– PyQuery complete API¶
- class pyquery.pyquery.PyQuery(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
The main class
- class Fn[source]¶
Hook for defining custom function (like the jQuery.fn):
>>> fn = lambda: i, el: PyQuery(this).outerHtml()) >>> PyQuery.fn.listOuterHtml = fn >>> S = PyQuery( ... '<ol> <li>Coffee</li> <li>Tea</li> <li>Milk</li> </ol>') >>> S('li').listOuterHtml() ['<li>Coffee</li>', '<li>Tea</li>', '<li>Milk</li>']
- addClass(value)¶
Alias for
- add_class(value)[source]¶
Add a css class to elements:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div></div>') >>> d.add_class('myclass') [<div.myclass>] >>> d.addClass('myclass') [<div.myclass>]
- appendTo(value)¶
Alias for
- property base_url¶
Return the url of current html document or None if not available.
- children(selector=None)[source]¶
Filter elements that are direct children of self using optional selector:
>>> d = PyQuery('<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p></span>') >>> d [<span>] >>> d.children() [<p.hello>, <p>] >>> d.children('.hello') [<p.hello>]
- closest(selector=None)[source]¶
>>> d = PyQuery( ... '<div class="hello"><p>This is a ' ... '<strong class="hello">test</strong></p></div>') >>> d('strong').closest('div') [<div.hello>] >>> d('strong').closest('.hello') [<strong.hello>] >>> d('strong').closest('form') []
- contents()[source]¶
Return contents (with text nodes):
>>> d = PyQuery('hello <b>bold</b>') >>> d.contents() ['hello ', <Element b at ...>]
- property encoding¶
return the xml encoding of the root element
- end()[source]¶
Break out of a level of traversal and return to the parent level.
>>> m = '<p><span><em>Whoah!</em></span></p><p><em> there</em></p>' >>> d = PyQuery(m) >>> d('p').eq(1).find('em').end().end() [<p>, <p>]
- eq(index)[source]¶
Return PyQuery of only the element with the provided index:
>>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><div></div>') >>> d('p').eq(0) [<p.hello>] >>> d('p').eq(1) [<p>] >>> d('p').eq(2) []
- filter(selector)[source]¶
Filter elements in self using selector (string or function):
>>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p>') >>> d('p') [<p.hello>, <p>] >>> d('p').filter('.hello') [<p.hello>] >>> d('p').filter(lambda i: i == 1) [<p>] >>> d('p').filter(lambda i: PyQuery(this).text() == 'Hi') [<p.hello>] >>> d('p').filter(lambda i, this: PyQuery(this).text() == 'Hi') [<p.hello>]
- find(selector)[source]¶
Find elements using selector traversing down from self:
>>> m = '<p><span><em>Whoah!</em></span></p><p><em> there</em></p>' >>> d = PyQuery(m) >>> d('p').find('em') [<em>, <em>] >>> d('p').eq(1).find('em') [<em>]
- hasClass(name)¶
Alias for
- has_class(name)[source]¶
Return True if element has class:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div class="myclass"></div>') >>> d.has_class('myclass') True >>> d.hasClass('myclass') True
- hide()[source]¶
Remove display:none to elements style:
>>> print(PyQuery('<div style="display:none;"/>').hide()) <div style="display: none"/>
- html(value=<NoDefault>, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get or set the html representation of sub nodes.
