Source code for tortoise.contrib.test

import asyncio
import inspect
import os as _os
import sys
import typing
import unittest
from import AbstractEventLoop
from functools import partial, wraps
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (
from unittest import SkipTest, expectedFailure, skip, skipIf, skipUnless

from tortoise import Model, Tortoise, connections
from tortoise.backends.base.config_generator import generate_config as _generate_config
from tortoise.exceptions import DBConnectionError, OperationalError

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import ParamSpec
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

__all__ = (
_TORTOISE_TEST_DB = "sqlite://:memory:"
# pylint: disable=W0201

expectedFailure.__doc__ = """
Mark test as expecting failure.

On success it will be marked as unexpected success.

_CONFIG: dict = {}
_CONNECTIONS: dict = {}
_LOOP: AbstractEventLoop = None  # type: ignore
_MODULES: Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]] = []
_CONN_CONFIG: dict = {}

[docs] def getDBConfig(app_label: str, modules: Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]]) -> dict: """ DB Config factory, for use in testing. :param app_label: Label of the app (must be distinct for multiple apps). :param modules: List of modules to look for models in. """ return _generate_config( _TORTOISE_TEST_DB, app_modules={app_label: modules}, testing=True, connection_label=app_label, )
async def _init_db(config: dict) -> None: # Placing init outside the try block since it doesn't # establish connections to the DB eagerly. await Tortoise.init(config) try: await Tortoise._drop_databases() except (DBConnectionError, OperationalError): # pragma: nocoverage pass await Tortoise.init(config, _create_db=True) await Tortoise.generate_schemas(safe=False) def _restore_default() -> None: Tortoise.apps = {} connections._get_storage().update(_CONNECTIONS.copy()) connections._db_config = _CONN_CONFIG.copy() Tortoise._init_apps(_CONFIG["apps"]) Tortoise._inited = True
[docs] def initializer( modules: Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]], db_url: Optional[str] = None, app_label: str = "models", loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: """ Sets up the DB for testing. Must be called as part of test environment setup. :param modules: List of modules to look for models in. :param db_url: The db_url, defaults to ``sqlite://:memory``. :param app_label: The name of the APP to initialise the modules in, defaults to "models" :param loop: Optional event loop. """ # pylint: disable=W0603 global _CONFIG global _CONNECTIONS global _LOOP global _TORTOISE_TEST_DB global _MODULES global _CONN_CONFIG _MODULES = modules if db_url is not None: # pragma: nobranch _TORTOISE_TEST_DB = db_url _CONFIG = getDBConfig(app_label=app_label, modules=_MODULES) loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() _LOOP = loop loop.run_until_complete(_init_db(_CONFIG)) _CONNECTIONS = connections._copy_storage() _CONN_CONFIG = connections.db_config.copy() connections._clear_storage() connections.db_config.clear() Tortoise.apps = {} Tortoise._inited = False
[docs] def finalizer() -> None: """ Cleans up the DB after testing. Must be called as part of the test environment teardown. """ _restore_default() loop = _LOOP loop.run_until_complete(Tortoise._drop_databases())
[docs] def env_initializer() -> None: # pragma: nocoverage """ Calls ``initializer()`` with parameters mapped from environment variables. ``TORTOISE_TEST_MODULES``: A comma-separated list of modules to include *(required)* ``TORTOISE_TEST_APP``: The name of the APP to initialise the modules in *(optional)* If not provided, it will default to "models". ``TORTOISE_TEST_DB``: The db_url of the test db. *(optional*) If not provided, it will default to an in-memory SQLite DB. """ modules = str(_os.environ.get("TORTOISE_TEST_MODULES", "tests.testmodels")).split(",") db_url = _os.environ.get("TORTOISE_TEST_DB", "sqlite://:memory:") app_label = _os.environ.get("TORTOISE_TEST_APP", "models") if not modules: # pragma: nocoverage raise Exception("TORTOISE_TEST_MODULES envvar not defined") initializer(modules, db_url=db_url, app_label=app_label)
