Dependency specifiers
本文档描述了依赖规范的格式,最初在 PEP 508 中进行了规定。
依赖的作用是使像 pip [1] 这样的工具能够找到正确的包进行安装。有时这非常宽松——仅指定一个名称,而有时则非常具体——指向一个特定的文件进行安装。有时依赖仅在某个平台上相关,或者只有某些版本是可接受的,因此该语言允许描述所有这些情况。
该语言定义了一种简洁的基于行的格式,已经在 pip 的需求文件中得到了广泛应用,尽管我们并没有规定这些文件允许的命令行选项处理方式。有一个例外——在 Versioning specifier specification 中规定的 URL 引用形式,实际上并未在 pip 中实现,但我们使用该格式,而不是 pip 当前的本地格式。
This document describes the dependency specifiers format as originally specified in PEP 508.
The job of a dependency is to enable tools like pip [2] to find the right package to install. Sometimes this is very loose - just specifying a name, and sometimes very specific - referring to a specific file to install. Sometimes dependencies are only relevant in one platform, or only some versions are acceptable, so the language permits describing all these cases.
The language defined is a compact line based format which is already in widespread use in pip requirements files, though we do not specify the command line option handling that those files permit. There is one caveat - the URL reference form, specified in Versioning specifier specification is not actually implemented in pip, but we use that format rather than pip's current native format.
requests [security,tests] >= 2.8.1, == 2.8.* ; python_version < "2.7"
最小的基于 URL 的查找:
pip @ https://github.com/pypa/pip/archive/1.3.1.zip#sha1=da9234ee9982d4bbb3c72346a6de940a148ea686
All features of the language shown with a name based lookup:
requests [security,tests] >= 2.8.1, == 2.8.* ; python_version < "2.7"
A minimal URL based lookup:
pip @ https://github.com/pypa/pip/archive/1.3.1.zip#sha1=da9234ee9982d4bbb3c72346a6de940a148ea686
依赖规范始终指定一个分发名称。它可以包含额外的功能(extras),通过扩展指定分发的依赖关系来启用可选功能。可以通过版本限制来控制安装的版本,或者指定要安装的特定工件的 URL。最后,依赖关系可以通过环境标记来设定条件。
A dependency specification always specifies a distribution name. It may include extras, which expand the dependencies of the named distribution to enable optional features. The version installed can be controlled using version limits, or giving the URL to a specific artifact to install. Finally the dependency can be made conditional using environment markers.
分发规范以 ASCII 文本形式编写。我们使用 parsley [3] 语法来提供精确的语法。预计该规范将嵌入到一个更大的系统中,该系统提供诸如注释、多行支持(通过续行)或其他类似功能的框架。
版本可以按照 版本规范 的规则指定。(注意:URI 在 std-66 中定义):
version_cmp = wsp* '<' | '<=' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '==='
version = wsp* ( letterOrDigit | '-' | '_' | '.' | '*' | '+' | '!' )+
version_one = version_cmp version wsp*
version_many = version_one (',' version_one)* (',' wsp*)?
versionspec = ( '(' version_many ')' ) | version_many
urlspec = '@' wsp* <URI_reference>
marker_op = version_cmp | (wsp+ 'in' wsp+) | (wsp+ 'not' wsp+ 'in' wsp+)
python_str_c = (wsp | letter | digit | '(' | ')' | '.' | '{' | '}' |
'-' | '_' | '*' | '#' | ':' | ';' | ',' | '/' | '?' |
'[' | ']' | '!' | '~' | '`' | '@' | '$' | '%' | '^' |
'&' | '=' | '+' | '|' | '<' | '>' )
dquote = '"'
squote = '\\''
python_str = (squote (python_str_c | dquote)* squote |
dquote (python_str_c | squote)* dquote)
env_var = ('python_version' | 'python_full_version' |
'os_name' | 'sys_platform' | 'platform_release' |
'platform_system' | 'platform_version' |
'platform_machine' | 'platform_python_implementation' |
'implementation_name' | 'implementation_version' |
'extra' # ONLY when defined by a containing layer
marker_var = wsp* (env_var | python_str)
marker_expr = marker_var marker_op marker_var
| wsp* '(' marker wsp* ')'
marker_and = marker_expr wsp* 'and' marker_expr
| marker_expr
marker_or = marker_and wsp* 'or' marker_and
| marker_and
marker = marker_or
quoted_marker = ';' wsp* marker
分发的可选组件可以使用 extras 字段指定:
identifier_end = letterOrDigit | (('-' | '_' | '.' )* letterOrDigit)
identifier = letterOrDigit identifier_end*
name = identifier
extras_list = identifier (wsp* ',' wsp* identifier)*
extras = '[' wsp* extras_list? wsp* ']'
关于 extras 名称的限制在 PEP 685 中定义。
name_req = name wsp* extras? wsp* versionspec? wsp* quoted_marker?
