Source code for tortoise.models

import asyncio
import inspect
import re
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import (

from pypika import Order, Query, Table
from pypika.terms import Term
from typing_extensions import Self

from tortoise import connections
from tortoise.backends.base.client import BaseDBAsyncClient
from tortoise.exceptions import (
from tortoise.fields.base import Field
from import IntField
from tortoise.fields.relational import (
from tortoise.filters import FilterInfoDict, get_filters_for_field
from tortoise.functions import Function
from tortoise.indexes import Index
from tortoise.manager import Manager
from tortoise.queryset import (
from tortoise.router import router
from tortoise.signals import Signals
from tortoise.transactions import in_transaction

MODEL = TypeVar("MODEL", bound="Model")
EMPTY = object()

def get_together(meta: "Model.Meta", together: str) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...]:
    _together = getattr(meta, together, ())

    if _together and isinstance(_together, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(_together[0], str):
        _together = (_together,)

    # return without validation, validation will be done further in the code
    return _together

def prepare_default_ordering(meta: "Model.Meta") -> Tuple[Tuple[str, Order], ...]:
    ordering_list = getattr(meta, "ordering", ())

    parsed_ordering = tuple(
        QuerySet._resolve_ordering_string(ordering) for ordering in ordering_list

    return parsed_ordering

class FkSetterKwargs(TypedDict):
    _key: str
    relation_field: str
    to_field: str

def _fk_setter(
    self: "Model",
    value: "Optional[Model]",
    _key: str,
    relation_field: str,
    to_field: str,
) -> None:
    setattr(self, relation_field, getattr(value, to_field) if value else None)
    setattr(self, _key, value)

def _fk_getter(
    self: "Model", _key: str, ftype: "Type[Model]", relation_field: str, to_field: str
) -> Awaitable:
        return getattr(self, _key)
    except AttributeError:
        value = getattr(self, relation_field)
        if value is not None:
            return ftype.filter(**{to_field: value}).first()
        return NoneAwaitable

def _rfk_getter(
    self: "Model", _key: str, ftype: "Type[Model]", frelfield: str, from_field: str
) -> ReverseRelation:
    val = getattr(self, _key, None)
    if val is None:
        val = ReverseRelation(ftype, frelfield, self, from_field)
        setattr(self, _key, val)
    return val

def _ro2o_getter(
    self: "Model", _key: str, ftype: "Type[Model]", frelfield: str, from_field: str
) -> "QuerySetSingle[Optional[Model]]":
    if hasattr(self, _key):
        return getattr(self, _key)

    val = ftype.filter(**{frelfield: getattr(self, from_field)}).first()
    setattr(self, _key, val)
    return val

def _m2m_getter(
    self: "Model", _key: str, field_object: ManyToManyFieldInstance
) -> ManyToManyRelation:
    val = getattr(self, _key, None)
    if val is None:
        val = ManyToManyRelation(self, field_object)
        setattr(self, _key, val)
    return val

def _get_comments(cls: "Type[Model]") -> Dict[str, str]:
    Get comments exactly before attributes

    It can be multiline comment. The placeholder "{model}" will be replaced with the name of the
    model class. We require that the comments are in #: (with a colon) format, so you can
    differentiate between private and public comments.

    :param cls: The class we need to extract comments from its source.
    :return: The dictionary of comments by field name
        source = inspect.getsource(cls)
    except (TypeError, OSError):  # pragma: nocoverage
        return {}
    comments = {}

    for cls_ in reversed(cls.__mro__):
        if cls_ is object:
        matches = re.findall(r"((?:(?!\n|^)[^\w\n]*#:.*?\n)+?)[^\w\n]*(\w+)\s*[:=]", source)
        for match in matches:
            field_name = match[1]
            # Extract text
            comment = re.sub(r"(^\s*#:\s*|\s*$)", "", match[0], flags=re.MULTILINE)
            # Class name template
            comments[field_name] = comment.replace("{model}", cls_.__name__)

