Using pseudo classes


Matches all button input elements and the button element:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery(('<div><input type="button"/>'
...          '<button></button></div>'))
>>> d(':button')
[<input>, <button>]


Matches all checkbox input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="checkbox"/></div>')
>>> d('input:checkbox')


Matches odd elements, zero-indexed:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input checked="checked"/></div>')
>>> d('input:checked')


right is an immediate child of left


Matches all elements that contain the given text

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><h1/><h1 class="title">title</h1></div>')
>>> d('h1:contains("title")')


right is a child, grand-child or further descendant of left


Matches all elements that are disabled:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input disabled="disabled"/></div>')
>>> d('input:disabled')


Match all elements that do not contain other elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><h1><span>title</span></h1><h2/></div>')
>>> d(':empty')


Matches all elements that are enabled:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input value="foo" /></div>')
>>> d('input:enabled')


Matches a single element by its index:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><h1 class="first"/><h1 class="last"/></div>')
>>> d('h1:eq(0)')
>>> d('h1:eq(1)')


Matches even elements, zero-indexed:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><p></p><p class="last"></p></div>')
>>> d('p:even')


Matches all input elements of type file:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="file"/></div>')
>>> d('input:file')


Matches the first selected element:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><p class="first"></p><p></p></div>')
>>> d('p:first')


Matches all elements with an index over the given one:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><h1 class="first"/><h1 class="last"/></div>')
>>> d('h1:gt(0)')


Matches elements which contain at least one element that matches

the specified selector.

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div class="foo"><div class="bar"></div></div>')
>>> d('.foo:has(".baz")')
>>> d('.foo:has(".foo")')
>>> d('.foo:has(".bar")')
>>> d('.foo:has(div)')


Matches all hidden input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="hidden"/></div>')
>>> d('input:hidden')


Matches all image input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="image"/></div>')
>>> d('input:image')


Matches all input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery(('<div><input type="file"/>'
...          '<textarea></textarea></div>'))
>>> d(':input')
[<input>, <textarea>]


Matches the last selected element:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><p></p><p class="last"></p></div>')
>>> d('p:last')


Matches all elements with an index below the given one:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><h1 class="first"/><h1 class="last"/></div>')
>>> d('h1:lt(1)')


Matches odd elements, zero-indexed:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><p></p><p class="last"></p></div>')
>>> d('p:odd')


Match all elements that contain other elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><h1><span>title</span></h1><h1/></div>')
>>> d('h1:parent')


Matches all password input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="password"/></div>')
>>> d('input:password')


Translate a pseudo-element.

Defaults to not supporting pseudo-elements at all, but can be overridden by sub-classes


Matches all radio input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="radio"/></div>')
>>> d('input:radio')


Matches all reset input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="reset"/></div>')
>>> d('input:reset')


Matches all elements that are selected:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<select><option selected="selected"/></select>')
>>> d('option:selected')


Matches all submit input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="submit"/></div>')
>>> d('input:submit')


Matches all text input elements:

>>> from pyquery import PyQuery
>>> d = PyQuery('<div><input type="text"/></div>')
>>> d('input:text')