Source code for tortoise

import asyncio
import importlib
import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata
import json
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import isclass
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Coroutine, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

from pypika import Table

from tortoise.backends.base.client import BaseDBAsyncClient
from tortoise.backends.base.config_generator import expand_db_url, generate_config
from tortoise.connection import connections
from tortoise.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from tortoise.fields.relational import (
from tortoise.filters import get_m2m_filters
from tortoise.log import logger
from tortoise.models import Model, ModelMeta
from tortoise.utils import generate_schema_for_client

[docs] class Tortoise: apps: Dict[str, Dict[str, Type["Model"]]] = {} _inited: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def get_connection(cls, connection_name: str) -> BaseDBAsyncClient: """ Returns the connection by name. :raises ConfigurationError: If connection name does not exist. .. warning:: This is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use :meth:`connections.get<tortoise.connection.ConnectionHandler.get>` instead. """ return connections.get(connection_name)
[docs] @classmethod def describe_model( cls, model: Type["Model"], serializable: bool = True ) -> dict: # pragma: nocoverage """ Describes the given list of models or ALL registered models. :param model: The Model to describe :param serializable: ``False`` if you want raw python objects, ``True`` for JSON-serializable data. (Defaults to ``True``) See :meth:`tortoise.models.Model.describe` .. warning:: This is deprecated, please use :meth:`tortoise.models.Model.describe` instead """ warnings.warn( "Tortoise.describe_model(<MODEL>) is deprecated, please use <MODEL>.describe() instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return model.describe(serializable=serializable)
[docs] @classmethod def describe_models( cls, models: Optional[List[Type["Model"]]] = None, serializable: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Describes the given list of models or ALL registered models. :param models: List of models to describe, if not provided then describes ALL registered models :param serializable: ``False`` if you want raw python objects, ``True`` for JSON-serializable data. (Defaults to ``True``) :return: A dictionary containing the model qualifier as key, and the same output as ``describe_model(...)`` as value: .. code-block:: python3 { "models.User": {...}, "models.Permission": {...} } """ if not models: models = [] for app in cls.apps.values(): for model in app.values(): models.append(model) return { f"{}.{model.__name__}": model.describe(serializable) for model in models }
@classmethod def _init_relations(cls) -> None: def get_related_model(related_app_name: str, related_model_name: str) -> Type["Model"]: """ Test, if app and model really exist. Throws a ConfigurationError with a hopefully helpful message. If successful, returns the requested model. :raises ConfigurationError: If no such app exists. """ try: return cls.apps[related_app_name][related_model_name] except KeyError: if related_app_name not in cls.apps: raise ConfigurationError( f"No app with name '{related_app_name}' registered." f" Please check your model names in ForeignKeyFields" f" and configurations." ) raise ConfigurationError( f"No model with name '{related_model_name}' registered in" f" app '{related_app_name}'." ) def split_reference(reference: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Validate, if reference follow the official naming conventions. Throws a ConfigurationError with a hopefully helpful message. If successful, returns the app and the model name. :raises ConfigurationError: If reference is invalid. """ if len(items := reference.split(".")) != 2: # pragma: nocoverage raise ConfigurationError( f"'{reference}' is not a valid model reference Bad Reference." " Should be something like '<appname>.