redis.connection 源代码

import copy
import os
import socket
import ssl
import sys
import threading
import weakref
from abc import abstractmethod
from itertools import chain
from queue import Empty, Full, LifoQueue
from time import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote, urlparse

from redis.cache import (

from ._parsers import Encoder, _HiredisParser, _RESP2Parser, _RESP3Parser
from .backoff import NoBackoff
from .credentials import CredentialProvider, UsernamePasswordCredentialProvider
from .exceptions import (
from .retry import Retry
from .utils import (

    import hiredis

SYM_STAR = b"*"
SYM_CRLF = b"\r\n"


SENTINEL = object()

DefaultParser: Type[Union[_RESP2Parser, _RESP3Parser, _HiredisParser]]
    DefaultParser = _HiredisParser
    DefaultParser = _RESP2Parser

class HiredisRespSerializer:
    def pack(self, *args: List):
        """Pack a series of arguments into the Redis protocol"""
        output = []

        if isinstance(args[0], str):
            args = tuple(args[0].encode().split()) + args[1:]
        elif b" " in args[0]:
            args = tuple(args[0].split()) + args[1:]
        except TypeError:
            _, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise DataError(value).with_traceback(traceback)

        return output

class PythonRespSerializer:
    def __init__(self, buffer_cutoff, encode) -> None:
        self._buffer_cutoff = buffer_cutoff
        self.encode = encode

    def pack(self, *args):
        """Pack a series of arguments into the Redis protocol"""
        output = []
        # the client might have included 1 or more literal arguments in
        # the command name, e.g., 'CONFIG GET'. The Redis server expects these
        # arguments to be sent separately, so split the first argument
        # manually. These arguments should be bytestrings so that they are
        # not encoded.
        if isinstance(args[0], str):
            args = tuple(args[0].encode().split()) + args[1:]
        elif b" " in args[0]:
            args = tuple(args[0].split()) + args[1:]

        buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((SYM_STAR, str(len(args)).encode(), SYM_CRLF))

        buffer_cutoff = self._buffer_cutoff
        for arg in map(self.encode, args):
            # to avoid large string mallocs, chunk the command into the
            # output list if we're sending large values or memoryviews
            arg_length = len(arg)
            if (
                len(buff) > buffer_cutoff
                or arg_length > buffer_cutoff
                or isinstance(arg, memoryview)
                buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
                    (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, str(arg_length).encode(), SYM_CRLF)
                buff = SYM_CRLF
                buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
        return output

class ConnectionInterface:
    def repr_pieces(self):

    def register_connect_callback(self, callback):

    def deregister_connect_callback(self, callback):

    def set_parser(self, parser_class):

    def connect(self):

    def on_connect(self):

    def disconnect(self, *args):

    def check_health(self):

    def send_packed_command(self, command, check_health=True):

    def send_command(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def can_read(self, timeout=0):

    def read_response(

    def pack_command(self, *args):

    def pack_commands(self, commands):

    def handshake_metadata(self) -> Union[Dict[bytes, bytes], Dict[str, str]]:

class AbstractConnection(ConnectionInterface):
    "Manages communication to and from a Redis server"

    def __init__(
        db: int = 0,
        password: Optional[str] = None,
        socket_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
        socket_connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
        retry_on_timeout: bool = False,
        encoding: str = "utf-8",
        encoding_errors: str = "strict",
        decode_responses: bool = False,
        socket_read_size: int = 65536,
        health_check_interval: int = 0,
        client_name: Optional[str] = None,
        lib_name: Optional[str] = "redis-py",
        lib_version: Optional[str] = get_lib_version(),
        username: Optional[str] = None,
        retry: Union[Any, None] = None,
        redis_connect_func: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None,
        credential_provider: Optional[CredentialProvider] = None,
        protocol: Optional[int] = 2,
        command_packer: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None,
        Initialize a new Connection.
        To specify a retry policy for specific errors, first set
        `retry_on_error` to a list of the error/s to retry on, then set
        `retry` to a valid `Retry` object.
        To retry on TimeoutError, `retry_on_timeout` can also be set to `True`.
        if (username or password) and credential_provider is not None:
            raise DataError(
                "'username' and 'password' cannot be passed along with 'credential_"
                "provider'. Please provide only one of the following arguments: \n"
                "1. 'password' and (optional) 'username'\n"
                "2. 'credential_provider'"
            ) = os.getpid()
        self.db = db
        self.client_name = client_name
        self.lib_name = lib_name
        self.lib_version = lib_version
        self.credential_provider = credential_provider
        self.password = password
        self.username = username
        self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout
        if socket_connect_timeout is None:
            socket_connect_timeout = socket_timeout
        self.socket_connect_timeout = socket_connect_timeout
        self.retry_on_timeout = retry_on_timeout
        if retry_on_error is SENTINEL:
            retry_on_error = []
        if retry_on_timeout:
            # Add TimeoutError to the errors list to retry on
        self.retry_on_error = retry_on_error
        if retry or retry_on_error:
            if retry is None:
                self.retry = Retry(NoBackoff(), 1)
                # deep-copy the Retry object as it is mutable
                self.retry = copy.deepcopy(retry)
            # Update the retry's supported errors with the specified errors
            self.retry = Retry(NoBackoff(), 0)
        self.health_check_interval = health_check_interval
        self.next_health_check = 0
        self.redis_connect_func = redis_connect_func
        self.encoder = Encoder(encoding, encoding_errors, decode_responses)
        self.handshake_metadata = None
        self._sock = None
        self._socket_read_size = socket_read_size
        self._connect_callbacks = []
        self._buffer_cutoff = 6000
            p = int(protocol)
        except TypeError:
            p = DEFAULT_RESP_VERSION
        except ValueError:
            raise ConnectionError("protocol must be an integer")
            if p < 2 or p > 3:
                raise ConnectionError("protocol must be either 2 or 3")
                # p = DEFAULT_RESP_VERSION
            self.protocol = p
        self._command_packer = self._construct_command_packer(command_packer)

