
Cancellation and timeouts

Trio 具有丰富的可组合系统,用于明确取消工作或在超时到期时取消工作。

Trio has a rich, composable system for cancelling work, either explicitly or when a timeout expires.


A simple timeout example


with trio.move_on_after(30):
   result = await do_http_get("https://...")
   print("result is", result)
print("with block finished")

我们将 move_on_after() 称为创建一个“取消作用域”,它包含所有在 with 语句块内运行的代码。如果 HTTP 请求花费超过 30 秒,那么它将被取消:我们将中止请求,并且我们 不会 在控制台看到 result is ... 被打印;相反,我们将直接打印 with block finished 消息。


请注意,这个超时是整个 with 语句体的一个 30 秒超时。这与您在其他 Python 库中可能看到的不同,在那些库中超时通常指的是 更复杂的机制。我们认为这种方式更容易推理。

这是如何工作的?这里没有魔法: Trio 是基于普通的 Python 功能构建的,因此我们不能仅仅放弃 with 语句块内的代码。相反,我们利用 Python 标准的方式来中止一大段复杂的代码:我们抛出一个异常。

这里的想法是:每当您调用一个可取消的函数,比如 await trio.sleep(...)await sock.recv(...) – 参见 检查点 – 那么该函数首先会检查是否存在一个超时已过期或已被取消的包围作用域。如果有,那么该函数就会立即失败并抛出一个 Cancelled 异常。在这个例子中,这很可能发生在 do_http_get 的内部深处。然后,异常像正常异常一样传播出去(如果需要,您甚至可以捕获它,但通常这是不推荐的),直到它到达 with move_on_after(...): 处。此时, Cancelled 异常已经完成了它的工作——它成功地撤销了整个取消的作用域——所以 move_on_after() 捕获了它,并且在 with 块之后,执行将照常继续。即使您有嵌套的取消作用域,这一切也会正确工作,因为每个 Cancelled 对象都携带一个隐形标记,确保触发它的取消作用域是唯一会捕获它的作用域。

In the simplest case, you can apply a timeout to a block of code:

with trio.move_on_after(30):
   result = await do_http_get("https://...")
   print("result is", result)
print("with block finished")

We refer to move_on_after() as creating a "cancel scope", which contains all the code that runs inside the with block. If the HTTP request takes more than 30 seconds to run, then it will be cancelled: we'll abort the request and we won't see result is ... printed on the console; instead we'll go straight to printing the with block finished message.


Note that this is a single 30 second timeout for the entire body of the with statement. This is different from what you might have seen with other Python libraries, where timeouts often refer to something more complicated. We think this way is easier to reason about.

How does this work? There's no magic here: Trio is built using ordinary Python functionality, so we can't just abandon the code inside the with block. Instead, we take advantage of Python's standard way of aborting a large and complex piece of code: we raise an exception.

Here's the idea: whenever you call a cancellable function like await trio.sleep(...) or await sock.recv(...) – see 检查点 – then the first thing that function does is to check if there's a surrounding cancel scope whose timeout has expired, or otherwise been cancelled. If so, then instead of performing the requested operation, the function fails immediately with a Cancelled exception. In this example, this probably happens somewhere deep inside the bowels of do_http_get. The exception then propagates out like any normal exception (you could even catch it if you wanted, but that's generally a bad idea), until it reaches the with move_on_after(...):. And at this point, the Cancelled exception has done its job – it's successfully unwound the whole cancelled scope – so move_on_after() catches it, and execution continues as normal after the with block. And this all works correctly even if you have nested cancel scopes, because every Cancelled object carries an invisible marker that makes sure that the cancel scope that triggered it is the only one that will catch it.