url_req = name wsp* extras? wsp* urlspec (wsp+ quoted_marker?)?
specification = wsp* ( url_req | name_req ) wsp*
We first cover the grammar briefly and then drill into the semantics of each section later.
A distribution specification is written in ASCII text. We use a parsley [4] grammar to provide a precise grammar. It is expected that the specification will be embedded into a larger system which offers framing such as comments, multiple line support via continuations, or other such features.
The full grammar including annotations to build a useful parse tree is included at the end of this document.
Versions may be specified according to the rules of the Version specifier specification. (Note: URI is defined in std-66):
version_cmp = wsp* '<' | '<=' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '==='
version = wsp* ( letterOrDigit | '-' | '_' | '.' | '*' | '+' | '!' )+
version_one = version_cmp version wsp*
version_many = version_one (',' version_one)* (',' wsp*)?
versionspec = ( '(' version_many ')' ) | version_many
urlspec = '@' wsp* <URI_reference>
Environment markers allow making a specification only take effect in some environments:
marker_op = version_cmp | (wsp+ 'in' wsp+) | (wsp+ 'not' wsp+ 'in' wsp+)
python_str_c = (wsp | letter | digit | '(' | ')' | '.' | '{' | '}' |
'-' | '_' | '*' | '#' | ':' | ';' | ',' | '/' | '?' |
'[' | ']' | '!' | '~' | '`' | '@' | '$' | '%' | '^' |
'&' | '=' | '+' | '|' | '<' | '>' )
dquote = '"'
squote = '\\''
python_str = (squote (python_str_c | dquote)* squote |
dquote (python_str_c | squote)* dquote)
env_var = ('python_version' | 'python_full_version' |
'os_name' | 'sys_platform' | 'platform_release' |
'platform_system' | 'platform_version' |
'platform_machine' | 'platform_python_implementation' |
'implementation_name' | 'implementation_version' |
'extra' # ONLY when defined by a containing layer
marker_var = wsp* (env_var | python_str)
marker_expr = marker_var marker_op marker_var
| wsp* '(' marker wsp* ')'
marker_and = marker_expr wsp* 'and' marker_expr
| marker_expr
marker_or = marker_and wsp* 'or' marker_and
| marker_and
marker = marker_or
quoted_marker = ';' wsp* marker
Optional components of a distribution may be specified using the extras field:
identifier_end = letterOrDigit | (('-' | '_' | '.' )* letterOrDigit)
identifier = letterOrDigit identifier_end*
name = identifier
extras_list = identifier (wsp* ',' wsp* identifier)*
extras = '[' wsp* extras_list? wsp* ']'
Restrictions on names for extras is defined in PEP 685.
Giving us a rule for name based requirements:
name_req = name wsp* extras? wsp* versionspec? wsp* quoted_marker?
And a rule for direct reference specifications:
url_req = name wsp* extras? wsp* urlspec (wsp+ quoted_marker?)?
Leading to the unified rule that can specify a dependency.:
specification = wsp* ( url_req | name_req ) wsp*
非换行空白字符大多是可选的,且没有语义意义。唯一的例外是用于检测 URL 需求的结束。
Non line-breaking whitespace is mostly optional with no semantic meaning. The sole exception is detecting the end of a URL requirement.