    def __repr__(self):
        repr_args = ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.repr_pieces()])
        return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({repr_args})>"

    def repr_pieces(self):

    def __del__(self):
        except Exception:

    def _construct_command_packer(self, packer):
        if packer is not None:
            return packer
            return HiredisRespSerializer()
            return PythonRespSerializer(self._buffer_cutoff, self.encoder.encode)

    def register_connect_callback(self, callback):
        Register a callback to be called when the connection is established either
        initially or reconnected.  This allows listeners to issue commands that
        are ephemeral to the connection, for example pub/sub subscription or
        key tracking.  The callback must be a _method_ and will be kept as
        a weak reference.
        wm = weakref.WeakMethod(callback)
        if wm not in self._connect_callbacks:

    def deregister_connect_callback(self, callback):
        De-register a previously registered callback.  It will no-longer receive
        notifications on connection events.  Calling this is not required when the
        listener goes away, since the callbacks are kept as weak methods.
        except ValueError:

    def set_parser(self, parser_class):
        Creates a new instance of parser_class with socket size:
        _socket_read_size and assigns it to the parser for the connection
        :param parser_class: The required parser class
        self._parser = parser_class(socket_read_size=self._socket_read_size)

    def connect(self):
        "Connects to the Redis server if not already connected"
        if self._sock:
            sock = self.retry.call_with_retry(
                lambda: self._connect(), lambda error: self.disconnect(error)
        except socket.timeout:
            raise TimeoutError("Timeout connecting to server")
        except OSError as e:
            raise ConnectionError(self._error_message(e))

        self._sock = sock
            if self.redis_connect_func is None:
                # Use the default on_connect function
                # Use the passed function redis_connect_func
        except RedisError:
            # clean up after any error in on_connect

        # run any user callbacks. right now the only internal callback
        # is for pubsub channel/pattern resubscription
        # first, remove any dead weakrefs
        self._connect_callbacks = [ref for ref in self._connect_callbacks if ref()]
        for ref in self._connect_callbacks:
            callback = ref()
            if callback:

    def _connect(self):

    def _host_error(self):

    def _error_message(self, exception):
        return format_error_message(self._host_error(), exception)

    def on_connect(self):
        "Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database"
        parser = self._parser

        auth_args = None
        # if credential provider or username and/or password are set, authenticate
        if self.credential_provider or (self.username or self.password):
            cred_provider = (
                or UsernamePasswordCredentialProvider(self.username, self.password)
            auth_args = cred_provider.get_credentials()

        # if resp version is specified and we have auth args,
        # we need to send them via HELLO
        if auth_args and self.protocol not in [2, "2"]:
            if isinstance(self._parser, _RESP2Parser):
                # update cluster exception classes
                self._parser.EXCEPTION_CLASSES = parser.EXCEPTION_CLASSES
            if len(auth_args) == 1:
                auth_args = ["default", auth_args[0]]
            self.send_command("HELLO", self.protocol, "AUTH", *auth_args)
            self.handshake_metadata = self.read_response()
            # if response.get(b"proto") != self.protocol and response.get(
            #     "proto"
            # ) != self.protocol:
            #     raise ConnectionError("Invalid RESP version")
        elif auth_args:
            # avoid checking health here -- PING will fail if we try
            # to check the health prior to the AUTH
            self.send_command("AUTH", *auth_args, check_health=False)

                auth_response = self.read_response()
            except AuthenticationWrongNumberOfArgsError:
                # a username and password were specified but the Redis
                # server seems to be < 6.0.0 which expects a single password
                # arg. retry auth with just the password.
                self.send_command("AUTH", auth_args[-1], check_health=False)
                auth_response = self.read_response()

            if str_if_bytes(auth_response) != "OK":
                raise AuthenticationError("Invalid Username or Password")

        # if resp version is specified, switch to it
        elif self.protocol not in [2, "2"]:
            if isinstance(self._parser, _RESP2Parser):
                # update cluster exception classes
                self._parser.EXCEPTION_CLASSES = parser.EXCEPTION_CLASSES
            self.send_command("HELLO", self.protocol)
            self.handshake_metadata = self.read_response()
            if (
                self.handshake_metadata.get(b"proto") != self.protocol
                and self.handshake_metadata.get("proto") != self.protocol
                raise ConnectionError("Invalid RESP version")

        # if a client_name is given, set it
        if self.client_name:
            self.send_command("CLIENT", "SETNAME", self.client_name)
            if str_if_bytes(self.read_response()) != "OK":
                raise ConnectionError("Error setting client name")