Handling cancellation

几乎所有使用 Trio 编写的代码都需要有一些策略来处理 Cancelled 异常——即使您没有设置超时,您的调用者也可能会设置(并且很可能会)。

您可以捕获 Cancelled 异常,但不应该捕获!更确切地说,如果您捕获了它,您应该进行一些清理工作,然后重新抛出它,或者让它继续传播(除非您遇到错误,在这种情况下,允许错误传播是可以的)。为了提醒您这一点, Cancelled 继承自 BaseException,就像 KeyboardInterruptSystemExit 一样,因此它不会被通用的 except Exception: 块捕获。

在任何长时间运行的代码中,确保定期检查取消是非常重要的,因为否则超时将无法工作!每次调用可取消操作时,这都会隐式发生;有关详细信息,请参见 below。如果您有一个必须在没有任何 I/O 的情况下进行大量工作的任务,那么您可以使用 await sleep(0) 来插入一个显式的取消+调度点。

这里有一个设计良好的 Trio 风格(“trionic”?)API 的经验法则:如果您正在编写一个可重用的函数,那么不应该接受 timeout= 参数,而是让您的调用者来处理它。这有几个优点。首先,它让调用者有更多选择来决定他们如何处理超时——例如,他们可能会觉得使用绝对截止时间比使用相对超时更容易。如果他们是调用取消机制的人,那么由他们来决定,您就不需要担心这个问题。其次,且更为重要的是,这使得其他人更容易重用您的代码。如果您编写了一个 http_get 函数,然后我稍后编写了一个 log_in_to_twitter 函数,需要在内部进行多个 http_get 调用,我不想还得去弄清楚如何为每个调用配置单独的超时——而使用 Trio 的超时系统,这完全不需要。

当然,这条规则不适用于需要强制执行内部超时的 API。例如,如果您编写了一个 start_http_server 函数,那么您可能应该给调用者提供一种配置单个请求超时的方式。

Pretty much any code you write using Trio needs to have some strategy to handle Cancelled exceptions – even if you didn't set a timeout, then your caller might (and probably will).

You can catch Cancelled, but you shouldn't! Or more precisely, if you do catch it, then you should do some cleanup and then re-raise it or otherwise let it continue propagating (unless you encounter an error, in which case it's OK to let that propagate instead). To help remind you of this fact, Cancelled inherits from BaseException, like KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit do, so that it won't be caught by catch-all except Exception: blocks.

It's also important in any long-running code to make sure that you regularly check for cancellation, because otherwise timeouts won't work! This happens implicitly every time you call a cancellable operation; see below for details. If you have a task that has to do a lot of work without any I/O, then you can use await sleep(0) to insert an explicit cancel+schedule point.

Here's a rule of thumb for designing good Trio-style ("trionic"?) APIs: if you're writing a reusable function, then you shouldn't take a timeout= parameter, and instead let your caller worry about it. This has several advantages. First, it leaves the caller's options open for deciding how they prefer to handle timeouts – for example, they might find it easier to work with absolute deadlines instead of relative timeouts. If they're the ones calling into the cancellation machinery, then they get to pick, and you don't have to worry about it. Second, and more importantly, this makes it easier for others to reuse your code. If you write a http_get function, and then I come along later and write a log_in_to_twitter function that needs to internally make several http_get calls, I don't want to have to figure out how to configure the individual timeouts on each of those calls – and with Trio's timeout system, it's totally unnecessary.

Of course, this rule doesn't apply to APIs that need to impose internal timeouts. For example, if you write a start_http_server function, then you probably should give your caller some way to configure timeouts on individual requests.


Cancellation semantics

您可以自由嵌套取消块,每个 Cancelled 异常“知道”它属于哪个块。只要您不停止它,异常将继续传播,直到它到达引发它的块,在那时它会自动停止。


with trio.move_on_after(5):
   with trio.move_on_after(10):
      await trio.sleep(20)
      print("sleep finished without error")
   print("move_on_after(10) finished without error")
print("move_on_after(5) finished without error")

在这段代码中,外部作用域将在 5 秒后过期,导致 sleep() 调用提前返回并引发 Cancelled 异常。然后,这个异常将通过 with move_on_after(10) 行传播,直到它被 with move_on_after(5) 上下文管理器捕获。所以这段代码将打印:

move_on_after(5) finished without error

最终结果是 Trio 成功地取消了正在取消作用域内的工作。

看到这一点,您可能会想知道如何判断内部块是否超时——也许您想做一些不同的事情,例如尝试备用程序或向调用者报告失败。为了简化这一过程, move_on_after()__enter__ 函数返回一个表示此取消作用域的对象,我们可以用它来检查该作用域是否捕获了 Cancelled 异常:

with trio.move_on_after(5) as cancel_scope:
   await trio.sleep(10)
print(cancel_scope.cancelled_caught)  # prints "True"

cancel_scope 对象还允许您检查或调整该作用域的截止时间,显式触发取消而不等待截止时间,检查该作用域是否已被取消,等等——有关详细信息,请参见 CancelScope 下文。