Python 分发名称当前在 PEP 345 中定义。名称作为分发的主要标识符。它们出现在所有依赖规范中,并且足以作为独立的规范。然而,PyPI 对名称有严格的限制——它们必须匹配一个不区分大小写的正则表达式,否则将不被接受。因此,在本文档中,我们将标识符的可接受值限制为该正则表达式。名称的完整重新定义可能会在未来的元数据 PEP 中进行。该正则表达式(使用 re.IGNORECASE
Python distribution names are currently defined in PEP 345. Names act as the primary identifier for distributions. They are present in all dependency specifications, and are sufficient to be a specification on their own. However, PyPI places strict restrictions on names - they must match a case insensitive regex or they won't be accepted. Accordingly, in this document we limit the acceptable values for identifiers to that regex. A full redefinition of name may take place in a future metadata PEP. The regex (run with re.IGNORECASE) is:
额外(extra)是分发的一个可选部分。分发可以指定任意数量的额外功能,并且每个额外功能都会在 使用 该额外功能的依赖规范中声明额外的依赖。例如:
额外功能在它们定义的依赖项中与它们所附加的分发的依赖项进行联合。上面的例子将导致安装 requests
及其自身的依赖项,并且还会安装 requests
的 "security" 额外功能中列出的所有依赖项。
An extra is an optional part of a distribution. Distributions can specify as many extras as they wish, and each extra results in the declaration of additional dependencies of the distribution when the extra is used in a dependency specification. For instance:
Extras union in the dependencies they define with the dependencies of the distribution they are attached to. The example above would result in requests being installed, and requests own dependencies, and also any dependencies that are listed in the "security" extra of requests.
If multiple extras are listed, all the dependencies are unioned together.
有关版本号和版本比较的更多细节,请参见 Version specifier specification。版本规范限制了可使用的分发版本。它们仅适用于通过名称查找的分发,而不是通过 URL 查找的分发。版本比较也用于标记(markers)功能。版本周围的可选括号是为了与 PEP 345 兼容,但不应生成,只应接受。
See the Version specifier specification for more detail on both version numbers and version comparisons. Version specifications limit the versions of a distribution that can be used. They only apply to distributions looked up by name, rather than via a URL. Version comparison are also used in the markers feature. The optional brackets around a version are present for compatibility with PEP 345 but should not be generated, only accepted.
Environment Markers
环境标记允许依赖规范提供一个规则,用于描述何时使用该依赖。例如,考虑一个需要 argparse
的包。在 Python 2.7 中,argparse
始终存在。而在较旧的 Python 版本中,它需要作为一个依赖安装。这可以这样表达:
一个标记表达式的结果为 True
或 False
。当其结果为 False
标记语言的灵感来源于 Python 本身,选择它是因为可以安全地评估它,而无需运行可能成为安全漏洞的任意代码。标记最初在 PEP 345 中标准化。本文件修正了在 PEP 426 中描述的设计中观察到的一些问题。
标记表达式中的比较由比较运算符确定类型。<marker_op> 运算符中不在 <version_cmp> 中的运算符与 Python 中的字符串比较方式相同。<version_cmp> 运算符在定义了版本比较规则时,使用 版本说明符规范 中的版本比较规则(即当两边都有有效的版本规范时)。如果该规范没有定义行为,并且该运算符在 Python 中存在,则该运算符回退到 Python 的行为。否则,应引发错误。例如,以下代码将会引发错误:
"dog" ~= "fred"
python_version ~= "surprise"
用户提供的常量始终作为字符串编码,可以使用 '
或 "
引号标记。请注意,反斜杠转义并未定义,但现有实现支持它们。由于它们增加了复杂性,并且当前没有明显的需求,因此没有在本规范中包括它们。同样,我们也没有定义非 ASCII 字符支持:我们引用的所有运行时变量预计都是 ASCII 字符。
标记语法中的变量,如 "os_name",会解析为在 Python 运行时查找的值。除了 "extra" 外,所有值在今天的所有 Python 版本中都已定义——如果某个值未定义,则视为标记实现中的错误。
未知变量必须引发错误,而不是导致评估为 True
或 False
在给定的 Python 实现上无法计算其值的变量,应评估为 0
"extra" 变量是特殊的。它被 wheel 用来指示在 wheel 的 METADATA
文件中适用于给定额外项的规范,但由于 METADATA
文件基于 PEP 426 的草案版本,因此目前对此没有规范。无论如何,在没有这种特殊处理的上下文中,"extra" 变量应像所有其他未知变量一样引发错误。
Marker |
Python 等效 |
示例值 |
见下定义 |
除非由解释规范的上下文定义,否则为错误。 |
标记变量来源于 sys.implementation.version
def format_full_version(info):
version = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(info)
kind = info.releaselevel
if kind != 'final':
version += kind[0] + str(info.serial)
return version
if hasattr(sys, 'implementation'):
implementation_version = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version)
implementation_version = "0"
Environment markers allow a dependency specification to provide a rule that describes when the dependency should be used. For instance, consider a package that needs argparse. In Python 2.7 argparse is always present. On older Python versions it has to be installed as a dependency. This can be expressed as so:
A marker expression evaluates to either True or False. When it evaluates to False, the dependency specification should be ignored.
