[PG.RESOURCES]) except Exception: # no resources means no text is possible (no font) we consider the # file as not damaged, no need to check for TJ or Tj return "" if "/Font" in resources_dict: for f in cast(DictionaryObject, resources_dict["/Font"]): cmaps[f] = build_char_map(f, space_width, obj) cmap: Tuple[ Union[str, Dict[int, str]], Dict[str, str], str, Optional[DictionaryObject] ] = ( "charmap", {}, "NotInitialized", None, ) # (encoding,CMAP,font resource name,dictionary-object of font) try: content = ( obj[content_key].get_object() if isinstance(content_key, str) else obj ) if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, pdf, "bytes") except KeyError: # it means no content can be extracted(certainly empty page) return "" # Note: we check all strings are TextStringObjects. ByteStringObjects # are strings where the byte->string encoding was unknown, so adding # them to the text here would be gibberish. cm_matrix: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] cm_stack = [] tm_matrix: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] # cm/tm_prev stores the last modified matrices can be an intermediate position cm_prev: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] tm_prev: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] # memo_cm/tm will be used to store the position at the beginning of building the text memo_cm: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] memo_tm: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] char_scale = 1.0 space_scale = 1.0 _space_width: float = 500.0 # will be set correctly at first Tf _actual_str_size: Dict[str, float] = { "str_widths": 0.0, "space_width": 0.0, "str_height": 0.0} # will be set to string length calculation result TL = 0.0 font_size = 12.0 # init just in case of def compute_strwidths(str_widths: float) -> float: return str_widths / 1000.0 def process_operation(operator: bytes, operands: List[Any]) -> None: nonlocal cm_matrix, cm_stack, tm_matrix, cm_prev, tm_prev, memo_cm, memo_tm nonlocal char_scale, space_scale, _space_width, TL, font_size, cmap nonlocal orientations, rtl_dir, visitor_text, output, text, _actual_str_size global CUSTOM_RTL_MIN, CUSTOM_RTL_MAX, CUSTOM_RTL_SPECIAL_CHARS check_crlf_space: bool = False str_widths: float = 0.0 # Table 5.4 page 405 if operator == b"BT": tm_matrix = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] output += text if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text(text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size) text = "" memo_cm = cm_matrix.copy() memo_tm = tm_matrix.copy() return None elif operator == b"ET": output += text if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text(text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size) text = "" memo_cm = cm_matrix.copy() memo_tm = tm_matrix.copy() # table 4.7 "Graphics state operators", page 219 # cm_matrix calculation is a reserved for the moment elif operator == b"q": cm_stack.append( ( cm_matrix, cmap, font_size, char_scale, space_scale, _space_width, TL, ) ) elif operator == b"Q": try: ( cm_matrix, cmap, font_size, char_scale, space_scale, _space_width, TL, ) = cm_stack.pop() except Exception: cm_matrix = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] elif operator == b"cm": output += text if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text(text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size) text = "" cm_matrix = mult( [ float(operands[0]), float(operands[1]), float(operands[2]), float(operands[3]), float(operands[4]), float(operands[5]), ], cm_matrix, ) memo_cm = cm_matrix.copy() memo_tm = tm_matrix.copy() # Table 5.2 page 398 elif operator == b"Tz": char_scale = float(operands[0]) / 100.0 elif operator == b"Tw": space_scale = 1.0 + float(operands[0]) elif operator == b"TL": scale_x = math.sqrt(tm_matrix[0]**2 + tm_matrix[2]**2) TL = float(operands[0]) * font_size * scale_x elif operator == b"Tf": if text != "": output += text # .translate(cmap) if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text(text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size) text = "" memo_cm = cm_matrix.copy() memo_tm = tm_matrix.copy() try: # charMapTuple: font_type, float(sp_width / 2), encoding, # map_dict, font-dictionary charMapTuple = cmaps[operands[0]] _space_width = charMapTuple[1] # current cmap: encoding, map_dict, font resource name # (internal name, not the real font-name), # font-dictionary. The font-dictionary describes the font. cmap = ( charMapTuple[2], charMapTuple[3], operands[0], charMapTuple[4], ) except KeyError: # font not found _space_width = unknown_char_map[1] cmap = ( unknown_char_map[2], unknown_char_map[3], f"???