表行 ========= Table Row .. tab:: 中文 表格行具有某些属性,例如高度。 .. tab:: 英文 A table row has certain properties such as height. 行高 ---------- Row.height Candidate protocol:: >>> from docx.enum.table import WD_ROW_HEIGHT >>> row = table.add_row() >>> row >>> row.height_rule None >>> row.height_rule = WD_ROW_HEIGHT.EXACTLY >>> row.height None >>> row.height = Pt(24) MS API ------ MS API https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff193915.aspx 方法 ~~~~~~~ Methods .. tab:: 中文 .. tab:: 英文 * Delete() * SetHeight() * SetLeftIndent() 属性 ~~~~~~~~~~ Properties * Alignment * AllowBreakAcrossPages * Borders * Cells * HeadingFormat * Height * HeightRule * Index * IsFirst * IsLast * LeftIndent * NestingLevel * Next * Previous * Shading * SpaceBetweenColumns WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE 枚举 ------------------------------ WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE Enumeration .. tab:: 中文 别名: WD_ROW_HEIGHT * wdRowHeightAtLeast (1) 行高至少为指定的最小值。 * wdRowHeightAuto (0) 行高会进行调整以适应行中的最高值。 * wdRowHeightExactly (2) 行高是一个精确值。 .. tab:: 英文 Alias: WD_ROW_HEIGHT * wdRowHeightAtLeast (1) The row height is at least a minimum specified value. * wdRowHeightAuto (0) The row height is adjusted to accommodate the tallest value in the row. * wdRowHeightExactly (2) The row height is an exact value. 架构定义 ------------------ Schema Definitions .. tab:: 中文 .. tab:: 英文 .. highlight:: xml ::