Trio 中的取消是“级别触发的”,这意味着一旦一个块被取消,所有 可取消的操作都将继续引发 Cancelled 异常。这有助于避免一些与资源清理相关的问题。例如,假设我们有一个函数,它连接到远程服务器并发送一些消息,然后在退出时进行清理:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
   conn = make_connection()
      await conn.send_hello_msg()
      await conn.send_goodbye_msg()

现在假设远程服务器停止响应,因此我们对 await conn.send_hello_msg() 的调用永远挂起。幸运的是,我们足够聪明,在这段代码周围加了一个超时,因此最终超时会过期,send_hello_msg 会引发 Cancelled 异常。但是在 finally 块中,我们又进行了一次阻塞操作,这也会永远挂起!此时,如果我们使用的是 asyncio 或其他具有“边缘触发”取消的库,我们会遇到问题:由于我们的超时已经触发,它不会再触发,应用程序会永远锁死。但在 Trio 中,这不会发生:await conn.send_goodbye_msg() 调用仍然在已取消的块内,因此它也会引发 Cancelled

当然,如果您确实想在清理处理程序中进行另一个阻塞调用,Trio 允许您这么做;它是想防止您不小心自讨苦吃。故意自讨苦吃没问题(或者至少——这不是 Trio 的问题)。为了做到这一点,创建一个新的作用域,并将其 shield 属性设置为 True

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
   conn = make_connection()
      await conn.send_hello_msg()
      with trio.move_on_after(CLEANUP_TIMEOUT, shield=True) as cleanup_scope:
            await conn.send_goodbye_msg()

只要您在一个 shield = True 设置的作用域内,您就会受到外部取消的保护。但请注意,这*仅*适用于*外部*取消:如果 CLEANUP_TIMEOUT 过期,那么 await conn.send_goodbye_msg() 仍然会被取消,并且如果 await conn.send_goodbye_msg() 调用内部使用了任何超时,它们也将继续正常工作。这是一个相当高级的功能,大多数人可能不会使用,但在您需要时它已经准备好了。

You can freely nest cancellation blocks, and each Cancelled exception "knows" which block it belongs to. So long as you don't stop it, the exception will keep propagating until it reaches the block that raised it, at which point it will stop automatically.

Here's an example:

with trio.move_on_after(5):
   with trio.move_on_after(10):
      await trio.sleep(20)
      print("sleep finished without error")
   print("move_on_after(10) finished without error")
print("move_on_after(5) finished without error")

In this code, the outer scope will expire after 5 seconds, causing the sleep() call to return early with a Cancelled exception. Then this exception will propagate through the with move_on_after(10) line until it's caught by the with move_on_after(5) context manager. So this code will print:

move_on_after(5) finished without error

The end result is that Trio has successfully cancelled exactly the work that was happening within the scope that was cancelled.

Looking at this, you might wonder how you can tell whether the inner block timed out – perhaps you want to do something different, like try a fallback procedure or report a failure to our caller. To make this easier, move_on_after()´s __enter__ function returns an object representing this cancel scope, which we can use to check whether this scope caught a Cancelled exception:

with trio.move_on_after(5) as cancel_scope:
   await trio.sleep(10)
print(cancel_scope.cancelled_caught)  # prints "True"

The cancel_scope object also allows you to check or adjust this scope's deadline, explicitly trigger a cancellation without waiting for the deadline, check if the scope has already been cancelled, and so forth – see CancelScope below for the full details.

Cancellations in Trio are "level triggered", meaning that once a block has been cancelled, all cancellable operations in that block will keep raising Cancelled. This helps avoid some pitfalls around resource clean-up. For example, imagine that we have a function that connects to a remote server and sends some messages, and then cleans up on the way out:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
   conn = make_connection()
      await conn.send_hello_msg()
      await conn.send_goodbye_msg()

Now suppose that the remote server stops responding, so our call to await conn.send_hello_msg() hangs forever. Fortunately, we were clever enough to put a timeout around this code, so eventually the timeout will expire and send_hello_msg will raise Cancelled. But then, in the finally block, we make another blocking operation, which will also hang forever! At this point, if we were using asyncio or another library with "edge-triggered" cancellation, we'd be in trouble: since our timeout already fired, it wouldn't fire again, and at this point our application would lock up forever. But in Trio, this doesn't happen: the await conn.send_goodbye_msg() call is still inside the cancelled block, so it will also raise Cancelled.

