Tasks let you do multiple things at once
Trio 的核心设计原则之一是:没有隐式并发。每个函数按顺序执行,从上到下,完成每个操作后再进行下一个操作—— 正如 Guido 所期望的那样。
但是,当然,异步库的主要目的是让你能够同时做多件事。在 Trio 中,实现这一点的唯一方式是通过任务生成接口。因此,如果你希望你的程序既能走路又能嚼口香糖,那么这一节就是为你准备的。
One of Trio's core design principles is: no implicit concurrency. Every function executes in a straightforward, top-to-bottom manner, finishing each operation before moving on to the next – like Guido intended.
But, of course, the entire point of an async library is to let you do multiple things at once. The one and only way to do that in Trio is through the task spawning interface. So if you want your program to walk and chew gum, this is the section for you.
Nurseries and spawning
大多数并发编程库允许你在任何时候、任何地方随意启动新的子任务(或线程,或其他什么)。但 Trio 稍有不同:除非你准备好成为一个负责任的父母,否则你不能启动子任务。你通过创建一个托儿所来展示你的责任:
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
async def child():
async def parent():
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
# 同时调用两个 child() 任务
这意味着任务形成了一棵树:当你调用 run()
本质上,async with
块的主体就像是在托儿所中运行的初始任务,然后每次调用 nursery.start_soon
async with
块内并发运行,因此该块不会退出,直到 所有 任务都完成。如果你使用过其他并发框架,可以将其理解为,async with
由于所有任务都是初始任务的后代,因此一个后果是 run()
async def main():
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(trio.sleep, 5)
这段代码将等待 5 秒钟(直到子任务完成),然后返回。
Most libraries for concurrent programming let you start new child tasks (or threads, or whatever) willy-nilly, whenever and where-ever you feel like it. Trio is a bit different: you can't start a child task unless you're prepared to be a responsible parent. The way you demonstrate your responsibility is by creating a nursery:
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
And once you have a reference to a nursery object, you can start children in that nursery:
async def child():
async def parent():
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
# Make two concurrent calls to child()
This means that tasks form a tree: when you call run()
, then
this creates an initial task, and all your other tasks will be
children, grandchildren, etc. of the initial task.
Essentially, the body of the async with
block acts like an initial
task that's running inside the nursery, and then each call to
adds another task that runs in parallel. Two
crucial things to keep in mind:
If any task inside the nursery finishes with an unhandled exception,
then the nursery immediately cancels all the tasks inside the nursery.
Since all of the tasks are running concurrently inside the ``async
with`` block, the block does not exit until all tasks have
completed. If you've used other concurrency frameworks, then you can
think of it as, the de-indentation at the end of the async with
automatically "joins" (waits for) all of the tasks in the nursery.
Once all the tasks have finished, then:
- The nursery is marked as "closed", meaning that no new tasks can
be started inside it.
- Any unhandled exceptions are re-raised inside the parent task, grouped into a
Since all tasks are descendents of the initial task, one consequence
of this is that run()
can't finish until all tasks have
A return statement will not cancel the nursery if it still has tasks running:
async def main():
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(trio.sleep, 5)
This code will wait 5 seconds (for the child task to finish), and then return.
Child tasks and cancellation
在 Trio 中,子任务继承父托儿所的取消作用域。所以在这个示例中,当超时到期时,两个子任务都会被取消:
with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
请注意,这里重要的是在调用 open_nursery()
时处于活动状态的作用域,而不是在调用 start_soon
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT): # 不要这样做!
会在调度新任务开始执行后立即返回。然后,父任务的执行流继续,退出 with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
块,此时 Trio 完全忘记了超时。为了让超时应用于子任务,Trio 必须能够确认其关联的取消作用域会持续有效,至少与子任务执行的时间一样长。而 Trio 只有在取消作用域块位于托儿所块之外时,才能确定这一点。
你可能会想,为什么 Trio 不能仅仅记住“这个任务应该在 TIMEOUT
秒内取消”,即使 with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
块已经结束?原因与 如何实现取消 相关。回想一下,取消是通过 Cancelled 异常表示的,这个异常最终需要由引发它的取消作用域捕获。(否则,这个异常会导致你的整个程序崩溃!)为了能够取消子任务,取消作用域必须能够“看到”它们引发的 Cancelled 异常——而这些异常是从 async with open_nursery()
块中抛出的,而不是从对 start_soon()
如果你希望超时只对某个任务生效而不是其他任务,那么你需要将取消作用域放在该任务的函数内部——例如在这个示例中的 child()
In Trio, child tasks inherit the parent nursery's cancel scopes. So in this example, both the child tasks will be cancelled when the timeout expires:
with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
Note that what matters here is the scopes that were active when
was called, not the scopes active when
is called. So for example, the timeout block below does
nothing at all:
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT): # don't do this!
