.. _install: 安装 ========== Installing .. tab:: 中文 .. note:: python-docx 0.3.0 及更高版本与早期版本在 API 上不兼容。 |docx| 托管在 PyPI 上,因此安装相对简单,具体取决于你所安装的安装工具。 如果你有 `pip`,可以通过以下方式安装 |docx|:: pip install python-docx 也可以使用 `easy_install` 来安装 |docx|,不过不推荐这样做:: easy_install python-docx 如果既没有 `pip` 也没有 `easy_install`,可以通过从 PyPI 下载发行包、解压 tarball 并运行 ``setup.py`` 来手动安装:: tar xvzf python-docx-{version}.tar.gz cd python-docx-{version} python setup.py install |docx| 依赖于 ``lxml`` 包。`pip` 和 `easy_install` 都会为你处理这些依赖关系,但如果你使用最后一种方法,则需要自己安装这些依赖包 。 .. tab:: 英文 .. note:: python-docx versions 0.3.0 and later are not API-compatible with prior versions. |docx| is hosted on PyPI, so installation is relatively simple, and just depends on what installation utilities you have installed. |docx| may be installed with ``pip`` if you have it available:: pip install python-docx |docx| can also be installed using ``easy_install``, although this is discouraged:: easy_install python-docx If neither ``pip`` nor ``easy_install`` is available, it can be installed manually by downloading the distribution from PyPI, unpacking the tarball, and running ``setup.py``:: tar xvzf python-docx-{version}.tar.gz cd python-docx-{version} python setup.py install |docx| depends on the ``lxml`` package. Both ``pip`` and ``easy_install`` will take care of satisfying those dependencies for you, but if you use this last method you will need to install those yourself. 依赖 ------------ Dependencies * Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, or 3.4 * lxml >= 2.3.2