from typing import (
from pypika import Table
from typing_extensions import Literal
from tortoise.exceptions import ConfigurationError, NoValuesFetched, OperationalError
from tortoise.fields.base import CASCADE, SET_NULL, Field, OnDelete
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: nocoverage
from tortoise.backends.base.client import BaseDBAsyncClient
from tortoise.models import Model
from tortoise.queryset import Q, QuerySet
MODEL = TypeVar("MODEL", bound="Model")
class _NoneAwaitable:
__slots__ = ()
def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
yield None
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return False
NoneAwaitable = _NoneAwaitable()
class ReverseRelation(Generic[MODEL]):
Relation container for :func:`.ForeignKeyField`.
def __init__(
remote_model: Type[MODEL],
relation_field: str,
instance: "Model",
from_field: str,
) -> None:
self.remote_model = remote_model
self.relation_field = relation_field
self.instance = instance
self.from_field = from_field
self._fetched = False
self._custom_query = False
self.related_objects: List[MODEL] = []
def _query(self) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]":
if not self.instance._saved_in_db:
raise OperationalError(
"This objects hasn't been instanced, call .save() before calling related queries"
return self.remote_model.filter(
**{self.relation_field: getattr(self.instance, self.from_field)}
def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool:
return item in self.related_objects
def __iter__(self) -> "Iterator[MODEL]":
return self.related_objects.__iter__()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.related_objects)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.related_objects)
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> MODEL:
return self.related_objects[item]
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, List[MODEL]]:
return self._query.__await__()
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncGenerator[Any, MODEL]:
if not self._fetched:
self._set_result_for_query(await self)
for val in self.related_objects:
yield val
def filter(self, *args: "Q", **kwargs: Any) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]":
Returns a QuerySet with related elements filtered by args/kwargs.
return self._query.filter(*args, **kwargs)
def all(self) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]":
Returns a QuerySet with all related elements.
return self._query
def order_by(self, *orderings: str) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]":
Returns a QuerySet related elements in order.
return self._query.order_by(*orderings)
def limit(self, limit: int) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]":
Returns a QuerySet with at most «limit» related elements.
return self._query.limit(limit)
def offset(self, offset: int) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]":
Returns a QuerySet with all related elements offset by «offset».
return self._query.offset(offset)
def _set_result_for_query(self, sequence: List[MODEL], attr: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self._fetched = True
self.related_objects = sequence
if attr:
setattr(self.instance, attr, sequence)
def _raise_if_not_fetched(self) -> None:
if not self._fetched:
raise NoValuesFetched(
"No values were fetched for this relation, first use .fetch_related()"
class ManyToManyRelation(ReverseRelation[MODEL]):
Many-to-many relation container for :func:`.ManyToManyField`.
def __init__(self, instance: "Model", m2m_field: "ManyToManyFieldInstance[MODEL]") -> None:
super().__init__(m2m_field.related_model, m2m_field.related_name, instance, "pk")
self.field = m2m_field
self.instance = instance
async def add(self, *instances: MODEL, using_db: "Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient]" = None) -> None:
Adds one or more of ``instances`` to the relation.
If it is already added, it will be silently ignored.
:raises OperationalError: If Object to add is not saved.
if not instances:
if not self.instance._saved_in_db:
raise OperationalError(f"You should first call .save() on {self.instance}")
db = using_db or self.remote_model._meta.db
pk_formatting_func = type(self.instance)
related_pk_formatting_func = type(instances[0])
pk_b = pk_formatting_func(, self.instance)
pks_f: list = []
for instance_to_add in instances:
if not instance_to_add._saved_in_db:
raise OperationalError(f"You should first call .save() on {instance_to_add}")
pk_f = related_pk_formatting_func(, instance_to_add)
through_table = Table(self.field.through)
backward_key, forward_key = self.field.backward_key, self.field.forward_key
backward_field, forward_field = through_table[backward_key], through_table[forward_key]
select_query = (
db.query_class.from_(through_table).where(backward_field == pk_b).select(forward_key)
criterion = forward_field == pks_f[0] if len(pks_f) == 1 else forward_field.isin(pks_f)
select_query = select_query.where(criterion)
_, already_existing_relations_raw = await db.execute_query(str(select_query))
already_existing_forward_pks = {
related_pk_formatting_func(r[forward_key], self.instance)
for r in already_existing_relations_raw
if pks_f_to_insert := set(pks_f) - already_existing_forward_pks:
query = db.query_class.into(through_table).columns(forward_field, backward_field)
for pk_f in pks_f_to_insert:
query = query.insert(pk_f, pk_b)
await db.execute_query(str(query))
async def clear(self, using_db: "Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient]" = None) -> None:
Clears ALL relations.
await self._remove_or_clear(using_db=using_db)
async def remove(
self, *instances: MODEL, using_db: "Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient]" = None
) -> None:
Removes one or more of ``instances`` from the relation.