The marker language is inspired by Python itself, chosen for the ability to safely evaluate it without running arbitrary code that could become a security vulnerability. Markers were first standardised in PEP 345. This document fixes some issues that were observed in the design described in PEP 426.
Comparisons in marker expressions are typed by the comparison operator. The <marker_op> operators that are not in <version_cmp> perform the same as they do for strings in Python. The <version_cmp> operators use the version comparison rules of the Version specifier specification when those are defined (that is when both sides have a valid version specifier). If there is no defined behaviour of this specification and the operator exists in Python, then the operator falls back to the Python behaviour. Otherwise an error should be raised. e.g. the following will result in errors:
"dog" ~= "fred"
python_version ~= "surprise"
User supplied constants are always encoded as strings with either '
quote marks. Note that backslash escapes are not defined, but existing
implementations do support them. They are not included in this
specification because they add complexity and there is no observable need for
them today. Similarly we do not define non-ASCII character support: all the
runtime variables we are referencing are expected to be ASCII-only.
The variables in the marker grammar such as "os_name" resolve to values looked up in the Python runtime. With the exception of "extra" all values are defined on all Python versions today - it is an error in the implementation of markers if a value is not defined.
Unknown variables must raise an error rather than resulting in a comparison that evaluates to True or False.
Variables whose value cannot be calculated on a given Python implementation
should evaluate to 0
for versions, and an empty string for all other
The "extra" variable is special. It is used by wheels to signal which
specifications apply to a given extra in the wheel METADATA
file, but
since the METADATA
file is based on a draft version of PEP 426, there is
no current specification for this. Regardless, outside of a context where this
special handling is taking place, the "extra" variable should result in an
error like all other unknown variables.
Marker |
Python equivalent |
Sample values |
see definition below |
An error except when defined by the context interpreting the specification. |
The implementation_version
marker variable is derived from
def format_full_version(info):
version = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(info)
kind = info.releaselevel
if kind != 'final':
version += kind[0] + str(info.serial)
return version
if hasattr(sys, 'implementation'):
implementation_version = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version)
implementation_version = "0"
This environment markers section, initially defined through PEP 508, supersedes the environment markers section in PEP 345.