    return comments

class MetaInfo:
    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, meta: "Model.Meta") -> None:
        self.abstract: bool = getattr(meta, "abstract", False)
        self.manager: Manager = getattr(meta, "manager", Manager())
        self.db_table: str = getattr(meta, "table", "")
        self.schema: Optional[str] = getattr(meta, "schema", None) Optional[str] = getattr(meta, "app", None)
        self.unique_together: Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...] = get_together(meta, "unique_together")
        self.indexes: Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...] = get_together(meta, "indexes")
        self._default_ordering: Tuple[Tuple[str, Order], ...] = prepare_default_ordering(meta)
        self._ordering_validated: bool = False
        self.fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.db_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.m2m_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.fk_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.o2o_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.backward_fk_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.backward_o2o_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.fetch_fields: Set[str] = set()
        self.fields_db_projection: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self.fields_db_projection_reverse: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self._filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict] = {}
        self.filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict] = {}
        self.fields_map: Dict[str, Field] = {}
        self._inited: bool = False
        self.default_connection: Optional[str] = None
        self.basequery: Query = Query()
        self.basequery_all_fields: Query = Query()
        self.basetable: Table = Table("")
        self.pk_attr: str = getattr(meta, "pk_attr", "")
        self.generated_db_fields: Tuple[str, ...] = None  # type: ignore
        self._model: Type["Model"] = None  # type: ignore
        self.table_description: str = getattr(meta, "table_description", "") Field = None  # type: ignore
        self.db_pk_column: str = ""
        self.db_native_fields: List[Tuple[str, str, Field]] = []
        self.db_default_fields: List[Tuple[str, str, Field]] = []
        self.db_complex_fields: List[Tuple[str, str, Field]] = []

    def full_name(self) -> str:
        return f"{}.{self._model.__name__}"

    def add_field(self, name: str, value: Field) -> None:
        if name in self.fields_map:
            raise ConfigurationError(f"Field {name} already present in meta")
        value.model = self._model
        self.fields_map[name] = value
        value.model_field_name = name

        if value.has_db_field:
            self.fields_db_projection[name] = value.source_field or name

        if isinstance(value, ManyToManyFieldInstance):
        elif isinstance(value, BackwardOneToOneRelation):
        elif isinstance(value, BackwardFKRelation):

        field_filters = get_filters_for_field(
            field_name=name, field=value, source_field=value.source_field or name

    def db(self) -> BaseDBAsyncClient:
        if self.default_connection is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"default_connection for the model {self._model} cannot be None"
        return connections.get(self.default_connection)

    def ordering(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, Order], ...]:
        if not self._ordering_validated:
            unknown_fields = {f for f, _ in self._default_ordering} - self.fields
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"Unknown fields {','.join(unknown_fields)} in "
                f"default ordering for model {self._model.__name__}"
        return self._default_ordering

    def get_filter(self, key: str) -> FilterInfoDict:
        return self.filters[key]

    def finalise_model(self) -> None:
        Finalise the model after it had been fully loaded.

    def finalise_fields(self) -> None:
        self.db_fields = set(self.fields_db_projection.values())
        self.fields = set(self.fields_map.keys())
        self.fields_db_projection_reverse = {
            value: key for key, value in self.fields_db_projection.items()
        self.fetch_fields = (
            | self.backward_fk_fields
            | self.fk_fields
            | self.backward_o2o_fields
            | self.o2o_fields

        generated_fields = [
            (field.source_field or field.model_field_name)
            for field in self.fields_map.values()
            if field.generated
        self.generated_db_fields = tuple(generated_fields)

        self._ordering_validated = True
        for field_name, _ in self._default_ordering:
            if field_name.split("__")[0] not in self.fields:
                self._ordering_validated = False

    def _generate_lazy_fk_m2m_fields(self) -> None:
        # Create lazy FK fields on model.
        for key in self.fk_fields:
            _key = f"_{key}"
            fk_field_object: ForeignKeyFieldInstance = self.fields_map[key]  # type: ignore
            relation_field = cast(str, fk_field_object.source_field)
            to_field = fk_field_object.to_field_instance.model_field_name
            property_kwargs: FkSetterKwargs = dict(

        # Create lazy reverse FK fields on model.
        for key in self.backward_fk_fields:
            _key = f"_{key}"
            backward_fk_field_object: BackwardFKRelation = self.fields_map[key]  # type: ignore

        # Create lazy one to one fields on model.
        for key in self.o2o_fields:
            _key = f"_{key}"
            o2o_field_object = cast(OneToOneFieldInstance, self.fields_map[key])
            relation_field = cast(str, o2o_field_object.source_field)
            to_field = o2o_field_object.to_field_instance.model_field_name
            property_kwargs = dict(

        # Create lazy reverse one to one fields on model.
        for key in self.backward_o2o_fields:
            _key = f"_{key}"
            backward_o2o_field_object: BackwardOneToOneRelation = self.fields_map[  # type: ignore