Of course, if you really want to make another blocking call in your cleanup handler, Trio will let you; it's trying to prevent you from accidentally shooting yourself in the foot. Intentional foot-shooting is no problem (or at least – it's not Trio's problem). To do this, create a new scope, and set its shield attribute to True:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
   conn = make_connection()
      await conn.send_hello_msg()
      with trio.move_on_after(CLEANUP_TIMEOUT, shield=True) as cleanup_scope:
            await conn.send_goodbye_msg()

So long as you're inside a scope with shield = True set, then you'll be protected from outside cancellations. Note though that this only applies to outside cancellations: if CLEANUP_TIMEOUT expires then await conn.send_goodbye_msg() will still be cancelled, and if await conn.send_goodbye_msg() call uses any timeouts internally, then those will continue to work normally as well. This is a pretty advanced feature that most people probably won't use, but it's there for the rare cases where you need it.


Cancellation and primitive operations


规则是这样的:如果它位于 trio 命名空间中,并且你使用 await 来调用它,那么它是可取消的(请参见上面的 检查点)。可取消的意思是:

  • 如果你在取消的作用域内尝试调用它,它将引发 Cancelled

  • 如果它阻塞,并且在阻塞时,周围的某个作用域变为取消状态,它将提前返回并引发 Cancelled

  • 引发 Cancelled 意味着操作*没有发生*。例如,如果 Trio 套接字的 send 方法引发 Cancelled,则没有数据被发送。如果 Trio 套接字的 recv 方法引发 Cancelled,则没有数据丢失——它仍然保留在套接字接收缓冲区中,等待你再次调用 recv。等等。


  • 异步清理操作——如 __aexit__ 方法或异步关闭方法——和其他操作一样是可取消的, 如果它们被取消,它们仍然会在引发 Cancelled 之前执行最低级别的清理。

例如,关闭 TLS 包装的套接字通常涉及向远程对等方发送通知,以便它们可以通过加密方式确保你确实打算关闭套接字,而不是中间人攻击者破坏了你的连接。但要健壮地处理这一过程有点棘手。还记得我们上面提到的 示例 吗?其中阻塞的 send_goodbye_msg 引发了问题?这正是关闭 TLS 套接字的工作方式:如果远程对等方消失了,那么我们的代码可能永远无法实际发送关闭通知,而如果它一直尝试发送,那就会永远阻塞。因此,关闭 TLS 包装的套接字的方法会*尝试*发送该通知——如果它被取消,那么它会放弃发送消息,但*仍然*会在引发 Cancelled 之前关闭底层套接字,这样至少不会泄漏资源。

We've talked a lot about what happens when an operation is cancelled, and how you need to be prepared for this whenever calling a cancellable operation... but we haven't gone into the details about which operations are cancellable, and how exactly they behave when they're cancelled.

Here's the rule: if it's in the trio namespace, and you use await to call it, then it's cancellable (see 检查点 above). Cancellable means:

  • If you try to call it when inside a cancelled scope, then it will raise Cancelled.

  • If it blocks, and while it's blocked then one of the scopes around it becomes cancelled, it will return early and raise Cancelled.

  • Raising Cancelled means that the operation did not happen. If a Trio socket's send method raises Cancelled, then no data was sent. If a Trio socket's recv method raises Cancelled then no data was lost – it's still sitting in the socket receive buffer waiting for you to call recv again. And so forth.

There are a few idiosyncratic cases where external constraints make it impossible to fully implement these semantics. These are always documented. There is also one systematic exception:

  • Async cleanup operations – like __aexit__ methods or async close methods – are cancellable just like anything else except that if they are cancelled, they still perform a minimum level of cleanup before raising Cancelled.