            # set the library name and version
            if self.lib_name:
                self.send_command("CLIENT", "SETINFO", "LIB-NAME", self.lib_name)
        except ResponseError:

            if self.lib_version:
                self.send_command("CLIENT", "SETINFO", "LIB-VER", self.lib_version)
        except ResponseError:

        # if a database is specified, switch to it
        if self.db:
            self.send_command("SELECT", self.db)
            if str_if_bytes(self.read_response()) != "OK":
                raise ConnectionError("Invalid Database")

    def disconnect(self, *args):
        "Disconnects from the Redis server"

        conn_sock = self._sock
        self._sock = None
        if conn_sock is None:

        if os.getpid() ==
            except (OSError, TypeError):

        except OSError:

    def _send_ping(self):
        """Send PING, expect PONG in return"""
        self.send_command("PING", check_health=False)
        if str_if_bytes(self.read_response()) != "PONG":
            raise ConnectionError("Bad response from PING health check")

    def _ping_failed(self, error):
        """Function to call when PING fails"""

    def check_health(self):
        """Check the health of the connection with a PING/PONG"""
        if self.health_check_interval and time() > self.next_health_check:
            self.retry.call_with_retry(self._send_ping, self._ping_failed)

    def send_packed_command(self, command, check_health=True):
        """Send an already packed command to the Redis server"""
        if not self._sock:
        # guard against health check recursion
        if check_health:
            if isinstance(command, str):
                command = [command]
            for item in command:
        except socket.timeout:
            raise TimeoutError("Timeout writing to socket")
        except OSError as e:
            if len(e.args) == 1:
                errno, errmsg = "UNKNOWN", e.args[0]
                errno = e.args[0]
                errmsg = e.args[1]
            raise ConnectionError(f"Error {errno} while writing to socket. {errmsg}.")
        except BaseException:
            # BaseExceptions can be raised when a socket send operation is not
            # finished, e.g. due to a timeout.  Ideally, a caller could then re-try
            # to send un-sent data. However, the send_packed_command() API
            # does not support it so there is no point in keeping the connection open.

    def send_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Pack and send a command to the Redis server"""
            check_health=kwargs.get("check_health", True),

    def can_read(self, timeout=0):
        """Poll the socket to see if there's data that can be read."""
        sock = self._sock
        if not sock:

        host_error = self._host_error()

            return self._parser.can_read(timeout)
        except OSError as e:
            raise ConnectionError(f"Error while reading from {host_error}: {e.args}")

    def read_response(
        """Read the response from a previously sent command"""

        host_error = self._host_error()

            if self.protocol in ["3", 3] and not HIREDIS_AVAILABLE:
                response = self._parser.read_response(
                    disable_decoding=disable_decoding, push_request=push_request
                response = self._parser.read_response(disable_decoding=disable_decoding)
        except socket.timeout:
            if disconnect_on_error:
            raise TimeoutError(f"Timeout reading from {host_error}")
        except OSError as e:
            if disconnect_on_error:
            raise ConnectionError(
                f"Error while reading from {host_error}" f" : {e.args}"
        except BaseException:
            # Also by default close in case of BaseException.  A lot of code
            # relies on this behaviour when doing Command/Response pairs.
            # See #1128.
            if disconnect_on_error:

        if self.health_check_interval:
            self.next_health_check = time() + self.health_check_interval

        if isinstance(response, ResponseError):
                raise response
                del response  # avoid creating ref cycles
        return response

    def pack_command(self, *args):
        """Pack a series of arguments into the Redis protocol"""
        return self._command_packer.pack(*args)

    def pack_commands(self, commands):
        """Pack multiple commands into the Redis protocol"""
        output = []
        pieces = []
        buffer_length = 0
        buffer_cutoff = self._buffer_cutoff

        for cmd in commands:
            for chunk in self._command_packer.pack(*cmd):
                chunklen = len(chunk)
                if (
                    buffer_length > buffer_cutoff
                    or chunklen > buffer_cutoff
                    or isinstance(chunk, memoryview)
                    if pieces:
                    buffer_length = 0
                    pieces = []

                if chunklen > buffer_cutoff or isinstance(chunk, memoryview):
                    buffer_length += chunklen

        if pieces:
        return output

    def get_protocol(self) -> int or str:
        return self.protocol

    def handshake_metadata(self) -> Union[Dict[bytes, bytes], Dict[str, str]]:
        return self._handshake_metadata

    def handshake_metadata(self, value: Union[Dict[bytes, bytes], Dict[str, str]]):
        self._handshake_metadata = value

