Maintainer (i.e., Who To Hassle If You Find Bugs)¶
The current maintainer(s) are volunteers with unrelated jobs. We can only pay sporadic attention to responding to your issue and pull request submissions. Your patience is greatly appreciated!
Active maintainers¶
Itamar Turner-Trauring
Tim Burke
Hervé Beraud
Less active maintainers¶
Sergey Shepelev
Jakub Stasiak
Nat Goodspeed
Original Authors¶
Bob Ippolito
Donovan Preston
AG Projects
Chris AtLee
R. Tyler Ballance
Denis Bilenko
Mike Barton
Patrick Carlisle
Ben Ford
Andrew Godwin
Brantley Harris
Gregory Holt
Joe Malicki
Chet Murthy
Eugene Oden
Scott Robinson
Tavis Rudd
Sergey Shepelev
Chuck Thier
Nick V
Daniele Varrazzo
Ryan Williams
Geoff Salmon
Edward George
Floris Bruynooghe
Paul Oppenheim
Jakub Stasiak
Aldona Majorek
Victor Sergeyev
David Szotten
Victor Stinner
Samuel Merritt
Eric Urban
Miguel Grinberg
Tuomo Kriikkula
Linden Lab Contributors¶
John Beisley
Tess Chu
Nat Goodspeed
Dave Kaprielian
Kartic Krishnamurthy
Bryan O'Sullivan
Kent Quirk
Ryan Williams
Thanks To¶
AdamKG, giving the hint that invalid argument errors were introduced post-0.9.0
Luke Tucker, bug report regarding wsgi + webob
Taso Du Val, reproing an exception squelching bug, saving children's lives ;-)
Luci Stanescu, for reporting twisted hub bug
Marcus Cavanaugh, for test case code that has been incredibly useful in tracking down bugs
Brian Brunswick, for many helpful questions and suggestions on the mailing list
Cesar Alaniz, for uncovering bugs of great import
the grugq, for contributing patches, suggestions, and use cases
Ralf Schmitt, for wsgi/webob incompatibility bug report and suggested fix
Benoit Chesneau, bug report on green.os and patch to fix it
Slant, better iterator implementation in tpool
Ambroff, nice pygtk hub example
Michael Carter, websocket patch to improve location handling
Marcin Bachry, nice repro of a bug and good diagnosis leading to the fix
David Ziegler, reporting issue #53
Favo Yang, twisted hub patch
Schmir, patch that fixes readline method with chunked encoding in, advice on patcher
Slide, for open-sourcing gogreen
Holger Krekel, websocket example small fix
mikepk, debugging MySQLdb/tpool issues
Malcolm Cleaton, patch for Event exception handling
Alexey Borzenkov, for finding and fixing issues with Windows error detection (#66, #69), reducing dependencies in zeromq hub (#71)
Anonymous, finding and fixing error in websocket chat example (#70)
Edward George, finding and fixing an issue in the [e]poll hubs (#74), and in convenience (#86)
Ruijun Luo, figuring out incorrect openssl import for wrap_ssl (#73)
rfk, patch to get green zmq to respect noblock flag.
Soren Hansen, finding and fixing issue in subprocess (#77)
Stefano Rivera, making tests pass in absence of postgres (#78)
Joshua Kwan, fixing busy-wait in
Nick Vatamaniuc, Windows SO_REUSEADDR patch (#83)
Clay Gerrard, wsgi handle socket closed by client (#95)
Eric Windisch, zmq getsockopt(EVENTS) wake correct threads (pull request 22)
Raymond Lu, fixing busy-wait in
Thomas Grainger, webcrawler example small fix, "requests" library import bug report, Travis integration
Peter Portante, save syscalls in socket.dup(), environ[REMOTE_PORT] in wsgi
Peter Skirko, fixing socket.settimeout(0) bug
Derk Tegeler, Pre-cache proxied GreenSocket methods (Bitbucket #136)
David Malcolm, optional "timeout" argument to the subprocess module (Bitbucket #89)
David Goetz, wsgi: Allow minimum_chunk_size to be overriden on a per request basis
Dmitry Orlov, websocket: accept Upgrade: websocket (lowercase)
Zhang Hua, profile: accumulate results between runs (Bitbucket #162)
Astrum Kuo, python3 compatibility fixes; greenthread.unlink() method
Davanum Srinivas, Python3 compatibility fixes
Dmitriy Kruglyak, PyPy 2.3 compatibility fix
Jan Grant, Michael Kerrin, second simultaneous read (GH-94)
Simon Jagoe, Python3 octal literal fix
Tushar Gohad, wsgi: Support optional headers w/ "100 Continue" responses
raylu, fixing operator precedence bug in eventlet.wsgi
Christoph Gysin, PEP 8 conformance
Andrey Gubarev
Corey Wright
Johannes Erdfelt
Steven Hardy
Stuart McLaren
Tomaz Muraus
ChangBo Guo(gcb), fixing typos in the documentation (GH-194)
Marc Abramowitz, fixing the README so it renders correctly on PyPI (GH-183)
Shaun Stanworth, equal chance to acquire semaphore from different greenthreads (GH-136)
Lior Neudorfer, Make sure SSL retries are done using the exact same data buffer
Sean Dague, wsgi: Provide python logging compatibility
Tim Simmons, Use _socket_nodns and select in dnspython support
Antonio Cuni, fix fd double close on PyPy
Seyeong Kim
Ihar Hrachyshka
Janusz Harkot
Fukuchi Daisuke
Ramakrishnan G
Azhar Hussain
Josh VanderLinden
Levente Polyak
Phus Lu
Collin Stocks, fixing so it accepts cafile, capath, or cadefault arguments
Alexis Lee
Steven Erenst
Piët Delport
Alex Villacís Lasso
Yashwardhan Singh
Tim Burke
Ondřej Nový
Jarrod Johnson
Whitney Young
Matthew D. Pagel
Matt Yule-Bennett
Artur Stawiarski
Tal Wrii
Roman Podoliaka
Gevorg Davoian
Ondřej Kobližek
Yuichi Bando
Aayush Kasurde
Geoffrey Thomas
Costas Christofi, adding permessage-deflate weboscket extension support
Peter Kovary, adding permessage-deflate weboscket extension support
Konstantin Enchant
James Page
Stefan Nica
Haikel Guemar
Miguel Grinberg
Chris Kerr
Anthony Sottile
Quan Tian
Matt Bennett
Ralf Haferkamp
Jake Tesler
Aayush Kasurde