{operands[0]}", None, ) try: font_size = float(operands[1]) except Exception: pass # keep previous size # Table 5.5 page 406 elif operator == b"Td": check_crlf_space = True # A special case is a translating only tm: # tm[0..5] = 1 0 0 1 e f, # i.e. tm[4] += tx, tm[5] += ty. tx = float(operands[0]) ty = float(operands[1]) tm_matrix[4] += tx * tm_matrix[0] + ty * tm_matrix[2] tm_matrix[5] += tx * tm_matrix[1] + ty * tm_matrix[3] str_widths = compute_strwidths(_actual_str_size["str_widths"]) _actual_str_size["str_widths"] = 0.0 elif operator == b"Tm": check_crlf_space = True tm_matrix = [ float(operands[0]), float(operands[1]), float(operands[2]), float(operands[3]), float(operands[4]), float(operands[5]), ] str_widths = compute_strwidths(_actual_str_size["str_widths"]) _actual_str_size["str_widths"] = 0.0 elif operator == b"T*": check_crlf_space = True tm_matrix[5] -= TL elif operator == b"Tj": check_crlf_space = True text, rtl_dir, _actual_str_size = self._handle_tj( text, operands, cm_matrix, tm_matrix, # text matrix cmap, orientations, font_size, rtl_dir, visitor_text, _space_width, _actual_str_size, ) else: return None if check_crlf_space: try: text, output, cm_prev, tm_prev = crlf_space_check( text, (cm_prev, tm_prev), (cm_matrix, tm_matrix), (memo_cm, memo_tm), cmap, orientations, output, font_size, visitor_text, str_widths, compute_strwidths(_actual_str_size["space_width"]), _actual_str_size["str_height"] ) if text == "": memo_cm = cm_matrix.copy() memo_tm = tm_matrix.copy() except OrientationNotFoundError: return None for operands, operator in content.operations: if visitor_operand_before is not None: visitor_operand_before(operator, operands, cm_matrix, tm_matrix) # multiple operators are defined in here #### if operator == b"'": process_operation(b"T*", []) process_operation(b"Tj", operands) elif operator == b'"': process_operation(b"Tw", [operands[0]]) process_operation(b"Tc", [operands[1]]) process_operation(b"T*", []) process_operation(b"Tj", operands[2:]) elif operator == b"TD": process_operation(b"TL", [-operands[1]]) process_operation(b"Td", operands) elif operator == b"TJ": # The space width may be smaller than the font width, so the width should be 95%. _confirm_space_width = _space_width * 0.95 for op in operands[0]: if isinstance(op, (str, bytes)): process_operation(b"Tj", [op]) if isinstance(op, (int, float, NumberObject, FloatObject)) and ( (abs(float(op)) >= _confirm_space_width) and (len(text) > 0) and (text[-1] != " ") ): process_operation(b"Tj", [" "]) elif operator == b"Do": output += text if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text(text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size) try: if output[-1] != "\n": output += "\n" if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text( "\n", memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size, ) except IndexError: pass try: xobj = resources_dict["/XObject"] if xobj[operands[0]]["/Subtype"] != "/Image": # type: ignore text = self.extract_xform_text( xobj[operands[0]], # type: ignore orientations, space_width, visitor_operand_before, visitor_operand_after, visitor_text, ) output += text if visitor_text is not None: visitor_text( text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size, ) except Exception: logger_warning( f" impossible to decode XFormObject {operands[0]}", __name__, ) finally: text = "" memo_cm = cm_matrix.copy() memo_tm = tm_matrix.copy() else: process_operation(operator, operands) if visitor_operand_after is not None: visitor_operand_after(operator, operands, cm_matrix, tm_matrix) output += text # just in case of if text != "" and visitor_text is not None: visitor_text(text, memo_cm, memo_tm, cmap[3], font_size) return output def _layout_mode_fonts(self) -> Dict[str, _layout_mode.Font]: """ Get fonts formatted for "layout" mode text extraction. Returns: Dict[str, Font]: dictionary of _layout_mode.Font instances keyed by font name """ # Font retrieval logic adapted from pypdf.PageObject._extract_text() objr: Any = self fonts: Dict[str, _layout_mode.Font] = {} while objr is not None: try: resources_dict: Any = objr[PG.RESOURCES] except KeyError: resources_dict = {} if "/Font" in resources_dict and self.pdf is not None: for font_name in resources_dict["/Font"]: *cmap, font_dict_obj = build_char_map(font_name, 200.0, self) font_dict = { k: v.get_object() if isinstance(v, IndirectObject) else [_v.get_object() for _v in v] if isinstance(v, ArrayObject) else v for k, v in font_dict_obj.items() } # mypy really sucks at unpacking fonts[font_name] = _layout_mode.Font(*cmap, font_dict) # type: ignore[call-arg,arg-type] try: objr = objr["/Parent"].get_object() except KeyError: objr = None return fonts def _layout_mode_text( self, space_vertically: bool = True, scale_weight: float = 1.25, strip_rotated: bool = True, debug_path: Optional[Path] = None, font_height_weight: float = 1, ) -> str: """ Get text preserving fidelity to source PDF text layout. Args: space_vertically: include blank lines inferred from y distance + font height. Defaults to True. scale_weight: multiplier for string length when calculating weighted average character width. Defaults to 1.25. strip_rotated: Removes text that is rotated w.r.t. to the