Source code for tortoise.transactions

from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar, cast

from tortoise import connections
from tortoise.exceptions import ParamsError

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: nocoverage
    from tortoise.backends.base.client import BaseDBAsyncClient, TransactionContext

FuncType = Callable[..., Any]
F = TypeVar("F", bound=FuncType)

def _get_connection(connection_name: Optional[str]) -> "BaseDBAsyncClient":
    if connection_name:
        connection = connections.get(connection_name)
    elif len(connections.db_config) == 1:
        connection_name = next(iter(connections.db_config.keys()))
        connection = connections.get(connection_name)
        raise ParamsError(
            "You are running with multiple databases, so you should specify"
            f" connection_name: {list(connections.db_config)}"
    return connection

[docs] def in_transaction(connection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> "TransactionContext": """ Transaction context manager. You can run your code inside ``async with in_transaction():`` statement to run it into one transaction. If error occurs transaction will rollback. :param connection_name: name of connection to run with, optional if you have only one db connection """ connection = _get_connection(connection_name) return connection._in_transaction()
[docs] def atomic(connection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[[F], F]: """ Transaction decorator. You can wrap your function with this decorator to run it into one transaction. If error occurs transaction will rollback. :param connection_name: name of connection to run with, optional if you have only one db connection """ def wrapper(func: F) -> F: @wraps(func) async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): async with in_transaction(connection_name): return await func(*args, **kwargs) return cast(F, wrapped) return wrapper