Font Color
.. tab:: 中文
颜色作为一个主题,超出了 |Font| 对象的范围;字体颜色只是它首次出现的地方。因此,这个问题需要比通常更多的思考,因为我们希望在其他上下文中复用相同的对象和协议;因此,制定一个通用的解决方案,能够满足预期的复用,是有意义的。
有三个历史来源可供此 API 借鉴:
1. `w:rPr/w:color` 元素。默认情况下,当直接应用颜色到文本或设置样式的文本颜色时,使用此元素。这对应于 `Font.Color` 属性(不幸的是,未记录)。此元素支持 RGB 颜色、主题颜色以及主题颜色的色调或阴影。
2. `w:rPr/w14:textFill` 元素。Word 用于处理如渐变和阴影效果等华丽文本的元素。它对应于 `Font.Fill` 属性。
3. PowerPoint 字体颜色 UI。这看起来是前两者之间的一个合理折衷,既允许直接访问常见的颜色选项,同时也为以后在需要时添加 `Font.fill` 操作留出了空间。
.. tab:: 英文
Color, as a topic, extends beyond the |Font| object; font color is just the first place it's come up. Accordingly, it bears a little deeper thought than usual since we'll want to reuse the same objects and protocol to specify color in the other contexts; it makes sense to craft a general solution that will bear the expected reuse.
There are three historical sources to draw from for this API.
1. The `w:rPr/w:color` element. This is used by default when applying color directly to text or when setting the text color of a style. This corresponds to the `Font.Color` property (undocumented, unfortunately). This element supports RGB colors, theme colors, and a tint or shade of a theme color.
2. The `w:rPr/w14:textFill` element. This is used by Word for fancy text like gradient and shadow effects. This corresponds to the `Font.Fill` property.
3. The PowerPoint font color UI. This seems like a reasonable compromise between the prior two, allowing direct-ish access to common color options while holding the door open for the `Font.fill` operations to be added later if required.
Candidate Protocol
.. tab:: 中文
:class:`docx.text.run.Run` 具有一个字体属性::
>>> from docx import Document
>>> from docx.text.run import Font, Run
>>> run = Document().add_paragraph().add_run()
>>> isinstance(run, Run)
>>> font = run.font
>>> isinstance(font, Font)
:class:`docx.text.run.Font` 具有一个只读的颜色属性,返回一个 :class:`docx.dml.color.ColorFormat` 对象::
>>> from docx.dml.color import ColorFormat
>>> color = font.color
>>> isinstance(font.color, ColorFormat)
>>> font.color = 'anything'
AttributeError: can't set attribute
:class:`docx.dml.color.ColorFormat` 具有一个只读的 :attr:`type` 属性和读写的 :attr:`rgb`、:attr:`theme_color` 和 :attr:`brightness` 属性。
:attr:`ColorFormat.type` 返回 `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB`、`MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME`、`MSO_COLOR_TYPE.AUTO` 或 |None| 其中之一,后者表示字体没有直接应用的颜色::
>>> font.color.type
:attr:`ColorFormat.rgb` 当 `type` 为 `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB` 时返回一个 |RGBColor| 对象。当 `type` 为 `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME` 时,它也可能报告一个 RGBColor 值,因为在这种情况下也可能存在 RGB 颜色。根据规范,当指定主题颜色时,RGB 颜色值会被忽略,但 Word 在分配主题颜色时会将当前的主题颜色 RGB 值以及主题颜色名称(例如 'accent1')一起写入;这可能是供文件浏览器使用的方便值。必须查看 `.type` 的值来确定 RGB 值是否有效或是“最佳猜测”::
>>> font.color.type
RGB (1)
>>> font.color.rgb
RGBColor(0x3f, 0x2c, 0x36)
将 |RGBColor| 值分配给 :attr:`ColorFormat.rgb` 会使 :attr:`ColorFormat.type` 变为 `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB`::
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x3f, 0x2c, 0x36)
>>> font.color.type
RGB (1)
>>> font.color.rgb
RGBColor(0x3f, 0x2c, 0x36)
:attr:`ColorFormat.theme_color` 当 `type` 为 `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME` 时,返回 :ref:`MsoThemeColorIndex` 的一个成员::
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.theme_color
ACCENT_1 (5)
将 :ref:`MsoThemeColorIndex` 的成员分配给 :attr:`ColorFormat.theme_color` 会使 :attr:`ColorFormat.type` 变为 `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME`::
>>> font.color.type
RGB (1)
>>> font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_2
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.theme_color
ACCENT_2 (6)
:attr:`ColorFormat.brightness` 属性可以用来选择主题颜色的色调或阴影。分配值 0.1 会使颜色变亮 10%(色调);分配值 -0.1 会使颜色变暗 10%(阴影)::
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.brightness
>>> font.color.brightness = 0.4
