- class svgwrite.path.Path(d=None, **extra)#
The <path> element represent the outline of a shape which can be filled, stroked, used as a clipping path, or any combination of the three.
- Path.__init__(d=None, **extra)#
- 参数:
d (iterable) – coordinates, length and commands
attribs (dict) – additional SVG attributes
extra – additional SVG attributes as keyword-arguments
- commands#
list – the command and coordinate stack
- Path.push(*elements)#
Push commands and coordinates onto the command stack.
- 参数:
elements (iterable) – coordinates, length and commands
- Path.push_arc(target, rotation, r, large_arc=True, angle_dir='+', absolute=False)#
Helper function for the elliptical-arc command.
see SVG-Reference:
- 参数:
target (2-tuple) – coordinate of the arc end point
rotation (number) – x-axis-rotation of the ellipse in degrees
r (number|2-tuple) – radii rx, ry when r is a 2-tuple or rx=ry=r if r is a number
large_arc (bool) – draw the arc sweep of greater than or equal to 180 degrees (large-arc-flag)
angle_dir –
means the arc will be drawn in a “positive-angle” direction (sweep-flag)absolute (bool) – indicates that target coordinates are absolute else they are relative to the current point
Parent Classes
Path Commands
horizontal-line ‘h’, ‘H’ x+
从当前点 (cpx, cpy) 绘制一条水平线到 (x, cpy)。
vertical-line ‘v’, ‘V’ y+
从当前点 (cpx, cpy) 绘制一条垂直线到 (cpx, y)。
line ‘l’, ‘L’ (x y)+
从当前点绘制一条线到给定的 (x,y) 坐标。
moveto ‘m’, ‘M’ (x y)+
在给定的 (x,y) 坐标处开始一个新的子路径。 如果 moveto 后跟随多个坐标对,则后续坐标对被视为隐式的线段命令。因此,如果 moveto 是相对的,隐式的线段命令也将是相对的;如果 moveto 是绝对的,则隐式的线段命令也是绝对的。如果相对的 moveto (m) 出现在路径的第一个元素中,则它被视为一对绝对坐标。 在这种情况下,后续的坐标对即使初始 moveto 被解释为绝对 moveto,也会被视为相对坐标。
cubic-bezier-curve ‘c’, ‘C’ (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+
从当前点绘制一条三次贝塞尔曲线到 (x, y),使用 (x1, y1) 作为曲线起始处的控制点,使用 (x2, y2) 作为曲线结束处的控制点。
smooth-cubic-bezier-curve ‘s’, ‘S’ (x2 y2 x y)+
从当前点绘制一条三次贝塞尔曲线到 (x, y)。第一个控制点假定为前一个命令中第二个控制点相对于当前点的镜像。(如果没有前一个命令,或者前一个命令不是 C、c、S 或 s,则假定第一个控制点与当前点重合。)(x2, y2) 是第二个控制点(即曲线结束处的控制点)。
quadratic-bezier-curve ‘q’, ‘Q’ (x1 y1 x y)+
从当前点绘制一条二次贝塞尔曲线到 (x, y),使用 (x1, y1) 作为控制点。
smooth-quadratic-bezier-curve ‘t’, ‘T’ (x y)+
从当前点绘制一条二次贝塞尔曲线到 (x, y)。控制点假定为前一个命令中控制点相对于当前点的镜像。(如果没有前一个命令,或者前一个命令不是 Q、q、T 或 t,则假定控制点与当前点重合。)
elliptical-arc ‘a’, ‘A’ (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+
从当前点绘制一条椭圆弧到 (x, y)。椭圆的大小和方向由两个半径 (rx, ry) 和 x 轴旋转角度定义,x 轴旋转角度表示椭圆相对于当前坐标系的旋转方式。椭圆的中心 (cx, cy) 会根据其他参数自动计算,以满足约束条件。large-arc-flag 和 sweep-flag 有助于自动计算,并帮助确定弧线的绘制方式。
‘z’, ‘Z’
Uppercase commands indicates absolute coordinates, lowercase commands indicates relative coordinates
horizontal-line ‘h’, ‘H’ x+
Draws a horizontal line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (x, cpy).
vertical-line ‘v’, ‘V’ y+
Draws a vertical line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (cpx, y).
line ‘l’, ‘L’ (x y)+
Draw a line from the current point to the given (x,y) coordinate.
moveto ‘m’, ‘M’ (x y)+
Start a new sub-path at the given (x,y) coordinate. If a moveto is followed by multiple pairs of coordinates, the subsequent pairs are treated as implicit lineto commands. Hence, implicit lineto commands will be relative if the moveto is relative, and absolute if the moveto is absolute. If a relative moveto (m) appears as the first element of the path, then it is treated as a pair of absolute coordinates. In this case, subsequent pairs of coordinates are treated as relative even though the initial moveto is interpreted as an absolute moveto.
cubic-bezier-curve ‘c’, ‘C’ (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+
Draws a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve.
smooth-cubic-bezier-curve ‘s’, ‘S’ (x2 y2 x y)+
Draws a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y). The first control point is assumed to be the reflection of the second control point on the previous command relative to the current point. (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not an C, c, S or s, assume the first control point is coincident with the current point.) (x2,y2) is the second control point (i.e., the control point at the end of the curve).
quadratic-bezier-curve ‘q’, ‘Q’ (x1 y1 x y)+
Draws a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point.
smooth-quadratic-bezier-curve ‘t’, ‘T’ (x y)+
Draws a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y). The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point on the previous command relative to the current point. (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not a Q, q, T or t, assume the control point is coincident with the current point.)
elliptical-arc ‘a’, ‘A’ (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+
Draws an elliptical arc from the current point to (x, y). The size and orientation of the ellipse are defined by two radii (rx, ry) and an x-axis-rotation, which indicates how the ellipse as a whole is rotated relative to the current coordinate system. The center (cx, cy) of the ellipse is calculated automatically to satisfy the constraints imposed by the other parameters. large-arc-flag and sweep-flag contribute to the automatic calculations and help determine how the arc is drawn.
‘z’, ‘Z’
close current subpath
SVG 属性#
SVG Attributes
class – string
将一个或多个 CSS 类名分配给一个元素。
style – string
允许在给定元素上直接指定每个元素的 CSS 样式规则。
externalResourcesRequired – bool
False:如果即使外部资源不可用,文档渲染也能继续进行;否则为 True。
transform – 使用
方法。pathLength – <number>
pathLength 属性可以用来提供作者计算的路径总长度,以便用户代理可以根据“pathLength”与用户代理计算的路径总长度的比率,缩放路径上的距离计算。 在 ‘path’ 元素中的 “moveto” 操作被定义为零长度。
d – string
class – string
assigns one or more css-class-names to an element
style – string
allows per-element css-style rules to be specified directly on a given element
externalResourcesRequired – bool
False: if document rendering can proceed even if external resources are unavailable else: True
transform – use
methodspathLength – <number>
the pathLength attribute can be used to provide the author’s computation of the total length of the path so that the user agent can scale distance-along-a-path computations by the ratio of ‘pathLength’ to the user agent’s own computed value for total path length. A “moveto” operation within a ‘path’ element is defined to have zero length.
d – string
The definition of the outline of a shape, use push-method to add commands and coordinates
标准 SVG 属性#
Standard SVG Attributes