.. _MsoThemeColorIndex: ``MSO_THEME_COLOR_INDEX`` ========================= .. tab:: 中文 指示 Office 主题颜色,即格式功能区上的颜色库中显示的颜色之一。 别名: ``MSO_THEME_COLOR`` .. tab:: 英文 Indicates the Office theme color, one of those shown in the color gallery on the formatting ribbon. Alias: ``MSO_THEME_COLOR`` Example:: from docx.enum.dml import MSO_THEME_COLOR font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_1 ---- NOT_THEME_COLOR Indicates the color is not a theme color. ACCENT_1 Specifies the Accent 1 theme color. ACCENT_2 Specifies the Accent 2 theme color. ACCENT_3 Specifies the Accent 3 theme color. ACCENT_4 Specifies the Accent 4 theme color. ACCENT_5 Specifies the Accent 5 theme color. ACCENT_6 Specifies the Accent 6 theme color. BACKGROUND_1 Specifies the Background 1 theme color. BACKGROUND_2 Specifies the Background 2 theme color. DARK_1 Specifies the Dark 1 theme color. DARK_2 Specifies the Dark 2 theme color. FOLLOWED_HYPERLINK Specifies the theme color for a clicked hyperlink. HYPERLINK Specifies the theme color for a hyperlink. LIGHT_1 Specifies the Light 1 theme color. LIGHT_2 Specifies the Light 2 theme color. TEXT_1 Specifies the Text 1 theme color. TEXT_2 Specifies the Text 2 theme color. MIXED Indicates multiple theme colors are used.