Eventlet 文档¶
Eventlet Documentation
现在强烈不建议在新项目中使用 eventlet!请阅读以下内容。
Eventlet 创建于将近 18 年前,当时 CPython 标准库中缺乏异步功能。随着时间的推移,eventlet 和 CPython 各自发展,但近年来 eventlet 的维护活动减少,导致 eventlet 与 CPython 实现之间的差距不断扩大。
Eventlet 现在遵循新的维护策略。 只提供稳定性和错误修复的维护。 不再接受新功能,除非与 asyncio 迁移相关。 不建议在新项目中使用。 我们的目标是规划 eventlet 的退役,并为您提供迁移出 eventlet 的方法。
如果您正在寻找用于管理异步网络编程的库,并且尚未使用 eventlet,那么我们建议您使用 asyncio,这是 CPython 标准库的官方异步库。
如果您已经在使用 eventlet,我们希望能够为某些用例提供迁移到 asyncio 的途径;请参见 迁移出 Eventlet。只有与迁移解决方案相关的新功能会被接受。
如果您对维护目标或迁移有疑问,欢迎 开启新的 issue ,我们会很乐意回答您的问题。
New usages of eventlet are now heavily discouraged! Please read the following.
Eventlet was created almost 18 years ago, at a time where async features were absent from the CPython stdlib. With time eventlet evolved and CPython too, but since several years the maintenance activity of eventlet decreased leading to a growing gap between eventlet and the CPython implementation.
This gap is now too high and can lead you to unexpected side effects and bugs in your applications.
Eventlet now follows a new maintenance policy. Only maintenance for stability and bug fixing will be provided. No new features will be accepted, except those related to the asyncio migration. Usages in new projects are discouraged. Our goal is to plan the retirement of eventlet and to give you ways to move away from eventlet.
If you are looking for a library to manage async network programming, and if you do not yet use eventlet, then, we encourage you to use asyncio, which is the official async library of the CPython stdlib.
If you already use eventlet, we hope to enable migration to asyncio for some use cases; see 迁移出 Eventlet. Only new features related to the migration solution will be accepted.
If you have questions concerning maintenance goals or concerning the migration do not hesitate to open a new issue, we will be happy to answer them.
获取 Eventlet 的最简单方法是使用 pip:
pip install -U eventlet
pip install -U https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/archive/master.zip
The easiest way to get Eventlet is to use pip:
pip install -U eventlet
To install latest development version once:
pip install -U https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/archive/master.zip
代码会说话!这是一个简单的网络爬虫,可以同时抓取一堆 URL:
urls = [
import eventlet
from eventlet.green.urllib.request import urlopen
def fetch(url):
return urlopen(url).read()
pool = eventlet.GreenPool()
for body in pool.imap(fetch, urls):
print("got body", len(body))
Code talks! This is a simple web crawler that fetches a bunch of urls concurrently:
urls = [
import eventlet
from eventlet.green.urllib.request import urlopen
def fetch(url):
return urlopen(url).read()
pool = eventlet.GreenPool()
for body in pool.imap(fetch, urls):
print("got body", len(body))
支持的 Python 版本¶
Supported Python Versions
目前支持 CPython 3.7+。
Currently supporting CPython 3.7+.
Concepts & References
- Eventlet 中的 Asyncio
- 基本用法
- 设计模式
- 绿化世界
- 示例
- SSL 与 Eventlet 的结合使用
- 线程
- Zeromq
- 理解 Eventlet Hub
- 环境变量
- 模块参考
- 集成asyncio
——正在运行的进程中的 Python 交互式解释器corolocal
-- 协程本地存储dagpool
-- 依赖驱动的 Greenthreads- 模块内容
-- Eventlet 的调试工具db_pool
-- DBAPI 2 数据库连接池connection poolingevent
-- 跨绿色线程原语greenpool
-- 绿色线程池greenthread
-- 绿色线程实现pools
- 通用资源池queue
-- 队列类semaphore
-- 信号量类timeout
-- 通用超时websocket
-- Websocket 服务wsgi
-- WSGI 服务器eventlet.green.zmq
-- ØMQ support
Want to contribute?
Eventlet 是根据开源 `MIT 许可证<http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>`_ 的条款提供的。
Eventlet is made available under the terms of the open source MIT license
Authors & History
Indices and tables