Complete Grammar
wsp = ' ' | '\t'
version_cmp = wsp* <'<=' | '<' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '==='>
version = wsp* <( letterOrDigit | '-' | '_' | '.' | '*' | '+' | '!' )+>
version_one = version_cmp:op version:v wsp* -> (op, v)
version_many = version_one:v1 (',' version_one)*:v2 (',' wsp*)? -> [v1] + v2
versionspec = ('(' version_many:v ')' ->v) | version_many
urlspec = '@' wsp* <URI_reference>
marker_op = version_cmp | (wsp* 'in') | (wsp* 'not' wsp+ 'in')
python_str_c = (wsp | letter | digit | '(' | ')' | '.' | '{' | '}' |
'-' | '_' | '*' | '#' | ':' | ';' | ',' | '/' | '?' |
'[' | ']' | '!' | '~' | '`' | '@' | '$' | '%' | '^' |
'&' | '=' | '+' | '|' | '<' | '>' )
dquote = '"'
squote = '\\''
python_str = (squote <(python_str_c | dquote)*>:s squote |
dquote <(python_str_c | squote)*>:s dquote) -> s
env_var = ('python_version' | 'python_full_version' |
'os_name' | 'sys_platform' | 'platform_release' |
'platform_system' | 'platform_version' |
'platform_machine' | 'platform_python_implementation' |
'implementation_name' | 'implementation_version' |
'extra' # ONLY when defined by a containing layer
):varname -> lookup(varname)
marker_var = wsp* (env_var | python_str)
marker_expr = marker_var:l marker_op:o marker_var:r -> (o, l, r)
| wsp* '(' marker:m wsp* ')' -> m
marker_and = marker_expr:l wsp* 'and' marker_expr:r -> ('and', l, r)
| marker_expr:m -> m
marker_or = marker_and:l wsp* 'or' marker_and:r -> ('or', l, r)
| marker_and:m -> m
marker = marker_or
quoted_marker = ';' wsp* marker
identifier_end = letterOrDigit | (('-' | '_' | '.' )* letterOrDigit)
identifier = < letterOrDigit identifier_end* >
name = identifier
extras_list = identifier:i (wsp* ',' wsp* identifier)*:ids -> [i] + ids
extras = '[' wsp* extras_list?:e wsp* ']' -> e
name_req = (name:n wsp* extras?:e wsp* versionspec?:v wsp* quoted_marker?:m
-> (n, e or [], v or [], m))
url_req = (name:n wsp* extras?:e wsp* urlspec:v (wsp+ | end) quoted_marker?:m
-> (n, e or [], v, m))
specification = wsp* ( url_req | name_req ):s wsp* -> s
# The result is a tuple - name, list-of-extras,
# list-of-version-constraints-or-a-url, marker-ast or None
URI_reference = <URI | relative_ref>
URI = scheme ':' hier_part ('?' query )? ( '#' fragment)?
hier_part = ('//' authority path_abempty) | path_absolute | path_rootless | path_empty
absolute_URI = scheme ':' hier_part ( '?' query )?
relative_ref = relative_part ( '?' query )? ( '#' fragment )?
relative_part = '//' authority path_abempty | path_absolute | path_noscheme | path_empty
scheme = letter ( letter | digit | '+' | '-' | '.')*
authority = ( userinfo '@' )? host ( ':' port )?
userinfo = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | ':')*
host = IP_literal | IPv4address | reg_name
port = digit*
IP_literal = '[' ( IPv6address | IPvFuture) ']'
IPvFuture = 'v' hexdig+ '.' ( unreserved | sub_delims | ':')+
IPv6address = (
( h16 ':'){6} ls32
| '::' ( h16 ':'){5} ls32
| ( h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){4} ls32
| ( ( h16 ':')? h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){3} ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,2} h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){2} ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,3} h16 )? '::' h16 ':' ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,4} h16 )? '::' ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,5} h16 )? '::' h16
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,6} h16 )? '::' )
h16 = hexdig{1,4}
ls32 = ( h16 ':' h16) | IPv4address
IPv4address = dec_octet '.' dec_octet '.' dec_octet '.' dec_octet
nz = ~'0' digit
dec_octet = (
digit # 0-9
| nz digit # 10-99
| '1' digit{2} # 100-199
| '2' ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4') digit # 200-249
| '25' ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5') )# %250-255
reg_name = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims)*
path = (
path_abempty # begins with '/' or is empty
| path_absolute # begins with '/' but not '//'
| path_noscheme # begins with a non-colon segment
| path_rootless # begins with a segment
| path_empty ) # zero characters
path_abempty = ( '/' segment)*
path_absolute = '/' ( segment_nz ( '/' segment)* )?