[文档] class Connection(AbstractConnection): "Manages TCP communication to and from a Redis server" def __init__( self, host="localhost", port=6379, socket_keepalive=False, socket_keepalive_options=None, socket_type=0, **kwargs, ): = host self.port = int(port) self.socket_keepalive = socket_keepalive self.socket_keepalive_options = socket_keepalive_options or {} self.socket_type = socket_type super().__init__(**kwargs) def repr_pieces(self): pieces = [("host",, ("port", self.port), ("db", self.db)] if self.client_name: pieces.append(("client_name", self.client_name)) return pieces def _connect(self): "Create a TCP socket connection" # we want to mimic what socket.create_connection does to support # ipv4/ipv6, but we want to set options prior to calling # socket.connect() err = None for res in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, self.socket_type, socket.SOCK_STREAM ): family, socktype, proto, canonname, socket_address = res sock = None try: sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto) # TCP_NODELAY sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) # TCP_KEEPALIVE if self.socket_keepalive: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) for k, v in self.socket_keepalive_options.items(): sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, k, v) # set the socket_connect_timeout before we connect sock.settimeout(self.socket_connect_timeout) # connect sock.connect(socket_address) # set the socket_timeout now that we're connected sock.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) return sock except OSError as _: err = _ if sock is not None: sock.close() if err is not None: raise err raise OSError("socket.getaddrinfo returned an empty list") def _host_error(self): return f"{}:{self.port}"
class CacheProxyConnection(ConnectionInterface): DUMMY_CACHE_VALUE = b"foo" MIN_ALLOWED_VERSION = "7.4.0" DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME = "redis" def __init__( self, conn: ConnectionInterface, cache: CacheInterface, pool_lock: threading.Lock, ): = os.getpid() self._conn = conn self.retry = self._conn.retry = self.port = self._conn.port self._pool_lock = pool_lock self._cache = cache self._cache_lock = threading.Lock() self._current_command_cache_key = None self._current_options = None self.register_connect_callback(self._enable_tracking_callback) def repr_pieces(self): return self._conn.repr_pieces() def register_connect_callback(self, callback): self._conn.register_connect_callback(callback) def deregister_connect_callback(self, callback): self._conn.deregister_connect_callback(callback) def set_parser(self, parser_class): self._conn.set_parser(parser_class) def connect(self): self._conn.connect() server_name = self._conn.handshake_metadata.get(b"server", None) if server_name is None: server_name = self._conn.handshake_metadata.get("server", None) server_ver = self._conn.handshake_metadata.get(b"version", None) if server_ver is None: server_ver = self._conn.handshake_metadata.get("version", None) if server_ver is None or server_ver is None: raise ConnectionError("Cannot retrieve information about server version") server_ver = ensure_string(server_ver) server_name = ensure_string(server_name) if ( server_name != self.DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME or compare_versions(server_ver, self.MIN_ALLOWED_VERSION) == 1 ): raise ConnectionError( "To maximize compatibility with all Redis products, client-side caching is supported by Redis 7.4 or later" # noqa: E501 ) def on_connect(self): self._conn.on_connect() def disconnect(self, *args): with self._cache_lock: self._cache.flush() self._conn.disconnect(*args) def check_health(self): self._conn.check_health() def send_packed_command(self, command, check_health=True): # TODO: Investigate if it's possible to unpack command # or extract keys from packed command self._conn.send_packed_command(command) def send_command(self, *args, **kwargs): self._process_pending_invalidations() with self._cache_lock: # Command is write command or not allowed # to be cached. if not self._cache.is_cachable(CacheKey(command=args[0], redis_keys=())): self._current_command_cache_key = None self._conn.send_command(*args, **kwargs) return if kwargs.get("keys") is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create cache key.") # Creates cache key. self._current_command_cache_key = CacheKey( command=args[0], redis_keys=tuple(kwargs.get("keys")) ) with self._cache_lock: # We have to trigger invalidation processing in case if # it was cached by another connection to avoid # queueing invalidations in stale connections. if self._cache.get(self._current_command_cache_key): entry = self._cache.get(self._current_command_cache_key) if entry.connection_ref != self._conn: with self._pool_lock: while entry.connection_ref.can_read(): entry.connection_ref.read_response(push_request=True) return # Set temporary entry value to prevent # race condition from another connection. self._cache.set( CacheEntry( cache_key=self._current_command_cache_key, cache_value=self.DUMMY_CACHE_VALUE, status=CacheEntryStatus.IN_PROGRESS, connection_ref=self._conn, ) ) # Send command over socket only if it's allowed # read-only command that not yet cached. self._conn.send_command(*args, **kwargs) def can_read(self, timeout=0): return self._conn.can_read(timeout) def read_response( self, disable_decoding=False, *, disconnect_on_error=True, push_request=False ): with self._cache_lock: # Check if command response exists in a cache and it's not in progress. if ( self._current_command_cache_key is not None and self._cache.get(self._current_command_cache_key) is not None and self._cache.get(self._current_command_cache_key).status != CacheEntryStatus.IN_PROGRESS ): return copy.deepcopy( self._cache.get(self._current_command_cache_key).cache_value ) response = self._conn.read_response( disable_decoding=disable_decoding, disconnect_on_error=disconnect_on_error, push_request=push_request, ) with self._cache_lock: # Prevent not-allowed command from caching. if self._current_command_cache_key is None: return response # If response is None prevent from caching. if response is None: self._cache.delete_by_cache_keys([self._current_command_cache_key]) return response cache_entry = self._cache.get(self._current_command_cache_key) # Cache only responses that still valid # and wasn't invalidated by another connection in meantime. if cache_entry is not None: cache_entry.status = CacheEntryStatus.VALID cache_entry.cache_value = response self._cache.set(cache_entry) return response def pack_command(self, *args): return self._conn.pack_command(*args) def pack_commands(self, commands): return self._conn.pack_commands(commands) @property def handshake_metadata(self) -> Union[Dict[bytes, bytes], Dict[str, str]]: return self._conn.handshake_metadata def _connect(self): self._conn._connect() def _host_error(self): self._conn._host_error() def _enable_tracking_callback(self, conn: ConnectionInterface) -> None: conn.send_command("CLIENT", "TRACKING", "ON") conn.read_response() conn._parser.set_invalidation_push_handler(self._on_invalidation_callback) def _process_pending_invalidations(self): while self.can_read(): self._conn.read_response(push_request=True) def _on_invalidation_callback(self, data: List[Union[str, Optional[List[bytes]]]]): with self._cache_lock: # Flush cache when DB flushed on server-side if data[1] is None: self._cache.flush() else: self._cache.delete_by_redis_keys(data[1]) class SSLConnection(Connection): """Manages SSL connections to and from the Redis server(s). This class extends the Connection class, adding SSL functionality, and making use of ssl.SSLContext ( """ # noqa def __init__( self, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None, ssl_cert_reqs="required", ssl_ca_certs=None, ssl_ca_data=None, ssl_check_hostname=False, ssl_ca_path=None, ssl_password=None, ssl_validate_ocsp=False, ssl_validate_ocsp_stapled=False, ssl_ocsp_context=None, ssl_ocsp_expected_cert=None, ssl_min_version=None, ssl_ciphers=None, **kwargs, ): """Constructor Args: ssl_keyfile: Path to an ssl private key. Defaults to None. ssl_certfile: Path to an ssl certificate. Defaults to None. ssl_cert_reqs: The string value for the SSLContext.verify_mode (none, optional, required). Defaults to "required". ssl_ca_certs: The path to a file of concatenated CA certificates in PEM format. Defaults to None. ssl_ca_data: Either an ASCII string of one or more PEM-encoded certificates or a bytes-like object of DER-encoded certificates. ssl_check_hostname: If set, match the hostname during the SSL handshake. Defaults to False. ssl_ca_path: The path to a directory containing several CA certificates in PEM format. Defaults to None. ssl_password: Password for unlocking an encrypted private key. Defaults to None. ssl_validate_ocsp: If set, perform a full ocsp validation (i.e not a stapled verification) ssl_validate_ocsp_stapled: If set, perform a validation on a stapled ocsp response ssl_ocsp_context: A fully initialized OpenSSL.SSL.Context object to be used in verifying the ssl_ocsp_expected_cert ssl_ocsp_expected_cert: A PEM armoured string containing the expected certificate to be returned from the ocsp verification service. ssl_min_version: The lowest supported SSL version. It affects the supported SSL versions of the SSLContext. None leaves the default provided by ssl module. ssl_ciphers: A string listing the ciphers that are allowed to be used. Defaults to None, which means that the default ciphers are used. See for more information. Raises: RedisError """ # noqa if not SSL_AVAILABLE: raise RedisError("Python wasn't built with SSL support") self.keyfile = ssl_keyfile self.certfile = ssl_certfile if ssl_cert_reqs is None: ssl_cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE elif isinstance(ssl_cert_reqs, str): CERT_REQS = { "none": ssl.CERT_NONE, "optional": ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, "required": ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, } if ssl_cert_reqs not in CERT_REQS: raise RedisError( f"Invalid SSL Certificate Requirements Flag: {ssl_cert_reqs}" ) ssl_cert_reqs = CERT_REQS[ssl_cert_reqs] self.cert_reqs = ssl_cert_reqs self.ca_certs = ssl_ca_certs self.ca_data = ssl_ca_data self.ca_path = ssl_ca_path self.check_hostname = ssl_check_hostname self.certificate_password = ssl_password self.ssl_validate_ocsp = ssl_validate_ocsp self.ssl_validate_ocsp_stapled = ssl_validate_ocsp_stapled self.ssl_ocsp_context = ssl_ocsp_context self.ssl_ocsp_expected_cert = ssl_ocsp_expected_cert self.ssl_min_version = ssl_min_version self.ssl_ciphers = ssl_ciphers super().__init__(**kwargs) def _connect(self): """ Wrap the socket with SSL support, handling potential errors. """ sock = super()._connect() try: return self._wrap_socket_with_ssl(sock) except (OSError, RedisError): sock.close() raise def _wrap_socket_with_ssl(self, sock): """ Wraps the socket with SSL support. Args: sock: The plain socket to wrap with SSL. Returns: An SSL wrapped socket. """ context = ssl.create_default_context() context.check_hostname = self.check_hostname context.verify_mode = self.cert_reqs if self.certfile or self.keyfile: context.load_cert_chain( certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile, password=self.certificate_password, ) if ( self.ca_certs is not None or self.ca_path is not None or self.ca_data is not None ): context.load_verify_locations( cafile=self.ca_certs, capath=self.ca_path, cadata=self.ca_data ) if self.ssl_min_version is not None: context.minimum_version = self.ssl_min_version if self.ssl_ciphers: context.set_ciphers(self.ssl_ciphers) if self.ssl_validate_ocsp is True and CRYPTOGRAPHY_AVAILABLE is False: raise RedisError("cryptography is not installed.") if self.ssl_validate_ocsp_stapled and self.ssl_validate_ocsp: raise RedisError( "Either an OCSP staple or pure OCSP connection must be validated " "- not both." ) sslsock = context.wrap_socket(sock, # validation for the stapled case if self.ssl_validate_ocsp_stapled: import OpenSSL from .ocsp import ocsp_staple_verifier # if a context is provided use it - otherwise, a basic context if self.ssl_ocsp_context is None: staple_ctx = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) staple_ctx.use_certificate_file(self.certfile) staple_ctx.use_privatekey_file(self.keyfile) else: staple_ctx = self.ssl_ocsp_context staple_ctx.set_ocsp_client_callback( ocsp_staple_verifier, self.ssl_ocsp_expected_cert ) # need another socket con = OpenSSL.SSL.Connection(staple_ctx, socket.socket()) con.request_ocsp() con.connect((, self.port)) con.do_handshake() con.shutdown() return sslsock # pure ocsp validation if self.ssl_validate_ocsp is True and CRYPTOGRAPHY_AVAILABLE: from .ocsp import OCSPVerifier o = OCSPVerifier(sslsock,, self.port, self.ca_certs) if o.is_valid(): return sslsock else: raise ConnectionError("ocsp validation error") return sslsock class UnixDomainSocketConnection(AbstractConnection): "Manages UDS communication to and from a Redis server" def __init__(self, path="", socket_timeout=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.path = path self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout def repr_pieces(self): pieces = [("path", self.path), ("db", self.db)] if self.client_name: pieces.append(("client_name", self.client_name)) return pieces def _connect(self): "Create a Unix domain socket connection" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(self.socket_connect_timeout) try: sock.connect(self.path) except OSError: # Prevent ResourceWarnings for unclosed sockets. sock.close() raise sock.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) return sock def _host_error(self): return self.path FALSE_STRINGS = ("0", "F", "FALSE", "N", "NO") def to_bool(value): if value is None or value == "": return None if isinstance(value, str) and value.upper() in FALSE_STRINGS: return False return bool(value) URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS = { "db": int, "socket_timeout": float, "socket_connect_timeout": float, "socket_keepalive": to_bool, "retry_on_timeout": to_bool, "retry_on_error": list, "max_connections": int, "health_check_interval": int, "ssl_check_hostname": to_bool, "timeout": float, } def parse_url(url): if not ( url.startswith("redis://") or url.startswith("rediss://") or url.startswith("unix://") ): raise ValueError( "Redis URL must specify one of the following " "schemes (redis://, rediss://, unix://)" ) url = urlparse(url) kwargs = {} for name, value in parse_qs(url.query).items(): if value and len(value) > 0: value = unquote(value[0]) parser = URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS.get(name) if parser: try: kwargs[name] = parser(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for '{name}' in connection URL.") else: kwargs[name] = value if url.username: kwargs["username"] = unquote(url.username) if url.password: kwargs["password"] = unquote(url.password) # We only support redis://, rediss:// and unix:// schemes. if url.scheme == "unix": if url.path: kwargs["path"] = unquote(url.path) kwargs["connection_class"] = UnixDomainSocketConnection else: # implied: url.scheme in ("redis", "rediss"): if url.hostname: kwargs["host"] = unquote(url.hostname) if url.port: kwargs["port"] = int(url.port) # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a # querystring value wasn't specified if url.path and "db" not in kwargs: try: kwargs["db"] = int(unquote(url.path).replace("/", "")) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass if url.scheme == "rediss": kwargs["connection_class"] = SSLConnection return kwargs
[文档] class ConnectionPool: """ Create a connection pool. ``If max_connections`` is set, then this object raises :py:class:`~redis.exceptions.ConnectionError` when the pool's limit is reached. By default, TCP connections are created unless ``connection_class`` is specified. Use class:`.UnixDomainSocketConnection` for unix sockets. Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of ``connection_class``. """
[文档] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs): """ Return a connection pool configured from the given URL. For example:: redis://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0 rediss://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0 unix://[username@]/path/to/socket.sock?db=0[&password=password] Three URL schemes are supported: - `redis://` creates a TCP socket connection. See more at: <> - `rediss://` creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection. See more at: <> - ``unix://``: creates a Unix Domain Socket connection. The username, password, hostname, path and all querystring values are passed through urllib.parse.unquote in order to replace any percent-encoded values with their corresponding characters. There are several ways to specify a database number. The first value found will be used: 1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0 2. If using the redis:// or rediss:// schemes, the path argument of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0 3. A ``db`` keyword argument to this function. If none of these options are specified, the default db=0 is used. All querystring options are cast to their appropriate Python types. Boolean arguments can be specified with string values "True"/"False" or "Yes"/"No". Values that cannot be properly cast cause a ``ValueError`` to be raised. Once parsed, the querystring arguments and keyword arguments are passed to the ``ConnectionPool``'s class initializer. In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win. """ url_options = parse_url(url) if "connection_class" in kwargs: url_options["connection_class"] = kwargs["connection_class"] kwargs.update(url_options) return cls(**kwargs)
def __init__( self, connection_class=Connection, max_connections: Optional[int] = None, cache_factory: Optional[CacheFactoryInterface] = None, **connection_kwargs, ): max_connections = max_connections or 2**31 if not isinstance(max_connections, int) or max_connections < 0: raise ValueError('"max_connections" must be a positive integer') self.connection_class = connection_class self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs self.max_connections = max_connections self.cache = None self._cache_factory = cache_factory if connection_kwargs.get("cache_config") or connection_kwargs.get("cache"): if connection_kwargs.get("protocol") not in [3, "3"]: raise RedisError("Client caching is only supported with RESP version 3") cache = self.connection_kwargs.get("cache") if cache is not None: if not isinstance(cache, CacheInterface): raise ValueError("Cache must implement CacheInterface") self.cache = cache else: if self._cache_factory is not None: self.cache = self._cache_factory.get_cache() else: self.cache = CacheFactory( self.connection_kwargs.get("cache_config") ).get_cache() connection_kwargs.pop("cache", None) connection_kwargs.pop("cache_config", None) # a lock to protect the critical section in _checkpid(). # this lock is acquired when the process id changes, such as # after a fork. during this time, multiple threads in the child # process could attempt to acquire this lock. the first thread # to acquire the lock will reset the data structures and lock # object of this pool. subsequent threads acquiring this lock # will notice the first thread already did the work and simply # release the lock. self._fork_lock = threading.Lock() self.reset() def __repr__(self) -> (str, str): return ( f"<{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__name__}" f"({repr(self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs))})>" )
