redis.sentinel 源代码

import random
import weakref
from typing import Optional

from redis.client import Redis
from redis.commands import SentinelCommands
from redis.connection import Connection, ConnectionPool, SSLConnection
from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError, ReadOnlyError, ResponseError, TimeoutError
from redis.utils import str_if_bytes

class MasterNotFoundError(ConnectionError):

class SlaveNotFoundError(ConnectionError):

class SentinelManagedConnection(Connection):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.connection_pool = kwargs.pop("connection_pool")

    def __repr__(self):
        pool = self.connection_pool
        s = (
            host_info = f",host={},port={self.port}"
            s = s % host_info
        return s

    def connect_to(self, address):, self.port = address
        if self.connection_pool.check_connection:
            if str_if_bytes(self.read_response()) != "PONG":
                raise ConnectionError("PING failed")

    def _connect_retry(self):
        if self._sock:
            return  # already connected
        if self.connection_pool.is_master:
            for slave in self.connection_pool.rotate_slaves():
                    return self.connect_to(slave)
                except ConnectionError:
            raise SlaveNotFoundError  # Never be here

    def connect(self):
        return self.retry.call_with_retry(self._connect_retry, lambda error: None)

    def read_response(
        disconnect_on_error: Optional[bool] = False,
        push_request: Optional[bool] = False,
            return super().read_response(
        except ReadOnlyError:
            if self.connection_pool.is_master:
                # When talking to a master, a ReadOnlyError when likely
                # indicates that the previous master that we're still connected
                # to has been demoted to a slave and there's a new master.
                # calling disconnect will force the connection to re-query
                # sentinel during the next connect() attempt.
                raise ConnectionError("The previous master is now a slave")

class SentinelManagedSSLConnection(SentinelManagedConnection, SSLConnection):

class SentinelConnectionPoolProxy:
    def __init__(
        self.connection_pool_ref = weakref.ref(connection_pool)
        self.is_master = is_master
        self.check_connection = check_connection
        self.service_name = service_name
        self.sentinel_manager = sentinel_manager

    def reset(self):
        self.master_address = None
        self.slave_rr_counter = None

    def get_master_address(self):
        master_address = self.sentinel_manager.discover_master(self.service_name)
        if self.is_master and self.master_address != master_address:
            self.master_address = master_address
            # disconnect any idle connections so that they reconnect
            # to the new master the next time that they are used.
            connection_pool = self.connection_pool_ref()
            if connection_pool is not None:
        return master_address

    def rotate_slaves(self):
        slaves = self.sentinel_manager.discover_slaves(self.service_name)
        if slaves:
            if self.slave_rr_counter is None:
                self.slave_rr_counter = random.randint(0, len(slaves) - 1)
            for _ in range(len(slaves)):
                self.slave_rr_counter = (self.slave_rr_counter + 1) % len(slaves)
                slave = slaves[self.slave_rr_counter]
                yield slave
        # Fallback to the master connection
            yield self.get_master_address()
        except MasterNotFoundError:
        raise SlaveNotFoundError(f"No slave found for {self.service_name!r}")

