pypdf.annotations._base 源代码

from abc import ABC

from ..constants import AnnotationFlag
from ..generic import NameObject, NumberObject
from ..generic._data_structures import DictionaryObject

[文档] class AnnotationDictionary(DictionaryObject, ABC): def __init__(self) -> None: from ..generic._base import NameObject # /Rect should not be added here as Polygon and PolyLine can automatically set it self[NameObject("/Type")] = NameObject("/Annot") # The flags were NOT added to the constructor on purpose: # We expect that most users don't want to change the default. # If they do, they can use the property. The default is 0. @property def flags(self) -> AnnotationFlag: return self.get(NameObject("/F"), AnnotationFlag(0)) @flags.setter def flags(self, value: AnnotationFlag) -> None: self[NameObject("/F")] = NumberObject(value)
NO_FLAGS = AnnotationFlag(0)