<modelname>'." ) return items[0], items[1] def init_fk_o2o_field(model: Type["Model"], field: str, is_o2o=False) -> None: if is_o2o: fk_object: Union[OneToOneFieldInstance, ForeignKeyFieldInstance] = cast( OneToOneFieldInstance, model._meta.fields_map[field] ) else: fk_object = cast(ForeignKeyFieldInstance, model._meta.fields_map[field]) related_app_name, related_model_name = split_reference(fk_object.model_name) related_model = get_related_model(related_app_name, related_model_name) if to_field := fk_object.to_field: related_field = related_model._meta.fields_map.get(to_field) if not related_field: raise ConfigurationError( f'there is no field named "{to_field}" in model "{related_model_name}"' ) if not related_field.unique: raise ConfigurationError( f'field "{to_field}" in model "{related_model_name}" is not unique' ) else: fk_object.to_field = related_model._meta.pk_attr related_field = key_fk_object = deepcopy(related_field) fk_object.to_field_instance = related_field # type:ignore[arg-type,call-overload] fk_object.field_type = fk_object.to_field_instance.field_type key_field = f"{field}_id" key_fk_object.reference = fk_object key_fk_object.source_field = fk_object.source_field or key_field for attr in ("index", "default", "null", "generated", "description"): setattr(key_fk_object, attr, getattr(fk_object, attr)) if is_o2o: = key_fk_object.unique = fk_object.unique else: = False key_fk_object.unique = False model._meta.add_field(key_field, key_fk_object) fk_object.related_model = related_model fk_object.source_field = key_field if (backward_relation_name := fk_object.related_name) is not False: if not backward_relation_name: backward_relation_name = f"{model._meta.db_table}s" if backward_relation_name in related_model._meta.fields: raise ConfigurationError( f'backward relation "{backward_relation_name}" duplicates in' f" model {related_model_name}" ) if is_o2o: fk_relation: Union[BackwardOneToOneRelation, BackwardFKRelation] = ( BackwardOneToOneRelation( model, key_field, key_fk_object.source_field, null=True, description=fk_object.description, ) ) else: fk_relation = BackwardFKRelation( model, key_field, key_fk_object.source_field, null=fk_object.null, description=fk_object.description, ) fk_relation.to_field_instance = fk_object.to_field_instance # type:ignore related_model._meta.add_field(backward_relation_name, fk_relation) if is_o2o and model._meta.pk_attr = key_field for app_name, app in cls.apps.items(): for model_name, model in app.items(): if model._meta._inited: continue model._meta._inited = True if not model._meta.db_table: model._meta.db_table = model.__name__.lower() for field in sorted(model._meta.fk_fields): init_fk_o2o_field(model, field) for field in model._meta.o2o_fields: init_fk_o2o_field(model, field, is_o2o=True) for field in list(model._meta.m2m_fields): m2m_object = cast(ManyToManyFieldInstance, model._meta.fields_map[field]) if m2m_object._generated: continue backward_key = m2m_object.backward_key if not backward_key: backward_key = f"{model._meta.db_table}_id" if backward_key == m2m_object.forward_key: backward_key = f"{model._meta.db_table}_rel_id" m2m_object.backward_key = backward_key reference = m2m_object.model_name related_app_name, related_model_name = split_reference(reference) related_model = get_related_model(related_app_name, related_model_name) m2m_object.related_model = related_model backward_relation_name = m2m_object.related_name if not backward_relation_name: backward_relation_name = m2m_object.related_name = ( f"{model._meta.db_table}s" ) if backward_relation_name in related_model._meta.fields: raise ConfigurationError( f'backward relation "{backward_relation_name}" duplicates in' f" model {related_model_name}" ) if not m2m_object.through: related_model_table_name = ( related_model._meta.db_table or related_model.__name__.lower() ) m2m_object.through = f"{model._meta.db_table}_{related_model_table_name}" m2m_relation = ManyToManyFieldInstance( f"{app_name}.{model_name}", m2m_object.through, forward_key=m2m_object.backward_key, backward_key=m2m_object.forward_key, related_name=field, field_type=model, description=m2m_object.description, ) m2m_relation._generated = True model._meta.filters.update(get_m2m_filters(field, m2m_object)) related_model._meta.add_field(backward_relation_name, m2m_relation) @classmethod def _discover_models( cls, models_path: Union[ModuleType, str], app_label: str ) -> List[Type["Model"]]: if isinstance(models_path, ModuleType): module = models_path else: try: module = importlib.import_module(models_path) except ImportError: raise ConfigurationError(f'Module "{models_path}" not found') discovered_models = [] possible_models = getattr(module, "__models__", None) try: possible_models = [*possible_models] # type:ignore except TypeError: possible_models = None if not possible_models: possible_models = [getattr(module, attr_name) for attr_name in dir(module)] for attr in possible_models: if isclass(attr) and issubclass(attr, Model) and not attr._meta.abstract: if and != app_label: continue = app_label discovered_models.append(attr) if not discovered_models: warnings.warn(f'Module "{models_path}" has no models', RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=4) return discovered_models