ValueError: not a theme color
>>> font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.TEXT_1
>>> font.color.brightness = 0.4
>>> font.color.brightness
.. tab:: 英文
:class:`docx.text.run.Run` has a font property::
>>> from docx import Document
>>> from docx.text.run import Font, Run
>>> run = Document().add_paragraph().add_run()
>>> isinstance(run, Run)
>>> font = run.font
>>> isinstance(font, Font)
:class:`docx.text.run.Font` has a read-only color property, returning
a :class:`docx.dml.color.ColorFormat` object::
>>> from docx.dml.color import ColorFormat
>>> color = font.color
>>> isinstance(font.color, ColorFormat)
>>> font.color = 'anything'
AttributeError: can't set attribute
:class:`docx.dml.color.ColorFormat` has a read-only :attr:`type` property and
read/write :attr:`rgb`, :attr:`theme_color`, and :attr:`brightness`
:attr:`ColorFormat.type` returns one of `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB`,
`MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME`, `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.AUTO`, or |None|, the latter
indicating font has no directly-applied color::
>>> font.color.type
:attr:`ColorFormat.rgb` returns an |RGBColor| object when `type` is
`MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB`. It may also report an RGBColor value when `type` is
`MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME`, since an RGB color may also be present in that case.
According to the spec, the RGB color value is ignored when a theme color is
specified, but Word writes the current RGB value of the theme color along
with the theme color name (e.g. 'accent1') when assigning a theme color;
perhaps as a convenient value for a file browser to use. The value of `.type`
must be consulted to determine whether the RGB value is operative or
a "best-guess"::
>>> font.color.type
RGB (1)
>>> font.color.rgb
RGBColor(0x3f, 0x2c, 0x36)
Assigning an |RGBColor| value to :attr:`ColorFormat.rgb` causes
:attr:`ColorFormat.type` to become `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB`::
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x3f, 0x2c, 0x36)
>>> font.color.type
RGB (1)
>>> font.color.rgb
RGBColor(0x3f, 0x2c, 0x36)
:attr:`ColorFormat.theme_color` returns a member of :ref:`MsoThemeColorIndex`
when `type` is `MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME`::
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.theme_color
ACCENT_1 (5)
Assigning a member of :ref:`MsoThemeColorIndex` to
:attr:`ColorFormat.theme_color` causes :attr:`ColorFormat.type` to become
>>> font.color.type
RGB (1)
>>> font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_2
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.theme_color
ACCENT_2 (6)
The :attr:`ColorFormat.brightness` attribute can be used to select a tint or
shade of a theme color. Assigning the value 0.1 produces a color 10% brighter
(a tint); assigning -0.1 produces a color 10% darker (a shade)::
>>> font.color.type
>>> font.color.brightness
>>> font.color.brightness = 0.4
ValueError: not a theme color
>>> font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.TEXT_1
>>> font.color.brightness = 0.4
>>> font.color.brightness
样本 XML
Specimen XML
.. highlight:: xml
.. tab:: 中文
Text with no color.
直接应用 RGB 颜色的段落::
Directly-applied color Blue.
Theme color Accent 1.
使用 Text 2 主题颜色的 40% 色调的文本运行::
Theme color with 40% tint.
使用 Accent 2 主题颜色的 25% 阴影的文本运行::
Theme color with 25% shade.
.. tab:: 英文
Baseline paragraph with no font color::
Text with no color.
Paragraph with directly-applied RGB color::
Directly-applied color Blue.
Run with directly-applied theme color::
Theme color Accent 1.
Run with 40% tint of Text 2 theme color::
Theme color with 40% tint.
Run with 25% shade of Accent 2 theme color::
Theme color with 25% shade.
Schema 摘录
Schema excerpt
.. highlight:: xml