        # Create lazy M2M fields on model.
        for key in self.m2m_fields:
            _key = f"_{key}"
            field_object = cast(ManyToManyFieldInstance, self.fields_map[key])
                property(partial(_m2m_getter, _key=_key, field_object=field_object)),

    def _generate_db_fields(self) -> None:

        for key in self.db_fields:
            model_field = self.fields_db_projection_reverse[key]
            field = self.fields_map[model_field]

            is_native_field_type = field.field_type in self.db.executor_class.DB_NATIVE
            default_converter = field.__class__.to_python_value is Field.to_python_value

            if is_native_field_type and (default_converter or field.skip_to_python_if_native):
                self.db_native_fields.append((key, model_field, field))
            elif default_converter:
                self.db_default_fields.append((key, model_field, field))
                self.db_complex_fields.append((key, model_field, field))

    def _generate_filters(self) -> None:
        get_overridden_filter_func = self.db.executor_class.get_overridden_filter_func
        for key, filter_info in self._filters.items():
            overridden_operator = get_overridden_filter_func(filter_func=filter_info["operator"])
            if overridden_operator:
                filter_info = copy(filter_info)
                filter_info["operator"] = overridden_operator
            self.filters[key] = filter_info

class ModelMeta(type):
    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[Type, ...], attrs: dict):
        fields_db_projection: Dict[str, str] = {}
        fields_map: Dict[str, Field] = {}
        filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict] = {}
        fk_fields: Set[str] = set()
        m2m_fields: Set[str] = set()
        o2o_fields: Set[str] = set()
        meta_class: "Model.Meta" = attrs.get("Meta", type("Meta", (), {}))
        pk_attr: str = "id"

        # Searching for Field attributes in the class hierarchy
        def __search_for_field_attributes(base: Type, attrs: dict) -> None:
            Searching for class attributes of type fields.Field
            in the given class.

            If an attribute of the class is an instance of fields.Field,
            then it will be added to the fields dict. But only, if the
            key is not already in the dict. So derived classes have a higher
            precedence. Multiple Inheritance is supported from left to right.

            After checking the given class, the function will look into
            the classes according to the MRO (method resolution order).

            The MRO is 'natural' order, in which python traverses methods and
            fields. For more information on the magic behind check out:
            `The Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order
            for parent in base.__mro__[1:]:
                __search_for_field_attributes(parent, attrs)
            meta = getattr(base, "_meta", None)
            if meta:
                # For abstract classes
                for key, value in meta.fields_map.items():
                    attrs[key] = value
                # For abstract classes manager
                for key, value in base.__dict__.items():
                    if isinstance(value, Manager) and key not in attrs:
                        attrs[key] = value.__class__()
                # For mixin classes
                for key, value in base.__dict__.items():
                    if isinstance(value, Field) and key not in attrs:
                        attrs[key] = value

        # Start searching for fields in the base classes.
        inherited_attrs: dict = {}
        for base in bases:
            __search_for_field_attributes(base, inherited_attrs)
        if inherited_attrs:
            # Ensure that the inherited fields are before the defined ones.
            attrs = {**inherited_attrs, **attrs}

        if name != "Model":
            custom_pk_present = False
            for key, value in attrs.items():
                if isinstance(value, Field):
                        if custom_pk_present:
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"Can't create model {name} with two primary keys,"
                                " only single primary key is supported"
                        if value.generated and not value.allows_generated:
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"Field '{key}' ({value.__class__.__name__}) can't be DB-generated"
                        custom_pk_present = True
                        pk_attr = key

            if not custom_pk_present and not getattr(meta_class, "abstract", None):
                if "id" not in attrs:
                    attrs = {"id": IntField(primary_key=True), **attrs}

                if not isinstance(attrs["id"], Field) or not attrs["id"].pk:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        f"Can't create model {name} without explicit primary key if field 'id'"
                        " already present"

        for key, value in attrs.items():
            if isinstance(value, Field):
                if getattr(meta_class, "abstract", None):
                    value = deepcopy(value)

                fields_map[key] = value
                value.model_field_name = key

                if isinstance(value, OneToOneFieldInstance):
                elif isinstance(value, ForeignKeyFieldInstance):
                elif isinstance(value, ManyToManyFieldInstance):
                    fields_db_projection[key] = value.source_field or key
                    field, source_field = fields_map[key], fields_db_projection[key]
                            field_name=key, field=field, source_field=source_field
                                field_name="pk", field=field, source_field=source_field