Why is this so? Well, start_soon()
returns as soon as it has scheduled the new task to start running. The flow of execution in the parent then continues on to exit the with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
block, at which point Trio forgets about the timeout entirely. In order for the timeout to apply to the child task, Trio must be able to tell that its associated cancel scope will stay open for at least as long as the child task is executing. And Trio can only know that for sure if the cancel scope block is outside the nursery block.
You might wonder why Trio can't just remember "this task should be cancelled in TIMEOUT
seconds", even after the with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT):
block is gone. The reason has to do with how cancellation is implemented. Recall that cancellation is represented by a Cancelled exception, which eventually needs to be caught by the cancel scope that caused it. (Otherwise, the exception would take down your whole program!) In order to be able to cancel the child tasks, the cancel scope has to be able to "see" the Cancelled exceptions that they raise -- and those exceptions come out of the async with open_nursery()
block, not out of the call to start_soon()
If you want a timeout to apply to one task but not another, then you need to put the cancel scope in that individual task's function -- child()
, in this example.
Errors in multiple child tasks
在 Python 中,通常一次只有一件事情发生,这意味着一次只能出错一件事。Trio 没有这种限制。考虑以下代码:
async def broken1():
d = {}
return d["missing"]
async def broken2():
seq = range(10)
return seq[20]
async def parent():
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
会引发 KeyError
会引发 IndexError
应该引发某种错误,但是什么错误呢?答案是,这两个异常被分组在一个 ExceptionGroup
中。 ExceptionGroup
及其父类 BaseExceptionGroup
为了捕获被异常组封装的单个异常,Python 3.11 引入了 except*
语句(见 PEP 654)。它的工作方式如下:
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
except* KeyError as excgroup:
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # 处理每个 KeyError
except* IndexError as excgroup:
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # 处理每个 IndexError
但是如果你还不能使用 Python 3.11,因此还不能使用 except*
呢?同样,ExceptionGroup 的回溯库 exceptiongroup 也允许你通过异常处理回调函数来近似这种行为:
from exceptiongroup import catch
def handle_keyerrors(excgroup):
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # 处理每个 KeyError
def handle_indexerrors(excgroup):
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # 处理每个 IndexError
with catch({
KeyError: handle_keyerrors,
IndexError: handle_indexerrors
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
这些处理函数的语义与 except*
块相同,唯一不同的是设置局部变量。如果你需要在处理函数中设置局部变量,你需要使用 nonlocal
def handle_keyerrors(excgroup):
nonlocal myflag
myflag = True
myflag = False
with catch({KeyError: handle_keyerrors}):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
Normally, in Python, only one thing happens at a time, which means that only one thing can go wrong at a time. Trio has no such limitation. Consider code like:
async def broken1():
d = {}
return d["missing"]
async def broken2():
seq = range(10)
return seq[20]
async def parent():
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
raises KeyError
. broken2
. Obviously parent
should raise some error, but
what? The answer is that both exceptions are grouped in an ExceptionGroup
and its parent class BaseExceptionGroup
are used to
encapsulate multiple exceptions being raised at once.
To catch individual exceptions encapsulated in an exception group, the except*
clause was introduced in Python 3.11 (PEP 654). Here's how it works:
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
except* KeyError as excgroup:
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # handle each KeyError
except* IndexError as excgroup:
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # handle each IndexError
If you want to reraise exceptions, or raise new ones, you can do so, but be aware that
exceptions raised in except*
sections will be raised together in a new exception
But what if you can't use Python 3.11, and therefore except*
, just yet?
