

Eventlet 是线程安全的,可以与普通的 Python 线程一起使用。其工作原理是协程被限制在其“父”Python 线程中。就像每个线程都包含自己的小世界,协程可以在自己内部进行切换,但不能在其他线程的协程之间切换。



你大多数情况下使用线程的原因是为了包装一些不是“绿色”的操作,比如一个使用自己操作系统调用来执行套接字操作的 C 库。为了简化这些使用,提供了 tpool 模块。

Eventlet is thread-safe and can be used in conjunction with normal Python threads. The way this works is that coroutines are confined to their 'parent' Python thread. It's like each thread contains its own little world of coroutines that can switch between themselves but not between coroutines in other threads.


You can only communicate cross-thread using the "real" thread primitives and pipes. Fortunately, there's little reason to use threads for concurrency when you're already using coroutines.

The vast majority of the times you'll want to use threads are to wrap some operation that is not "green", such as a C library that uses its own OS calls to do socket operations. The tpool module is provided to make these uses simpler.

Tpool - 简单线程池

Tpool - Simple thread pool

使用 tpool 最简单的方式是通过 execute() 执行一个函数。该函数将在池中的一个随机线程中运行,而调用的协程则会阻塞,直到函数执行完成:

>>> import thread
>>> from eventlet import tpool
>>> def my_func(starting_ident):
...     print("running in new thread:", starting_ident != thread.get_ident())
>>> tpool.execute(my_func, thread.get_ident())
running in new thread: True

默认情况下,池中有 20 个线程,但你可以通过在导入 tpool 之前设置环境变量 EVENTLET_THREADPOOL_SIZE 来配置所需的池大小。

class eventlet.tpool.Proxy(obj, autowrap=(), autowrap_names=())

a simple proxy-wrapper of any object that comes with a methods-only interface, in order to forward every method invocation onto a thread in the native-thread pool. A key restriction is that the object's methods should not switch greenlets or use Eventlet primitives, since they are in a different thread from the main hub, and therefore might behave unexpectedly. This is for running native-threaded code only.

It's common to want to have some of the attributes or return values also wrapped in Proxy objects (for example, database connection objects produce cursor objects which also should be wrapped in Proxy objects to remain nonblocking). autowrap, if supplied, is a collection of types; if an attribute or return value matches one of those types (via isinstance), it will be wrapped in a Proxy. autowrap_names is a collection of strings, which represent the names of attributes that should be wrapped in Proxy objects when accessed.

eventlet.tpool.execute(meth, *args, **kwargs)

Execute meth in a Python thread, blocking the current coroutine/ greenthread until the method completes.

The primary use case for this is to wrap an object or module that is not amenable to monkeypatching or any of the other tricks that Eventlet uses to achieve cooperative yielding. With tpool, you can force such objects to cooperate with green threads by sticking them in native threads, at the cost of some overhead.

The simplest thing to do with tpool is to execute() a function with it. The function will be run in a random thread in the pool, while the calling coroutine blocks on its completion:

>>> import thread
>>> from eventlet import tpool
>>> def my_func(starting_ident):
...     print("running in new thread:", starting_ident != thread.get_ident())
>>> tpool.execute(my_func, thread.get_ident())
running in new thread: True

By default there are 20 threads in the pool, but you can configure this by setting the environment variable EVENTLET_THREADPOOL_SIZE to the desired pool size before importing tpool.

class eventlet.tpool.Proxy(obj, autowrap=(), autowrap_names=())

a simple proxy-wrapper of any object that comes with a methods-only interface, in order to forward every method invocation onto a thread in the native-thread pool. A key restriction is that the object's methods should not switch greenlets or use Eventlet primitives, since they are in a different thread from the main hub, and therefore might behave unexpectedly. This is for running native-threaded code only.

It's common to want to have some of the attributes or return values also wrapped in Proxy objects (for example, database connection objects produce cursor objects which also should be wrapped in Proxy objects to remain nonblocking). autowrap, if supplied, is a collection of types; if an attribute or return value matches one of those types (via isinstance), it will be wrapped in a Proxy. autowrap_names is a collection of strings, which represent the names of attributes that should be wrapped in Proxy objects when accessed.

eventlet.tpool.execute(meth, *args, **kwargs)

Execute meth in a Python thread, blocking the current coroutine/ greenthread until the method completes.

The primary use case for this is to wrap an object or module that is not amenable to monkeypatching or any of the other tricks that Eventlet uses to achieve cooperative yielding. With tpool, you can force such objects to cooperate with green threads by sticking them in native threads, at the cost of some overhead.