For example, closing a TLS-wrapped socket normally involves sending a notification to the remote peer, so that they can be cryptographically assured that you really meant to close the socket, and your connection wasn't just broken by a man-in-the-middle attacker. But handling this robustly is a bit tricky. Remember our example above where the blocking send_goodbye_msg caused problems? That's exactly how closing a TLS socket works: if the remote peer has disappeared, then our code may never be able to actually send our shutdown notification, and it would be nice if it didn't block forever trying. Therefore, the method for closing a TLS-wrapped socket will try to send that notification – and if it gets cancelled, then it will give up on sending the message, but will still close the underlying socket before raising Cancelled, so at least you don't leak that resource.

取消 API 详细信息

Cancellation API details

move_on_after() 以及 Trio 提供的所有其他取消机制,最终是通过 CancelScope 对象来实现的。

class trio.CancelScope(*, relative_deadline=inf, deadline=inf, shield=False)


A cancellation scope: the link between a unit of cancellable work and Trio's cancellation system.

A CancelScope becomes associated with some cancellable work when it is used as a context manager surrounding that work:

cancel_scope = trio.CancelScope()
with cancel_scope:
    await long_running_operation()

Inside the with block, a cancellation of cancel_scope (via a call to its cancel() method or via the expiry of its deadline) will immediately interrupt the long_running_operation() by raising Cancelled at its next checkpoint.

The context manager __enter__ returns the CancelScope object itself, so you can also write with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope:.

If a cancel scope becomes cancelled before entering its with block, the Cancelled exception will be raised at the first checkpoint inside the with block. This allows a CancelScope to be created in one task and passed to another, so that the first task can later cancel some work inside the second.

Cancel scopes are not reusable or reentrant; that is, each cancel scope can be used for at most one with block. (You'll get a RuntimeError if you violate this rule.)

The CancelScope constructor takes initial values for the cancel scope's deadline and shield attributes; these may be freely modified after construction, whether or not the scope has been entered yet, and changes take immediate effect.


Read-write, float. An absolute time on the current run's clock at which this scope will automatically become cancelled. You can adjust the deadline by modifying this attribute, e.g.:

# I need a little more time!
cancel_scope.deadline += 30

Note that for efficiency, the core run loop only checks for expired deadlines every once in a while. This means that in certain cases there may be a short delay between when the clock says the deadline should have expired, and when checkpoints start raising Cancelled. This is a very obscure corner case that you're unlikely to notice, but we document it for completeness. (If this does cause problems for you, of course, then we want to know!)

Defaults to math.inf, which means "no deadline", though this can be overridden by the deadline= argument to the CancelScope constructor.


Read-write, bool, default False. So long as this is set to True, then the code inside this scope will not receive Cancelled exceptions from scopes that are outside this scope. They can still receive Cancelled exceptions from (1) this scope, or (2) scopes inside this scope. You can modify this attribute:

with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope:
    cancel_scope.shield = True
    # This cannot be interrupted by any means short of
    # killing the process:
    await sleep(10)

    cancel_scope.shield = False
    # Now this can be cancelled normally:
    await sleep(10)

Defaults to False, though this can be overridden by the shield= argument to the CancelScope constructor.


Returns None after entering. Returns False if both deadline and relative_deadline are inf.


Cancels this scope immediately.

This method is idempotent, i.e., if the scope was already cancelled then this method silently does nothing.




只读 bool。记录此作用域是否捕获了 Cancelled 异常。需要满足两个条件:(1) with 块以 Cancelled 异常退出,且(2)此作用域是触发该 Cancelled 异常的责任作用域。


Readonly bool. Records whether cancellation has been requested for this scope, either by an explicit call to cancel() or by the deadline expiring.

This attribute being True does not necessarily mean that the code within the scope has been, or will be, affected by the cancellation. For example, if cancel() was called after the last checkpoint in the with block, when it's too late to deliver a Cancelled exception, then this attribute will still be True.

This attribute is mostly useful for debugging and introspection. If you want to know whether or not a chunk of code was actually cancelled, then cancelled_caught is usually more appropriate.


Cancels this scope immediately.

This method is idempotent, i.e., if the scope was already cancelled then this method silently does nothing.



property cancel_called: bool

Readonly bool. Records whether cancellation has been requested for this scope, either by an explicit call to cancel() or by the deadline expiring.

This attribute being True does not necessarily mean that the code within the scope has been, or will be, affected by the cancellation. For example, if cancel() was called after the last checkpoint in the with block, when it's too late to deliver a Cancelled exception, then this attribute will still be True.

