1.3. 表达式¶
在 SQL 中,*表达式* 是可以被 评估 的事物——任何产生值的东西。一些例子包括文字值、运算符表达式和函数调用表达式。表达式在 SQL 查询的大多数子句中使用;例如,在 SELECT 子句中,表达式产生我们从查询中看到的返回值,而在 WHERE 子句中,表达式决定是否返回某一行。您还可以对表达式使用 ORDER BY,稍后我们将看到表达式的其他用法。本章将探讨一些最常见的表达式类型;在后面的章节中将介绍更多的表达式。
An expression in SQL is a thing that can be evaluated - anything that results in a value. Some examples include literal values, operator expressions, and function call expressions. Expressions are used in most clauses of a SQL query; for example, in the SELECT clause, expressions result in the values we see returned from the query, while in the WHERE clause, expressions determine whether or not a row is returned from the query. You can also ORDER BY expressions, and later we will see other uses for expressions. This chapter will explore some of the most common expression types; additional expressions will be introduced in later chapters.
1.3.1. 本章中使用的表¶
Tables used in this chapter
我们将在本章中再次使用 simple_books 和 simple_authors 表。提醒:您可以在 Appendix A 中阅读这些表的完整说明。
We will again be working with the simple_books and simple_authors tables for this chapter. Reminder: you can read a full explanation of these tables in Appendix A.
1.3.2. 列表达式¶
Column expressions
在 SQL 语句中使用列名会产生一个特殊的表达式,该表达式计算当前处理行中存储在该列中的值。因此,当我们运行
download: sqlite3 file
FROM simple_books
WHERE author = 'J.R.R. Tolkien';
查询执行将逐行检查 simple_books 表,以评估表达式 author = 'J.R.R. Tolkien'
。这个表达式使用 = 运算符将 author 列的值与字面值 'J.R.R. Tolkien'
进行比较。如果两者相同,则整个表达式评估为 True
The use of a column name in a SQL statement produces a special expression which evaluates to the value stored in that column for the current row being processed. So, when we run
download: sqlite3 file
FROM simple_books
WHERE author = 'J.R.R. Tolkien';
the query execution examines each row of the table simple_books in turn to evaluate the expression author = 'J.R.R. Tolkien'
. This expression compares the value of the author column to the literal value 'J.R.R. Tolkien'
using the = operator. If the two are the same, the overall expression evaluates to True
, and the row is included in the output; otherwise, the row is excluded.
1.3.3. 文字¶
文字面量是以数据库可以识别和理解的形式表达的简单值。 SQL 中只有几种基本类型的文字面量,尽管这些可以在数据库中转换为许多不同的类型。我们将在 Chapter 1.6 中进一步讨论 SQL 数据类型。您将遇到的主要文字面量包括:
(表示 \(6.02 \times 10^{23}\))。字符串:这些是用单引号括起来的字符字符串,例如
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT author FROM simple_books
WHERE title = 'The Handmaid''s Tale';
。 但请注意,并非所有 SQL 实现都支持布尔文字。日期和时间值。不同 SQL 实现对日期和时间的接受表示法差异很大。
您可以在 SELECT 子句中请求文字表达式——这在某些情况下是有用的。在这种情况下,文字在您查询的每一行中被评估为其自身。例如:
SELECT 42, 'hello', author FROM simple_books;
Literals are simple values expressed in a form that the database recognizes and understands. There are only a few basic types of literals in SQL, although these can be converted to many different types within a database. We will discuss SQL data types further in Chapter 1.6. The main literals you will encounter are:
Numbers: these are expressed in the usual fashion, for example,
. Depending on the database, you may also be able to use numeric literals in scientific notation or other formats, for instance,6.02e23
(which stands for \(6.02 \times 10^{23}\)).Character strings: these are strings of characters enclosed in single quotes, for example,
. If you need to express a literal character string which contains a single quote, you simply write the single quote twice; this is tricky to read, but produces the desired result. This is shown in the following query:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT author FROM simple_books
WHERE title = 'The Handmaid''s Tale';
Boolean values:
. Note, however, that not all SQL implementations support Boolean literals.Date and time values. The accepted notations for dates and times vary widely among different SQL implementations.
The special value
. We will talk more aboutNULL
You can ask for literal expressions in the SELECT clause - this is sometimes useful. In this case, the literal is evaluated as itself for each row in the table you are querying. For example:
SELECT 42, 'hello', author FROM simple_books;
If you try this query in the interactive tool above, note that the output provides column names based on the literal expressions selected. Later we will see how to change the names of columns in the output if we want to make them more meaningful.