        # Clean the class attributes
        for slot in fields_map:
            attrs.pop(slot, None)
        attrs["_meta"] = meta = MetaInfo(meta_class)

        meta.fields_map = fields_map
        meta.fields_db_projection = fields_db_projection
        meta._filters = filters
        meta.fk_fields = fk_fields
        meta.backward_fk_fields = set()
        meta.o2o_fields = o2o_fields
        meta.backward_o2o_fields = set()
        meta.m2m_fields = m2m_fields
        meta.default_connection = None
        meta.pk_attr = pk_attr = fields_map.get(pk_attr)  # type: ignore
            meta.db_pk_column = or meta.pk_attr
        meta._inited = False
        if not fields_map:
            meta.abstract = True

        new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        for field in meta.fields_map.values():
            field.model = new_class  # type: ignore

        for fname, comment in _get_comments(new_class).items():  # type: ignore
            if fname in fields_map:
                fields_map[fname].docstring = comment
                if fields_map[fname].description is None:
                    fields_map[fname].description = comment.split("\n")[0]

        if new_class.__doc__ and not meta.table_description:
            meta.table_description = inspect.cleandoc(new_class.__doc__).split("\n")[0]
        for key, value in attrs.items():
            if isinstance(value, Manager):
                value._model = new_class
        meta._model = new_class  # type: ignore
        meta.manager._model = new_class
        return new_class

    def __getitem__(cls: Type[MODEL], key: Any) -> QuerySetSingle[MODEL]:  # type: ignore
        return cls._getbypk(key)  # type: ignore

