RediSearch 命令

这些是与 RediSearch 模块 交互的命令。下面是一个简短的示例,以及命令本身的文档。在下面的示例中,正在创建一个名为 my_index 的索引。当未指定索引名称时,将创建一个名为 idx 的索引。


import redis
from import TextField

r = redis.Redis()
index_name = "my_index"
schema = (
    TextField("play", weight=5.0),

Search commands.

add_document(doc_id, nosave=False, score=1.0, payload=None, replace=False, partial=False, language=None, no_create=False, **fields)[源代码]

Add a single document to the index.

  • doc_id (str) -- the id of the saved document.

  • nosave (bool) -- if set to true, we just index the document, and don't save a copy of it. This means that searches will just return ids.

  • score (float) -- the document ranking, between 0.0 and 1.0

  • payload (bool) -- optional inner-index payload we can save for fast access in scoring functions

  • replace (bool) -- if True, and the document already is in the index, we perform an update and reindex the document

  • partial (bool) -- if True, the fields specified will be added to the existing document. This has the added benefit that any fields specified with no_index will not be reindexed again. Implies replace

  • language (str | None) -- Specify the language used for document tokenization.

  • no_create (str) -- if True, the document is only updated and reindexed if it already exists. If the document does not exist, an error will be returned. Implies replace

  • fields (List[str]) -- kwargs dictionary of the document fields to be saved and/or indexed. NOTE: Geo points shoule be encoded as strings of "lon,lat"

add_document_hash(doc_id, score=1.0, language=None, replace=False)[源代码]

Add a hash document to the index.

### Parameters

  • doc_id: the document's id. This has to be an existing HASH key

    in Redis that will hold the fields the index needs.

  • score: the document ranking, between 0.0 and 1.0

  • replace: if True, and the document already is in the index, we

    perform an update and reindex the document

  • language: Specify the language used for document tokenization.

aggregate(query, query_params=None)[源代码]

Issue an aggregation query.

### Parameters

query: This can be either an AggregateRequest, or a Cursor

An AggregateResult object is returned. You can access the rows from its rows property, which will always yield the rows of the result.

For more information see FT.AGGREGATE.

  • query (str | Query)

  • query_params (Dict[str, str | int | float] | None)


Alias a search index - will fail if alias already exists

### Parameters

  • alias: Name of the alias to create

For more information see FT.ALIASADD.


alias (str)


Removes an alias to a search index

### Parameters

  • alias: Name of the alias to delete

For more information see FT.ALIASDEL.


alias (str)


Updates an alias - will fail if alias does not already exist

### Parameters

  • alias: Name of the alias to create

For more information see FT.ALIASUPDATE.


alias (str)


Alter the existing search index by adding new fields. The index must already exist.

### Parameters:

  • fields: a list of Field objects to add for the index

For more information see FT.ALTER.


fields (List[str])


Create a new batch indexer from the client with a given chunk size


Get runtime configuration option value.

### Parameters

  • option: the name of the configuration option.

For more information see FT.CONFIG GET.


option (str)



config_set(option, value)[源代码]

Set runtime configuration option.

### Parameters

  • option: the name of the configuration option.

  • value: a value for the configuration option.

For more information see FT.CONFIG SET.

  • option (str)

  • value (str)



create_index(fields, no_term_offsets=False, no_field_flags=False, stopwords=None, definition=None, max_text_fields=False, temporary=None, no_highlight=False, no_term_frequencies=False, skip_initial_scan=False)[源代码]

Creates the search index. The index must not already exist.

For more information, see

  • fields (List[Field]) -- A list of Field objects.

  • no_term_offsets (bool) -- If true, term offsets will not be saved in the index.

  • no_field_flags (bool) -- If true, field flags that allow searching in specific fields will not be saved.

  • stopwords (List[str] | None) -- If provided, the index will be created with this custom stopword list. The list can be empty.

  • definition (IndexDefinition | None) -- If provided, the index will be created with this custom index definition.

  • max_text_fields -- If true, indexes will be encoded as if there were more than 32 text fields, allowing for additional fields beyond 32.

  • temporary -- Creates a lightweight temporary index which will expire after the specified period of inactivity. The internal idle timer is reset whenever the index is searched or added to.

  • no_highlight (bool) -- If true, disables highlighting support. Also implied by no_term_offsets.

  • no_term_frequencies (bool) -- If true, term frequencies will not be saved in the index.

  • skip_initial_scan (bool) -- If true, the initial scan and indexing will be skipped.

delete_document(doc_id, conn=None, delete_actual_document=False)[源代码]

Delete a document from index Returns 1 if the document was deleted, 0 if not

### Parameters

  • delete_actual_document: if set to True, RediSearch also delete

    the actual document if it is in the index

dict_add(name, *terms)[源代码]

Adds terms to a dictionary.

