DrawingML 对象

DrawingML objects


Low-level drawing elements like color that appear in various document contexts.

ColorFormat 对象

ColorFormat objects

class docx.dml.color.ColorFormat[源代码]

Provides access to color settings such as RGB color, theme color, and luminance adjustments.

property rgb

An RGBColor value or None if no RGB color is specified.

When type is MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB, the value of this property will always be an RGBColor value. It may also be an RGBColor value if type is MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME, as Word writes the current value of a theme color when one is assigned. In that case, the RGB value should be interpreted as no more than a good guess however, as the theme color takes precedence at rendering time. Its value is None whenever type is either None or MSO_COLOR_TYPE.AUTO.

Assigning an RGBColor value causes type to become MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB and any theme color is removed. Assigning None causes any color to be removed such that the effective color is inherited from the style hierarchy.

property theme_color

Member of MSO_THEME_COLOR_INDEX or None if no theme color is specified.

When type is MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME, the value of this property will always be a member of MSO_THEME_COLOR_INDEX. When type has any other value, the value of this property is None.

Assigning a member of MSO_THEME_COLOR_INDEX causes type to become MSO_COLOR_TYPE.THEME. Any existing RGB value is retained but ignored by Word. Assigning None causes any color specification to be removed such that the effective color is inherited from the style hierarchy.

property type: MSO_COLOR_TYPE


A member of MSO_COLOR_TYPE, one of RGB, THEME, or AUTO, corresponding to the way this color is defined. Its value is None if no color is applied at this level, which causes the effective color to be inherited from the style hierarchy.