path_noscheme = segment_nz_nc ( '/' segment)*
path_rootless = segment_nz ( '/' segment)*
path_empty = pchar{0}
segment = pchar*
segment_nz = pchar+
segment_nz_nc = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | '@')+
# non-zero-length segment without any colon ':'
pchar = unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | ':' | '@'
query = ( pchar | '/' | '?')*
fragment = ( pchar | '/' | '?')*
pct_encoded = '%' hexdig
unreserved = letter | digit | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~'
reserved = gen_delims | sub_delims
gen_delims = ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '(' | ')?' | '@'
sub_delims = '!' | '$' | '&' | '\\'' | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | ';' | '='
hexdig = digit | 'a' | 'A' | 'b' | 'B' | 'c' | 'C' | 'd' | 'D' | 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F'
测试程序——如果语法在字符串 grammar
The complete parsley grammar:
wsp = ' ' | '\t'
version_cmp = wsp* <'<=' | '<' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '==='>
version = wsp* <( letterOrDigit | '-' | '_' | '.' | '*' | '+' | '!' )+>
version_one = version_cmp:op version:v wsp* -> (op, v)
version_many = version_one:v1 (',' version_one)*:v2 (',' wsp*)? -> [v1] + v2
versionspec = ('(' version_many:v ')' ->v) | version_many
urlspec = '@' wsp* <URI_reference>
marker_op = version_cmp | (wsp* 'in') | (wsp* 'not' wsp+ 'in')
python_str_c = (wsp | letter | digit | '(' | ')' | '.' | '{' | '}' |
'-' | '_' | '*' | '#' | ':' | ';' | ',' | '/' | '?' |
'[' | ']' | '!' | '~' | '`' | '@' | '$' | '%' | '^' |
'&' | '=' | '+' | '|' | '<' | '>' )
dquote = '"'
squote = '\\''
python_str = (squote <(python_str_c | dquote)*>:s squote |
dquote <(python_str_c | squote)*>:s dquote) -> s
env_var = ('python_version' | 'python_full_version' |
'os_name' | 'sys_platform' | 'platform_release' |
'platform_system' | 'platform_version' |
'platform_machine' | 'platform_python_implementation' |
'implementation_name' | 'implementation_version' |
'extra' # ONLY when defined by a containing layer
):varname -> lookup(varname)
marker_var = wsp* (env_var | python_str)
marker_expr = marker_var:l marker_op:o marker_var:r -> (o, l, r)
| wsp* '(' marker:m wsp* ')' -> m
marker_and = marker_expr:l wsp* 'and' marker_expr:r -> ('and', l, r)
| marker_expr:m -> m
marker_or = marker_and:l wsp* 'or' marker_and:r -> ('or', l, r)
| marker_and:m -> m
marker = marker_or
quoted_marker = ';' wsp* marker
identifier_end = letterOrDigit | (('-' | '_' | '.' )* letterOrDigit)
identifier = < letterOrDigit identifier_end* >
name = identifier
extras_list = identifier:i (wsp* ',' wsp* identifier)*:ids -> [i] + ids
extras = '[' wsp* extras_list?:e wsp* ']' -> e
name_req = (name:n wsp* extras?:e wsp* versionspec?:v wsp* quoted_marker?:m
-> (n, e or [], v or [], m))
url_req = (name:n wsp* extras?:e wsp* urlspec:v (wsp+ | end) quoted_marker?:m
-> (n, e or [], v, m))
specification = wsp* ( url_req | name_req ):s wsp* -> s
# The result is a tuple - name, list-of-extras,
# list-of-version-constraints-or-a-url, marker-ast or None
URI_reference = <URI | relative_ref>
URI = scheme ':' hier_part ('?' query )? ( '#' fragment)?
hier_part = ('//' authority path_abempty) | path_absolute | path_rootless | path_empty
absolute_URI = scheme ':' hier_part ( '?' query )?
relative_ref = relative_part ( '?' query )? ( '#' fragment )?
relative_part = '//' authority path_abempty | path_absolute | path_noscheme | path_empty
scheme = letter ( letter | digit | '+' | '-' | '.')*
authority = ( userinfo '@' )? host ( ':' port )?
