
Names and normalization


This specification defines the format that names for packages and extras are required to follow. It also describes how to normalize them, which should be done before lookups and comparisons.


Name format

有效名称仅由 ASCII 字母和数字、句点、下划线和连字符组成。它必须以字母或数字开头和结尾。这意味着有效的项目名称仅限于与以下正则表达式匹配的名称(使用 re.IGNORECASE 运行):


A valid name consists only of ASCII letters and numbers, period, underscore and hyphen. It must start and end with a letter or number. This means that valid project names are limited to those which match the following regex (run with re.IGNORECASE):



Name normalization

名称应该小写,并将所有连续的字符 .-_ 替换为一个单独的 - 字符。可以通过 Python 的 re 模块来实现:

import re

def normalize(name):
    return re.sub(r"[-_.]+", "-", name).lower()


  • friendly-bard (标准化形式)

  • Friendly-Bard


  • friendly.bard

  • friendly_bard

  • friendly--bard

  • FrIeNdLy-._.-bArD (虽然这种写法很糟糕,但它是有效的)

The name should be lowercased with all runs of the characters ., -, or _ replaced with a single - character. This can be implemented in Python with the re module:

import re

def normalize(name):
    return re.sub(r"[-_.]+", "-", name).lower()

This means that the following names are all equivalent:

  • friendly-bard (normalized form)

  • Friendly-Bard


  • friendly.bard

  • friendly_bard

  • friendly--bard

  • FrIeNdLy-._.-bArD (a terrible way to write a name, but it is valid)



  • 2015年9月: 名称标准化规范通过了 503

  • 2015年11月: 有效名称规范通过了 508

  • September 2015: The specification of name normalized was approved through 503.

  • November 2015: The specification of valid names was approved through 508.