This attribute is mostly useful for debugging and introspection. If you want to know whether or not a chunk of code was actually cancelled, then cancelled_caught is usually more appropriate.

property deadline: float

Read-write, float. An absolute time on the current run's clock at which this scope will automatically become cancelled. You can adjust the deadline by modifying this attribute, e.g.:

# I need a little more time!
cancel_scope.deadline += 30

Note that for efficiency, the core run loop only checks for expired deadlines every once in a while. This means that in certain cases there may be a short delay between when the clock says the deadline should have expired, and when checkpoints start raising Cancelled. This is a very obscure corner case that you're unlikely to notice, but we document it for completeness. (If this does cause problems for you, of course, then we want to know!)

Defaults to math.inf, which means "no deadline", though this can be overridden by the deadline= argument to the CancelScope constructor.

property is_relative: bool | None

Returns None after entering. Returns False if both deadline and relative_deadline are inf.

property shield: bool

Read-write, bool, default False. So long as this is set to True, then the code inside this scope will not receive Cancelled exceptions from scopes that are outside this scope. They can still receive Cancelled exceptions from (1) this scope, or (2) scopes inside this scope. You can modify this attribute:

with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope:
    cancel_scope.shield = True
    # This cannot be interrupted by any means short of
    # killing the process:
    await sleep(10)

    cancel_scope.shield = False
    # Now this can be cancelled normally:
    await sleep(10)

Defaults to False, though this can be overridden by the shield= argument to the CancelScope constructor.

通常不需要创建 CancelScope 对象。Trio 已经在与任务相关的 Nursery 对象中包含了 cancel_scope 属性。我们将在后续手册中讨论育儿任务(nurseries)。

Trio 还提供了几个便利函数,用于常见的仅对某段代码施加超时的场景:

with trio.move_on_after(seconds, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Use as a context manager to create a cancel scope whose deadline is set to now + seconds.

The deadline of the cancel scope is calculated upon entering.

  • seconds (float) -- The timeout.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


ValueError -- if seconds is less than zero or NaN.



with trio.move_on_at(deadline, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Use as a context manager to create a cancel scope with the given absolute deadline.

  • deadline (float) -- The deadline.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


ValueError -- if deadline is NaN.



with trio.fail_after(seconds, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Creates a cancel scope with the given timeout, and raises an error if it is actually cancelled.

This function and move_on_after() are similar in that both create a cancel scope with a given timeout, and if the timeout expires then both will cause Cancelled to be raised within the scope. The difference is that when the Cancelled exception reaches move_on_after(), it's caught and discarded. When it reaches fail_after(), then it's caught and TooSlowError is raised in its place.

The deadline of the cancel scope is calculated upon entering.

  • seconds (float) -- The timeout.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


Generator[CancelScope, None, None]

with trio.fail_at(deadline, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Creates a cancel scope with the given deadline, and raises an error if it is actually cancelled.

This function and move_on_at() are similar in that both create a cancel scope with a given absolute deadline, and if the deadline expires then both will cause Cancelled to be raised within the scope. The difference is that when the Cancelled exception reaches move_on_at(), it's caught and discarded. When it reaches fail_at(), then it's caught and TooSlowError is raised in its place.

  • deadline (float) -- The deadline.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


Generator[CancelScope, None, None]

move_on_after() and all the other cancellation facilities provided by Trio are ultimately implemented in terms of CancelScope objects.

class trio.CancelScope(*, relative_deadline=inf, deadline=inf, shield=False)


A cancellation scope: the link between a unit of cancellable work and Trio's cancellation system.

A CancelScope becomes associated with some cancellable work when it is used as a context manager surrounding that work:

cancel_scope = trio.CancelScope()
with cancel_scope:
    await long_running_operation()

Inside the with block, a cancellation of cancel_scope (via a call to its cancel() method or via the expiry of its deadline) will immediately interrupt the long_running_operation() by raising Cancelled at its next checkpoint.

The context manager __enter__ returns the CancelScope object itself, so you can also write with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope:.

If a cancel scope becomes cancelled before entering its with block, the Cancelled exception will be raised at the first checkpoint inside the with block. This allows a CancelScope to be created in one task and passed to another, so that the first task can later cancel some work inside the second.

Cancel scopes are not reusable or reentrant; that is, each cancel scope can be used for at most one with block. (You'll get a RuntimeError if you violate this rule.)

