核心文档属性 ======================== Core Document Properties .. tab:: 中文 Open XML 格式提供了一组与每个文档一起维护的描述性属性。其中之一是 *核心文件属性* 。核心属性是所有 Open XML 格式所共有的,并出现在文档、演示文稿和电子表格文件中。核心文档属性中的 “核心” 指的是 `Dublin Core`_ ,这是一种元数据标准,它定义了一组用于描述资源的核心元素。 核心属性在 ISO/IEC 29500 规范第 2 部分第 11 节中进行了描述。|docx| 中某些核心属性的名称与规范中的名称不同,以符合 MS API。 其他属性(如公司名称)是自定义属性,保存在“app.xml”中。 .. tab:: 英文 The Open XML format provides for a set of descriptive properties to be maintained with each document. One of these is the *core file properties*. The core properties are common to all Open XML formats and appear in document, presentation, and spreadsheet files. The 'Core' in core document properties refers to `Dublin Core`_, a metadata standard that defines a core set of elements to describe resources. The core properties are described in Part 2 of the ISO/IEC 29500 spec, in Section 11. The names of some core properties in |docx| are changed from those in the spec to conform to the MS API. Other properties such as company name are custom properties, held in ``app.xml``. 候选协议 ------------------ Candidate Protocol :: >>> document = Document() >>> core_properties = document.core_properties >>> core_properties.author 'python-docx' >>> core_properties.author = 'Brian' >>> core_properties.author 'Brian' 属性 ---------- Properties .. tab:: 中文 支持 15 个属性。所有 unicode 值都限制为 255 个字符(不是字节)。 作者 *(unicode)* 注意:在规范中命名为“creator”。主要负责制作资源内容的实体。(都柏林核心) 类别 *(unicode)* 此包内容的分类。此属性的示例值可能包括:简历、信函、财务预测、提案、技术演示等。(开放包装约定) 评论 *(unicode)* 注意:在规范中命名为“description”。资源内容的说明。值可能包括摘要、目录、对内容图形表示的引用以及内容的自由文本说明。(都柏林核心) content_status *(unicode)* 内容的状态。值可能包括“草稿”、“已审核”和“最终版”。 (开放包装惯例) created *(datetime)* 资源的创建日期。(都柏林核心) identifier *(unicode)* 在给定上下文中对资源的明确引用。(都柏林核心) keywords *(unicode)* 一组分隔的关键字,用于支持搜索和索引。这通常是属性中其他地方不可用的术语列表。(开放包装惯例) language *(unicode)* 资源知识内容的语言。(都柏林核心) last_modified_by *(unicode)* 执行最后修改的用户。标识是特定于环境的。示例包括姓名、电子邮件地址或员工 ID。建议此值尽可能简洁。(开放包装惯例) last_printed *(datetime)* 最后打印的日期和时间。(开放包装惯例) modified *(datetime)* 资源更改的日期。 (都柏林核心) 修订 *(整数)* 修订号。此值可能表示保存或修订的次数,前提是应用程序在每次修订后都会更新它。(开放打包约定) 主题 *(unicode)* 资源内容的主题。(都柏林核心) 标题 *(unicode)* 为资源指定的名称。(都柏林核心) 版本 *(unicode)* 版本指示符。此值由用户或应用程序设置。(开放打包约定) .. tab:: 英文 15 properties are supported. All unicode values are limited to 255 characters (not bytes). author *(unicode)* Note: named 'creator' in spec. An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource. (Dublin Core) category *(unicode)* A categorization of the content of this package. Example values for this property might include: Resume, Letter, Financial Forecast, Proposal, Technical Presentation, and so on. (Open Packaging Conventions) comments *(unicode)* Note: named 'description' in spec. An explanation of the content of the resource. Values might include an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content, and a free-text account of the content. (Dublin Core) content_status *(unicode)* The status of the content. Values might include “Draft”, “Reviewed”, and “Final”. (Open Packaging Conventions) created *(datetime)* Date of creation of the resource. (Dublin Core) identifier *(unicode)* An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. (Dublin Core) keywords *(unicode)* A delimited set of keywords to support searching and indexing. This is typically a list of terms that are not available elsewhere in the properties. (Open Packaging Conventions) language *(unicode)* The language of the intellectual content of the resource. (Dublin Core) last_modified_by *(unicode)* The user who performed the last modification. The identification is environment-specific. Examples include a name, email address, or employee ID. It is recommended that this value be as concise as possible. (Open Packaging Conventions) last_printed *(datetime)* The date and time of the last printing. (Open Packaging Conventions) modified *(datetime)* Date on which the resource was changed. (Dublin Core) revision *(int)* The revision number. This value might indicate the number of saves or revisions, provided the application updates it after each revision. (Open Packaging Conventions) subject *(unicode)* The topic of the content of the resource. (Dublin Core) title *(unicode)* The name given to the resource. (Dublin Core) version *(unicode)* The version designator. This value is set by the user or by the application. (Open Packaging Conventions) 样本 XML ------------ Specimen XML .. tab:: 中文 Microsoft Word 生成的 core.xml .. tab:: 英文 core.xml produced by Microsoft Word .. highlight:: xml :: Core Document Properties Exploration PowerPoint core document properties Steve Canny powerpoint; open xml; dublin core; microsoft office One thing I'd like to discover is just how line wrapping is handled in the comments. This paragraph is all on a single line._x000d__x000d_This is a second paragraph separated from the first by two line feeds. Steve Canny 2 2013-04-06T06:03:36Z 2013-06-15T06:09:18Z analysis 架构摘录 -------------- Schema Excerpt :: .. _Dublin Core: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_Core