[docs] @classmethod def init_models( cls, models_paths: Iterable[Union[ModuleType, str]], app_label: str, _init_relations: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Early initialisation of Tortoise ORM Models. Initialise the relationships between Models. This does not initialise any database connection. :param models_paths: Models paths to initialise :param app_label: The app label, e.g. 'models' :param _init_relations: Whether to init relations or not :raises ConfigurationError: If models are invalid. """ app_models: List[Type[Model]] = [] for models_path in models_paths: app_models += cls._discover_models(models_path, app_label) cls.apps[app_label] = {model.__name__: model for model in app_models} if _init_relations: cls._init_relations()
@classmethod def _init_apps(cls, apps_config: dict) -> None: for name, info in apps_config.items(): try: connections.get(info.get("default_connection", "default")) except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError( 'Unknown connection "{}" for app "{}"'.format( info.get("default_connection", "default"), name ) ) cls.init_models(info["models"], name, _init_relations=False) for model in cls.apps[name].values(): model._meta.default_connection = info.get("default_connection", "default") cls._init_relations() cls._build_initial_querysets() @classmethod def _get_config_from_config_file(cls, config_file: str) -> dict: _, extension = os.path.splitext(config_file) if extension in (".yml", ".yaml"): import yaml # pylint: disable=C0415 with open(config_file, "r") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) elif extension == ".json": with open(config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) else: raise ConfigurationError( f"Unknown config extension {extension}, only .yml and .json are supported" ) return config @classmethod def _build_initial_querysets(cls) -> None: for app in cls.apps.values(): for model in app.values(): model._meta.finalise_model() model._meta.basetable = Table(name=model._meta.db_table, schema=model._meta.schema) model._meta.basequery = model._meta.db.query_class.from_(model._meta.basetable) model._meta.basequery_all_fields = *model._meta.db_fields )
[docs] @classmethod async def init( cls, config: Optional[dict] = None, config_file: Optional[str] = None, _create_db: bool = False, db_url: Optional[str] = None, modules: Optional[Dict[str, Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]]]] = None, use_tz: bool = False, timezone: str = "UTC", routers: Optional[List[Union[str, Type]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Sets up Tortoise-ORM. You can configure using only one of ``config``, ``config_file`` and ``(db_url, modules)``. :param config: Dict containing config: .. admonition:: Example .. code-block:: python3 { 'connections': { # Dict format for connection 'default': { 'engine': 'tortoise.backends.asyncpg', 'credentials': { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5432', 'user': 'tortoise', 'password': 'qwerty123', 'database': 'test', } }, # Using a DB_URL string 'default': 'postgres://postgres:qwerty123@localhost:5432/test' }, 'apps': { 'my_app': { 'models': ['__main__'], # If no default_connection specified, defaults to 'default' 'default_connection': 'default', } }, 'routers': ['path.router1', 'path.router2'], 'use_tz': False, 'timezone': 'UTC' } :param config_file: Path to .json or .yml (if PyYAML installed) file containing config with same format as above. :param db_url: Use a DB_URL string. See :ref:`db_url` :param modules: Dictionary of ``key``: [``list_of_modules``] that defined "apps" and modules that should be discovered for models. :param _create_db: If ``True`` tries to create database for specified connections, could be used for testing purposes. :param use_tz: A boolean that specifies if datetime will be timezone-aware by default or not. :param timezone: Timezone to use, default is UTC. :param routers: A list of db routers str path or module. :raises ConfigurationError: For any configuration error """ if cls._inited: await connections.close_all(discard=True) if int(bool(config) + bool(config_file) + bool(db_url)) != 1: raise ConfigurationError( 'You should init either from "config", "config_file" or "db_url"' ) if config_file: config = cls._get_config_from_config_file(config_file) if db_url: if not