1.3.4. 运算符和函数¶
Operators and functions
SQL 定义了一些对其各种类型有用的操作。这些操作有些使用简单的运算符,类似于数学表达式,而其他则呈现为函数。Appendix B 提供了 SQL 标准定义的运算符和函数的详细列表,但我们将在此讨论一些最常用的运算符和函数,以及它们的使用示例。
SQL defines a number of useful operations on its various types. Some of these use simple operators, as in mathematical expressions, while others take the form of functions. Appendix B provides extensive lists of the operators and functions defined by the SQL standard, but we will discuss some of the most commonly used ones here, along with examples of their use. 比较运算符¶
Comparison operators
我们已经在查询的 WHERE 子句中看到使用等于运算符 (=) 来测试某列是否等于一个字面值。我们可以使用不等于运算符 (<>) 来测试不等式:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE genre <> 'fantasy';
尽管这并不是标准用法,但大多数数据库也识别 != 作为不等式运算符。(请注意,SQL 不使用 ==,这是许多编程语言中用于测试相等的运算符。虽然 SQLite 将其识别为相等比较运算符,但 请不要使用它,因为这会成为一个难以改掉的习惯。)
我们还可以测试一个值是否小于 (<)、大于 (>)、小于或等于 (<=) 或大于或等于 (>=) 其他某个值。还有一个三元运算符 BETWEEN,用于测试一个值是否在两个其他值之间(详情见附录 B - 比较运算符)。
We’ve already seen the equality operator (=) used to test if some column is equal to a literal value in the WHERE clause of queries. We could instead test for inequality using the (<>) operator:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE genre <> 'fantasy';
Though it is non-standard, most databases also recognize != as an inequality operator. (Note that SQL does not use ==, which is used to test for equality in many programming languages. While SQLite does recognize it as an equality comparison operator, do not use it, as it will be a difficult habit to break.)
We can also test to see if a value is less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), or greater than or equal to (>=) some other value. There is also a ternary operator, BETWEEN, that tests if a value is between two other values (see Appendix B - 比较运算符 for details). 数学运算符¶
你可以期待基本的算术运算符能够处理任何数字值:加法 (+)、减法 (-)、乘法 (*) 和除法 (/) 是标准的。你的数据库可能实现了其他运算符,但确保你阅读了数据库的文档,以确认其他运算符的功能符合你的预期。你实际上可以将数据库用作简单的计算器!尝试运行以下查询:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT 4 + 7;
SELECT 302.78 * 14;
(对于 Oracle 用户:Oracle 要求所有 SELECT 查询都必须有 FROM 子句,因此提供了一个特殊的表 dual,用于不使用列并返回一行的查询。因此,在 Oracle 中使用 SELECT 4 + 7 FROM dual;
SQL 标准还提供了许多有用的数学运算函数,例如对数 (log, ln, log10)、指数 (exp)、平方根 (sqrt)、模 (mod)、向下取整和向上取整 (floor, ceiling 或 ceil)、三角函数 (sin, cos 等) 等。以下是一些示例:
SELECT sqrt(3);
SELECT log10(1e5);
SELECT cos(0);
如果你正在处理财务或科学记录等数字数据,你很可能会在 SQL 中使用数学运算符。在 Chapter 1.6 中,我们将讨论用于存储数字的不同数据类型:整数、十进制数和浮点值。每种类型在不同问题中都有应用。
作为一个有些牵强的示例,考虑找出一本书出版的世纪。在英语中,第一个世纪传统上被认为是编号为 1 到 100 的年份。每过 100 年,世纪数加 1,因此第 20 世纪包括 1901 到 2000 年。
floor((publication_year + 99) / 100) AS century
FROM simple_books;
注意使用括号来强制操作顺序:加法运算在除法之前执行,然后除法的结果提供给 floor() 函数。我们还引入了一个新概念——重命名操作,以便给结果列一个更具信息性的名称。AS 关键字让我们能够在查询的输出中重命名列。我们将在 Chapter 1.4 中学习更多关于使用 AS 的内容。
有关标准运算符和函数的完整列表,请参见附录 B - 数学运算符和函数。
You can expect the basic arithmetic operators to work with any numeric values: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) are standard. Your database may implement others, but make sure you read the documentation for your database to ensure other operators do what you think they do. You can actually use your database as a simple calculator! Try running these:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT 4 + 7;
SELECT 302.78 * 14;
(Note for Oracle users: Oracle requires all SELECT queries to have a FROM clause, so the special table dual is provided for queries that use no columns and return one row. Thus, use SELECT 4 + 7 FROM dual;
in Oracle.)
The SQL standard additionally provides functions for many useful mathematical operations, such as logarithms (log, ln, log10), exponentials (exp), square root (sqrt), modulus (mod), floor and ceiling (floor, ceiling or ceil), trigonometric functions (sin, cos, etc.), and more. Some examples:
SELECT sqrt(3);
SELECT log10(1e5);
SELECT cos(0);
You will most likely find yourself using mathematical operators in SQL if you are working with numerical data such as financial or scientific records. In Chapter 1.6 we will discuss some of the different data types available for storing numbers: integers, decimal numbers, and floating point values. Each has applications to various problems.
As a somewhat contrived example of applying mathematical operators to an actual table, consider the problem of finding out which century a book was published in. In the English language, the 1st century is traditionally considered to be the years numbered 1 - 100. Each subsequent 100 years adds 1 to the century, so the 20th century included the years 1901 - 2000.