The same exceptiongroup library which backports ExceptionGroup also lets
you approximate this behavior with exception handler callbacks:
from exceptiongroup import catch
def handle_keyerrors(excgroup):
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # handle each KeyError
def handle_indexerrors(excgroup):
for exc in excgroup.exceptions:
... # handle each IndexError
with catch({
KeyError: handle_keyerrors,
IndexError: handle_indexerrors
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
The semantics for the handler functions are equal to except*
blocks, except for
setting local variables. If you need to set local variables, you need to declare them
inside the handler function(s) with the nonlocal
def handle_keyerrors(excgroup):
nonlocal myflag
myflag = True
myflag = False
with catch({KeyError: handle_keyerrors}):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
Designing for multiple errors
结构化并发仍然是一个较新的设计模式,但我们已经识别出几种模式,您(或您的用户)可能希望处理异常组的方式。请注意,最后一种模式,即直接引发 ExceptionGroup,是最常见的——而且 nurseries 会自动为您执行此操作。
首先,您可能希望“优先处理”某个特定的异常类型,如果该类型的异常出现在异常组中,就只引发该类型的异常。例如:KeyboardInterrupt 对于周围的代码具有明确的意义,可以合理地优先于其他类型的错误,无论您有一个还是多个这样的异常,都没有太大区别。
这种模式通常可以使用装饰器或上下文管理器实现,例如 trio_util.multi_error_defer_to()
或 trio_util.defer_to_cancelled()
。然而,请注意,重新引发“叶子”异常会丢失附加到 ExceptionGroup 本身的 traceback,因此我们不推荐在会向人类展示的错误中使用这种方式。
第二,您可能希望将代码中的并发处理视为对用户隐藏的实现细节——例如,将涉及数据发送和接收的协议抽象为一个简单的只接收接口,或实现一个在 async with
这里的简单选项是 raise MySpecificError from group
,允许用户处理您库中特定的错误。这很简单且可靠,但并不能完全隐藏 nursery。不要 解包单个异常,如果可能会有多个异常,这样做总会导致潜在的 bug 和故障。
更复杂的选项是确保一次只能发生一个异常。这是 非常难 的,例如,您需要以某种方式处理 KeyboardInterrupt,我们强烈建议在出现多个异常的情况时,使用 raise PleaseReportBug from group
作为回退。如果您正在编写一个启动后台任务的上下文管理器,并将控制权交给用户代码,这种方式非常有用,用户代码有效地在 nursery 块的主体内运行。在这种情况下,您可以使用例如 outcome 库来确保只引发一个异常(来自最终用户代码);然后,如果后台任务失败,您可以 raise SomeInternalError
第三且最常见的是,您代码中 nursery 的存在不仅仅是一个实现细节,调用者 应该 准备好处理以 ExceptionGroup 形式出现的多个异常,无论是通过 except*
,手动检查,还是让它传播到 他们的 调用者。因为这种情况非常常见,所以 nurseries 的默认行为就是如此,您无需做任何事情。
Structured concurrency is still a young design pattern, but there are a few patterns we've identified for how you (or your users) might want to handle groups of exceptions. Note that the final pattern, simply raising an ExceptionGroup, is the most common - and nurseries automatically do that for you.
First, you might want to 'defer to' a particular exception type, raising just that if there is any such instance in the group. For example: KeyboardInterrupt has a clear meaning for the surrounding code, could reasonably take priority over errors of other types, and whether you have one or several of them doesn't really matter.
This pattern can often be implemented using a decorator or a context manager, such
as trio_util.multi_error_defer_to()
or trio_util.defer_to_cancelled()
Note however that re-raising a 'leaf' exception will discard whatever part of the
traceback is attached to the ExceptionGroup itself, so we don't recommend this for
errors that will be presented to humans.
Second, you might want to treat the concurrency inside your code as an implementation
detail which is hidden from your users - for example, abstracting a protocol which
involves sending and receiving data to a simple receive-only interface, or implementing
a context manager which maintains some background tasks for the length of the
async with
The simple option here is to raise MySpecificError from group
, allowing users to
handle your library-specific error. This is simple and reliable, but doesn't completely
hide the nursery. Do not unwrap single exceptions if there could ever be multiple
exceptions though; that always ends in latent bugs and then tears.
The more complex option is to ensure that only one exception can in fact happen at a time.
This is very hard, for example you'll need to handle KeyboardInterrupt somehow, and
we strongly recommend having a raise PleaseReportBug from group
fallback just in case
you get a group containing more than one exception.
This is useful when writing a context manager which starts some background tasks, and then
yields to user code which effectively runs 'inline' in the body of the nursery block.
In this case, the background tasks can be wrapped with e.g. the outcome library to ensure that only one exception
can be raised (from end-user code); and then you can either raise SomeInternalError
if a background task failed, or unwrap the user exception if that was the only error.
Third and most often, the existence of a nursery in your code is not just an
implementation detail, and callers should be prepared to handle multiple exceptions
in the form of an ExceptionGroup, whether with except*
or manual inspection
or by just letting it propagate to their callers. Because this is so common,
it's nurseries' default behavior and you don't need to do anything.