userinfo = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | ':')*
host = IP_literal | IPv4address | reg_name
port = digit*
IP_literal = '[' ( IPv6address | IPvFuture) ']'
IPvFuture = 'v' hexdig+ '.' ( unreserved | sub_delims | ':')+
IPv6address = (
( h16 ':'){6} ls32
| '::' ( h16 ':'){5} ls32
| ( h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){4} ls32
| ( ( h16 ':')? h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){3} ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,2} h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){2} ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,3} h16 )? '::' h16 ':' ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,4} h16 )? '::' ls32
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,5} h16 )? '::' h16
| ( ( h16 ':'){0,6} h16 )? '::' )
h16 = hexdig{1,4}
ls32 = ( h16 ':' h16) | IPv4address
IPv4address = dec_octet '.' dec_octet '.' dec_octet '.' dec_octet
nz = ~'0' digit
dec_octet = (
digit # 0-9
| nz digit # 10-99
| '1' digit{2} # 100-199
| '2' ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4') digit # 200-249
| '25' ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5') )# %250-255
reg_name = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims)*
path = (
path_abempty # begins with '/' or is empty
| path_absolute # begins with '/' but not '//'
| path_noscheme # begins with a non-colon segment
| path_rootless # begins with a segment
| path_empty ) # zero characters
path_abempty = ( '/' segment)*
path_absolute = '/' ( segment_nz ( '/' segment)* )?
path_noscheme = segment_nz_nc ( '/' segment)*
path_rootless = segment_nz ( '/' segment)*
path_empty = pchar{0}
segment = pchar*
segment_nz = pchar+
segment_nz_nc = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | '@')+
# non-zero-length segment without any colon ':'
pchar = unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | ':' | '@'
query = ( pchar | '/' | '?')*
fragment = ( pchar | '/' | '?')*
pct_encoded = '%' hexdig
unreserved = letter | digit | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~'
reserved = gen_delims | sub_delims
gen_delims = ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '(' | ')?' | '@'
sub_delims = '!' | '$' | '&' | '\\'' | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | ';' | '='
hexdig = digit | 'a' | 'A' | 'b' | 'B' | 'c' | 'C' | 'd' | 'D' | 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F'
A test program - if the grammar is in a string grammar
import os
import sys
import platform
from parsley import makeGrammar
grammar = """
wsp ...
tests = [
"name [fred,bar] @ http://foo.com ; python_version=='2.7'",
"name[quux, strange];python_version<'2.7' and platform_version=='2'",
"name; os_name=='a' or os_name=='b'",
# Should parse as (a and b) or c
"name; os_name=='a' and os_name=='b' or os_name=='c'",
# Overriding precedence -> a and (b or c)
"name; os_name=='a' and (os_name=='b' or os_name=='c')",
# should parse as a or (b and c)
"name; os_name=='a' or os_name=='b' and os_name=='c'",
# Overriding precedence -> (a or b) and c
"name; (os_name=='a' or os_name=='b') and os_name=='c'",
def format_full_version(info):
version = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(info)
kind = info.releaselevel
if kind != 'final':
version += kind[0] + str(info.serial)
return version
if hasattr(sys, 'implementation'):
implementation_version = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version)
implementation_name = sys.implementation.name
implementation_version = '0'
implementation_name = ''
bindings = {
'implementation_name': implementation_name,
'implementation_version': implementation_version,
'os_name': os.name,
'platform_machine': platform.machine(),
'platform_python_implementation': platform.python_implementation(),
'platform_release': platform.release(),
'platform_system': platform.system(),
'platform_version': platform.version(),
'python_full_version': platform.python_version(),
'python_version': '.'.join(platform.python_version_tuple()[:2]),
'sys_platform': sys.platform,
compiled = makeGrammar(grammar, {'lookup': bindings.__getitem__})
for test in tests:
parsed = compiled(test).specification()
print("%s -> %s" % (test, parsed))
November 2015: This specification was approved through PEP 508.
July 2019: The definition of
was changed fromplatform.python_version()[:3]
, to accommodate potential future versions of Python with 2-digit major and minor versions (e.g. 3.10). [6]June 2024: The definition of
was changed to allow trailing commas, matching with the behavior of the Python implementation that has been in use since late 2022.