The CancelScope constructor takes initial values for the cancel scope's deadline and shield attributes; these may be freely modified after construction, whether or not the scope has been entered yet, and changes take immediate effect.


Read-write, float. An absolute time on the current run's clock at which this scope will automatically become cancelled. You can adjust the deadline by modifying this attribute, e.g.:

# I need a little more time!
cancel_scope.deadline += 30

Note that for efficiency, the core run loop only checks for expired deadlines every once in a while. This means that in certain cases there may be a short delay between when the clock says the deadline should have expired, and when checkpoints start raising Cancelled. This is a very obscure corner case that you're unlikely to notice, but we document it for completeness. (If this does cause problems for you, of course, then we want to know!)

Defaults to math.inf, which means "no deadline", though this can be overridden by the deadline= argument to the CancelScope constructor.


Read-write, bool, default False. So long as this is set to True, then the code inside this scope will not receive Cancelled exceptions from scopes that are outside this scope. They can still receive Cancelled exceptions from (1) this scope, or (2) scopes inside this scope. You can modify this attribute:

with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope:
    cancel_scope.shield = True
    # This cannot be interrupted by any means short of
    # killing the process:
    await sleep(10)

    cancel_scope.shield = False
    # Now this can be cancelled normally:
    await sleep(10)

Defaults to False, though this can be overridden by the shield= argument to the CancelScope constructor.


Returns None after entering. Returns False if both deadline and relative_deadline are inf.


Cancels this scope immediately.

This method is idempotent, i.e., if the scope was already cancelled then this method silently does nothing.




Readonly bool. Records whether this scope caught a Cancelled exception. This requires two things: (1) the with block exited with a Cancelled exception, and (2) this scope is the one that was responsible for triggering this Cancelled exception.


Readonly bool. Records whether cancellation has been requested for this scope, either by an explicit call to cancel() or by the deadline expiring.

This attribute being True does not necessarily mean that the code within the scope has been, or will be, affected by the cancellation. For example, if cancel() was called after the last checkpoint in the with block, when it's too late to deliver a Cancelled exception, then this attribute will still be True.

This attribute is mostly useful for debugging and introspection. If you want to know whether or not a chunk of code was actually cancelled, then cancelled_caught is usually more appropriate.


Cancels this scope immediately.

This method is idempotent, i.e., if the scope was already cancelled then this method silently does nothing.



property cancel_called: bool

Readonly bool. Records whether cancellation has been requested for this scope, either by an explicit call to cancel() or by the deadline expiring.

This attribute being True does not necessarily mean that the code within the scope has been, or will be, affected by the cancellation. For example, if cancel() was called after the last checkpoint in the with block, when it's too late to deliver a Cancelled exception, then this attribute will still be True.

This attribute is mostly useful for debugging and introspection. If you want to know whether or not a chunk of code was actually cancelled, then cancelled_caught is usually more appropriate.

property deadline: float

Read-write, float. An absolute time on the current run's clock at which this scope will automatically become cancelled. You can adjust the deadline by modifying this attribute, e.g.:

# I need a little more time!
cancel_scope.deadline += 30

Note that for efficiency, the core run loop only checks for expired deadlines every once in a while. This means that in certain cases there may be a short delay between when the clock says the deadline should have expired, and when checkpoints start raising Cancelled. This is a very obscure corner case that you're unlikely to notice, but we document it for completeness. (If this does cause problems for you, of course, then we want to know!)

Defaults to math.inf, which means "no deadline", though this can be overridden by the deadline= argument to the CancelScope constructor.

property is_relative: bool | None

Returns None after entering. Returns False if both deadline and relative_deadline are inf.

property shield: bool

Read-write, bool, default False. So long as this is set to True, then the code inside this scope will not receive Cancelled exceptions from scopes that are outside this scope. They can still receive Cancelled exceptions from (1) this scope, or (2) scopes inside this scope. You can modify this attribute:

with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope:
    cancel_scope.shield = True
    # This cannot be interrupted by any means short of
    # killing the process:
    await sleep(10)

    cancel_scope.shield = False
    # Now this can be cancelled normally:
    await sleep(10)

Defaults to False, though this can be overridden by the shield= argument to the CancelScope constructor.