注意历史: “非严格” ExceptionGroups¶
Historical Note: "non-strict" ExceptionGroups
在早期版本的 Trio 中, except*
语法还没有被构思出来,我们当时还没有长时间或在大型代码库中使用结构化并发。为了方便起见,一些 API 会引发单个异常,只有在发生两个或更多并发异常时,才会将它们包装成旧的 trio.MultiError
不幸的是,结果并不好:调用代码通常没有意识到某个函数 可能 会引发 MultiError
,因此只处理了常见的情况——这导致在测试中一切正常,但在更大的负载下(通常是在生产环境中)崩溃。 asyncio.TaskGroup
从这一经验中吸取了教训, 始终 将错误包装成 ExceptionGroup
, anyio
也如此,从 Trio 0.25 开始,这也是我们的默认行为。
我们当前支持一个兼容性参数 strict_exception_groups=False
,用于 trio.run()
和 trio.open_nursery()
,它恢复了旧的行为(尽管 MultiError
In early versions of Trio, the except*
syntax hadn't be dreamt up yet, and we
hadn't worked with structured concurrency for long or in large codebases.
As a concession to convenience, some APIs would therefore raise single exceptions,
and only wrap concurrent exceptions in the old trio.MultiError
type if there
were two or more.
Unfortunately, the results were not good: calling code often didn't realize that
some function could raise a MultiError
, and therefore handle only the common
case - with the result that things would work well in testing, and then crash under
heavier load (typically in production). asyncio.TaskGroup
learned from this
experience and always wraps errors into an ExceptionGroup
, as does anyio
and as of Trio 0.25 that's our default behavior too.
We currently support a compatibility argument strict_exception_groups=False
and trio.open_nursery()
, which restores the old behavior (although
itself has been fully removed). We strongly advise against it for
new code, and encourage existing uses to migrate - we consider the option deprecated
and plan to remove it after a period of documented and then runtime warnings.
Spawning tasks without becoming a parent
一旦你明白了这一点,解决方案就很简单:并没有要求一个 nursery 对象必须保持在创建它的任务中!我们可以像这样编写代码:
async def new_connection_listener(handler, nursery):
while True:
conn = await get_new_connection()
nursery.start_soon(handler, conn)
async def server(handler):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(new_connection_listener, handler, nursery)
注意, server
打开了一个 nursery,并将其传递给了 new_connection_listener
,然后 new_connection_listener
async def server(handler):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
while True:
conn = await get_new_connection()
nursery.start_soon(handler, conn)
不过有一点需要记住:取消作用域是从 nursery 继承的, 而不是 从调用 start_soon
的任务继承的。所以在这个例子中,超时并不会应用于 child
async def do_spawn(nursery):
with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT): # 不要这样做,它没有效果
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_spawn, nursery)
Sometimes it doesn't make sense for the task that starts a child to take on responsibility for watching it. For example, a server task may want to start a new task for each connection, but it can't listen for connections and supervise children at the same time.
The solution here is simple once you see it: there's no requirement that a nursery object stay in the task that created it! We can write code like this:
async def new_connection_listener(handler, nursery):
while True:
conn = await get_new_connection()
nursery.start_soon(handler, conn)
async def server(handler):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(new_connection_listener, handler, nursery)
Notice that server
opens a nursery and passes it to
, and then new_connection_listener
able to start new tasks as "siblings" of itself. Of course, in this
case, we could just as well have written:
async def server(handler):
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
while True:
conn = await get_new_connection()
nursery.start_soon(handler, conn)
...but sometimes things aren't so simple, and this trick comes in handy.
