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Yjs 内部

Yjs Internals

本文大致解释了 Yjs 的内部工作原理。可以查看 Yjs 代码库的完整演示录制:

Yjs CRDT 算法在 2016 年的 YATA 论文 中有详细描述。要了解其工作原理,从论文开始是个不错的选择。Yjs 实现了一些小的改进,论文中没有描述。其中最显著的是,项目具有 originRightorigin 属性,这在多个并发插入发生在同一个字符之后时提高了性能。

Yjs 的核心是一个列表 CRDT。一切都被压缩成一个列表,以便重用 CRDT 解析算法:

  • 数组很简单——它们是任意项目的列表。
  • 文本是字符的列表,可选地由格式标记和嵌入物进行标注,以支持富文本。多个字符可以包裹在一个单一的链接列表 Item 中(这也被称为 CRDT 的复合表示)。有关更多信息,请参见 这篇博客文章
  • 映射是条目的列表。每个键的最后插入条目会被使用,而所有其他重复条目则标记为已删除。

每个客户端在首次插入时会被分配一个唯一的 clientID 属性。这是一个随机的 53 位整数(53 位因为它适合 JavaScript 的安全整数范围 [JavaScript 使用 IEEE 754 浮点数])。

This document roughly explains how Yjs works internally. There is a complete walkthrough of the Yjs codebase available as a recording:

The Yjs CRDT algorithm is described in the YATA paper from 2016. For an algorithmic view of how it works, the paper is a reasonable place to start. There are a handful of small improvements implemented in Yjs which aren't described in the paper. The most notable is that items have an originRight as well as an origin property, which improves performance when many concurrent inserts happen after the same character.

At its heart, Yjs is a list CRDT. Everything is squeezed into a list in order to reuse the CRDT resolution algorithm:

  • Arrays are easy - they're lists of arbitrary items.
  • Text is a list of characters, optionally punctuated by formatting markers and embeds for rich text support. Several characters can be wrapped in a single linked list Item (this is also known as the compound representation of CRDTs). More information about this in this blog article.
  • Maps are lists of entries. The last inserted entry for each key is used, and all other duplicates for each key are flagged as deleted.

Each client is assigned a unique clientID property on first insert. This is a random 53-bit integer (53 bits because that fits in the javascript safe integer range [JavaScript uses IEEE 754 floats]).


List items

Yjs 列表中的每个项由两个对象组成:

  • 一个 Item (src/structs/Item.js)。用于将该项与其他相邻项关联。
  • 一个在 AbstractType 层次结构中的对象(src/types/AbstractType.js 的子类,例如 YText)。此对象存储 Yjs 文档中的实际内容。

项和类型对象对具有一一映射关系。项的 content 字段引用 AbstractType 对象,而 AbstractType 对象的 _item 字段引用该项。

插入到 Yjs 文档中的每个项目都会被赋予一个唯一 ID,由 ID(clientID, clock) 对(也称为 Lamport 时间戳)组成。时钟从 0 开始计数,随着客户端插入的第一个字符或项目而增加。这与 automerge 的操作 ID 相似,但请注意,时钟仅在插入时递增。删除操作以非常不同的方式处理(见下文)。

如果一串字符被插入到文档中(例如 "abc"),时钟将为每个字符递增(例如这里递增 3 次)。但 Yjs 只会将一个单一的 Item 添加到列表中。这对核心 CRDT 算法没有影响,但这种优化显著减少了正常文本编辑过程中创建的 JavaScript 对象数量。此优化仅适用于字符共享同一 clientID、按顺序插入且所有字符要么已被删除,要么均未删除。如果运行被中断(例如运行中的一个字符被删除),该项将被拆分。

当创建一个项时,它会存储对前一个和后一个项的 ID 的引用。这些引用分别存储在项的 originoriginRight 字段中。当对等体在文档的同一位置同时插入时,这些引用会被使用。尽管在实践中这种情况相当罕见,Yjs 需要确保列表项在所有对等体上始终按相同顺序解析。实际逻辑相对简单——只有几十行代码,位于 Item#integrate() 方法中。YATA 论文对此算法有更多详细信息。

Each item in a Yjs list is made up of two objects:

  • An Item (src/structs/Item.js). This is used to relate the item to other adjacent items.
  • An object in the AbstractType hierarchy (subclasses of src/types/AbstractType.js - eg YText). This stores the actual content in the Yjs document.

The item and type object pair have a 1-1 mapping. The item's content field references the AbstractType object and the AbstractType object's _item field references the item.