Get the text value:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>toto</span></div>') >>> print(d.html()) <span>toto</span>
Extra args are passed to
:>>> d = PyQuery('<div><span></span></div>') >>> print(d.html()) <span/> >>> print(d.html(method='html')) <span></span>
Set the text value:
>>> d.html('<span>Youhou !</span>') [<div>] >>> print(d) <div><span>Youhou !</span></div>
- insertAfter(value)¶
Alias for
- insertBefore(value)¶
Alias for
- is_(selector)[source]¶
Returns True if selector matches at least one current element, else False:
>>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello"><span>Hi</span></p><p>Bye</p>') >>> d('p').eq(0).is_('.hello') True
>>> d('p').eq(0).is_('span') False
>>> d('p').eq(1).is_('.hello') False
- items(selector=None)[source]¶
Iter over elements. Return PyQuery objects:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>foo</span><span>bar</span></div>') >>> [i.text() for i in d.items('span')] ['foo', 'bar'] >>> [i.text() for i in d('span').items()] ['foo', 'bar'] >>> list(d.items('a')) == list(d('a').items()) True
- map(func)[source]¶
Returns a new PyQuery after transforming current items with func.
func should take two arguments - ‘index’ and ‘element’. Elements can also be referred to as ‘this’ inside of func:
>>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi there</p><p>Bye</p><br />') >>> d('p').map(lambda i, e: PyQuery(e).text()) ['Hi there', 'Bye'] >>> d('p').map(lambda i, e: len(PyQuery(this).text())) [8, 3] >>> d('p').map(lambda i, e: PyQuery(this).text().split()) ['Hi', 'there', 'Bye']
- nextAll(selector=None)¶
Alias for
- next_all(selector=None)[source]¶
>>> h = '<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><img scr=""/></span>' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('p:last').next_all() [<img>] >>> d('p:last').nextAll() [<img>]
- not_(selector)[source]¶
Return elements that don’t match the given selector:
>>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><div></div>') >>> d('p').not_('.hello') [<p>]
- outerHtml(method='html')¶
Alias for
- outer_html(method='html')[source]¶
Get the html representation of the first selected element:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><span class="red">toto</span> rocks</div>') >>> print(d('span')) <span class="red">toto</span> rocks >>> print(d('span').outer_html()) <span class="red">toto</span> >>> print(d('span').outerHtml()) <span class="red">toto</span> >>> S = PyQuery('<p>Only <b>me</b> & myself</p>') >>> print(S('b').outer_html()) <b>me</b>
- parents(selector=None)[source]¶
>>> d = PyQuery('<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p></span>') >>> d('p').parents() [<span>] >>> d('.hello').parents('span') [<span>] >>> d('.hello').parents('p') []
- prependTo(value)¶
Alias for
- prevAll(selector=None)¶
Alias for
- prev_all(selector=None)[source]¶
>>> h = '<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><img scr=""/></span>' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('p:last').prev_all() [<p.hello>] >>> d('p:last').prevAll() [<p.hello>]
- remove(expr=<NoDefault>)[source]¶
Remove nodes:
>>> h = ( ... '<div>Maybe <em>she</em> does <strong>NOT</strong> know</div>' ... ) >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('strong').remove() [<strong>] >>> print(d) <div>Maybe <em>she</em> does know</div>
- removeAttr(name)¶
Alias for
- removeClass(value)¶
Alias for
- remove_attr(name)[source]¶
Remove an attribute:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div id="myid"></div>') >>> d.remove_attr('id') [<div>] >>> d.removeAttr('id') [<div>]
- remove_class(value)[source]¶
Remove a css class to elements:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div class="myclass"></div>') >>> d.remove_class('myclass') [<div>] >>> d.removeClass('myclass') [<div>]
- remove_namespaces()[source]¶
Remove all namespaces:
>>> doc = PyQuery('<foo xmlns=""></foo>') >>> doc [<{}foo>] >>> doc.remove_namespaces() [<foo>]
- replaceAll(expr)¶
Alias for
- replaceWith(value)¶
Alias for
- replace_with(value)[source]¶
replace nodes by value:
>>> doc = PyQuery("<html><div /></html>") >>> node = PyQuery("<span />") >>> child = doc.find('div') >>> child.replace_with(node) [<div>] >>> print(doc) <html><span/></html>
- property root¶
return the xml root element
- serialize()[source]¶
Serialize form elements as a URL-encoded string.