One thing to remember, though: cancel scopes are inherited from the
nursery, not from the task that calls start_soon
. So in this
example, the timeout does not apply to child
(or to anything
async def do_spawn(nursery):
with trio.move_on_after(TIMEOUT): # don't do this, it has no effect
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(do_spawn, nursery)
Custom supervisors
默认的清理逻辑通常足以应对简单情况,但如果你想要一个更复杂的监控器呢?例如,也许你有 Erlang envy ,并希望拥有自动重启崩溃任务之类的功能。Trio 本身并不提供这些功能,但你可以在其基础上构建它们;Trio 的目标是强制执行基本的清理规范,然后不干扰你的操作。(具体来说:Trio 不允许你构建一个退出并留下孤儿任务的监控器,如果你因为错误或懒惰而有未处理的异常,Trio 会确保它们传播。)然后,你可以将你精致的监控器封装到一个库中并发布到 PyPI,因为监控器很棘手,没必要每个人都重新写一个。
async def race(*async_fns):
if not async_fns:
raise ValueError("must pass at least one argument")
winner = None
async def jockey(async_fn, cancel_scope):
nonlocal winner
winner = await async_fn()
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
for async_fn in async_fns:
nursery.start_soon(jockey, async_fn, nursery.cancel_scope)
return winner
这段代码通过启动一组任务,每个任务尝试执行它们各自的函数。只要第一个函数完成执行,任务就会将外部作用域中的 winner 非局部变量设置为该函数的结果,并使用传入的取消作用域取消其他任务。一旦所有任务被取消(这会退出 nursery 块),就会返回 winner 变量。
在这里,如果一个或多个竞赛函数抛出未处理的异常,Trio 的正常处理机制会启动:它取消其他任务,然后传播该异常。如果你希望有不同的行为,可以通过在 jockey 函数中添加一个 try 块来捕获异常,并按你的需求处理这些异常。
The default cleanup logic is often sufficient for simple cases, but what if you want a more sophisticated supervisor? For example, maybe you have Erlang envy and want features like automatic restart of crashed tasks. Trio itself doesn't provide these kinds of features, but you can build them on top; Trio's goal is to enforce basic hygiene and then get out of your way. (Specifically: Trio won't let you build a supervisor that exits and leaves orphaned tasks behind, and if you have an unhandled exception due to bugs or laziness then Trio will make sure they propagate.) And then you can wrap your fancy supervisor up in a library and put it on PyPI, because supervisors are tricky and there's no reason everyone should have to write their own.
For example, here's a function that takes a list of functions, runs them all concurrently, and returns the result from the one that finishes first:
async def race(*async_fns):
if not async_fns:
raise ValueError("must pass at least one argument")
winner = None
async def jockey(async_fn, cancel_scope):
nonlocal winner
winner = await async_fn()
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
for async_fn in async_fns:
nursery.start_soon(jockey, async_fn, nursery.cancel_scope)
return winner
This works by starting a set of tasks which each try to run their
function. As soon as the first function completes its execution, the task will set the nonlocal variable winner
from the outer scope to the result of the function, and cancel the other tasks using the passed in cancel scope. Once all tasks
have been cancelled (which exits the nursery block), the variable winner
will be returned.
Here if one or more of the racing functions raises an unhandled
exception then Trio's normal handling kicks in: it cancels the others
and then propagates the exception. If you want different behavior, you
can get that by adding a try
block to the jockey
function to
catch exceptions and handle them however you like.
与任务相关的 API 详细信息¶
Task-related API details
托儿所 API¶
The nursery API
- async with trio.open_nursery(strict_exception_groups=None) as nursery¶
Returns an async context manager which must be used to create a new Nursery.
It does not block on entry; on exit it blocks until all child tasks have exited. If no child tasks are running on exit, it will insert a schedule point (but no cancellation point) - equivalent to
. This means a nursery is never the source of a cancellation exception, it only propagates it from sub-tasks.
- class trio.Nursery(parent_task, cancel_scope, strict_exception_groups)¶
A context which may be used to spawn (or cancel) child tasks.
Not constructed directly, use open_nursery instead.
The nursery will remain open until all child tasks have completed, or until it is cancelled, at which point it will cancel all its remaining child tasks and close.
Nurseries ensure the absence of orphaned Tasks, since all running tasks will belong to an open Nursery.
- cancel_scope¶
Creating a nursery also implicitly creates a cancellation scope, which is exposed as the
attribute. This is used internally to implement the logic where if an error occurs then__aexit__
cancels all children, but you can use it for other things, e.g. if you want to explicitly cancel all children in response to some external event.
- await start(async_fn, *args, name=None)¶
Creates and initializes a child task.