Everything inserted in a Yjs document is given a unique ID, formed from a ID(clientID, clock) pair (also known as a Lamport Timestamp). The clock counts up from 0 with the first inserted character or item a client makes. This is similar to automerge's operation IDs, but note that the clock is only incremented by inserts. Deletes are handled in a very different way (see below).

If a run of characters is inserted into a document (eg "abc"), the clock will be incremented for each character (eg 3 times here). But Yjs will only add a single Item into the list. This has no effect on the core CRDT algorithm, but the optimization dramatically decreases the number of javascript objects created during normal text editing. This optimization only applies if the characters share the same clientID, they're inserted in order, and all characters have either been deleted or all characters are not deleted. The item will be split if the run is interrupted for any reason (eg a character in the middle of the run is deleted).

When an item is created, it stores a reference to the IDs of the preceeding and succeeding item. These are stored in the item's origin and originRight fields, respectively. These are used when peers concurrently insert at the same location in a document. Though quite rare in practice, Yjs needs to make sure the list items always resolve to the same order on all peers. The actual logic is relatively simple - its only a couple dozen lines of code and it lives in the Item#integrate() method. The YATA paper has much more detail on this algorithm.


Item Storage


  • 项以文档顺序存储在双向链表树中。每个项都有 leftright 属性,链接到文档中的兄弟项。项还有一个 parent 属性,引用其在文档树中的父项(根节点为 null)。(如果有的话,您可以通过 item.content 访问项的子项)。
  • 所有项在结构存储 (src/utils/StructStore.js) 中以插入顺序引用。它引用按时间顺序插入的每个客户端的项列表。这用于在树中查找具有给定 ID 的项(使用二分查找)。它还用于在同步期间有效收集对等体缺失的操作(下文将详细说明)。

当发生本地插入时,Yjs 需要将文档中的插入位置(例如位置 1000)映射到一个 ID。仅使用链表,这将需要 O(n) 的线性扫描,速度较慢。但在编辑文档时,大多数插入要么在与上一个插入相同的位置,要么在附近。为了提高性能,Yjs 在文档中存储最近查找的 80 个插入位置的缓存。在查找位置时会咨询和更新该缓存,以改善平均情况的性能。缓存的更新使用一个仍在变化的启发式方法(目前,当新位置显著偏离缓存中的现有标记时进行更新)。在内部,这被称为跳跃列表/快速搜索标记。

The items themselves are stored in two data structures and a cache:

  • The items are stored in a tree of doubly-linked lists in document order. Each item has left and right properties linking to its siblings in the document. Items also have a parent property to reference their parent in the document tree (null at the root). (And you can access an item's children, if any, through item.content).
  • All items are referenced in insertion order inside the struct store (src/utils/StructStore.js). This references the list of items inserted by for each client, in chronological order. This is used to find an item in the tree with a given ID (using a binary search). It is also used to efficiently gather the operations a peer is missing during sync (more on this below).

When a local insert happens, Yjs needs to map the insert position in the document (eg position 1000) to an ID. With just the linked list, this would require a slow O(n) linear scan of the list. But when editing a document, most inserts are either at the same position as the last insert, or nearby. To improve performance, Yjs stores a cache of the 80 most recently looked up insert positions in the document. This is consulted and updated when a position is looked up to improve performance in the average case. The cache is updated using a heuristic that is still changing (currently, it is updated when a new position significantly diverges from existing markers in the cache). Internally this is referred to as the skip list / fast search marker.



在 Yjs 中,删除操作的处理方式与插入操作截然不同。插入被实现为基于顺序操作的 CRDT,而删除则被视为一种更简单的基于状态的 CRDT。

当任何对等体在历史的任何时刻删除一项时,该项在 Yjs 中被标记为已删除。(内部 Yjs 使用 info 位字段。)Yjs 不记录关于删除的元数据:

  • 不保留关于何时删除项的信息,也不记录哪个用户删除了它。
  • 结构存储中不包含删除记录。
  • clientID 的时钟不被递增。

如果在 Yjs 中启用垃圾回收,当对象被删除时,其内容将被丢弃。如果被删除的对象包含子项(例如在对象中删除字段),其内容将被替换为 GC 对象 (src/structs/GC.js)。这是一种非常轻量级的结构——它仅存储被移除内容的长度。

Yjs 具有一些特殊逻辑来共享文档中哪些内容已被删除:

  • 当发生删除时,除了标记该项外,被删除的 ID 会在事务内本地列出。(有关事务的更多信息,请参见下文。)当事务在本地提交后,被删除项的集合会附加到事务的更新消息中。
  • 快照(Yjs 历史中的一个标记时间点)通过一组 (clientID, clock) 对以及所有已删除项 ID 的集合来指定。被删除的集合是 O(n),但因为删除通常发生在连续操作中,这个数据集在实际中通常很小。(来自 B4 基准文档的真实编辑轨迹包含 182k 次插入和 77k 个已删除字符。快照中的删除集合大小仅为 4.5Kb。)

Deletions in Yjs are treated very differently from insertions. Insertions are implemented as a sequential operation based CRDT, but deletions are treated as a simpler state based CRDT.