### Parameters

  • name: Dictionary name.

  • terms: List of items for adding to the dictionary.

For more information see FT.DICTADD.

  • name (str)

  • terms (List[str])

dict_del(name, *terms)[源代码]

Deletes terms from a dictionary.

### Parameters

  • name: Dictionary name.

  • terms: List of items for removing from the dictionary.

For more information see FT.DICTDEL.

  • name (str)

  • terms (List[str])


Dumps all terms in the given dictionary.

### Parameters

  • name: Dictionary name.

For more information see FT.DICTDUMP.


name (str)


Drop the index if it exists. Replaced drop_index in RediSearch 2.0. Default behavior was changed to not delete the indexed documents.

### Parameters:

  • delete_documents: If True, all documents will be deleted.

For more information see FT.DROPINDEX.


delete_documents (bool)

explain(query, query_params=None)[源代码]

Returns the execution plan for a complex query.

For more information see FT.EXPLAIN.

  • query (str | Query)

  • query_params (Dict[str, str | int | float] | None)


Returns the full contents of multiple documents.

### Parameters

  • ids: the ids of the saved documents.


Get info an stats about the the current index, including the number of documents, memory consumption, etc

For more information see FT.INFO.


Load a single document by id

profile(query, limited=False, query_params=None)[源代码]

Performs a search or aggregate command and collects performance information.

### Parameters

query: This can be either an AggregateRequest, Query or string. limited: If set to True, removes details of reader iterator. query_params: Define one or more value parameters. Each parameter has a name and a value.

  • query (str | Query | AggregateRequest)

  • limited (bool)

  • query_params (Dict[str, str | int | float] | None)

search(query, query_params=None)[源代码]

Search the index for a given query, and return a result of documents

### Parameters

  • query: the search query. Either a text for simple queries with

    default parameters, or a Query object for complex queries. See RediSearch's documentation on query format

For more information see FT.SEARCH.

  • query (str | Query)

  • query_params (Dict[str, str | int | float | bytes] | None)

spellcheck(query, distance=None, include=None, exclude=None)[源代码]

Issue a spellcheck query

  • query -- search query.

  • distance -- the maximal Levenshtein distance for spelling suggestions (default: 1, max: 4).

  • include -- specifies an inclusion custom dictionary.

  • exclude -- specifies an exclusion custom dictionary.

For more information see FT.SPELLCHECK.

sugadd(key, *suggestions, **kwargs)[源代码]

Add suggestion terms to the AutoCompleter engine. Each suggestion has a score and string. If kwargs["increment"] is true and the terms are already in the server's dictionary, we increment their scores.

For more information see FT.SUGADD.

sugdel(key, string)[源代码]

Delete a string from the AutoCompleter index. Returns 1 if the string was found and deleted, 0 otherwise.

For more information see FT.SUGDEL.

  • key (str)

  • string (str)



sugget(key, prefix, fuzzy=False, num=10, with_scores=False, with_payloads=False)[源代码]

Get a list of suggestions from the AutoCompleter, for a given prefix.



The prefix we are searching. Must be valid ascii or utf-8


If set to true, the prefix search is done in fuzzy mode. NOTE: Running fuzzy searches on short (<3 letters) prefixes can be very slow, and even scan the entire index.


If set to true, we also return the (refactored) score of each suggestion. This is normally not needed, and is NOT the original score inserted into the index.


Return suggestion payloads


The maximum number of results we return. Note that we might return less. The algorithm trims irrelevant suggestions.



A list of Suggestion objects. If with_scores was False, the score of all suggestions is 1.

For more information see FT.SUGGET.

  • key (str)

  • prefix (str)

  • fuzzy (bool)

  • num (int)

  • with_scores (bool)

  • with_payloads (bool)




Return the number of entries in the AutoCompleter index.

For more information see FT.SUGLEN.


key (str)




Dumps the contents of a synonym group.

The command is used to dump the synonyms data structure. Returns a list of synonym terms and their synonym group ids.

For more information see FT.SYNDUMP.

synupdate(groupid, skipinitial=False, *terms)[源代码]

Updates a synonym group. The command is used to create or update a synonym group with additional terms. Only documents which were indexed after the update will be affected.


groupid :

Synonym group id.


If set to true, we do not scan and index.

terms :

The terms.

For more information see FT.SYNUPDATE.

  • groupid (str)

  • skipinitial (bool)

  • terms (List[str])


Return a list of all possible tag values

### Parameters

  • tagfield: Tag field name

For more information see FT.TAGVALS.


tagfield (str)