Understanding Styles
- Grasshopper:
- 大师:
- Grasshopper:
"Master, why doesn't my paragraph appear with the style I specified?"
- Master:
"You have come to the right page Grasshopper; read on ..."
Word 中的样式是什么?¶
What is a style in Word?
当类似元素的格式一致时,文档可以更好地传达信息。为了实现这种一致性,专业文档设计人员开发了一个 样式表 ,它定义了文档元素类型并指定了每个元素的格式。例如,也许正文段落应该设置为 9 pt Times Roman,行高为 11 pt,左对齐,右对齐。当将这些规范应用于文档的每个元素时,就会实现一致且精致的外观。
Word 中的样式就是这样一组可以同时应用于文档元素的规范。Word 具有段落样式、字符样式、表格样式和编号定义。它们分别应用于段落、文本范围、表格和列表。
经验丰富的程序员会将样式视为一种间接级别。这些的优点在于它允许您定义一次,然后多次应用该定义。这节省了一遍又一遍定义相同内容的工作;但更重要的是,它允许你改变定义,并且 让这种改变反映在你应用它的所有地方。
Documents communicate better when like elements are formatted consistently. To achieve that consistency, professional document designers develop a style sheet which defines the document element types and specifies how each should be formatted. For example, perhaps body paragraphs are to be set in 9 pt Times Roman with a line height of 11 pt, justified flush left, ragged right. When these specifications are applied to each of the elements of the document, a consistent and polished look is achieved.
A style in Word is such a set of specifications that may be applied, all at once, to a document element. Word has paragraph styles, character styles, table styles, and numbering definitions. These are applied to a paragraph, a span of text, a table, and a list, respectively.
Experienced programmers will recognize styles as a level of indirection. The great thing about those is it allows you to define something once, then apply that definition many times. This saves the work of defining the same thing over an over; but more importantly it allows you to change the definition and have that change reflected in all the places you have applied it.
Why doesn't the style I applied show up?
在 Word 中工作时,您可以将所有这些样式应用于事物,这些样式看起来非常漂亮,而且看起来更好,因为您不必自己制作它们。大多数人只关注内置的样式。
虽然这些样式显示在 UI 中,但它们实际上并不在您正在创建的 文档中,至少在您第一次使用它之前不是。 这是一件好事。它们占用空间,而且数量很多。 如果文件包含您可以使用但尚未使用的所有样式定义,则文件会变得有点臃肿。
应用未在文件中定义的样式(如果您好奇,在 styles.xml 部分中),Word 会忽略它。它不会抱怨,只是不会改变格式。我确信 这有充分的理由。但是,如果您不了解 Word 的工作原理,这可能会让您感到有些困惑。当您使用样式时,Word 会将其添加到文件中。一旦添加到文件中,它就会保留下来。 我想有一种方法可以摆脱它,但您必须努力。如果 您应用样式,删除您应用它的内容,然后保存 文档;样式定义将保留在保存的文件中。
所有这些加起来就是以下内容:如果您想在使用 python-docx
如果您使用“默认”模板文档,它包含下面列出的样式,如果您不设计自己的样式,则大部分样式都是您可能需要的。 如果您使用自己的起始文档,则需要在其中使用您想要的每种样式至少一次。您不必保留内容,但在保存文档之前,您需要将样式至少应用于某项内容一次。创建一个单词段落,连续应用五种样式,然后删除该段落,效果很好。这就是我将下面的样式放入默认模板的方法:)。
This is likely to show up quite a bit until I can add some fancier features to work around it, so here it is up top.
When you're working in Word, there are all these styles you can apply to things, pretty good looking ones that look all the better because you don't have to make them yourself. Most folks never look further than the built-in styles.
Although those styles show up in the UI, they're not actually in the document you're creating, at least not until you use it for the first time. That's kind of a good thing. They take up room and there's a lot of them. The file would get a little bloated if it contained all the style definitions you could use but haven't.
If you apply a style using
that's not defined in your file (in the styles.xml part if you're curious), Word just ignores it. It doesn't complain, it just doesn't change how things are formatted. I'm sure there's a good reason for this. But it can present as a bit of a puzzle if you don't understand how Word works that way.When you use a style, Word adds it to the file. Once there, it stays. I imagine there's a way to get rid of it, but you have to work at it. If you apply a style, delete the content you applied it to, and then save the document; the style definition stays in the saved file.
All this adds up to the following: If you want to use a style in a document you
create with python-docx
, the document you start with must contain the style
definition. Otherwise it just won't work. It won't raise an exception, it just
won't work.
If you use the "default" template document, it contains the styles listed below, most of the ones you're likely to want if you're not designing your own. If you're using your own starting document, you need to use each of the styles you want at least once in it. You don't have to keep the content, but you need to apply the style to something at least once before saving the document. Creating a one-word paragraph, applying five styles to it in succession and then deleting the paragraph works fine. That's how I got the ones below into the default template :).
- 样式定义
元素,用于明确定义样式的属性。- 已定义样式
文档中明确定义的样式。与 潜在样式 相对。
- 内置样式
Word 内置的 276 种预设样式之一,例如“标题 1”。内置样式可以是已定义的,也可以是潜在的。尚未定义的内置样式称为 潜在样式。已定义和潜在的内置样式都可能作为选项出现在 Word 的样式面板和样式库中。
- 自定义样式
也称为 用户定义样式,Word 文档中定义的任何样式,但不是内置样式。请注意,自定义样式不能是潜在样式。
- 潜在样式
在特定文档中没有定义的内置样式在该文档中称为 潜在样式。潜在样式可以作为 Word UI 中的选项出现,具体取决于文档的
对象中的设置。- 推荐样式列表
当从 “列表:” 下拉框中选择 “推荐” 时,样式工具箱或面板中显示的样式列表。
- 样式库
Word UI 功能区中显示的示例样式的选择,可通过单击其中一个来应用。
- style definition
element in the styles part of a document that explicitly defines the attributes of a style.- defined style
A style that is explicitly defined in a document. Contrast with latent style.