When an item has been deleted by any peer, at any point in history, it is flagged as deleted on the item. (Internally Yjs uses the info bitfield.) Yjs does not record metadata about a deletion:

  • No data is kept on when an item was deleted, or which user deleted it.
  • The struct store does not contain deletion records
  • The clientID's clock is not incremented

If garbage collection is enabled in Yjs, when an object is deleted its content is discarded. If a deleted object contains children (eg a field is deleted in an object), the content is replaced with a GC object (src/structs/GC.js). This is a very lightweight structure - it only stores the length of the removed content.

Yjs has some special logic to share which content in a document has been deleted:

  • When a delete happens, as well as marking the item, the deleted IDs are listed locally within the transaction. (See below for more information about transactions.) When a transaction has been committed locally, the set of deleted items is appended to a transaction's update message.
  • A snapshot (a marked point in time in the Yjs history) is specified using both the set of (clientID, clock) pairs and the set of all deleted item IDs. The deleted set is O(n), but because deletions usually happen in runs, this data set is usually tiny in practice. (The real world editing trace from the B4 benchmark document contains 182k inserts and 77k deleted characters. The deleted set size in a snapshot is only 4.5Kb).



在 Yjs 中,所有更新都发生在一个事务中。(在 src/utils/Transaction.js 中定义。)

该事务收集一组对 Yjs 文档的更新,以原子方式应用于远程对等体。一旦事务在本地提交,它会生成一个压缩的更新消息,该消息会广播给已同步的远程对等体,以通知他们本地的变化。更新消息包含:

  • 新插入项的集合
  • 在事务中删除的项的集合

All updates in Yjs happen within a transaction. (Defined in src/utils/Transaction.js.)

The transaction collects a set of updates to the Yjs document to be applied on remote peers atomically. Once a transaction has been committed locally, it generates a compressed update message which is broadcast to synchronized remote peers to notify them of the local change. The update message contains:

  • The set of newly inserted items
  • The set of items deleted within the transaction.


Network protocol

网络协议实际上并不是 Yjs 的一部分。有几个相关概念可以用来创建自定义网络协议:

  • update:Yjs 文档可以编码为一个更新对象,该对象可以解析以重建文档。此外,文档上的每个更改都会触发增量文档更新,允许客户端相互同步。更新对象是一个 Uint8Array,有效地编码 Item 对象和删除集合。
  • state vector:状态向量定义了每个用户的已知状态(一个元组集合 (client, clock))。该对象也有效地编码为 Uint8Array。

客户端可以通过发送其状态向量(通常称为同步步骤 1)向远程客户端请求缺失的文档更新。远程对等体可以使用各自客户端的 clocks 计算缺失的 Item 对象,并计算出一个最小的更新消息,以反映所有缺失的更新(同步步骤 2)。

同步过程的实现位于 y-protocols 中。

The network protocol is not really a part of Yjs. There are a few relevant concepts that can be used to create a custom network protocol:

  • update: The Yjs document can be encoded to an update object that can be parsed to reconstruct the document. Also every change on the document fires an incremental document update that allows clients to sync with each other. The update object is a Uint8Array that efficiently encodes Item objects and the delete set.
  • state vector: A state vector defines the known state of each user (a set of tuples (client, clock)). This object is also efficiently encoded as a Uint8Array.

The client can ask a remote client for missing document updates by sending their state vector (often referred to as sync step 1). The remote peer can compute the missing Item objects using the clocks of the respective clients and compute a minimal update message that reflects all missing updates (sync step 2).

An implementation of the syncing process is in y-protocols.



快照可以用来恢复旧的文档状态。它是一个 state vector + delete set。客户端可以通过遍历序列 CRDT,忽略所有 id.clock > stateVector[id.client].clock 的 Items 来恢复旧的文档状态。客户端将使用删除集合来判断一个项目是否被删除,而不是使用 item.deleted


A snapshot can be used to restore an old document state. It is a state vector + delete set. A client can restore an old document state by iterating through the sequence CRDT and ignoring all Items that have an id.clock > stateVector[id.client].clock. Instead of using item.deleted the client will use the delete set to find out if an item was deleted or not.

It is not recommended to restore an old document state using snapshots, although that would certainly be possible. Instead, the old state should be computed by iterating through the newest state and using the additional information from the state vector.