With a little math, we can extract the century in which each book in our database was published:
floor((publication_year + 99) / 100) AS century
FROM simple_books;
Note the use of parentheses to enforce an order of operations: the addition operation occurs before the division, and then the result of the division is provided to the floor() function. We have also introduced something new - a renaming operation to give our result column a more informative name. The AS keyword lets us rename a column in the output of our query. We will learn more about using AS in Chapter 1.4.
See Appendix B - 数学运算符和函数 for a complete list of standard operators and functions. 字符串运算符和函数¶
Character string operators and functions
SQL 提供了两个非常有用的字符串运算符。运算符 ||**(两个竖线)用于字符串连接。我们在许多情况下希望将一个字符串附加到另一个字符串上。例如,如果我们不喜欢 **simple_books 表的多列输出,可以使用字符串连接生成更熟悉的数据表示:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT title || ', by ' || author FROM simple_books;
(关于实现的说明:在 SQL Server 中,你需要使用 + 而不是 ||;在 MySQL 中,你需要使用 MySQL 的 concat 函数,例如 SELECT concat(title, ', by ', author) FROM simple_books;
LIKE 运算符是一个布尔运算符,几乎专门用于 WHERE 子句。LIKE 提供了非常简单的模式匹配功能。一个 模式 只是一个字符串,可以包含常规文本和特殊的 通配符 字符,这些字符可以匹配一个或多个未指定的字符。两个通配符是 %,可以匹配任意长度的字符串(包括零个字符),和 _,可以匹配任意单个字符。常规文本则完全匹配自身。(如果你熟悉标准的 正则表达式 语法,**%** 通配符对应于正则表达式中的 “.*”,而 _ 通配符对应于 “.”。)
考虑这样一种情况:我们记得一个作者的名字,但不记得全名,希望查找具有该名字的作者。% 通配符可以用于表示未知的名字部分:
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE 'Isabel %';
由于 % 可以匹配任意字符串,模式 'Isabel %'
可以匹配 “Isabel Allende”、”Isabel Granada” 或 “Isabel del Puerto”(虽然这些中只有一个在我们的 simple_authors 表中)。
同样,如果我们记得名字的最后部分,但不记得开始部分,我们可以再次使用 % 通配符:
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE '% Ginsberg';
SELECT title FROM simple_books WHERE title LIKE '%Earth%';
现在,假设我们对使用首字母而不是全名的作者感兴趣。首字母看起来像某个单个字符后跟一个句点——这两个都是必需的。以下是使用 % 和 _ 通配符的查询示例:
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE '_.%';
除了这些运算符外,SQL 还提供了一些对字符字符串操作的有用函数。函数 upper 和 lower 分别将字符串转换为全大写或全小写字符。当然,并不是所有语言都区分大写和小写,因此这些函数在某些地区可能不适用。你可以在想要返回全大写或全小写字符串时使用 upper 或 lower:
SELECT upper(title), author FROM simple_books;
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE lower(title) LIKE '%love%';
SQL 还提供了用于子字符串提取或替换、查找子字符串位置、修剪字符串前后空格(或其他字符)等任务的函数,还有更多功能。请参见附录 B - 字符串运算符和函数 以获取更多信息。
SQL provides two very useful string operators. The operator || (two vertical bars) is used for string concatenation. There are many instances in which we want to append one string to another. For example, if we do not like the multi-column output from our simple_books table, we could use string concatenation to produce a more familiar representation of the data:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT title || ', by ' || author FROM simple_books;
(Note about implementations: in SQL Server, you will need to use + instead of ||; in MySQL, you will need to use the MySQL concat function, e.g. SELECT concat(title, ', by ', author) FROM simple_books;
The LIKE operator is a Boolean operator that is used almost exclusively in the WHERE clause. LIKE provides very simple pattern matching capabilities in SQL. A pattern is just a string that can contain regular text and special wildcard characters, which can match one or many unspecified characters. The two wildcards are %, which can match any string of zero or more characters, and _, which can match exactly one of any character. Normal text matches itself exactly. (If you are familiar with standard regular expression syntax, the % wildcard corresponds to “.*” as used in a regular expression, and the _ wildcard corresponds to “.”.)
Consider the case in which we recall the first name of an author, but not the full name, and wish to look up authors with that first name. The % wildcard can be used here to stand in for the unknown part of the name:
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE 'Isabel %';
Since the % can match any string, the pattern 'Isabel %'
would match “Isabel Allende”, “Isabel Granada”, or “Isabel del Puerto” for example (only one of these is in our simple_authors table, though).