:raises OperationalError: remove() was called with no instances.
if not instances:
raise OperationalError("remove() called on no instances")
await self._remove_or_clear(instances, using_db)
async def _remove_or_clear(
instances: Optional[Tuple[MODEL, ...]] = None,
using_db: "Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient]" = None,
) -> None:
db = using_db or self.remote_model._meta.db
through_table = Table(self.field.through)
pk_formatting_func = type(self.instance)
condition = through_table[self.field.backward_key] == pk_formatting_func(, self.instance
if instances:
related_pk_formatting_func = type(instances[0])
if len(instances) == 1:
condition &= through_table[self.field.forward_key] == related_pk_formatting_func(
instances[0].pk, instances[0]
condition &= through_table[self.field.forward_key].isin(
[related_pk_formatting_func(, i) for i in instances]
query = db.query_class.from_(through_table).where(condition).delete()
await db.execute_query(str(query))
class RelationalField(Field[MODEL]):
has_db_field = False
def __init__(
related_model: "Type[MODEL]",
to_field: Optional[str] = None,
db_constraint: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
self.related_model: "Type[MODEL]" = related_model
self.to_field: str = to_field # type: ignore
self.to_field_instance: Field = None # type: ignore
self.db_constraint = db_constraint
def __get__(self, instance: None, owner: Type["Model"]) -> "RelationalField[MODEL]": ...
def __get__(self, instance: "Model", owner: Type["Model"]) -> MODEL: ...
def __get__(
self, instance: Optional["Model"], owner: Type["Model"]
) -> "RelationalField[MODEL] | MODEL": ...
def __set__(self, instance: "Model", value: MODEL) -> None: ...
def describe(self, serializable: bool) -> dict:
desc = super().describe(serializable)
desc["db_constraint"] = self.db_constraint
del desc["db_column"]
return desc
def validate_model_name(cls, model_name: str) -> None:
if len(model_name.split(".")) != 2:
field_type = cls.__name__.replace("Instance", "")
raise ConfigurationError(f'{field_type} accepts model name in format "app.Model"')
class ForeignKeyFieldInstance(RelationalField[MODEL]):
def __init__(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(None, **kwargs) # type: ignore
self.model_name = model_name
self.related_name = related_name
if on_delete not in set(OnDelete):
raise ConfigurationError(
if on_delete == SET_NULL and not bool(kwargs.get("null")):
raise ConfigurationError("If on_delete is SET_NULL, then field must have null=True set")
self.on_delete = on_delete
def describe(self, serializable: bool) -> dict:
desc = super().describe(serializable)
desc["raw_field"] = self.source_field
desc["on_delete"] = str(self.on_delete)
return desc
class BackwardFKRelation(RelationalField[MODEL]):
def __init__(
field_type: "Type[MODEL]",
relation_field: str,
relation_source_field: str,
null: bool,
description: Optional[str],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(field_type, null=null, **kwargs)
self.relation_field: str = relation_field
self.relation_source_field: str = relation_source_field
self.description: Optional[str] = description
class OneToOneFieldInstance(ForeignKeyFieldInstance[MODEL]):
def __init__(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(model_name, related_name, on_delete, unique=True, **kwargs)
class BackwardOneToOneRelation(BackwardFKRelation[MODEL]):
class ManyToManyFieldInstance(RelationalField[MODEL]):
field_type = ManyToManyRelation
def __init__(
model_name: str,
through: Optional[str] = None,
forward_key: Optional[str] = None,
backward_key: str = "",
related_name: str = "",
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
field_type: "Type[MODEL]" = None, # type: ignore
create_unique_index: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
# TODO: rename through to through_table
# TODO: add through to use a Model
super().__init__(field_type, **kwargs)
self.model_name: str = model_name
self.related_name: str = related_name
self.forward_key: str = forward_key or f"{model_name.split('.')[1].lower()}_id"
self.backward_key: str = backward_key
self.through: str = through # type: ignore
self._generated: bool = False
self.on_delete = on_delete
self.create_unique_index = create_unique_index
def describe(self, serializable: bool) -> dict:
desc = super().describe(serializable)
desc["model_name"] = self.model_name
desc["related_name"] = self.related_name
desc["forward_key"] = self.forward_key
desc["backward_key"] = self.backward_key
desc["through"] = self.through
desc["on_delete"] = str(self.on_delete)
desc["_generated"] = self._generated
return desc
def OneToOneField(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
null: Literal[True],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "OneToOneNullableRelation[MODEL]": ...
def OneToOneField(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
null: Literal[False] = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "OneToOneRelation[MODEL]": ...
def OneToOneField(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
null: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "OneToOneRelation[MODEL] | OneToOneNullableRelation[MODEL]":
OneToOne relation field.