, but blocks until the new task has finished initializing itself, and optionally returns some information from it.The
must accept atask_status
keyword argument, and it must make sure that it (or someone) eventually callstask_status.started()
.The conventional way to define
is like:async def async_fn(arg1, arg2, *, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED): ... # Caller is blocked waiting for this code to run task_status.started() ... # This async code can be interleaved with the caller
is a special global object with a do-nothingstarted
method. This way your function supports being called either likeawait nursery.start(async_fn, arg1, arg2)
or directly likeawait async_fn(arg1, arg2)
, and either way it can calltask_status.started()
without worrying about which mode it's in. Defining your function like this will make it obvious to readers that it supports being used in both modes.Before the child calls
, it's effectively run underneath the call tostart()
: if it raises an exception then that exception is reported bystart()
, and does not propagate out of the nursery. Ifstart()
is cancelled, then the child task is also cancelled.When the child calls
, it's moved out from underneathstart()
and into the given nursery.If the child task passes a value to
, thenstart()
returns this value. Otherwise, it returnsNone
- start_soon(async_fn, *args, name=None)¶
Creates a child task, scheduling
await async_fn(*args)
.If you want to run a function and immediately wait for its result, then you don't need a nursery; just use
await async_fn(*args)
. If you want to wait for the task to initialize itself before continuing, seestart()
, the other fundamental method for creating concurrent tasks in Trio.Note that this is not an async function and you don't use await when calling it. It sets up the new task, but then returns immediately, before the new task has a chance to do anything. New tasks may start running in any order, and at any checkpoint the scheduler chooses - at latest when the nursery is waiting to exit.
It's possible to pass a nursery object into another task, which allows that task to start new child tasks in the first task's nursery.
The child task inherits its parent nursery's cancel scopes.
- 参数:
async_fn (Callable[[Unpack[PosArgT]], Awaitable[object]]) -- An async callable.
args (Unpack[PosArgT]) -- Positional arguments for
. If you want to pass keyword arguments, usefunctools.partial()
.name (object) -- The name for this task. Only used for debugging/introspection (e.g.
). If this isn't a string,start_soon()
will try to make it one. A common use case is if you're wrapping a function before spawning a new task, you might pass the original function as thename=
to make debugging easier.
- 抛出:
RuntimeError -- If this nursery is no longer open (i.e. its
async with
block has exited).- 返回类型:
- property child_tasks: frozenset[Task]¶
Contains all the child
objects which are still running.- Type:
- await start(async_fn, *args, name=None)¶
Creates and initializes a child task.
, but blocks until the new task has finished initializing itself, and optionally returns some information from it.The
must accept atask_status
keyword argument, and it must make sure that it (or someone) eventually callstask_status.started()
.The conventional way to define
is like:async def async_fn(arg1, arg2, *, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED): ... # Caller is blocked waiting for this code to run task_status.started() ... # This async code can be interleaved with the caller
is a special global object with a do-nothingstarted
method. This way your function supports being called either likeawait nursery.start(async_fn, arg1, arg2)
or directly likeawait async_fn(arg1, arg2)
, and either way it can calltask_status.started()
without worrying about which mode it's in. Defining your function like this will make it obvious to readers that it supports being used in both modes.Before the child calls
, it's effectively run underneath the call tostart()
: if it raises an exception then that exception is reported bystart()
, and does not propagate out of the nursery. Ifstart()
is cancelled, then the child task is also cancelled.When the child calls
, it's moved out from underneathstart()
and into the given nursery.If the child task passes a value to
, thenstart()
returns this value. Otherwise, it returnsNone
- start_soon(async_fn, *args, name=None)¶
Creates a child task, scheduling
await async_fn(*args)
.If you want to run a function and immediately wait for its result, then you don't need a nursery; just use
await async_fn(*args)
. If you want to wait for the task to initialize itself before continuing, seestart()
, the other fundamental method for creating concurrent tasks in Trio.Note that this is not an async function and you don't use await when calling it. It sets up the new task, but then returns immediately, before the new task has a chance to do anything. New tasks may start running in any order, and at any checkpoint the scheduler chooses - at latest when the nursery is waiting to exit.
It's possible to pass a nursery object into another task, which allows that task to start new child tasks in the first task's nursery.
The child task inherits its parent nursery's cancel scopes.
- 参数:
async_fn (Callable[[Unpack[PosArgT]], Awaitable[object]]) -- An async callable.
args (Unpack[PosArgT]) -- Positional arguments for
. If you want to pass keyword arguments, usefunctools.partial()
.name (object) -- The name for this task. Only used for debugging/introspection (e.g.
). If this isn't a string,start_soon()
will try to make it one. A common use case is if you're wrapping a function before spawning a new task, you might pass the original function as thename=
to make debugging easier.
- 抛出:
RuntimeError -- If this nursery is no longer open (i.e. its
async with
block has exited).- 返回类型:
- trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED: TaskStatus¶
- class trio.TaskStatus(Protocol[StatusT])¶
The interface provided by
to the spawned task.This is provided via the
keyword-only parameter.