
How to re-run failed tests and maintain state between test runs



该插件提供了两个命令行选项,以重新运行上次 pytest 调用中的失败测试:

  • --lf--last-failed - 仅重新运行失败的测试。

  • --ff--failed-first - 优先运行失败的测试,然后运行其余的测试。

对于清理(通常不需要),--cache-clear 选项允许在测试运行前删除所有跨会话的缓存内容。

其他插件可以访问 config.cache 对象,以在 pytest 调用之间设置/获取 可 JSON 编码 的值。


该插件默认启用,但如有需要可以禁用:参见 按名称停用/取消注册插件 (该插件的内部名称是 cacheprovider)。


Rerunning only failures or failures first

首先,让我们创建 50 个测试调用,其中只有 2 个失败:

# content of test_50.py
import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
def test_num(i):
    if i in (17, 25):
        pytest.fail("bad luck")


$ pytest -q
.................F.......F........................                   [100%]
================================= FAILURES =================================
_______________________________ test_num[17] _______________________________

i = 17

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
    def test_num(i):
        if i in (17, 25):
>           pytest.fail("bad luck")
E           Failed: bad luck

test_50.py:7: Failed
_______________________________ test_num[25] _______________________________

i = 25

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
    def test_num(i):
        if i in (17, 25):
>           pytest.fail("bad luck")
E           Failed: bad luck

test_50.py:7: Failed
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED test_50.py::test_num[17] - Failed: bad luck
FAILED test_50.py::test_num[25] - Failed: bad luck
2 failed, 48 passed in 0.12s

如果你随后使用 --lf 运行它:

$ pytest --lf
=========================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.x.y, pytest-8.x.y, pluggy-1.x.y
rootdir: /home/sweet/project
collected 2 items
run-last-failure: rerun previous 2 failures

test_50.py FF                                                        [100%]

================================= FAILURES =================================
_______________________________ test_num[17] _______________________________

i = 17

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
    def test_num(i):
        if i in (17, 25):
>           pytest.fail("bad luck")
E           Failed: bad luck

test_50.py:7: Failed
_______________________________ test_num[25] _______________________________

i = 25

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
    def test_num(i):
        if i in (17, 25):
>           pytest.fail("bad luck")
E           Failed: bad luck

test_50.py:7: Failed
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED test_50.py::test_num[17] - Failed: bad luck
FAILED test_50.py::test_num[25] - Failed: bad luck
============================ 2 failed in 0.12s =============================

您只运行了上次运行中的两个失败测试,​​而 48 个通过的测试尚未运行(“取消选择(deselected)”)。

现在,如果您使用 --ff 选项运行,则将运行所有测试,但将首先执行先前失败的测试(从一系列 FF 和点可以看出):

$ pytest --ff
=========================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.x.y, pytest-8.x.y, pluggy-1.x.y
rootdir: /home/sweet/project
collected 50 items
run-last-failure: rerun previous 2 failures first

test_50.py FF................................................        [100%]

================================= FAILURES =================================
_______________________________ test_num[17] _______________________________

i = 17

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
    def test_num(i):
        if i in (17, 25):
>           pytest.fail("bad luck")
E           Failed: bad luck

test_50.py:7: Failed
_______________________________ test_num[25] _______________________________

i = 25

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(50))
    def test_num(i):
        if i in (17, 25):
>           pytest.fail("bad luck")
E           Failed: bad luck

test_50.py:7: Failed
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED test_50.py::test_num[17] - Failed: bad luck
FAILED test_50.py::test_num[25] - Failed: bad luck
======================= 2 failed, 48 passed in 0.12s =======================

新的 --nf--new-first 选项:首先运行新测试,然后运行其余测试,在这两种情况下,测试也按文件修改时间排序,较新的文件排在最前面。


Behavior when no tests failed in the last run

--lfnf/--last-failed-no-failures 选项控制 --last-failed 的行为。它决定在没有先前(已知)失败或未找到缓存的 lastfailed 数据时是否执行测试。


  • all:当没有已知的测试失败时,运行所有测试(完整的测试套件)。这是默认设置。

  • none:当没有已知的测试失败时,仅发出一条消息说明这一点并成功退出。


pytest --last-failed --last-failed-no-failures all    # 运行完整的测试套件(默认行为)
pytest --last-failed --last-failed-no-failures none   # 不运行任何测试并成功退出

新的 config.cache 对象

The new config.cache object

插件或 conftest.py 支持代码可以使用 pytest config 对象获取缓存值。下面是一个基本的示例插件,它实现了一个 fixture,可以在 pytest 调用之间重用先前创建的状态:

# content of test_caching.py
import pytest

def expensive_computation():
    print("running expensive computation...")

def mydata(pytestconfig):
    val = pytestconfig.cache.get("example/value", None)
    if val is None:
        val = 42
        pytestconfig.cache.set("example/value", val)
    return val

def test_function(mydata):
    assert mydata == 23


$ pytest -q
F                                                                    [100%]
================================= FAILURES =================================
______________________________ test_function _______________________________

mydata = 42

    def test_function(mydata):
>       assert mydata == 23
E       assert 42 == 23

test_caching.py:19: AssertionError
-------------------------- Captured stdout setup ---------------------------
running expensive computation...
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED test_caching.py::test_function - assert 42 == 23
1 failed in 0.12s


$ pytest -q
F                                                                    [100%]
================================= FAILURES =================================
______________________________ test_function _______________________________

mydata = 42

    def test_function(mydata):
>       assert mydata == 23
E       assert 42 == 23

test_caching.py:19: AssertionError
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED test_caching.py::test_function - assert 42 == 23
1 failed in 0.12s

有关更多详细信息,请参见 config.cache fixture


Inspecting Cache content

你可以随时使用 --cache-show 命令行选项查看缓存的内容:

$ pytest --cache-show
=========================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.x.y, pytest-8.x.y, pluggy-1.x.y
rootdir: /home/sweet/project
cachedir: /home/sweet/project/.pytest_cache
--------------------------- cache values for '*' ---------------------------
cache/lastfailed contains:
{'test_caching.py::test_function': True}
cache/nodeids contains:
cache/stepwise contains:
example/value contains:

========================== no tests ran in 0.12s ===========================

--cache-show 还接受一个可选参数,以指定用于过滤的 glob 模式:

$ pytest --cache-show example/*
=========================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.x.y, pytest-8.x.y, pluggy-1.x.y
rootdir: /home/sweet/project
cachedir: /home/sweet/project/.pytest_cache
----------------------- cache values for 'example/*' -----------------------
example/value contains:

========================== no tests ran in 0.12s ===========================


Clearing Cache content

你可以通过添加 --cache-clear 选项来指示 pytest 清除所有缓存文件和值,如下所示:

pytest --cache-clear




作为 --lf -x 的替代方案,特别是在你预期测试套件的大部分会失败的情况下,--sw--stepwise 允许你一次修复一个问题。测试套件将运行直到第一个失败,然后停止。在下次调用时,测试将从上一个失败的测试继续,然后运行直到下一个失败的测试。你可以使用 --stepwise-skip 选项来忽略一个失败的测试,并在第二个失败的测试上停止测试执行。这在你被一个失败的测试卡住时非常有用,只想在稍后忽略它。提供 --stepwise-skip 也会隐式启用 --stepwise