page from layout mode output. Defaults to True. debug_path (Path | None): if supplied, must target a directory. creates the following files with debug information for layout mode functions if supplied: - fonts.json: output of self._layout_mode_fonts - tjs.json: individual text render ops with corresponding transform matrices - bts.json: text render ops left justified and grouped by BT/ET operators - bt_groups.json: BT/ET operations grouped by rendered y-coord (aka lines) Defaults to None. font_height_weight: multiplier for font height when calculating blank lines. Defaults to 1. Returns: str: multiline string containing page text in a fixed width format that closely adheres to the rendered layout in the source pdf. """ fonts = self._layout_mode_fonts() if debug_path: # pragma: no cover import json debug_path.joinpath("fonts.json").write_text( json.dumps( fonts, indent=2, default=lambda x: getattr(x, "to_dict", str)(x) ), "utf-8", ) ops = iter( ContentStream(self["/Contents"].get_object(), self.pdf, "bytes").operations ) bt_groups = _layout_mode.text_show_operations( ops, fonts, strip_rotated, debug_path ) if not bt_groups: return "" ty_groups = _layout_mode.y_coordinate_groups(bt_groups, debug_path) char_width = _layout_mode.fixed_char_width(bt_groups, scale_weight) return _layout_mode.fixed_width_page(ty_groups, char_width, space_vertically, font_height_weight)
[文档] def extract_text( self, *args: Any, orientations: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = (0, 90, 180, 270), space_width: float = 200.0, visitor_operand_before: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, visitor_operand_after: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, visitor_text: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, extraction_mode: Literal["plain", "layout"] = "plain", **kwargs: Any, ) -> str: """ Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the content stream, and extract the text. This works well for some PDF files, but poorly for others, depending on the generator used. This will be refined in the future. Do not rely on the order of text coming out of this function, as it will change if this function is made more sophisticated. Arabic and Hebrew are extracted in the correct order. If required a custom RTL range of characters can be defined; see function set_custom_rtl. Additionally you can provide visitor methods to get informed on all operations and all text objects. For example in some PDF files this can be useful to parse tables. Args: orientations: list of orientations extract_text will look for default = (0, 90, 180, 270) note: currently only 0 (up),90 (turned left), 180 (upside down), 270 (turned right) Silently ignored in "layout" mode. space_width: force default space width if not extracted from font (default: 200) Silently ignored in "layout" mode. visitor_operand_before: function to be called before processing an operation. It has four arguments: operator, operand-arguments, current transformation matrix and text matrix. Ignored with a warning in "layout" mode. visitor_operand_after: function to be called after processing an operation. It has four arguments: operator, operand-arguments, current transformation matrix and text matrix. Ignored with a warning in "layout" mode. visitor_text: function to be called when extracting some text at some position. It has five arguments: text, current transformation matrix, text matrix, font-dictionary and font-size. The font-dictionary may be None in case of unknown fonts. If not None it may e.g. contain key "/BaseFont" with value "/Arial,Bold". Ignored with a warning in "layout" mode. extraction_mode (Literal["plain", "layout"]): "plain" for legacy functionality, "layout" for experimental layout mode functionality. NOTE: orientations, space_width, and visitor_* parameters are NOT respected in "layout" mode. kwargs: layout_mode_space_vertically (bool): include blank lines inferred from y distance + font height. Defaults to True. layout_mode_scale_weight (float): multiplier for string length when calculating weighted average character width. Defaults to 1.25. layout_mode_strip_rotated (bool): layout mode does not support rotated text. Set to False to include rotated text anyway. If rotated text is discovered, layout will be degraded and a warning will result. Defaults to True. layout_mode_debug_path (Path | None): if supplied, must target a directory. creates the following files with debug information for layout mode functions if supplied: - fonts.json: output of self._layout_mode_fonts - tjs.json: individual text render ops with corresponding transform matrices - bts.json: text render ops left justified and grouped by BT/ET operators - bt_groups.json: BT/ET operations grouped by rendered y-coord (aka lines) layout_mode_font_height_weight (float): multiplier for font height when calculating blank lines. Defaults to 1. Returns: The extracted text """ if extraction_mode not in ["plain", "layout"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid text extraction mode '{extraction_mode}'") if extraction_mode == "layout": for visitor in ( "visitor_operand_before", "visitor_operand_after", "visitor_text", ): if locals()[visitor]: logger_warning( f"Argument {visitor} is ignored in layout mode", __name__, ) return self._layout_mode_text( space_vertically=kwargs.get("layout_mode_space_vertically", True), scale_weight=kwargs.get("layout_mode_scale_weight", 1.25), strip_rotated=kwargs.get("layout_mode_strip_rotated", True), debug_path=kwargs.get("layout_mode_debug_path"), font_height_weight=kwargs.get("layout_mode_font_height_weight", 1) ) if len(args) >= 1: if isinstance(args[0], str): if len(args) >= 3: if isinstance(args[2], (tuple, int)): orientations = args[2] else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid positional parameter {args[2]}") if len(args) >= 4: if isinstance(args[3], (float, int)): space_width = args[3] else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid positional parameter {args[3]}") elif isinstance(args[0], (tuple, int)): orientations = args[0] if len(args) >= 2: if isinstance(args[1], (float, int)): space_width = args[1] else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid positional parameter {args[1]}") else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid positional parameter {args[0]}") if isinstance(orientations, int): orientations = (orientations,) return self._extract_text( self, self.pdf, orientations, space_width, PG.CONTENTS, visitor_operand_before, visitor_operand_after, visitor_text, )
[文档] def extract_xform_text( self, xform: EncodedStreamObject, orientations: Tuple[int, ...] = (0, 90, 270, 360), space_width: float = 200.0, visitor_operand_before: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, visitor_operand_after: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, visitor_text: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None]] = None, ) -> str: """ Extract text from an XObject. Args: xform: orientations: space_width: force default space width (if not extracted from font (default 200) visitor_operand_before: visitor_operand_after: visitor_text: Returns: The extracted text """ return self._extract_text( xform, self.pdf, orientations, space_width, None, visitor_operand_before, visitor_operand_after, visitor_text, )
def _get_fonts(self) -> Tuple[Set[str], Set[str]]: """ Get the names of embedded fonts and unembedded fonts. Returns: A tuple (Set of embedded fonts, set of unembedded fonts) """ obj = self.get_object() assert isinstance(obj, DictionaryObject) fonts: Set[str] = set() embedded: Set[str] = set() fonts, embedded = _get_fonts_walk(obj, fonts, embedded) unembedded = fonts - embedded return embedded, unembedded mediabox = _create_rectangle_accessor(PG.MEDIABOX, ()) """A :class:`RectangleObject<pypdf.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is intended to be displayed or printed.""" cropbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/CropBox", (PG.MEDIABOX,)) """ A :class:`RectangleObject<pypdf.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the visible region of default user space. When the page is displayed or printed, its contents are to be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle and then imposed on the output medium in some implementation-defined manner. Default value: same as :attr:`mediabox<mediabox>`. """ bleedbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/BleedBox", ("/CropBox", PG.MEDIABOX)) """A :class:`RectangleObject<pypdf.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the region to which the contents of the page should be clipped when output in a production environment.""" trimbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/TrimBox", ("/CropBox", PG.MEDIABOX)) """A :class:`RectangleObject<pypdf.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming.""" artbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/ArtBox", ("/CropBox", PG.MEDIABOX)) """A :class:`RectangleObject<pypdf.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the page's creator.""" @property def annotations(self) -> Optional[ArrayObject]: if "/Annots" not in self: return None else: return cast(ArrayObject, self["/Annots"]) @annotations.setter def annotations(self, value: Optional[ArrayObject]) -> None: """ Set the annotations array of the page. Typically you do not want to set this value, but append to it. If you append to it, remember to add the object first to the writer and only add the indirect object. """ if value is None: del self[NameObject("/Annots")] else: self[NameObject("/Annots")] = value