This field represents a foreign key relation to another model.
See :ref:`one_to_one` for usage information.
You must provide the following:
The name of the related model in a :samp:`'{app}.{model}'` format.
The following is optional:
The attribute name on the related model to reverse resolve the foreign key.
One of:
Indicate that the model should be cascade deleted if related model gets deleted.
Indicate that the related model delete will be restricted as long as a
foreign key points to it.
Resets the field to NULL in case the related model gets deleted.
Can only be set if field has ``null=True`` set.
Resets the field to ``default`` value in case the related model gets deleted.
Can only be set is field has a ``default`` set.
Take no action.
The attribute name on the related model to establish foreign key relationship.
If not set, pk is used
Controls whether or not a constraint should be created in the database for this foreign key.
The default is True, and that’s almost certainly what you want; setting this to False can be very bad for data integrity.
return OneToOneFieldInstance(
model_name, related_name, on_delete, db_constraint=db_constraint, null=null, **kwargs
def ForeignKeyField(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
null: Literal[True],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "ForeignKeyNullableRelation[MODEL]": ...
def ForeignKeyField(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
null: Literal[False] = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "ForeignKeyRelation[MODEL]": ...
def ForeignKeyField(
model_name: str,
related_name: Union[Optional[str], Literal[False]] = None,
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
null: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "ForeignKeyRelation[MODEL] | ForeignKeyNullableRelation[MODEL]":
ForeignKey relation field.
This field represents a foreign key relation to another model.
See :ref:`foreign_key` for usage information.
You must provide the following:
The name of the related model in a :samp:`'{app}.{model}'` format.
The following is optional:
The attribute name on the related model to reverse resolve the foreign key.
One of:
Indicate that the model should be cascade deleted if related model gets deleted.
Indicate that the related model delete will be restricted as long as a
foreign key points to it.
Resets the field to NULL in case the related model gets deleted.
Can only be set if field has ``null=True`` set.
Resets the field to ``default`` value in case the related model gets deleted.
Can only be set is field has a ``default`` set.
Take no action.
The attribute name on the related model to establish foreign key relationship.
If not set, pk is used
Controls whether or not a constraint should be created in the database for this foreign key.
The default is True, and that’s almost certainly what you want; setting this to False can be very bad for data integrity.
return ForeignKeyFieldInstance(
model_name, related_name, on_delete, db_constraint=db_constraint, null=null, **kwargs
def ManyToManyField(
model_name: str,
through: Optional[str] = None,
forward_key: Optional[str] = None,
backward_key: str = "",
related_name: str = "",
on_delete: OnDelete = CASCADE,
db_constraint: bool = True,
create_unique_index: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "ManyToManyRelation[Any]":
ManyToMany relation field.
This field represents a many-to-many between this model and another model.
See :ref:`many_to_many` for usage information.
You must provide the following:
The name of the related model in a :samp:`'{app}.{model}'` format.
The following is optional:
The DB table that represents the through table.
The default is normally safe.
The forward lookup key on the through table.
The default is normally safe.
The backward lookup key on the through table.
The default is normally safe.
The attribute name on the related model to reverse resolve the many to many.
Controls whether or not a constraint should be created in the database for this foreign key.
The default is True, and that’s almost certainly what you want; setting this to False can be very bad for data integrity.
One of:
Indicate that the model should be cascade deleted if related model gets deleted.
Indicate that the related model delete will be restricted as long as a
foreign key points to it.
Resets the field to NULL in case the related model gets deleted.
Can only be set if field has ``null=True`` set.
Resets the field to ``default`` value in case the related model gets deleted.
Can only be set is field has a ``default`` set.
Take no action.
Controls whether or not a unique index should be created in the database to speed up select queries.
The default is True. If you want to allow repeat records, set this to False.
return ManyToManyFieldInstance( # type: ignore
OneToOneNullableRelation = Optional[OneToOneFieldInstance[MODEL]]
Type hint for the result of accessing the :func:`.OneToOneField` field in the model
when obtained model can be nullable.
OneToOneRelation = OneToOneFieldInstance[MODEL]
Type hint for the result of accessing the :func:`.OneToOneField` field in the model.
ForeignKeyNullableRelation = Optional[ForeignKeyFieldInstance[MODEL]]
Type hint for the result of accessing the :func:`.ForeignKeyField` field in the model
when obtained model can be nullable.
ForeignKeyRelation = ForeignKeyFieldInstance[MODEL]
Type hint for the result of accessing the :func:`.ForeignKeyField` field in the model.