timeout -- 通用超时

timeout -- Universal Timeouts

class eventlet.timeout.Timeout

在当前 greenthread 中,在 timeout 秒后抛出 exception:

timeout = Timeout(seconds, exception)
    ... # 执行代码受限于超时时间

exception 被省略或为 None 时,抛出的是 Timeout 实例本身:

>>> Timeout(0.1)
>>> eventlet.sleep(0.2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Timeout: 0.1 seconds

你可以使用 with 语句来增加便利性:

with Timeout(seconds, exception) as timeout:
    pass # ... 代码块 ...

这相当于第一个例子中的 try/finally 语句块。

使用 with 语句时还有一个附加功能:如果 exceptionFalse,超时仍然会被触发,但 with 语句会抑制它,因此外部代码块不会看到该异常:

data = None
with Timeout(5, False):
    data = mysock.makefile().readline()
if data is None:
    ... # 5 秒内没有读取到一行
    ... # 5 秒内读取到了一行

作为一个非常特殊的情况,如果 seconds 为 None,计时器不会被调度,只有在你计划直接抛出它时,它才有用。

有两个关于 Timeout 的注意事项需要了解:

  • 如果 try/finally 或 with 块中的代码块没有合作性地让出控制权,超时将无法触发。在 Eventlet 中,这通常不会成为问题,但需要注意的是,你不能使用此类超时来处理仅依赖 CPU 的操作。

  • 如果代码块捕获了异常且没有重新抛出 BaseException`(例如使用 ``except:`),它将捕获 Timeout 异常,并可能无法按预期中止。


timeout = Timeout(1)
except Timeout as t:
    if t is not timeout:
        raise # 不是我设置的超时

If the timeout is pending, cancel it. If not using Timeouts in with statements, always call cancel() in a finally after the block of code that is getting timed out. If not canceled, the timeout will be raised later on, in some unexpected section of the application.


True if the timeout is scheduled to be raised.

eventlet.timeout.with_timeout(seconds, function, *args, **kwds)


  • seconds (int 或 float) -- 超时发生前的秒数

  • func -- 要执行的可调用对象;它必须协作性地让出控制权,否则超时无法触发

  • *args -- 传递给 func 的位置参数

  • **kwds -- 传递给 func 的关键字参数

  • timeout_value -- 超时发生时返回的值(默认抛出 Timeout


如果 funcseconds 内返回,则返回 func 的返回值;如果超时且提供了 timeout_value,则返回 timeout_value,否则抛出 Timeout


Timeout -- 如果 func 超时且未提供 timeout_value


func 引发的任何异常


data = with_timeout(30, urllib2.open, 'http://www.google.com/', timeout_value="")

这里 data 要么是 get() 调用的结果,要么是如果返回太慢则是空字符串。如果 get() 调用引发任何异常,则会传递给调用者。

class eventlet.timeout.Timeout

Raises exception in the current greenthread after timeout seconds:

timeout = Timeout(seconds, exception)
    ... # execution here is limited by timeout

When exception is omitted or is None, the Timeout instance itself is raised:

>>> Timeout(0.1)
>>> eventlet.sleep(0.2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Timeout: 0.1 seconds

You can use the with statement for additional convenience:

with Timeout(seconds, exception) as timeout:
    pass # ... code block ...

This is equivalent to the try/finally block in the first example.

There is an additional feature when using the with statement: if exception is False, the timeout is still raised, but the with statement suppresses it, so the code outside the with-block won't see it:

data = None
with Timeout(5, False):
    data = mysock.makefile().readline()
if data is None:
    ... # 5 seconds passed without reading a line
    ... # a line was read within 5 seconds

As a very special case, if seconds is None, the timer is not scheduled, and is only useful if you're planning to raise it directly.

There are two Timeout caveats to be aware of:

  • If the code block in the try/finally or with-block never cooperatively yields, the timeout cannot be raised. In Eventlet, this should rarely be a problem, but be aware that you cannot time out CPU-only operations with this class.

  • If the code block catches and doesn't re-raise BaseException (for example, with except:), then it will catch the Timeout exception, and might not abort as intended.

When catching timeouts, keep in mind that the one you catch may not be the one you set; if you plan on silencing a timeout, always check that it's the same instance that you set:

timeout = Timeout(1)
except Timeout as t:
    if t is not timeout:
        raise # not my timeout

If the timeout is pending, cancel it. If not using Timeouts in with statements, always call cancel() in a finally after the block of code that is getting timed out. If not canceled, the timeout will be raised later on, in some unexpected section of the application.


True if the timeout is scheduled to be raised.

eventlet.timeout.with_timeout(seconds, function, *args, **kwds)

Wrap a call to some (yielding) function with a timeout; if the called function fails to return before the timeout, cancel it and return a flag value.

  • seconds (int or float) -- seconds before timeout occurs

  • func -- the callable to execute with a timeout; it must cooperatively yield, or else the timeout will not be able to trigger

  • *args -- positional arguments to pass to func

  • **kwds -- keyword arguments to pass to func

  • timeout_value -- value to return if timeout occurs (by default raises



Value returned by func if func returns before seconds, else

timeout_value if provided, else raises Timeout.


Timeout -- if func times out and no timeout_value has

been provided. :exception: Any exception raised by func


data = with_timeout(30, urllib2.open, 'http://www.google.com/', timeout_value="")

Here data is either the result of the get() call, or the empty string if it took too long to return. Any exception raised by the get() call is passed through to the caller.