[docs] class Model(metaclass=ModelMeta): """ Base class for all Tortoise ORM Models. """ # I don' like this here, but it makes auto completion and static analysis much happier _meta = MetaInfo(None) # type: ignore _listeners: Dict[Signals, Dict[Type[MODEL], List[Callable]]] = { # type: ignore Signals.pre_save: {}, Signals.post_save: {}, Signals.pre_delete: {}, Signals.post_delete: {}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # self._meta is a very common attribute lookup, lets cache it. meta = self._meta self._partial = False self._saved_in_db = False self._custom_generated_pk = False self._await_when_save: Dict[str, Callable[[], Awaitable[Any]]] = {} # Assign defaults for missing fields for key in meta.fields.difference(self._set_kwargs(kwargs)): field_object = meta.fields_map[key] field_default = field_object.default if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(field_default): self._await_when_save[key] = field_default elif callable(field_default): setattr(self, key, field_default()) else: setattr(self, key, deepcopy(field_object.default)) def __setattr__(self, key, value): # set field value override async default function if hasattr(self, "_await_when_save"): self._await_when_save.pop(key, None) super().__setattr__(key, value) def _set_kwargs(self, kwargs: dict) -> Set[str]: meta = self._meta # Assign values and do type conversions passed_fields = {*kwargs.keys()} | meta.fetch_fields for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in meta.fk_fields or key in meta.o2o_fields: if value and not value._saved_in_db: raise OperationalError( f"You should first call .save() on {value} before referring to it" ) setattr(self, key, value) passed_fields.add(meta.fields_map[key].source_field) elif key in meta.fields_db_projection: field_object = meta.fields_map[key] if and field_object.generated: self._custom_generated_pk = True if value is None and not field_object.null: raise ValueError(f"{key} is non nullable field, but null was passed") setattr(self, key, field_object.to_python_value(value)) elif key in meta.backward_fk_fields: raise ConfigurationError( "You can't set backward relations through init, change related model instead" ) elif key in meta.backward_o2o_fields: raise ConfigurationError( "You can't set backward one to one relations through init," " change related model instead" ) elif key in meta.m2m_fields: raise ConfigurationError( "You can't set m2m relations through init, use m2m_manager instead" ) return passed_fields @classmethod def _init_from_db(cls: Type[MODEL], **kwargs: Any) -> MODEL: self = cls.__new__(cls) self._partial = False self._saved_in_db = True self._custom_generated_pk = self._meta.db_pk_column not in self._meta.generated_db_fields self._await_when_save = {} meta = self._meta inited_keys: Set[str] = set() try: # This is like so for performance reasons. # We want to avoid conditionals and calling .to_python_value() # Native fields are fields that are already converted to/from python to DB type # by the DB driver for key, model_field, field in meta.db_native_fields: setattr(self, model_field, kwargs[key]) inited_keys.add(key) # Fields that don't override .to_python_value() are converted without a call # as we already know what we will be doing. for key, model_field, field in meta.db_default_fields: if (value := kwargs[key]) is not None: value = field.field_type(value) setattr(self, model_field, value) inited_keys.add(key) # These fields need manual .to_python_value() for key, model_field, field in meta.db_complex_fields: setattr(self, model_field, field.to_python_value(kwargs[key])) inited_keys.add(key) except KeyError: self._partial = True native_fields: List[Field] = [f for *_, f in meta.db_native_fields] default_fields = complex_fields = None for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in inited_keys or key not in meta.fields_map: continue if (field := meta.fields_map[key]) not in native_fields: if default_fields is None: default_fields = [f for *_, f in meta.db_default_fields] if field in default_fields: if value is not None: value = field.field_type(value) else: if complex_fields is None: complex_fields = [f for *_, f in meta.db_complex_fields] value = field.to_python_value(value) setattr(self, key, value) return self def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>" def __repr__(self) -> str: if return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {}>" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>" def __hash__(self) -> int: if not raise TypeError("Model instances without id are unhashable") return hash( def __iter__(self): for field in self._meta.db_fields: yield field, getattr(self, field) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return type(other) is type(self) and == # type: ignore def _get_pk_val(self) -> Any: return getattr(self, self._meta.pk_attr, None) def _set_pk_val(self, value: Any) -> None: setattr(self, self._meta.pk_attr, value) pk = property(_get_pk_val, _set_pk_val) """ Alias to the models Primary Key. Can be used as a field name when doing filtering e.g. ``.filter(pk=...)`` etc... """ @classmethod async def _getbypk(cls: Type[MODEL], key: Any) -> MODEL: try: return await cls.get(pk=key) except (DoesNotExist, ValueError): raise ObjectDoesNotExistError(cls, cls._meta.pk_attr, key)
[docs] def clone(self: MODEL, pk: Any = EMPTY) -> MODEL: """ Create a new clone of the object that when you do a ``.save()`` will create a new record. :param pk: An optionally required value if the model doesn't generate its own primary key. Any value you specify here will always be used. :return: A copy of the current object without primary key information. :raises ParamsError: If pk is required but not provided. """ obj = copy(self) if pk is EMPTY: pk_field: Field = if pk_field.generated is False and pk_field.default is None: raise ParamsError( f"{self._meta.full_name} requires explicit primary key. Please use .clone(pk=<value>)" ) else: = None else: = pk obj._saved_in_db = False return obj
[docs] def update_from_dict(self: MODEL, data: dict) -> MODEL: """ Updates the current model with the provided dict. This can allow mass-updating a model from a dict, also ensuring that datatype conversions happen. This will ignore any extra fields, and NOT update the model with them, but will raise errors on bad types or updating Many-instance relations. :param data: The parameters you want to update in a dict format :return: The current model instance :raises ConfigurationError: When attempting to update a remote instance (e.g. a reverse ForeignKey or ManyToMany relation) :raises ValueError: When a passed parameter is not type compatible """ self._set_kwargs(data) return self