Similarly, if we remember the last part of the name, but not the start, we can use the % wildcard again:
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE '% Ginsberg';
We can even use the wildcard more than once:
SELECT title FROM simple_books WHERE title LIKE '%Earth%';
Now, suppose we are interested in authors who use an initial instead of their full first name. An initial looks like some single character followed by a period - both are required. Here’s what the query would look like, using both the % and _ wildcards:
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE '_.%';
In addition to these operators, SQL provides a number of useful functions that act on character strings. The functions upper and lower convert strings to all uppercase or lowercase characters, respectively. Not all languages distinguish between uppercase and lowercase, of course, so these functions may not be applicable in certain locales. You can use upper or lower whenever you want to get back strings in all uppercase or lowercase:
SELECT upper(title), author FROM simple_books;
You can also use them when pattern matching if you aren’t sure of the capitalization of the strings in your database:
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE lower(title) LIKE '%love%';
SQL also provides functions for tasks such as substring extraction or replacement, finding the location of a substring, trimming whitespace (or other characters) from the front and/or back of a string, and many more. See Appendix B - 字符串运算符和函数 for these. 布尔运算符¶
Boolean operators
如 Chapter 1.2 中讨论的,**SELECT** 查询的 WHERE 子句在 WHERE 关键字后期望一个布尔表达式。SQL 中的一些布尔表达式包括使用比较运算符的表达式,或使用 LIKE 运算符的表达式。许多函数也会返回布尔值。
SQL 提供了操作布尔值的逻辑运算符。这些运算符是 AND、OR 和 NOT,它们执行其名称所暗示的逻辑操作。例如,如果我们有一个形式为 expr1 AND expr2
的表达式,当且仅当 expr1
和 expr2
都评估为 True
时,结果才为 True
。类似地,``expr1 OR expr2`` 在 expr1
和 expr2
中至少有一个为 True
时评估为 True
。最后,``NOT`` 会反转真值:NOT True
结果为 False
,而 NOT False
结果为 True
这些逻辑运算符允许我们从更简单的布尔表达式构建复杂的布尔表达式,以表达我们希望在 WHERE 子句中使用的特定逻辑条件。例如,我们可能对自 2000 年以来出版的奇幻书籍感兴趣:
download: sqlite3 file
FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000;
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'fantasy' OR genre = 'science fiction';
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE NOT genre = 'science fiction';
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE genre <> 'science fiction';
对于涉及 AND、OR 和 NOT 组合的更复杂表达式,我们可能需要使用括号来使我们的意思更清晰。在 SQL 中,**NOT** 在 AND 之前应用,**AND** 在 OR 之前应用。例如,或许我们对 2000 年后出版的除奇幻书籍以外的任何书籍感兴趣。我们可能会想写:
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE NOT genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000;
然而,这并不完全正确(试试吧!)。由于 NOT 首先应用,这个查询返回的书籍 a) 不是奇幻书籍且 b) 自 2000 年以来出版。表达式 NOT genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000
相当于 (NOT genre = 'fantasy') AND (publication_year > 2000)
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE NOT (genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000);
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000;
同样,我们可能对科幻或奇幻书籍感兴趣,但只有在它们是 2000 年后出版的情况下。比较以下两个查询:
FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'science fiction' OR genre = 'fantasy'
AND publication_year > 2000;
FROM simple_books
(genre = 'science fiction' OR genre = 'fantasy')
AND publication_year > 2000;
第一个查询返回 任何 科幻书籍,以及 2000 年后出版的奇幻书籍。第二个查询返回期望的结果: 2000 年后出版的奇幻或科幻类书籍。
要更全面地讨论布尔运算符,我们需要了解更多关于 NULL
值的信息,这将在下面讨论。有关 SQL 布尔运算符的完整文档,请参见附录 B - 布尔运算符。
As discussed in Chapter 1.2, the WHERE clause of a SELECT query expects a Boolean expression after the WHERE keyword. Some expressions that are Boolean in SQL include expressions using comparison operators, or an expression using the LIKE operator. Many functions also result in a Boolean value.
SQL provides logical operators that operate on Boolean values. These operators are AND, OR, and NOT, which perform the logical operations that their names imply. For example, if we have an expression of the form expr1 AND expr2
, the result is True
if and only if both expr1
and expr2
evaluate to True
. Similarly, expr1 OR expr2
evaluates to True
if at least one of expr1
and expr2
are True
. Finally, NOT
inverts the truth value: NOT True
results in False
, and NOT False
results in True
These logical operators allow us to build up complex Boolean expressions from simpler Boolean expressions to express the particular logical conditions we want for our WHERE clause. So, for example, we might be interested in fantasy books published since the year 2000:
download: sqlite3 file
FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000;
Or, we might be interested in books in either the fantasy or science fiction genres:
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'fantasy' OR genre = 'science fiction';
If we simply hate science fiction, we might write
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE NOT genre = 'science fiction';
which gives the same result as
SELECT * FROM simple_books WHERE genre <> 'science fiction';
For more complex expressions involving combinations of AND, OR, and NOT, we may need to use parentheses to make our meaning clear. In SQL, NOT is applied before AND, and AND is applied before OR. For example, perhaps we are interested in any books other than fantasy books published after the year 2000. We might be tempted to write
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE NOT genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000;
However, this isn’t quite right (try it!). Since the NOT is applied first, this query returns books that a) are not fantasy and b) were published since the year 2000. The expression NOT genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000
is equivalent to (NOT genre = 'fantasy') AND (publication_year > 2000)
. To get what we originally wanted, we need to use parentheses explicitly:
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE NOT (genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000);
You can see that the above query only excludes books in the list:
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'fantasy' AND publication_year > 2000;
Similarly, we might be interested in either science fiction or fantasy books, but only if they were published after 2000. Compare the two queries below:
FROM simple_books
WHERE genre = 'science fiction' OR genre = 'fantasy'
AND publication_year > 2000;
FROM simple_books
(genre = 'science fiction' OR genre = 'fantasy')
AND publication_year > 2000;
The first of these queries returns any science fiction books, along with fantasy books published after 2000. The second returns the desired result: books published after 2000 in either the fantasy or science fiction genres.
