7.11. 骑士之旅问题
.. Copyright (C) Brad Miller, David Ranum This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
The Knight’s Tour Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Another classic problem that we can use to illustrate a second common
graph algorithm is called the knight’s tour. The knight’s
tour puzzle is played on a chess board with a single chess piece, the
knight. The object of the puzzle is to find a sequence of moves that
allow the knight to visit every square on the board exactly once. One
such sequence is called a tour. The knight’s tour puzzle has
fascinated chess players, mathematicians, and now, computer scientists,
for over a thousand years. The upper bound on the number of possible legal tours
for an :math:8 \times 8
chessboard is known to be
:math:1.305 \times 10^{35}
; however, there are even more possible
dead ends. Clearly this is a problem that requires some real brains,
some real computing power, or both.
Although researchers have studied many different algorithms to solve the knight’s tour problem, a graph search is one of the easiest to understand and program. Once again we will solve the problem using two main steps:
Represent the legal moves of a knight on a chessboard as a graph.
Use a graph algorithm to find a path of length :math:
rows \times columns - 1
where every vertex on the graph is visited exactly once.
创建日期: 2023年10月10日