[docs] @classmethod def register_listener(cls, signal: Signals, listener: Callable): """ Register listener to current model class for special Signal. :param signal: one of tortoise.signals.Signals :param listener: callable listener :raises ConfigurationError: When listener is not callable """ if not callable(listener): raise ConfigurationError("Signal listener must be callable!") cls_listeners = cls._listeners.get(signal).setdefault(cls, []) # type:ignore if listener not in cls_listeners: cls_listeners.append(listener)
async def _set_async_default_field(self) -> None: """retrieve value from field's async default value""" if hasattr(self, "_await_when_save"): for k, v in self._await_when_save.copy().items(): setattr(self, k, await v()) self._await_when_save = {} async def _wait_for_listeners(self, signal: Signals, *listener_args) -> None: cls_listeners = self._listeners.get(signal, {}).get(self.__class__, []) listeners = [listener(self.__class__, self, *listener_args) for listener in cls_listeners] await asyncio.gather(*listeners) async def _pre_delete(self, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None) -> None: await self._wait_for_listeners(Signals.pre_delete, using_db) async def _post_delete(self, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None) -> None: await self._wait_for_listeners(Signals.post_delete, using_db) async def _pre_save( self, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, update_fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> None: await self._wait_for_listeners(Signals.pre_save, using_db, update_fields) async def _post_save( self, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, created: bool = False, update_fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> None: await self._wait_for_listeners(Signals.post_save, created, using_db, update_fields)
[docs] async def save( self, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, update_fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, force_create: bool = False, force_update: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Creates/Updates the current model object. :param update_fields: If provided, it should be a tuple/list of fields by name. This is the subset of fields that should be updated. If the object needs to be created ``update_fields`` will be ignored. :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound :param force_create: Forces creation of the record :param force_update: Forces updating of the record :raises IncompleteInstanceError: If the model is partial and the fields are not available for persistence. :raises IntegrityError: If the model can't be created or updated (specifically if force_create or force_update has been set) """ await self._set_async_default_field() db = using_db or self._choose_db(True) executor = db.executor_class(model=self.__class__, db=db) if self._partial: if update_fields: for field in update_fields: if not hasattr(self, self._meta.pk_attr): raise IncompleteInstanceError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} is a partial model without primary key fetchd. Partial update not available" ) if not hasattr(self, field): raise IncompleteInstanceError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} is a partial model, field '{field}' is not available" ) else: raise IncompleteInstanceError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} is a partial model, can only be saved with the relevant update_field provided" ) await self._pre_save(db, update_fields) if force_create: await executor.execute_insert(self) created = True elif force_update: rows = await executor.execute_update(self, update_fields) if rows == 0: raise IntegrityError(f"Can't update object that doesn't exist. PK: {}") created = False else: if self._saved_in_db or update_fields: if is None: await executor.execute_insert(self) created = True else: await executor.execute_update(self, update_fields) created = False else: # TODO: Do a merge/upsert operation here instead. Let the executor determine an optimal strategy for each DB engine. await executor.execute_insert(self) created = True self._saved_in_db = True await self._post_save(db, created, update_fields)
[docs] async def delete(self, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None) -> None: """ Deletes the current model object. :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound :raises OperationalError: If object has never been persisted. """ db = using_db or self._choose_db(True) if not self._saved_in_db: raise OperationalError("Can't delete unpersisted record") await self._pre_delete(db) await db.executor_class(model=self.__class__, db=db).execute_delete(self) await self._post_delete(db)
[docs] async def refresh_from_db( self, fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, ) -> None: """ Refresh latest data from db. When this method is called without arguments all db fields of the model are updated to the values currently present in the database. .. code-block:: python3 user.refresh_from_db(fields=['name']) :param fields: The special fields that to be refreshed. :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound. :raises OperationalError: If object has never been persisted. """ if not self._saved_in_db: raise OperationalError("Can't refresh unpersisted record") db = using_db or self._choose_db() qs = QuerySet(self.__class__).using_db(db).only(*(fields or [])) obj = await qs.get( for field in fields or self._meta.db_fields: setattr(self, field, getattr(obj, field, None))
@classmethod def _choose_db(cls, for_write: bool = False): """ Return the connection that will be used if this query is executed now. :param for_write: Whether this query for write. :return: BaseDBAsyncClient: """ if for_write: db = router.db_for_write(cls) else: db = router.db_for_read(cls) return db or cls._meta.db
[docs] @classmethod async def get_or_create( cls, defaults: Optional[dict] = None, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[Self, bool]: """ Fetches the object if exists (filtering on the provided parameters), else creates an instance with any unspecified parameters as default values. :param defaults: Default values to be added to a created instance if it can't be fetched. :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound :param kwargs: Query parameters. :raises IntegrityError: If create failed :raises TransactionManagementError: If transaction error :raises ParamsError: If defaults conflict with kwargs """ if not defaults: defaults = {} db = using_db or cls._choose_db(True) try: return await cls.filter(**kwargs).using_db(db).get(), False except DoesNotExist: return await cls._create_or_get(db, defaults, **kwargs)