For a fuller discussion of Boolean operators, we need to know more about NULL
values, which will be discussed below. See Appendix B - 布尔运算符 for complete documentation on the SQL Boolean operators. 日期和时间运算符和函数¶
Date and time operators and functions
日期和时间数据在许多数据库应用中极为重要,例如支持政府或金融机构的应用。SQL 提供了广泛的功能来管理日期和时间。不幸的是,这是一个不同 SQL 实现之间在遵循 SQL 标准方面差异很大的领域。有关更全面的讨论,请参见附录 B - 日期和时间运算符和函数,并查阅您的数据库实现文档以了解其在日期和时间处理方面提供的功能。
download: sqlite3 file
我们将在 Chapter 1.6 中看到如何使用此函数在新创建的行中自动记录日期。
Date and time data are extremely important in many database applications, such as those supporting governmental or financial institutions. SQL provides extensive functionality for managing dates and times. Unfortunately, this is an area where different SQL implementations vary widely in their conformance to the SQL standard. See Appendix B - 日期和时间运算符和函数 for a fuller discussion, and consult your database implementation’s documentation to see what capabilities it offers with respect to date and time handling.
One useful SQL function that most databases implement is the CURRENT_DATE function (also try CURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP):
download: sqlite3 file
We will see in Chapter 1.6 how this function can be used to automatically record the date in a newly created row.
1.3.5. NULL¶
在许多数据库应用中,有时需要记录某个数据方面的 缺失信息。例如,在查询我们的 authors 表时,可以看到 death 列中的一些条目是空白的。这可能意味着该行的作者在数据输入时尚未去世,因此该列对该作者不适用;即没有死亡日期。此外,一些 birth 日期是空白的;在这种情况下,该列显然适用于作者——他们显然在某个时候出生!然而,输入数据的人并不知道这一信息,因此没有任何内容被输入。
这些 不适用 或 未知 的数据条目概念在 SQL 中通过一个特殊值来表示: NULL
。 [1] NULL
值表示信息的缺失。当我们查询 authors 表时,结果中的空白并不表示数据库中存在空字符串。相反,``NULL`` 值代表缺失的信息。不幸的是,``NULL`` 并没有告诉我们数据缺失的 原因——是因为不适用还是仅仅未知。如果这个区分对您的数据库很重要,您需要使用额外的列来指示 NULL
的含义,或者使用其他非 NULL
确实是信息的缺失,表达式中使用的 NULL
值通常在评估时会导致结果为 NULL
。例如,``2 + NULL`` 的结果是什么?我们根本无法知道——NULL
没有告诉我们任何信息,因此结果是未知的,即 NULL
这种行为的一个非常重要的结果是,``NULL`` 值无法与任何东西进行有用的比较,即使是其他 NULL
值!也就是说,像 x = NULL
这样的表达式永远不会为 True
,即使 x 本身包含 NULL
。这可能看起来不符合直觉,但如果您把表达式 NULL = NULL
理解为在问“这个未知的东西和另一个未知的东西是否相同?”,您就会明白答案应该是“未知”,即 NULL
。 [2]
要检查一个值是否为 NULL
,需要使用特殊运算符:IS NULL 和 IS NOT NULL。例如,如果我们想找出没有死亡日期的作者,我们可以执行以下查询:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT * FROM simple_authors WHERE death IS NULL;
您可以通过在上述查询中将 IS NULL 替换为 IS NOT NULL 来查找我们确实有死亡日期的作者。
SELECT * FROM simple_authors WHERE death = NULL;
在这种情况下,表达式 death = NULL
将在表中的每一行评估为 NULL
。WHERE 子句将过滤这些结果,因为它只接受评估为 True
的表达式,而 NULL
并不等同于 True
值有时可能会使我们迷失方向。考虑寻找所有在 2000 年或之后仍然健在的作者的问题。可能会很想写一个查询,例如:
SELECT * FROM simple_authors
WHERE birth <= '2000-12-31'
AND death >= '2000-01-01';
这是一个完全有效的查询——以这种标准格式表示的日期可以在我们的数据库中进行比较。然而,如果您运行这个查询,您会发现并不是所有在世的作者都包含在结果中。这再次发生,是因为那些行中的 death 列包含了 NULL
值:将这些与 '2000-01-01'
进行比较也会得到 NULL
,因此 WHERE 子句将它们过滤掉。
SELECT * FROM simple_authors
WHERE birth <= '2000-12-31' AND
(death >= '2000-01-01' OR death IS NULL);
这个查询是正确的,但您可能想知道为什么。我们说过在表达式中使用的 NULL
通常会导致结果为 NULL
,但这里我们有一个使用 AND 和 OR 运算符的复合布尔表达式。那么,为什么我们不会再次失去所有在世的作者呢?实际上,布尔运算符是一个例外。这是因为,当在布尔表达式中使用时,``NULL`` 意味着我们根本无法知道该值是 True
还是 False
;该值是未知的。然而,**OR** 表达式只要求一个操作数评估为 True
,就会返回 True
:在布尔逻辑中,``True OR True`` 为 True
,``True OR False`` 也是 True
。无论哪种方式,我们得到的都是 True
,因此不知道它可能是什么并不重要。因此,括号中的表达式在其中任何一个条件为真时都是 True
另一方面,``False OR NULL`` 会返回 NULL
。在这种情况下,``NULL`` 代表 True
还是 False
实际上很重要,因为两者会导致不同的结果。由于我们不知道结果,因此返回 NULL
因为布尔表达式可以结果为 True
,我们称 SQL 为 *三值逻辑*(而非真正的布尔逻辑)。附录 B - 布尔运算符 提供了这种三值逻辑的真值表,但正如上面所示,您通常可以通过简单地将 NULL
In many database applications, it is sometimes necessary to record the absence of information on some aspect of a piece of data. For example, in querying our authors table, we can see that some entries in the death column are blank. This probably means that the author for that row had not yet died at the time the data was entered, and thus the column was simply not applicable for that author; there is no death date. Additionally, some birth dates are blank; in this case, the column certainly applies to the author - they were clearly born at some point! However, that information was unknown to the person entering the data into the table, so nothing was entered.