[docs] class SimpleTestCase(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): """ The Tortoise base test class. This will ensure that your DB environment has a test double set up for use. An asyncio capable test class that provides some helper functions. Will run any ``test_*()`` function either as sync or async, depending on the signature of the function. If you specify ``async test_*()`` then it will run it in an event loop. Based on `asynctest <>`_ """ def _setupAsyncioRunner(self) -> None: if hasattr(asyncio, "Runner"): # For python3.11+ runner = asyncio.Runner(debug=True, loop_factory=asyncio.get_event_loop) self._asyncioRunner = runner def _tearDownAsyncioRunner(self) -> None: # Override runner tear down to avoid eventloop closing before testing completed. pass async def _setUpDB(self) -> None: pass async def _tearDownDB(self) -> None: pass def _setupAsyncioLoop(self): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_debug(True) self._asyncioTestLoop = loop fut = loop.create_future() self._asyncioCallsTask = loop.create_task(self._asyncioLoopRunner(fut)) # type: ignore loop.run_until_complete(fut) def _tearDownAsyncioLoop(self): loop = self._asyncioTestLoop self._asyncioTestLoop = None # type: ignore self._asyncioCallsQueue.put_nowait(None) # type: ignore loop.run_until_complete(self._asyncioCallsQueue.join()) # type: ignore
[docs] async def asyncSetUp(self) -> None: await self._setUpDB()
def _reset_conn_state(self) -> None: # clearing the storage and db config connections._clear_storage() connections.db_config.clear()
[docs] async def asyncTearDown(self) -> None: await self._tearDownDB() self._reset_conn_state() Tortoise.apps = {} Tortoise._inited = False
[docs] def assertListSortEqual( self, list1: List[Any], list2: List[Any], msg: Any = ..., sorted_key: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: if isinstance(list1[0], Model): super().assertListEqual( sorted(list1, key=lambda x:, sorted(list2, key=lambda x:, msg=msg ) elif isinstance(list1[0], dict) and sorted_key: super().assertListEqual( sorted(list1, key=lambda x: x[sorted_key]), sorted(list2, key=lambda x: x[sorted_key]), msg=msg, ) else: super().assertListEqual(sorted(list1), sorted(list2), msg=msg)
[docs] class IsolatedTestCase(SimpleTestCase): """ An asyncio capable test class that will ensure that an isolated test db is available for each test. Use this if your test needs perfect isolation. Note to use ``{}`` as a string-replacement parameter, for your DB_URL. That will create a randomised database name. It will create and destroy a new DB instance for every test. This is obviously slow, but guarantees a fresh DB. If you define a ``tortoise_test_modules`` list, it overrides the DB setup module for the tests. """ tortoise_test_modules: Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]] = [] async def _setUpDB(self) -> None: await super()._setUpDB() config = getDBConfig(app_label="models", modules=self.tortoise_test_modules or _MODULES) await Tortoise.init(config, _create_db=True) await Tortoise.generate_schemas(safe=False) async def _tearDownDB(self) -> None: await Tortoise._drop_databases()
[docs] class TruncationTestCase(SimpleTestCase): """ An asyncio capable test class that will truncate the tables after a test. Use this when your tests contain transactions. This is slower than ``TestCase`` but faster than ``IsolatedTestCase``. Note that usage of this does not guarantee that auto-number-pks will be reset to 1. """ async def _setUpDB(self) -> None: await super()._setUpDB() _restore_default() async def _tearDownDB(self) -> None: _restore_default() # TODO: This is a naive implementation: Will fail to clear M2M and non-cascade foreign keys for app in Tortoise.apps.values(): for model in app.values(): quote_char = model._meta.db.query_class._builder().QUOTE_CHAR await model._meta.db.execute_script( f"DELETE FROM {quote_char}{model._meta.db_table}{quote_char}" # nosec ) await super()._tearDownDB()
class TransactionTestContext: __slots__ = ("connection", "connection_name", "token", "uses_pool") def __init__(self, connection) -> None: self.connection = connection self.connection_name = connection.connection_name self.uses_pool = hasattr(self.connection._parent, "_pool") async def ensure_connection(self) -> None: is_conn_established = self.connection._connection is not None if self.uses_pool: is_conn_established = self.connection._parent._pool is not None # If the underlying pool/connection hasn't been established then # first create the pool/connection if not is_conn_established: await self.connection._parent.create_connection(with_db=True) if self.uses_pool: self.connection._connection = await self.connection._parent._pool.acquire() else: self.connection._connection = self.connection._parent._connection async def __aenter__(self): await self.ensure_connection() self.token = connections.set(self.connection_name, self.connection) await self.connection.start() return self.connection async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: await self.connection.rollback() if self.uses_pool: await self.connection._parent._pool.release(self.connection._connection) connections.reset(self.token)