[文档] def get_protocol(self): """ Returns: The RESP protocol version, or ``None`` if the protocol is not specified, in which case the server default will be used. """ return self.connection_kwargs.get("protocol", None)
def reset(self) -> None: self._lock = threading.Lock() self._created_connections = 0 self._available_connections = [] self._in_use_connections = set() # this must be the last operation in this method. while reset() is # called when holding _fork_lock, other threads in this process # can call _checkpid() which compares and os.getpid() without # holding any lock (for performance reasons). keeping this assignment # as the last operation ensures that those other threads will also # notice a pid difference and block waiting for the first thread to # release _fork_lock. when each of these threads eventually acquire # _fork_lock, they will notice that another thread already called # reset() and they will immediately release _fork_lock and continue on. = os.getpid() def _checkpid(self) -> None: # _checkpid() attempts to keep ConnectionPool fork-safe on modern # systems. this is called by all ConnectionPool methods that # manipulate the pool's state such as get_connection() and release(). # # _checkpid() determines whether the process has forked by comparing # the current process id to the process id saved on the ConnectionPool # instance. if these values are the same, _checkpid() simply returns. # # when the process ids differ, _checkpid() assumes that the process # has forked and that we're now running in the child process. the child # process cannot use the parent's file descriptors (e.g., sockets). # therefore, when _checkpid() sees the process id change, it calls # reset() in order to reinitialize the child's ConnectionPool. this # will cause the child to make all new connection objects. # # _checkpid() is protected by self._fork_lock to ensure that multiple # threads in the child process do not call reset() multiple times. # # there is an extremely small chance this could fail in the following # scenario: # 1. process A calls _checkpid() for the first time and acquires # self._fork_lock. # 2. while holding self._fork_lock, process A forks (the fork() # could happen in a different thread owned by process A) # 3. process B (the forked child process) inherits the # ConnectionPool's state from the parent. that state includes # a locked _fork_lock. process B will not be notified when # process A releases the _fork_lock and will thus never be # able to acquire the _fork_lock. # # to mitigate this possible deadlock, _checkpid() will only wait 5 # seconds to acquire _fork_lock. if _fork_lock cannot be acquired in # that time it is assumed that the child is deadlocked and a # redis.ChildDeadlockedError error is raised. if != os.getpid(): acquired = self._fork_lock.acquire(timeout=5) if not acquired: raise ChildDeadlockedError # reset() the instance for the new process if another thread # hasn't already done so try: if != os.getpid(): self.reset() finally: self._fork_lock.release()
[文档] def get_connection(self, command_name: str, *keys, **options) -> "Connection": "Get a connection from the pool" self._checkpid() with self._lock: try: connection = self._available_connections.pop() except IndexError: connection = self.make_connection() self._in_use_connections.add(connection) try: # ensure this connection is connected to Redis connection.connect() # connections that the pool provides should be ready to send # a command. if not, the connection was either returned to the # pool before all data has been read or the socket has been # closed. either way, reconnect and verify everything is good. try: if connection.can_read() and self.cache is None: raise ConnectionError("Connection has data") except (ConnectionError, OSError): connection.disconnect() connection.connect() if connection.can_read(): raise ConnectionError("Connection not ready") except BaseException: # release the connection back to the pool so that we don't # leak it self.release(connection) raise return connection
[文档] def get_encoder(self) -> Encoder: "Return an encoder based on encoding settings" kwargs = self.connection_kwargs return Encoder( encoding=kwargs.get("encoding", "utf-8"), encoding_errors=kwargs.get("encoding_errors", "strict"), decode_responses=kwargs.get("decode_responses", False), )
[文档] def make_connection(self) -> "ConnectionInterface": "Create a new connection" if self._created_connections >= self.max_connections: raise ConnectionError("Too many connections") self._created_connections += 1 if self.cache is not None: return CacheProxyConnection( self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs), self.cache, self._lock ) return self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs)
[文档] def release(self, connection: "Connection") -> None: "Releases the connection back to the pool" self._checkpid() with self._lock: try: self._in_use_connections.remove(connection) except KeyError: # Gracefully fail when a connection is returned to this pool # that the pool doesn't actually own pass if self.owns_connection(connection): self._available_connections.append(connection) else: # pool doesn't own this connection. do not add it back # to the pool and decrement the count so that another # connection can take its place if needed self._created_connections -= 1 connection.disconnect() return
def owns_connection(self, connection: "Connection") -> int: return ==
