Maintenance Process
本节为 Eventlet 维护者提供指导和流程。它们主要致力于引导 Eventlet 的生命周期。
This section provide guidances and process to eventlet maintainers. They are mostly dedicated to Eventlet' core maintainers lead the life cycle of eventlet.
Here we describe the process we usually follow to process a new release.
1. 创建 github 问题以跟踪发布¶
1. Create a github issue to track the release
第一步是 打开一个新的 GitHub 问题 ,以便提醒其他维护者我们打算发布新版本。他们可能希望,或者不希望,提交一个特定的补丁来解决某个特定问题。这个问题将允许他们提出他们的关切。
以下是一些 以前处理发布过程的 issue 示例,通常我们使用以下命名模式来命名这种类型的问题:"[release] eventlet <下一个版本号>"。
请将 release 标签添加到此问题中。这将有助于跟踪与发布相关的工作。
The first step will be to open a new github issue to warn other maintainers about our intention to produce a new release. They may want, or not, to land a specific patch to address a specific topic. This issue will allow them to raise their concerns.
Here are some previous examples of issues specifically created to handle the release process. Usually we name this kind of issue with the following pattern "[release] eventlet <next-version-number>".
Please add the release label to this issue. It would ease the tracking of works related to releases.
2. 准备变更日志¶
2. Prepare the changelog
现在,您需要通过更新位于 eventlet 项目根目录下的 NEWS 文件来更新变更日志。
请将 changelog 标签添加到这个拉取请求中。这将有助于跟踪与发布相关的工作。
如果您愿意,您可以使用之前创建的问题来列出本版本中提交的每个变更。这里有一个示例 https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/897。
You now have to update the changelog by updating the NEWS file available at the root of eventlet the project.
We would recommand to give the big picture of the changes landed by the coming version. The goal here is not to list each commit, but rather, to give a summarize of the significant changes made during this versions.
Once your changes are done, then propose a pull request.
Please add the changelog label to this pull request. It would ease the tracking of works related to releases.
If you want, you can use the issue previously created to list each commits landed in this new version. Here is an example https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/897.
3. 创建标签¶
3. Create the tag
$ git fetch origin # 从远程仓库获取最新的更新
$ git tag -s vX.Y.Z origin/master # 创建一个签名标签,其中 X.Y.Z 对应您想要生成的版本
$ git push origin --tags
不要犹豫在标签信息中提供变更列表。 这里是一个示例 https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/releases/tag/v0.34.3 您可以简单地重用之前创建的变更日志。
另外,GitHub 的 UI 也允许您创建标签。
Once the changelog patch is merged, then we are now able to produce the new corresponding tag, here are the commands we use to do that:
$ git fetch origin # get the latest updates from the remote repo
$ git tag -s vX.Y.Z origin/master # create a signed tag where X.Y.Z correspond to the version you are eager to produce
$ git push origin --tags
Do not hesitate to provide the list of changes in the tags message. Here is an example https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/releases/tag/v0.34.3 You can simply reuse the changelog you made previously.
Alternatively, the Github UI also allow you creating tags.
4. 最终检查¶
4. Final checks
推送之前的操作将生成一个新的构建。这个构建将生成我们的发布版本,并将这个新版本推送到 Pypi。
您应该确保这个新版本现在已经在 Pypi 上可用,链接:https://pypi.org/project/eventlet/#history。
Pushing the previous will produce a new build. This build will generate our release and will push this new version to Pypi.
You should ensure that this new version is now well available on Pypi https://pypi.org/project/eventlet/#history.
Your tag should be listed there https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/tags.
5. 关闭问题¶
5. Close the issue
如果之前的步骤成功,那么您现在可以更新之前创建的 Github 问题。
我建议您发表评论,附上 pypi 链接和标签链接,如此处所示: https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/875#issuecomment-1887435752 。
现在,您可以关闭这个 Github 问题。
If the previous steps were successful, then you can now update the Github issue that you previously created.
I'd recommend to put a comment with the pypi link and the tag link like there https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/875#issuecomment-1887435752.
You can now close this Github issue.