[docs] class TestCase(TruncationTestCase): """ An asyncio capable test class that will ensure that each test will be run at separate transaction that will rollback on finish. This is a fast test runner. Don't use it if your test uses transactions. """
[docs] async def asyncSetUp(self) -> None: await super().asyncSetUp() self._db = connections.get("models") self._transaction = TransactionTestContext(self._db._in_transaction().connection) await self._transaction.__aenter__() # type: ignore
[docs] async def asyncTearDown(self) -> None: await self._transaction.__aexit__(None, None, None) await super().asyncTearDown()
async def _tearDownDB(self) -> None: if self._db.capabilities.supports_transactions: _restore_default() else: await super()._tearDownDB()
[docs] def requireCapability(connection_name: str = "models", **conditions: Any) -> Callable: """ Skip a test if the required capabilities are not matched. .. note:: The database must be initialized *before* the decorated test runs. Usage: .. code-block:: python3 @requireCapability(dialect='sqlite') async def test_run_sqlite_only(self): ... Or to conditionally skip a class: .. code-block:: python3 @requireCapability(dialect='sqlite') class TestSqlite(test.TestCase): ... :param connection_name: name of the connection to retrieve capabilities from. :param conditions: capability tests which must all pass for the test to run. """ def decorator(test_item): if not isinstance(test_item, type): def check_capabilities() -> None: db = connections.get(connection_name) for key, val in conditions.items(): if getattr(db.capabilities, key) != val: raise SkipTest(f"Capability {key} != {val}") if hasattr(asyncio, "Runner") and inspect.iscoroutinefunction(test_item): # For python3.11+ @wraps(test_item) async def skip_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): check_capabilities() return await test_item(*args, **kwargs) else: @wraps(test_item) def skip_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): check_capabilities() return test_item(*args, **kwargs) return skip_wrapper # Assume a class is decorated funcs = { var: f for var in dir(test_item) if var.startswith("test_") and callable(f := getattr(test_item, var)) } for name, func in funcs.items(): setattr( test_item, name, requireCapability(connection_name=connection_name, **conditions)(func), ) return test_item return decorator
T = TypeVar("T") P = ParamSpec("P") AsyncFunc = Callable[P, Coroutine[None, None, T]] AsyncFuncDeco = Callable[..., AsyncFunc] ModulesConfigType = Union[str, List[str]] MEMORY_SQLITE = "sqlite://:memory:" @typing.overload def init_memory_sqlite(models: Union[ModulesConfigType, None] = None) -> AsyncFuncDeco: ... @typing.overload def init_memory_sqlite(models: AsyncFunc) -> AsyncFunc: ...
[docs] def init_memory_sqlite( models: Union[ModulesConfigType, AsyncFunc, None] = None ) -> Union[AsyncFunc, AsyncFuncDeco]: """ For single file style to run code with memory sqlite :param models: list_of_modules that should be discovered for models, default to ['__main__']. Usage: .. code-block:: python3 from tortoise import fields, models, run_async from tortoise.contrib.test import init_memory_sqlite class MyModel(models.Model): id = fields.IntField(primary_key=True) name = fields.TextField() @init_memory_sqlite async def run(): obj = await MyModel.create(name='') assert == 1 if __name__ == '__main__' run_async(run) Custom models example: .. code-block:: python3 @init_memory_sqlite(models=['app.models', 'aerich.models']) async def run(): ... """ def wrapper(func: AsyncFunc, ms: List[str]): @wraps(func) async def runner(*args, **kwargs) -> T: await Tortoise.init(db_url=MEMORY_SQLITE, modules={"models": ms}) await Tortoise.generate_schemas() return await func(*args, **kwargs) return runner default_models = ["__main__"] if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(models): return wrapper(models, default_models) if models is None: models = default_models elif isinstance(models, str): models = [models] else: models = cast(list, models) return partial(wrapper, ms=models)