[文档] def disconnect(self, inuse_connections: bool = True) -> None: """ Disconnects connections in the pool If ``inuse_connections`` is True, disconnect connections that are current in use, potentially by other threads. Otherwise only disconnect connections that are idle in the pool. """ self._checkpid() with self._lock: if inuse_connections: connections = chain( self._available_connections, self._in_use_connections ) else: connections = self._available_connections for connection in connections: connection.disconnect()
[文档] def close(self) -> None: """Close the pool, disconnecting all connections""" self.disconnect()
def set_retry(self, retry: "Retry") -> None: self.connection_kwargs.update({"retry": retry}) for conn in self._available_connections: conn.retry = retry for conn in self._in_use_connections: conn.retry = retry
class BlockingConnectionPool(ConnectionPool): """ Thread-safe blocking connection pool:: >>> from redis.client import Redis >>> client = Redis(connection_pool=BlockingConnectionPool()) It performs the same function as the default :py:class:`~redis.ConnectionPool` implementation, in that, it maintains a pool of reusable connections that can be shared by multiple redis clients (safely across threads if required). The difference is that, in the event that a client tries to get a connection from the pool when all of connections are in use, rather than raising a :py:class:`~redis.ConnectionError` (as the default :py:class:`~redis.ConnectionPool` implementation does), it makes the client wait ("blocks") for a specified number of seconds until a connection becomes available. Use ``max_connections`` to increase / decrease the pool size:: >>> pool = BlockingConnectionPool(max_connections=10) Use ``timeout`` to tell it either how many seconds to wait for a connection to become available, or to block forever: >>> # Block forever. >>> pool = BlockingConnectionPool(timeout=None) >>> # Raise a ``ConnectionError`` after five seconds if a connection is >>> # not available. >>> pool = BlockingConnectionPool(timeout=5) """ def __init__( self, max_connections=50, timeout=20, connection_class=Connection, queue_class=LifoQueue, **connection_kwargs, ): self.queue_class = queue_class self.timeout = timeout super().__init__( connection_class=connection_class, max_connections=max_connections, **connection_kwargs, ) def reset(self): # Create and fill up a thread safe queue with ``None`` values. self.pool = self.queue_class(self.max_connections) while True: try: self.pool.put_nowait(None) except Full: break # Keep a list of actual connection instances so that we can # disconnect them later. self._connections = [] # this must be the last operation in this method. while reset() is # called when holding _fork_lock, other threads in this process # can call _checkpid() which compares and os.getpid() without # holding any lock (for performance reasons). keeping this assignment # as the last operation ensures that those other threads will also # notice a pid difference and block waiting for the first thread to # release _fork_lock. when each of these threads eventually acquire # _fork_lock, they will notice that another thread already called # reset() and they will immediately release _fork_lock and continue on. = os.getpid() def make_connection(self): "Make a fresh connection." if self.cache is not None: connection = CacheProxyConnection( self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs), self.cache, self._lock ) else: connection = self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs) self._connections.append(connection) return connection def get_connection(self, command_name, *keys, **options): """ Get a connection, blocking for ``self.timeout`` until a connection is available from the pool. If the connection returned is ``None`` then creates a new connection. Because we use a last-in first-out queue, the existing connections (having been returned to the pool after the initial ``None`` values were added) will be returned before ``None`` values. This means we only create new connections when we need to, i.e.: the actual number of connections will only increase in response to demand. """ # Make sure we haven't changed process. self._checkpid() # Try and get a connection from the pool. If one isn't available within # self.timeout then raise a ``ConnectionError``. connection = None try: connection = self.pool.get(block=True, timeout=self.timeout) except Empty: # Note that this is not caught by the redis client and will be # raised unless handled by application code. If you want never to raise ConnectionError("No connection available.") # If the ``connection`` is actually ``None`` then that's a cue to make # a new connection to add to the pool. if connection is None: connection = self.make_connection() try: # ensure this connection is connected to Redis connection.connect() # connections that the pool provides should be ready to send # a command. if not, the connection was either returned to the # pool before all data has been read or the socket has been # closed. either way, reconnect and verify everything is good. try: if connection.can_read(): raise ConnectionError("Connection has data") except (ConnectionError, OSError): connection.disconnect() connection.connect() if connection.can_read(): raise ConnectionError("Connection not ready") except BaseException: # release the connection back to the pool so that we don't leak it self.release(connection) raise return connection def release(self, connection): "Releases the connection back to the pool." # Make sure we haven't changed process. self._checkpid() if not self.owns_connection(connection): # pool doesn't own this connection. do not add it back # to the pool. instead add a None value which is a placeholder # that will cause the pool to recreate the connection if # its needed. connection.disconnect() self.pool.put_nowait(None) return # Put the connection back into the pool. try: self.pool.put_nowait(connection) except Full: # perhaps the pool has been reset() after a fork? regardless, # we don't want this connection pass def disconnect(self): "Disconnects all connections in the pool." self._checkpid() for connection in self._connections: connection.disconnect()