These notions of data entries that are not applicable or unknown are captured with a special value in SQL: NULL
. [3] NULL
values represent the absence of information. When we query the authors table, the blanks in our result do not indicate that empty strings are in the database. Instead, NULL
values stand in for the missing information. Unfortunately, NULL
does not tell us the reason the data is missing - whether it is not applicable or simply unknown. If this distinction is important for your database, you will need to use extra columns to indicate the meaning of the NULL
, or use some value other than NULL
Because NULL
is truly an absence of information, NULL
values used in expressions usually result in NULL
when the expression is evaluated. For example, what is the result of 2 + NULL
? We simply cannot know - the NULL
is not telling us anything, so the result is unknown, or NULL
A very important consequence of this behavior is that NULL
values cannot be usefully compared with anything, even other NULL
values! That is, an expression like x = NULL
is never True
even if x itself contains NULL
. This might seem counterintuitive, but if you think of the expression NULL = NULL
as asking the question, “Is this unknown thing the same as this other unknown thing?”, you can see that the answer should be “unknown”, or NULL
. [4]
To find out if a value is NULL
or not NULL
requires special operators: IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. For example, if we want to discover authors for whom we have no death date, we would execute the query:
download: sqlite3 file
SELECT * FROM simple_authors WHERE death IS NULL;
You can discover authors for whom we do have death dates by replacing IS NULL with IS NOT NULL in the above query.
What happens if we instead write the following query?
SELECT * FROM simple_authors WHERE death = NULL;
In this case, the expression death = NULL
will evaluate to NULL
for every row in the table. The WHERE clause will filter these out, because it only accepts expressions that evaluate to True
, and NULL
is not the same as True
values can sometimes lead us astray. Consider the question of finding all authors who were alive in the year 2000 or later. It might be tempting to write a query such as
SELECT * FROM simple_authors
WHERE birth <= '2000-12-31'
AND death >= '2000-01-01';
This is a perfectly valid query - dates in this standard format can be compared in this fashion in our database. However, if you run the query, you will see that not all of our living authors are in the result. This happened, again, because the death column in those rows contained NULL
values: comparing these to '2000-01-01'
also yielded NULL
, and the WHERE clause therefore filtered them out.
In this case, we need to use more logic, and query the database thus:
SELECT * FROM simple_authors
WHERE birth <= '2000-12-31' AND
(death >= '2000-01-01' OR death IS NULL);
This works correctly, but you might be wondering why. We said that NULL
used in expressions usually results in NULL
, but here we have a compound Boolean expression using the operators AND and OR. So why are we not again losing all living authors? Well, it turns out that Boolean operators are an exception. This is because, when used in Boolean expressions, NULL
means that we simply cannot know if the value is True
or False
; the value is unknown. However, the OR expression only requires one operand to evaluate to True
in order to return True
: True OR True
is True
, and so is True OR False
in Boolean logic. Either way, we get True
, so not knowing which it might be doesn’t matter. Therefore the expression in the parentheses is True
if either one of the two conditions within it is true.