@classmethod async def _create_or_get( cls, db: BaseDBAsyncClient, defaults: dict, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Self, bool]: """Try to create, if fails with IntegrityError then try to get""" for key in defaults.keys() & kwargs.keys(): if (default_value := defaults[key]) != (query_value := kwargs[key]): raise ParamsError(f"Conflict value with {key=}: {default_value=} vs {query_value=}") merged_defaults = {**kwargs, **defaults} try: async with in_transaction(connection_name=db.connection_name) as connection: return await cls.create(using_db=connection, **merged_defaults), True except IntegrityError as exc: try: return await cls.filter(**kwargs).using_db(db).get(), False except DoesNotExist: pass raise exc @classmethod def _db_queryset( cls, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, for_write: bool = False ) -> QuerySet[Self]: db = using_db or cls._choose_db(for_write) return cls._meta.manager.get_queryset().using_db(db)
[docs] @classmethod def select_for_update( cls, nowait: bool = False, skip_locked: bool = False, of: Tuple[str, ...] = (), using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, ) -> QuerySet[Self]: """ Make QuerySet select for update. Returns a queryset that will lock rows until the end of the transaction, generating a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SQL statement on supported databases. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db, for_write=True).select_for_update(nowait, skip_locked, of)
[docs] @classmethod async def update_or_create( cls: Type[MODEL], defaults: Optional[dict] = None, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[MODEL, bool]: """ A convenience method for updating an object with the given kwargs, creating a new one if necessary. :param defaults: Default values used to update the object. :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound :param kwargs: Query parameters. """ if not defaults: defaults = {} db = using_db or cls._choose_db(True) async with in_transaction(connection_name=db.connection_name) as connection: instance = await cls.select_for_update().using_db(connection).get_or_none(**kwargs) if instance: await instance.update_from_dict(defaults).save(using_db=connection) return instance, False return await cls._create_or_get(db, defaults, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod async def create( cls: Type[MODEL], using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> MODEL: """ Create a record in the DB and returns the object. .. code-block:: python3 user = await User.create(name="...", email="...") Equivalent to: .. code-block:: python3 user = User(name="...", email="...") await :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound :param kwargs: Model parameters. """ instance = cls(**kwargs) instance._saved_in_db = False db = using_db or cls._choose_db(True) await, force_create=True) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def bulk_update( cls: Type[MODEL], objects: Iterable[MODEL], fields: Iterable[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, ) -> "BulkUpdateQuery[MODEL]": """ Update the given fields in each of the given objects in the database. This method efficiently updates the given fields on the provided model instances, generally with one query. .. code-block:: python3 users = [ await User.create(name="...", email="..."), await User.create(name="...", email="...") ] users[0].name = 'name1' users[1].name = 'name2' await User.bulk_update(users, fields=['name']) :param objects: List of objects to bulk create :param fields: The fields to update :param batch_size: How many objects are created in a single query :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db, for_write=True).bulk_update(objects, fields, batch_size)
[docs] @classmethod async def in_bulk( cls: Type[MODEL], id_list: Iterable[Union[str, int]], field_name: str = "pk", using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, ) -> Dict[str, MODEL]: """ Return a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. If `id_list` isn't provided, evaluate the entire QuerySet. :param id_list: A list of field values :param field_name: Must be a unique field :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound """ return await cls._db_queryset(using_db).in_bulk(id_list, field_name)
[docs] @classmethod def bulk_create( cls: Type[MODEL], objects: Iterable[MODEL], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, update_fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, on_conflict: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, ) -> "BulkCreateQuery[MODEL]": """ Bulk insert operation: .. note:: The bulk insert operation will do the minimum to ensure that the object created in the DB has all the defaults and generated fields set, but may be incomplete reference in Python. e.g. ``IntField`` primary keys will not be populated. This is recommended only for throw away inserts where you want to ensure optimal insert performance. .. code-block:: python3 User.bulk_create([ User(name="...", email="..."), User(name="...", email="...") ]) :param on_conflict: On conflict index name :param update_fields: Update fields when conflicts :param ignore_conflicts: Ignore conflicts when inserting :param objects: List of objects to bulk create :param batch_size: How many objects are created in a single query :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db, for_write=True).bulk_create( objects, batch_size, ignore_conflicts, update_fields, on_conflict )
[docs] @classmethod def first(cls, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[Self]]: """ Generates a QuerySet that returns the first record. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db).first()
[docs] @classmethod def filter(cls, *args: Q, **kwargs: Any) -> QuerySet[Self]: """ Generates a QuerySet with the filter applied. :param args: Q functions containing constraints. Will be AND'ed. :param kwargs: Simple filter constraints. """ return cls._meta.manager.get_queryset().filter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def exclude(cls, *args: Q, **kwargs: Any) -> QuerySet[Self]: """ Generates a QuerySet with the exclude applied. :param args: Q functions containing constraints. Will be AND'ed. :param kwargs: Simple filter constraints. """ return cls._meta.manager.get_queryset().exclude(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def annotate(cls, **kwargs: Union[Function, Term]) -> QuerySet[Self]: """ Annotates the result set with extra Functions/Aggregations/Expressions. :param kwargs: Parameter name and the Function/Aggregation to annotate with. """ return cls._meta.manager.get_queryset().annotate(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None) -> QuerySet[Self]: """ Returns the complete QuerySet. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db)