[文档] class SentinelConnectionPool(ConnectionPool): """ Sentinel backed connection pool. If ``check_connection`` flag is set to True, SentinelManagedConnection sends a PING command right after establishing the connection. """ def __init__(self, service_name, sentinel_manager, **kwargs): kwargs["connection_class"] = kwargs.get( "connection_class", ( SentinelManagedSSLConnection if kwargs.pop("ssl", False) else SentinelManagedConnection ), ) self.is_master = kwargs.pop("is_master", True) self.check_connection = kwargs.pop("check_connection", False) self.proxy = SentinelConnectionPoolProxy( connection_pool=self, is_master=self.is_master, check_connection=self.check_connection, service_name=service_name, sentinel_manager=sentinel_manager, ) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.connection_kwargs["connection_pool"] = self.proxy self.service_name = service_name self.sentinel_manager = sentinel_manager def __repr__(self): role = "master" if self.is_master else "slave" return ( f"<{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__name__}" f"(service={self.service_name}({role}))>" ) def reset(self): super().reset() self.proxy.reset() @property def master_address(self): return self.proxy.master_address def owns_connection(self, connection): check = not self.is_master or ( self.is_master and self.master_address == (, connection.port) ) parent = super() return check and parent.owns_connection(connection) def get_master_address(self): return self.proxy.get_master_address()
[文档] def rotate_slaves(self): "Round-robin slave balancer" return self.proxy.rotate_slaves()
[文档] class Sentinel(SentinelCommands): """ Redis Sentinel cluster client >>> from redis.sentinel import Sentinel >>> sentinel = Sentinel([('localhost', 26379)], socket_timeout=0.1) >>> master = sentinel.master_for('mymaster', socket_timeout=0.1) >>> master.set('foo', 'bar') >>> slave = sentinel.slave_for('mymaster', socket_timeout=0.1) >>> slave.get('foo') b'bar' ``sentinels`` is a list of sentinel nodes. Each node is represented by a pair (hostname, port). ``min_other_sentinels`` defined a minimum number of peers for a sentinel. When querying a sentinel, if it doesn't meet this threshold, responses from that sentinel won't be considered valid. ``sentinel_kwargs`` is a dictionary of connection arguments used when connecting to sentinel instances. Any argument that can be passed to a normal Redis connection can be specified here. If ``sentinel_kwargs`` is not specified, any socket_timeout and socket_keepalive options specified in ``connection_kwargs`` will be used. ``connection_kwargs`` are keyword arguments that will be used when establishing a connection to a Redis server. """ def __init__( self, sentinels, min_other_sentinels=0, sentinel_kwargs=None, force_master_ip=None, **connection_kwargs, ): # if sentinel_kwargs isn't defined, use the socket_* options from # connection_kwargs if sentinel_kwargs is None: sentinel_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in connection_kwargs.items() if k.startswith("socket_") } self.sentinel_kwargs = sentinel_kwargs self.sentinels = [ Redis(hostname, port, **self.sentinel_kwargs) for hostname, port in sentinels ] self.min_other_sentinels = min_other_sentinels self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs self._force_master_ip = force_master_ip
[文档] def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute Sentinel command in sentinel nodes. once - If set to True, then execute the resulting command on a single node at random, rather than across the entire sentinel cluster. """ once = bool(kwargs.get("once", False)) if "once" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop("once") if once: random.choice(self.sentinels).execute_command(*args, **kwargs) else: for sentinel in self.sentinels: sentinel.execute_command(*args, **kwargs) return True
def __repr__(self): sentinel_addresses = [] for sentinel in self.sentinels: sentinel_addresses.append( "{host}:{port}".format_map(sentinel.connection_pool.connection_kwargs) ) return ( f"<{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__name__}" f'(sentinels=[{",".join(sentinel_addresses)}])>' ) def check_master_state(self, state, service_name): if not state["is_master"] or state["is_sdown"] or state["is_odown"]: return False # Check if our sentinel doesn't see other nodes if state["num-other-sentinels"] < self.min_other_sentinels: return False return True
[文档] def discover_master(self, service_name): """ Asks sentinel servers for the Redis master's address corresponding to the service labeled ``service_name``. Returns a pair (address, port) or raises MasterNotFoundError if no master is found. """ collected_errors = list() for sentinel_no, sentinel in enumerate(self.sentinels): try: masters = sentinel.sentinel_masters() except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError) as e: collected_errors.append(f"{sentinel} - {e!r}") continue state = masters.get(service_name) if state and self.check_master_state(state, service_name): # Put this sentinel at the top of the list self.sentinels[0], self.sentinels[sentinel_no] = ( sentinel, self.sentinels[0], ) ip = ( self._force_master_ip if self._force_master_ip is not None else state["ip"] ) return ip, state["port"] error_info = "" if len(collected_errors) > 0: error_info = f" : {', '.join(collected_errors)}" raise MasterNotFoundError(f"No master found for {service_name!r}{error_info}")
[文档] def filter_slaves(self, slaves): "Remove slaves that are in an ODOWN or SDOWN state" slaves_alive = [] for slave in slaves: if slave["is_odown"] or slave["is_sdown"]: continue slaves_alive.append((slave["ip"], slave["port"])) return slaves_alive
[文档] def discover_slaves(self, service_name): "Returns a list of alive slaves for service ``service_name``" for sentinel in self.sentinels: try: slaves = sentinel.sentinel_slaves(service_name) except (ConnectionError, ResponseError, TimeoutError): continue slaves = self.filter_slaves(slaves) if slaves: return slaves return []
[文档] def master_for( self, service_name, redis_class=Redis, connection_pool_class=SentinelConnectionPool, **kwargs, ): """ Returns a redis client instance for the ``service_name`` master. A :py:class:`~redis.sentinel.SentinelConnectionPool` class is used to retrieve the master's address before establishing a new connection. NOTE: If the master's address has changed, any cached connections to the old master are closed. By default clients will be a :py:class:`~redis.Redis` instance. Specify a different class to the ``redis_class`` argument if you desire something different. The ``connection_pool_class`` specifies the connection pool to use. The :py:class:`~redis.sentinel.SentinelConnectionPool` will be used by default. All other keyword arguments are merged with any connection_kwargs passed to this class and passed to the connection pool as keyword arguments to be used to initialize Redis connections. """ kwargs["is_master"] = True connection_kwargs = dict(self.connection_kwargs) connection_kwargs.update(kwargs) return redis_class.from_pool( connection_pool_class(service_name, self, **connection_kwargs) )
[文档] def slave_for( self, service_name, redis_class=Redis, connection_pool_class=SentinelConnectionPool, **kwargs, ): """ Returns redis client instance for the ``service_name`` slave(s). A SentinelConnectionPool class is used to retrieve the slave's address before establishing a new connection. By default clients will be a :py:class:`~redis.Redis` instance. Specify a different class to the ``redis_class`` argument if you desire something different. The ``connection_pool_class`` specifies the connection pool to use. The SentinelConnectionPool will be used by default. All other keyword arguments are merged with any connection_kwargs passed to this class and passed to the connection pool as keyword arguments to be used to initialize Redis connections. """ kwargs["is_master"] = False connection_kwargs = dict(self.connection_kwargs) connection_kwargs.update(kwargs) return redis_class.from_pool( connection_pool_class(service_name, self, **connection_kwargs) )