On the other hand, False OR NULL
will give us NULL
. In this case, whether the NULL
is standing in for True
or False
actually matters, because each gives a different outcome. Since we do not know the outcome, the result is NULL
Because Boolean expressions can result in True
, False
, or NULL
, we say that SQL has three-valued logic (not truly Boolean logic). Appendix B - 布尔运算符 provides truth tables for this three-valued logic, but as shown above, you can usually work out the answer by simply thinking of NULL
as meaning “unknown”. 排序和 NULL¶
Ordering and NULLs
鉴于您无法有意义地将 NULL
与其他值进行比较,当我们 ORDER BY 包含 NULL
值的列时会发生什么?不幸的是,这取决于您使用的数据库实现。您需要查阅数据库文档(或简单地进行实验)以查看其默认行为。标准确实提供了一种方式来指定 NULL
SELECT * FROM simple_authors ORDER BY death NULLS FIRST;
SELECT * FROM simple_authors ORDER BY death NULLS LAST;
(注意:NULLS FIRST 和 NULLS LAST 修饰符在 MySQL 或 SQL Server 中不受支持。)
Given that you cannot meaningfully compare NULL
with other values, what happens when we ORDER BY a column containing NULL
values? Unfortunately, it depends on which database implementation you are working with. You will need to consult your database documentation (or simply try an experiment) to see what its default behavior is. The standard does provide a way to specify whether NULL
values should sort to the top or bottom. Compare these two queries:
SELECT * FROM simple_authors ORDER BY death NULLS FIRST;
SELECT * FROM simple_authors ORDER BY death NULLS LAST;
(Note: the NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST modifiers are not supported in MySQL or SQL Server.)
1.3.6. 条件表达式¶
Conditional expressions
SQL 提供了用于简单条件逻辑的表达式。基本的条件表达式是 CASE 表达式,它有两种形式。在最一般的形式中,**CASE** 允许您根据条件列表指定表达式应该评估的结果。其效果类似于某些编程语言中的 if/else 或 switch/case 语句。
CASE 表达式的基本形式为
CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1
[WHEN condition2 THEN result2]
[ELSE result]
CASE 关键字首先出现,后面跟着一个或多个 WHEN 子句,给出条件及其为真时所需的结果。第一个为真的条件决定了返回的结果。如果没有条件评估为 True
,则使用 ELSE 结果(如果提供),或者如果没有 ELSE 子句则返回 NULL
。表达式以 END 关键字结束。
例如,我们可以将书籍分成不同的类别,也许用于图书馆中的不同区域,使用 CASE:
download: sqlite3 file
author, title,
CASE WHEN genre = 'fantasy' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN genre = 'science fiction' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN genre = 'poetry' THEN 'poetry'
WHEN genre = 'history' THEN 'non-fiction'
ELSE 'general fiction'
AS category
FROM simple_books;
在这里,我们包含了一些在当前数据集中不存在的类别的测试。一个图书馆应用程序可能有许多类别,每个类别包含多个类型。使用 CASE 表达式是输出书籍及其类别的一种方式,尽管这取决于对数据库中所有可能类型的了解。一种更数据驱动的方法是通过使用 join 查找另一个数据库表中的类别,这一技术我们将在 Chapter 1.4 中讨论。
另一种 CASE 形式将表达式与可能的值匹配。上述查询可以使用这种形式重写为:
author, title,
CASE genre
WHEN 'fantasy' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN 'science fiction' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN 'poetry' THEN 'poetry'
WHEN 'history' THEN 'non-fiction'
ELSE 'general fiction'
AS category
FROM simple_books;
此外,还有两个执行特定条件逻辑的函数。COALESCE 函数接受可变数量的参数。该函数的结果是参数列表中第一个非 NULL
的表达式,如果所有参数都是 NULL
,则返回 NULL
。这对于用更具描述性的值替换 NULL
SELECT name, COALESCE('died: ' || death, 'living')
FROM simple_authors;
最后,**NULLIF** 函数接受两个参数:如果参数相等,则该函数返回 NULL
,否则返回第一个参数。这可以用于用 NULL
SELECT title, author, NULLIF(genre, 'science fiction')
FROM simple_books;
SQL provides expressions for doing simple conditional logic. The basic conditional expression in SQL is the CASE expression, which comes in two forms. In the most general form, CASE lets you specify what the expression should evaluate to depending on a list of conditions. The effect is similar to using if/else or switch/case statements in some programming languages.
The basic form of the CASE expression is
CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1
[WHEN condition2 THEN result2]
[ELSE result]
The CASE keyword comes first, followed by one or more WHEN clauses giving a condition and the desired result if the condition is true. The first true condition determines the result that will be returned. If none of the conditions evaluate to True
, then the ELSE result is used, if provided, or NULL
if there is no ELSE clause. The expression is finished with the END keyword.