>>> h = ( ... '<form><input name="order" value="spam">' ... '<input name="order2" value="baked beans"></form>' ... ) >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d.serialize() 'order=spam&order2=baked%20beans'
- serializeArray()¶
Alias for
- serializeDict()¶
Alias for
- serializePairs()¶
Alias for
- serialize_array()[source]¶
Serialize form elements as an array of dictionaries, whose structure mirrors that produced by the jQuery API. Notably, it does not handle the deprecated keygen form element.
>>> d = PyQuery('<form><input name="order" value="spam"></form>') >>> d.serialize_array() == [{'name': 'order', 'value': 'spam'}] True >>> d.serializeArray() == [{'name': 'order', 'value': 'spam'}] True
- serialize_dict()[source]¶
Serialize form elements as an ordered dictionary. Multiple values corresponding to the same input name are concatenated into one list.
>>> d = PyQuery('''<form> ... <input name="order" value="spam"> ... <input name="order" value="eggs"> ... <input name="order2" value="ham"> ... </form>''') >>> d.serialize_dict() OrderedDict([('order', ['spam', 'eggs']), ('order2', 'ham')]) >>> d.serializeDict() OrderedDict([('order', ['spam', 'eggs']), ('order2', 'ham')])
- serialize_pairs()[source]¶
Serialize form elements as an array of 2-tuples conventional for typical URL-parsing operations in Python.
>>> d = PyQuery('<form><input name="order" value="spam"></form>') >>> d.serialize_pairs() [('order', 'spam')] >>> d.serializePairs() [('order', 'spam')]
- show()[source]¶
Add display:block to elements style:
>>> print(PyQuery('<div />').show()) <div style="display: block"/>
- siblings(selector=None)[source]¶
>>> h = '<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><img scr=""/></span>' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('.hello').siblings() [<p>, <img>] >>> d('.hello').siblings('img') [<img>]
- text(value=<NoDefault>, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get or set the text representation of sub nodes.
Get the text value:
>>> doc = PyQuery('<div><span>toto</span><span>tata</span></div>') >>> print(doc.text()) tototata >>> doc = PyQuery('''<div><span>toto</span> ... <span>tata</span></div>''') >>> print(doc.text()) toto tata
Get the text value, without squashing newlines:
>>> doc = PyQuery('''<div><span>toto</span> ... <span>tata</span></div>''') >>> print(doc.text(squash_space=False)) toto tata
Set the text value:
>>> doc.text('Youhou !') [<div>] >>> print(doc) <div>Youhou !</div>
- toggleClass(value)¶
Alias for
- toggle_class(value)[source]¶
Toggle a css class to elements
>>> d = PyQuery('<div></div>') >>> d.toggle_class('myclass') [<div.myclass>] >>> d.toggleClass('myclass') [<div>]
- val(value=<NoDefault>)[source]¶
Set the attribute value:
>>> d = PyQuery('<input />') >>> d.val('Youhou') [<input>]
Get the attribute value:
>>> d.val() 'Youhou'
Set the selected values for a select element with the multiple attribute:
>>> d = PyQuery(''' ... <select multiple> ... <option value="you"><option value="hou"> ... </select> ... ''') >>> d.val(['you', 'hou']) [<select>]
Get the selected values for a select element with the multiple attribute:
>>> d.val() ['you', 'hou']
- wrap(value)[source]¶
A string of HTML that will be created on the fly and wrapped around each target:
>>> d = PyQuery('<span>youhou</span>') >>> d.wrap('<div></div>') [<div>] >>> print(d) <div><span>youhou</span></div>
- wrapAll(value)¶
Alias for
- wrap_all(value)[source]¶
Wrap all the elements in the matched set into a single wrapper element:
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div>') >>> print(d('span').wrap_all('<div id="wrapper"></div>')) <div id="wrapper"><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div> >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div>') >>> print(d('span').wrapAll('<div id="wrapper"></div>')) <div id="wrapper"><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div>