modules: raise ConfigurationError('You must specify "db_url" and "modules" together') config = generate_config(db_url, modules) try: connections_config = config["connections"] # type: ignore except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError('Config must define "connections" section') try: apps_config = config["apps"] # type: ignore except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError('Config must define "apps" section') use_tz = config.get("use_tz", use_tz) # type: ignore timezone = config.get("timezone", timezone) # type: ignore routers = config.get("routers", routers) # type: ignore # Mask passwords in logs output passwords = [] for name, info in connections_config.items(): if isinstance(info, str): info = expand_db_url(info) password = info.get("credentials", {}).get("password") if password: passwords.append(password) str_connection_config = str(connections_config) for password in passwords: str_connection_config = str_connection_config.replace( password, # Show one third of the password at beginning (may be better for debugging purposes) f"{password[0:len(password) // 3]}***", ) logger.debug( "Tortoise-ORM startup\n connections: %s\n apps: %s", str_connection_config, str(apps_config), ) cls._init_timezone(use_tz, timezone) await connections._init(connections_config, _create_db) cls._init_apps(apps_config) cls._init_routers(routers) cls._inited = True
@classmethod def _init_routers(cls, routers: Optional[List[Union[str, type]]] = None): from tortoise.router import router routers = routers or [] router_cls = [] for r in routers: if isinstance(r, str): try: module_name, class_name = r.rsplit(".", 1) router_cls.append(getattr(importlib.import_module(module_name), class_name)) except Exception: raise ConfigurationError(f"Can't import router from `{r}`") elif isinstance(r, type): router_cls.append(r) else: raise ConfigurationError("Router must be either str or type") router.init_routers(router_cls)
[docs] @classmethod async def close_connections(cls) -> None: """ Close all connections cleanly. It is required for this to be called on exit, else your event loop may never complete as it is waiting for the connections to die. .. warning:: This is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use :meth:`connections.close_all<tortoise.connection.ConnectionHandler.close_all>` instead. """ await connections.close_all()"Tortoise-ORM shutdown")
@classmethod async def _reset_apps(cls) -> None: for app in cls.apps.values(): for model in app.values(): if isinstance(model, ModelMeta): model._meta.default_connection = None cls.apps.clear()
[docs] @classmethod async def generate_schemas(cls, safe: bool = True) -> None: """ Generate schemas according to models provided to ``.init()`` method. Will fail if schemas already exists, so it's not recommended to be used as part of application workflow :param safe: When set to true, creates the table only when it does not already exist. :raises ConfigurationError: When ``.init()`` has not been called. """ if not cls._inited: raise ConfigurationError("You have to call .init() first before generating schemas") for connection in connections.all(): await generate_schema_for_client(connection, safe)
@classmethod async def _drop_databases(cls) -> None: """ Tries to drop all databases provided in config passed to ``.init()`` method. Normally should be used only for testing purposes. :raises ConfigurationError: When ``.init()`` has not been called. """ if not cls._inited: raise ConfigurationError("You have to call .init() first before deleting schemas") # this closes any existing connections/pool if any and clears # the storage await connections.close_all(discard=False) for conn in connections.all(): await conn.db_delete() connections.discard(conn.connection_name) await cls._reset_apps() @classmethod def _init_timezone(cls, use_tz: bool, timezone: str) -> None: os.environ["USE_TZ"] = str(use_tz) os.environ["TIMEZONE"] = timezone
def run_async(coro: Coroutine) -> None: """ Simple async runner that cleans up DB connections on exit. This is meant for simple scripts. Usage:: from tortoise import Tortoise, run_async async def do_stuff(): await Tortoise.init( db_url='sqlite://db.sqlite3', models={'models': ['app.models']} ) ... run_async(do_stuff()) """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(coro) finally: loop.run_until_complete(connections.close_all(discard=True)) __version__ = importlib_metadata.version("tortoise-orm") __all__ = [ "Model", "Tortoise", "BaseDBAsyncClient", "__version__", "connections", ]