For example, we could put our books into different categories, maybe for different sections in a library, using CASE:
download: sqlite3 file
author, title,
CASE WHEN genre = 'fantasy' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN genre = 'science fiction' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN genre = 'poetry' THEN 'poetry'
WHEN genre = 'history' THEN 'non-fiction'
ELSE 'general fiction'
AS category
FROM simple_books;
Here we have included tests for some genres not present in our current dataset. A library application might have many categories, each encompassing multiple genres. Using a CASE expression would be one way to output books with their categories, although it depends on knowledge of all the possible genres in our database. A more data-driven way would be to look up categories in another database table using a join, a technique we will discuss in Chapter 1.4.
Another form of CASE matches an expression to possible values. The above query can be rewritten using this form:
author, title,
CASE genre
WHEN 'fantasy' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN 'science fiction' THEN 'speculative fiction'
WHEN 'poetry' THEN 'poetry'
WHEN 'history' THEN 'non-fiction'
ELSE 'general fiction'
AS category
FROM simple_books;
Additionally, there are two functions that perform specialized conditional logic. The COALESCE function takes a variable number of arguments. The result of the function is the first non-NULL
expression in the argument list, or NULL
if all arguments are NULL
. This can be useful for replacing NULL
values with more descriptive values:
SELECT name, COALESCE('died: ' || death, 'living')
FROM simple_authors;
Finally, the NULLIF function takes two arguments: if the arguments are equal, the function results in NULL
, otherwise it results in the first argument. This can be used to replace specific values with NULL
. For example,
SELECT title, author, NULLIF(genre, 'science fiction')
FROM simple_books;
1.3.7. 自检练习¶
Self-check exercises
编写查询以查找从 1980 年到 2000 年出版的所有书籍,并按出版年份排序。
通常在 SQL 中实现同一目标有多种方法。以下是两种解决方案:
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE publication_year >= 1980 AND publication_year <= 2000
ORDER BY publication_year;
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE publication_year BETWEEN 1980 AND 2000
ORDER BY publication_year;
编写查询以查找名字以字母 “J” 开头的作者。
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE 'J%';
编写查询以查找在 1950 年到 1999 年之间写的书籍,排除诗歌。
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE publication_year >= 1950 AND publication_year <= 1999
AND genre <> 'poetry';
编写查询以查找在 1950 年之前或 1999 年之后写的书籍,排除科学小说。
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE (publication_year < 1950 OR publication_year > 1999)
AND genre <> 'science fiction';
编写查询以查找标题以字母 “T” 或 “I” 开头的书籍,属于小说、幻想或诗歌类型。
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE (title LIKE 'T%' OR title LIKE 'I%')
AND (genre = 'fiction' OR genre = 'fantasy' OR genre = 'poetry');
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE birth IS NULL;
编写查询以查找 1915 年后出生的已故作者。
SELECT name FROM simple_authors
AND birth > '1915-12-31';
编写查询以获取书名和作者,以及它们所写的世纪,写成“Twentieth Century”这种形式(您只需考虑 20 世纪和 21 世纪)。
SELECT title, author,
CASE WHEN publication_year > 1900 AND publication_year <= 2000
THEN 'Twentieth Century'
WHEN publication_year > 2000 AND publication_year <= 2100
THEN 'Twenty-first Century'
AS century
FROM simple_books;
This section contains some exercises using the same books and authors database used in the text above. If you get stuck, click on the “Show answer” button below the exercise to see a correct answer.
Write a query to find all books published from the year 1980 through the year 2000, in order by publication year.
Show answer
There are usually many ways to achieve the same goal in SQL. Here are two solutions:
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE publication_year >= 1980 AND publication_year <= 2000
ORDER BY publication_year;
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE publication_year BETWEEN 1980 AND 2000
ORDER BY publication_year;
Write a query to find the authors whose name starts with the letter “J”.
Show answer
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE name LIKE 'J%';
Write a query to find books written between 1950 and 1999, excluding poetry.
Show answer
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE publication_year >= 1950 AND publication_year <= 1999
AND genre <> 'poetry';
Write a query to find books written before 1950 or after 1999, excluding science fiction.
Show answer
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE (publication_year < 1950 OR publication_year > 1999)
AND genre <> 'science fiction';
Write a query to find books with a title beginning with the letters “T” or “I”, in the fiction, fantasy, or poetry genres.
Show answer
SELECT * FROM simple_books
WHERE (title LIKE 'T%' OR title LIKE 'I%')
AND (genre = 'fiction' OR genre = 'fantasy' OR genre = 'poetry');
Write a query to find authors for whom we have no birth date.
Show answer
SELECT name FROM simple_authors WHERE birth IS NULL;
Write a query to find deceased authors born after 1915.
Show answer
SELECT name FROM simple_authors
AND birth > '1915-12-31';
Write a query giving book titles and authors together with the century in which they were written, spelled out like ‘Twentieth Century’ (you only need to worry about the 20th - 21st centuries).
Show answer
SELECT title, author,
CASE WHEN publication_year > 1900 AND publication_year <= 2000
THEN 'Twentieth Century'
WHEN publication_year > 2000 AND publication_year <= 2100
THEN 'Twenty-first Century'
AS century
FROM simple_books;