Often there is no need to create CancelScope object. Trio already includes cancel_scope attribute in a task-related Nursery object. We will cover nurseries later in the manual.

Trio also provides several convenience functions for the common situation of just wanting to impose a timeout on some code:

with trio.move_on_after(seconds, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Use as a context manager to create a cancel scope whose deadline is set to now + seconds.

The deadline of the cancel scope is calculated upon entering.

  • seconds (float) -- The timeout.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


ValueError -- if seconds is less than zero or NaN.



with trio.move_on_at(deadline, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Use as a context manager to create a cancel scope with the given absolute deadline.

  • deadline (float) -- The deadline.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


ValueError -- if deadline is NaN.



with trio.fail_after(seconds, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Creates a cancel scope with the given timeout, and raises an error if it is actually cancelled.

This function and move_on_after() are similar in that both create a cancel scope with a given timeout, and if the timeout expires then both will cause Cancelled to be raised within the scope. The difference is that when the Cancelled exception reaches move_on_after(), it's caught and discarded. When it reaches fail_after(), then it's caught and TooSlowError is raised in its place.

The deadline of the cancel scope is calculated upon entering.

  • seconds (float) -- The timeout.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


Generator[CancelScope, None, None]

with trio.fail_at(deadline, *, shield=False) as cancel_scope

Creates a cancel scope with the given deadline, and raises an error if it is actually cancelled.

This function and move_on_at() are similar in that both create a cancel scope with a given absolute deadline, and if the deadline expires then both will cause Cancelled to be raised within the scope. The difference is that when the Cancelled exception reaches move_on_at(), it's caught and discarded. When it reaches fail_at(), then it's caught and TooSlowError is raised in its place.

  • deadline (float) -- The deadline.

  • shield (bool) -- Initial value for the ~trio.CancelScope.shield attribute of the newly created cancel scope.


Generator[CancelScope, None, None]


Cheat sheet

  • 如果你想对一个函数施加超时,但不关心是否超时:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
      await do_whatever()
# 继续执行!
  • 如果你想对一个函数施加超时,并在超时后进行一些恢复操作:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT) as cancel_scope:
      await do_whatever()
if cancel_scope.cancelled_caught:
      # 操作超时,尝试其他方法
  • 如果你想对一个函数施加超时,并且如果超时,则直接放弃并抛出错误,由调用者处理:

with trio.fail_after(TIMEOUT):
      await do_whatever()



Returns the current effective deadline for the current task.

This function examines all the cancellation scopes that are currently in effect (taking into account shielding), and returns the deadline that will expire first.

One example of where this might be is useful is if your code is trying to decide whether to begin an expensive operation like an RPC call, but wants to skip it if it knows that it can't possibly complete in the available time. Another example would be if you're using a protocol like gRPC that propagates timeout information to the remote peer; this function gives a way to fetch that information so you can send it along.

If this is called in a context where a cancellation is currently active (i.e., a blocking call will immediately raise Cancelled), then returned deadline is -inf. If it is called in a context where no scopes have a deadline set, it returns inf.


the effective deadline, as an absolute time.



  • If you want to impose a timeout on a function, but you don't care whether it timed out or not:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
      await do_whatever()
# carry on!
  • If you want to impose a timeout on a function, and then do some recovery if it timed out:

with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT) as cancel_scope:
      await do_whatever()
if cancel_scope.cancelled_caught:
      # The operation timed out, try something else
  • If you want to impose a timeout on a function, and then if it times out then just give up and raise an error for your caller to deal with:

with trio.fail_after(TIMEOUT):
      await do_whatever()

It's also possible to check what the current effective deadline is, which is sometimes useful:


Returns the current effective deadline for the current task.

This function examines all the cancellation scopes that are currently in effect (taking into account shielding), and returns the deadline that will expire first.

One example of where this might be is useful is if your code is trying to decide whether to begin an expensive operation like an RPC call, but wants to skip it if it knows that it can't possibly complete in the available time. Another example would be if you're using a protocol like gRPC that propagates timeout information to the remote peer; this function gives a way to fetch that information so you can send it along.

If this is called in a context where a cancellation is currently active (i.e., a blocking call will immediately raise Cancelled), then returned deadline is -inf. If it is called in a context where no scopes have a deadline set, it returns inf.


the effective deadline, as an absolute time.

