Source code for tortoise.contrib.pydantic.base

import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Type, Union

import pydantic
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, RootModel

from tortoise import fields

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):  # pragma: nocoverage
    from typing import Self
    from typing_extensions import Self

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: nocoverage
    from tortoise.models import Model
    from tortoise.queryset import QuerySet, QuerySetSingle

def _get_fetch_fields(
    pydantic_class: "Type[PydanticModel]", model_class: "Type[Model]"
) -> List[str]:
    Recursively collect fields needed to fetch
    :param pydantic_class: The pydantic model class
    :param model_class: The tortoise model class
    :return: The list of fields to be fetched
    fetch_fields = []
    for field_name, field_type in pydantic_class.__annotations__.items():
        origin = getattr(field_type, "__origin__", None)
        if origin in (list, List, Union):
            field_type = field_type.__args__[0]

        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        if field_name in model_class._meta.fetch_fields and issubclass(field_type, PydanticModel):
            subclass_fetch_fields = _get_fetch_fields(
                field_type, field_type.model_config["orig_model"]
            if subclass_fetch_fields:
                fetch_fields.extend([field_name + "__" + f for f in subclass_fetch_fields])
    return fetch_fields

[docs] class PydanticModel(BaseModel): """ Pydantic BaseModel for Tortoise objects. This provides an extra method above the usual Pydantic `model properties <>`__ """ model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True) # noinspection PyMethodParameters @pydantic.field_validator("*") # It is a classmethod! def _tortoise_convert(cls, value): # pylint: disable=E0213 # Computed fields if callable(value): return value() # Convert ManyToManyRelation to list if isinstance(value, (fields.ManyToManyRelation, fields.ReverseRelation)): return list(value) return value
[docs] @classmethod async def from_tortoise_orm(cls, obj: "Model") -> Self: """ Returns a serializable pydantic model instance built from the provided model instance. .. note:: This will prefetch all the relations automatically. It is probably what you want. If you don't want this, or require a ``sync`` method, look to using ``.from_orm()``. In that case you'd have to manage prefetching yourself, or exclude relational fields from being part of the model using :class:`tortoise.contrib.pydantic.creator.PydanticMeta`, or you would be getting ``OperationalError`` exceptions. This is due to how the ``asyncio`` framework forces I/O to happen in explicit ``await`` statements. Hence we can only do lazy-fetching during an awaited method. :param obj: The Model instance you want serialized. """ # Get fields needed to fetch fetch_fields = _get_fetch_fields(cls, cls.model_config["orig_model"]) # type: ignore # Fetch fields await obj.fetch_related(*fetch_fields) return cls.model_validate(obj)
[docs] @classmethod async def from_queryset_single(cls, queryset: "QuerySetSingle") -> Self: """ Returns a serializable pydantic model instance for a single model from the provided queryset. This will prefetch all the relations automatically. :param queryset: a queryset on the model this PydanticModel is based on. """ fetch_fields = _get_fetch_fields(cls, cls.model_config["orig_model"]) # type: ignore return cls.model_validate(await queryset.prefetch_related(*fetch_fields))
[docs] @classmethod async def from_queryset(cls, queryset: "QuerySet") -> List[Self]: """ Returns a serializable pydantic model instance that contains a list of models, from the provided queryset. This will prefetch all the relations automatically. :param queryset: a queryset on the model this PydanticModel is based on. """ fetch_fields = _get_fetch_fields(cls, cls.model_config["orig_model"]) # type: ignore return [cls.model_validate(e) for e in await queryset.prefetch_related(*fetch_fields)]
[docs] class PydanticListModel(RootModel): """ Pydantic BaseModel for List of Tortoise Models This provides an extra method above the usual Pydantic `model properties <>`__ """
[docs] @classmethod async def from_queryset(cls, queryset: "QuerySet") -> Self: """ Returns a serializable pydantic model instance that contains a list of models, from the provided queryset. This will prefetch all the relations automatically. :param queryset: a queryset on the model this PydanticListModel is based on. """ submodel = cls.model_config["submodel"] # type: ignore fetch_fields = _get_fetch_fields(submodel, submodel.model_config["orig_model"]) return cls.model_validate( [submodel.model_validate(e) for e in await queryset.prefetch_related(*fetch_fields)] )