[docs] @classmethod def get( cls, *args: Q, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> QuerySetSingle[Self]: """ Fetches a single record for a Model type using the provided filter parameters. .. code-block:: python3 user = await User.get(username="foo") :param using_db: The DB connection to use :param args: Q functions containing constraints. Will be AND'ed. :param kwargs: Simple filter constraints. :raises MultipleObjectsReturned: If provided search returned more than one object. :raises DoesNotExist: If object can not be found. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db).get(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def raw(cls, sql: str, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None) -> "RawSQLQuery": """ Executes a RAW SQL and returns the result .. code-block:: python3 result = await User.raw("select * from users where name like '%test%'") :param using_db: The specific DB connection to use :param sql: The raw sql. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db).raw(sql)
[docs] @classmethod def exists( cls: Type[MODEL], *args: Q, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> ExistsQuery: """ Return True/False whether record exists with the provided filter parameters. .. code-block:: python3 result = await User.exists(username="foo") :param using_db: The specific DB connection to use. :param args: Q functions containing constraints. Will be AND'ed. :param kwargs: Simple filter constraints. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db).filter(*args, **kwargs).exists()
[docs] @classmethod def get_or_none( cls, *args: Q, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[Self]]: """ Fetches a single record for a Model type using the provided filter parameters or None. .. code-block:: python3 user = await User.get_or_none(username="foo") :param using_db: The specific DB connection to use. :param args: Q functions containing constraints. Will be AND'ed. :param kwargs: Simple filter constraints. """ return cls._db_queryset(using_db).get_or_none(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod async def fetch_for_list( cls, instance_list: "Iterable[Model]", *args: Any, using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None, ) -> None: """ Fetches related models for provided list of Model objects. :param instance_list: List of Model objects to fetch relations for. :param args: Relation names to fetch. :param using_db: DO NOT USE """ db = using_db or cls._choose_db() await db.executor_class(model=cls, db=db).fetch_for_list(instance_list, *args)
@classmethod def _check(cls) -> None: """ Calls various checks to validate the model. :raises ConfigurationError: If the model has not been configured correctly. """ cls._check_together("unique_together") cls._check_together("indexes") @classmethod def _check_together(cls, together: str) -> None: """ Check the value of "unique_together" option. :raises ConfigurationError: If the model has not been configured correctly. """ _together = getattr(cls._meta, together) if not isinstance(_together, (tuple, list)): raise ConfigurationError(f"'{cls.__name__}.{together}' must be a list or tuple.") if any(not isinstance(unique_fields, (tuple, list, Index)) for unique_fields in _together): raise ConfigurationError( f"All '{cls.__name__}.{together}' elements must be lists or tuples." ) for fields_tuple in _together: if isinstance(fields_tuple, Index): fields_tuple = fields_tuple.fields for field_name in fields_tuple: field = cls._meta.fields_map.get(field_name) if not field: raise ConfigurationError( f"'{cls.__name__}.{together}' has no '{field_name}' field." ) if isinstance(field, ManyToManyFieldInstance): raise ConfigurationError( f"'{cls.__name__}.{together}' '{field_name}' field refers" " to ManyToMany field." )
[docs] @classmethod def describe(cls, serializable: bool = True) -> dict: """ Describes the given list of models or ALL registered models. :param serializable: ``False`` if you want raw python objects, ``True`` for JSON-serializable data. (Defaults to ``True``) :return: A dictionary containing the model description. The base dict has a fixed set of keys that reference a list of fields (or a single field in the case of the primary key): .. code-block:: python3 { "name": str # Qualified model name "app": str # 'App' namespace "table": str # DB table name "abstract": bool # Is the model Abstract? "description": str # Description of table (nullable) "docstring": str # Model docstring (nullable) "unique_together": [...] # List of List containing field names that # are unique together "pk_field": {...} # Primary key field "data_fields": [...] # Data fields "fk_fields": [...] # Foreign Key fields FROM this model "backward_fk_fields": [...] # Foreign Key fields TO this model "o2o_fields": [...] # OneToOne fields FROM this model "backward_o2o_fields": [...] # OneToOne fields TO this model "m2m_fields": [...] # Many-to-Many fields } Each field is specified as defined in :meth:`tortoise.fields.base.Field.describe` """ return { "name": cls._meta.full_name, "app":, "table": cls._meta.db_table, "abstract": cls._meta.abstract, "description": cls._meta.table_description or None, "docstring": inspect.cleandoc(cls.__doc__ or "") or None, "unique_together": cls._meta.unique_together or [], "indexes": cls._meta.indexes or [], "pk_field": cls._meta.fields_map[cls._meta.pk_attr].describe(serializable), "data_fields": [ field.describe(serializable) for name, field in cls._meta.fields_map.items() if name != cls._meta.pk_attr and name in (cls._meta.fields - cls._meta.fetch_fields) ], "fk_fields": [ field.describe(serializable) for name, field in cls._meta.fields_map.items() if name in cls._meta.fk_fields ], "backward_fk_fields": [ field.describe(serializable) for name, field in cls._meta.fields_map.items() if name in cls._meta.backward_fk_fields ], "o2o_fields": [ field.describe(serializable) for name, field in cls._meta.fields_map.items() if name in cls._meta.o2o_fields ], "backward_o2o_fields": [ field.describe(serializable) for name, field in cls._meta.fields_map.items() if name in cls._meta.backward_o2o_fields ], "m2m_fields": [ field.describe(serializable) for name, field in cls._meta.fields_map.items() if name in cls._meta.m2m_fields ], }
def __await__(self: MODEL) -> Generator[Any, None, MODEL]: async def _self() -> MODEL: return self return _self().__await__()
[docs] class Meta: """ The ``Meta`` class is used to configure metadata for the Model. Usage: .. code-block:: python3 class Foo(Model): ... class Meta: table="custom_table" unique_together=(("field_a", "field_b"), ) """