class _VirtualList(Sequence[PageObject]): def __init__( self, length_function: Callable[[], int], get_function: Callable[[int], PageObject], ) -> None: self.length_function = length_function self.get_function = get_function self.current = -1 def __len__(self) -> int: return self.length_function() @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> PageObject: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Sequence[PageObject]: ... def __getitem__( self, index: Union[int, slice] ) -> Union[PageObject, Sequence[PageObject]]: if isinstance(index, slice): indices = range(*index.indices(len(self))) cls = type(self) return cls(indices.__len__, lambda idx: self[indices[idx]]) if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("Sequence indices must be integers") len_self = len(self) if index < 0: # support negative indexes index = len_self + index if index < 0 or index >= len_self: raise IndexError("Sequence index out of range") return self.get_function(index) def __delitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> None: if isinstance(index, slice): r = list(range(*index.indices(len(self)))) # pages have to be deleted from last to first r.sort() r.reverse() for p in r: del self[p] # recursive call return if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("Index must be integers") len_self = len(self) if index < 0: # support negative indexes index = len_self + index if index < 0 or index >= len_self: raise IndexError("Index out of range") ind = self[index].indirect_reference assert ind is not None parent: Optional[PdfObject] = cast(DictionaryObject, ind.get_object()).get( "/Parent", None ) first = True while parent is not None: parent = cast(DictionaryObject, parent.get_object()) try: i = cast(ArrayObject, parent["/Kids"]).index(ind) del cast(ArrayObject, parent["/Kids"])[i] first = False try: assert ind is not None del ind.pdf.flattened_pages[index] # case of page in a Reader except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass if "/Count" in parent: parent[NameObject("/Count")] = NumberObject( cast(int, parent["/Count"]) - 1 ) if len(cast(ArrayObject, parent["/Kids"])) == 0: # No more objects in this part of this sub tree ind = parent.indirect_reference parent = parent.get("/Parent", None) except ValueError: # from index if first: raise PdfReadError(f"Page not found in page tree: {ind}") break def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PageObject]: for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i] def __str__(self) -> str: p = [f"PageObject({i})" for i in range(self.length_function())] return f"[{', '.join(p)}]" def _get_fonts_walk( obj: DictionaryObject, fnt: Set[str], emb: Set[str], ) -> Tuple[Set[str], Set[str]]: """ Get the set of all fonts and all embedded fonts. Args: obj: Page resources dictionary fnt: font emb: embedded fonts Returns: A tuple (fnt, emb) If there is a key called 'BaseFont', that is a font that is used in the document. If there is a key called 'FontName' and another key in the same dictionary object that is called 'FontFilex' (where x is null, 2, or 3), then that fontname is embedded. We create and add to two sets, fnt = fonts used and emb = fonts embedded. """ fontkeys = ("/FontFile", "/FontFile2", "/FontFile3") def process_font(f: DictionaryObject) -> None: nonlocal fnt, emb f = cast(DictionaryObject, f.get_object()) # to be sure if "/BaseFont" in f: fnt.add(cast(str, f["/BaseFont"])) if ( ("/CharProcs" in f) or ( "/FontDescriptor" in f and any( x in cast(DictionaryObject, f["/FontDescriptor"]) for x in fontkeys ) ) or ( "/DescendantFonts" in f and "/FontDescriptor" in cast( DictionaryObject, cast(ArrayObject, f["/DescendantFonts"])[0].get_object(), ) and any( x in cast( DictionaryObject, cast( DictionaryObject, cast(ArrayObject, f["/DescendantFonts"])[0].get_object(), )["/FontDescriptor"], ) for x in fontkeys ) ) ): # the list comprehension ensures there is FontFile try: emb.add(cast(str, f["/BaseFont"])) except KeyError: emb.add("(" + cast(str, f["/Subtype"]) + ")") if "/DR" in obj and "/Font" in cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/DR"]): for f in cast(DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/DR"])["/Font"]): process_font(f) if "/Resources" in obj: if "/Font" in cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/Resources"]): for f in cast( DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/Resources"])["/Font"] ).values(): process_font(f) if "/XObject" in cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/Resources"]): for x in cast( DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/Resources"])["/XObject"] ).values(): _get_fonts_walk(cast(DictionaryObject, x.get_object()), fnt, emb) if "/Annots" in obj: for a in cast(ArrayObject, obj["/Annots"]): _get_fonts_walk(cast(DictionaryObject, a.get_object()), fnt, emb) if "/AP" in obj: if ( cast(DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/AP"])["/N"]).get( "/Type" ) == "/XObject" ): _get_fonts_walk( cast(DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/AP"])["/N"]), fnt, emb, ) else: for a in cast(DictionaryObject, cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/AP"])["/N"]): _get_fonts_walk(cast(DictionaryObject, a), fnt, emb) return fnt, emb # return the sets for each page