本词汇表简要描述了在 Eventlet 中通常使用的一些术语,尤其是在迁移上下文中的术语。 该词汇表的目标是确保每个人对所使用的术语有相同的理解。
有关迁移的更多信息,请参见 迁移出 Eventlet。
This glossary provides a brief description of some of the terms used within Eventlet in general, and more specifically in the migration context. The goal of this glossary is to ensure that everybody has the same understanding of the used terms.
For more information about anything the migration, see the 迁移出 Eventlet.
Concurrency is when two or more tasks can start, run, and complete in overlapping time periods. It doesn't necessarily mean they'll ever both be running at the same instant. For example, _multitasking_ on a single-core machine.
Cooperative Multitasking
每当一个 线程 开始休眠或等待网络 I/O 时,另一个线程就有机会获取 全局解释器锁(GIL) 并执行 Python 代码。这就是 协作式多任务 。
Whenever a thread begins sleeping or awaiting network I/O, there is a chance for another thread to take the GIL and execute Python code. This is cooperative multitasking.
在 Python API 文档中,使用 coro 这个名称是一种常见的约定。它指的是一个协程;严格来说,是调用 async def 函数的结果,而不是函数本身。
Using the name coro is a common convention in the Python API documentation. It refers to a coroutine; i.e., strictly speaking, the result of calling an async def function, and not the function itself.
协程 是允许执行被挂起和恢复的程序组件,具有广泛的应用。它们被描述为“可以暂停执行的函数”。
Coroutines are programs components that allow execution to be suspended and resumed, generalizing. They have been described as "functions whose execution you can pause".
Future 代表某个活动的未来完成状态,并由事件循环管理。Future 是一个特殊的低级可等待对象,表示异步操作的最终结果。
A future represents a future completion state of some activity and is managed by the loop. A Future is a special low-level awaitable object that represents an eventual result of an asynchronous operation.
Greenlet 是一种轻量级的 协程,用于进程内的顺序并发编程(参见 并发 )。你通常可以将 greenlet 看作是协作式调度的 线程。其主要区别在于,由于它们是协作式调度的,你可以控制它们的执行时机,并且由于它们是 协程,许多 greenlet 可以存在于同一个原生 线程 中。
Greenlet 是协作式的(参见 协作式多任务)和顺序执行的。这意味着当一个 greenlet 正在运行时,其他 greenlet 不能运行;程序员完全控制何时在 greenlet 之间切换执行。换句话说,使用 greenlet 时不应期待 抢占式 行为。
Greenlet 也是一个 库,提供 greenlet 机制。Eventlet 基于 greenlet 库。
A greenlet is a lightweight coroutine for in-process sequential concurrent programming (see concurrency). You can usually think of greenlets as cooperatively scheduled threads. The major differences are that since they’re cooperatively scheduled, you are in control of when they execute, and since they are coroutines, many greenlets can exist in a single native thread.
Greenlets are cooperative (see cooperative multitasking) and sequential. This means that when one greenlet is running, no other greenlet can be running; the programmer is fully in control of when execution switches between greenlets. In other words ones, when using greenlets, should not expect preemptive behavior.
Greenlet is also the name of a library that provide the greenlet mechanism. Eventlet is based on the greenlet library.
Green Thread¶
Green Thread
Green thread 是一种由运行时库或虚拟机(VM)调度的 线程,而不是由底层操作系统(OS)原生调度。Green thread 模拟多线程环境,而无需依赖任何原生操作系统功能,它们在用户空间而非内核空间中进行管理,使其能够在没有原生线程支持的环境中工作。
A green thread is a threads that is scheduled by a runtime library or virtual machine (VM) instead of natively by the underlying operating system (OS). Green threads emulate multithreaded environments without relying on any native OS abilities, and they are managed in user space) instead of kernel space, enabling them to work in environments that do not have native thread support.
全局解释器锁 (GIL)¶
Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
全局解释器锁(GIL) 是 CPython 内部使用的一个锁,用于确保在 Python 虚拟机中一次只有一个 线程 在运行。通常,Python 只在字节码指令之间切换线程(参见 抢占式多任务 和 协作式多任务 )。
A global interpreter lock (GIL) is a lock used internally to CPython to ensure that only one thread runs in the Python VM at a time. In general, Python offers to switch among threads only between bytecode instructions (see preemptive multitasking and cooperative multitasking).
并行 是指任务 _字面上_ 同时运行,例如在多核处理器上。它是当至少两个线程同时执行时出现的状态。
Parallelism is when tasks _literally_ run at the same time, e.g., on a multicore processor. A condition that arises when at least two threads are executing simultaneously.
抢占 是暂时中断正在执行的 任务,并计划稍后恢复执行的行为。这种中断由外部调度程序执行,任务本身不提供任何协助或合作。
Preemption is the act of temporarily interrupting an executing task, with the intention of resuming it at a later time. This interrupt is done by an external scheduler with no assistance or cooperation from the task.
Preemptive multitasking
抢占式多任务 涉及使用中断机制,暂停当前正在执行的进程,并调用调度程序来确定下一个应该执行的进程。因此,所有进程在任何给定时间都会获得一定的 CPU 时间。
CPython 也有 _抢占式多任务_ :如果一个线程在 Python 2 中连续运行 1000 个字节码指令,或者在 Python 3 中运行 15 毫秒,它会放弃 GIL,允许另一个线程运行。
Preemptive multitasking involves the use of an interrupt mechanism which suspends the currently executing process and invokes a scheduler to determine which process should execute next. Therefore, all processes will get some amount of CPU time at any given time.
CPython also has _preemptive multitasking_: If a thread runs uninterrupted for 1000 bytecode instructions in Python 2, or runs 15 milliseconds in Python 3, then it gives up the GIL and another thread may run.
任务 是一个被调度并独立管理的 协程。任务是可等待对象,用于并发调度协程。
A task is a scheduled and independently managed coroutine. Tasks are awaitable objects used to schedule coroutines concurrently.
线程 是一种让程序将自身分成两个或多个同时(或伪同时)运行的任务的方式。线程和进程在不同操作系统中有所不同,但通常,线程是在进程内的,不同的线程共享同一进程中的资源,而在同一个多任务操作系统中的不同进程之间则不共享资源。
Python 中线程何时切换?切换取决于上下文。线程可能会被中断(参见 抢占式多任务),或表现得像是合作式的(参见 合作式多任务)。
Threads are a way for a program to divide (termed "split") itself into two or more simultaneously (or pseudo-simultaneously) running tasks. Threads and processes differ from one operating system to another but, in general, a thread is contained inside a process and different threads in the same process share same resources while different processes in the same multitasking operating system do not.
When do threads switch in Python? The switch depends on the context. The threads may be interrupted (see preemptive multitasking) or behave cooperatively (see cooperative multitasking).