- built-in style
One of the set of 276 pre-set styles built into Word, such as "Heading 1". A built-in style can be either defined or latent. A built-in style that is not yet defined is known as a latent style. Both defined and latent built-in styles may appear as options in Word's style panel and style gallery.
- custom style
Also known as a user defined style, any style defined in a Word document that is not a built-in style. Note that a custom style cannot be a latent style.
- latent style
A built-in style having no definition in a particular document is known as a latent style in that document. A latent style can appear as an option in the Word UI depending on the settings in the
object for the document.- recommended style list
A list of styles that appears in the styles toolbox or panel when "Recommended" is selected from the "List:" dropdown box.
- Style Gallery
The selection of example styles that appear in the ribbon of the Word UI and which may be applied by clicking on one of them.
Identifying a style
样式有三个标识属性,即 name、 style_id 和 type。
每种样式的 name
样式的 style_id
在内部用于将内容对象(例如段落)键入其样式。但是,此值由 Word 自动生成,并且不能保证在保存时保持稳定。通常,样式 id 只需从 localized 样式名称中删除空格即可形成,但也有例外。python-docx
的用户通常应避免使用 样式 id,除非他们对所涉及的内部结构有信心。
样式的 type
A style has three identifying properties, name, style_id, and type.
Each style's name
property is its stable, unique identifier for
access purposes.
A style's style_id
is used internally to key a content object such as
a paragraph to its style. However this value is generated automatically by
Word and is not guaranteed to be stable across saves. In general, the style
id is formed simply by removing spaces from the localized style name,
however there are exceptions. Users of python-docx
should generally avoid using
the style id unless they are confident with the internals involved.
A style's type
is set at creation time and cannot be changed.
Built-in styles
Word 附带了近 300 种所谓的 内置 样式,如 Normal、 Heading 1 和 List Bullet。样式定义存储在 .docx 包的 styles.xml 部分中,但内置样式定义存储在 Word 应用程序本身中,在实际使用之前不会写入 styles.xml。这是一个明智的策略,因为它们占用了相当大的空间,否则在每个 .docx 文件中都会成为大量冗余和无用的开销。
内置样式在使用之前不会写入 .docx 包,这一事实导致了对 潜在样式 定义的需求,如下所述。
Word comes with almost 300 so-called built-in styles like Normal, Heading 1, and List Bullet. Style definitions are stored in the styles.xml part of a .docx package, but built-in style definitions are stored in the Word application itself and are not written to styles.xml until they are actually used. This is a sensible strategy because they take up considerable room and would be largely redundant and useless overhead in every .docx file otherwise.
The fact that built-in styles are not written to the .docx package until used gives rise to the need for latent style definitions, explained below.
Style Behavior
除了收集一组格式属性之外,样式还有五个 属性来指定其“行为”。此行为相对简单, 基本上相当于样式在 Word 或 LibreOffice UI 中出现的时间和位置。
理解样式行为的关键概念是推荐列表。在 Word 的 样式窗格中,用户可以选择他们想要查看的样式列表。其中一个名为“推荐”,称为*推荐 列表*。所有五个行为属性都会影响样式在此列表和样式库中的某些方面。
简而言之,如果样式的 hidden
属性为 |False|(默认值),则样式会出现在推荐列表中。如果样式未隐藏且其
:attr:`quick_style` 属性为 |True|,则它也会出现在样式库中。
如果隐藏样式的 unhide_when_used
属性为 True
属性在第一次使用时设置为 False
和样式库中的样式按 priority
顺序排序,然后按字母顺序对优先级相同的样式进行排序。如果样式的 locked
In addition to collecting a set of formatting properties, a style has five properties that specify its behavior. This behavior is relatively simple, basically amounting to when and where the style appears in the Word or LibreOffice UI.
The key notion to understanding style behavior is the recommended list. In the style pane in Word, the user can select which list of styles they want to see. One of these is named Recommended and is known as the recommended list. All five behavior properties affect some aspect of the style’s appearance in this list and in the style gallery.
In brief, a style appears in the recommended list if its hidden
property is False
(the default). If a style is not hidden and its
property is True
, it also appears in the style gallery.
If a hidden style's unhide_when_used
property is True
, its hidden
property is set False
the first time it is used. Styles in the style lists
and style gallery are sorted in priority
order, then alphabetically
for styles of the same priority. If a style's locked
property is
and formatting restrictions are turned on for the document, the style
will not appear in any list or the style gallery and cannot be applied to
Latent styles
由于需要指定未在 styles.xml 中定义的内置样式的 UI 行为,因此需要 潜在样式 定义。潜在样式定义基本上是一个存根样式定义,除了样式名称外,最多还包含五个行为属性。通过为每个行为属性定义默认值,可以节省额外的空间,因此只需要定义与默认值不同的属性,并且与所有默认值匹配的样式不需要潜在样式定义。
使用 styles.xml 中出现的 w:latentStyles 和 w:lsdException 元素指定潜在样式定义。
仅内置样式需要潜在样式定义,因为只有内置样式才能在 UI 中出现,而无需在 styles.xml 中定义样式。
The need to specify the UI behavior of built-in styles not defined in styles.xml gives rise to the need for latent style definitions. A latent style definition is basically a stub style definition that has at most the five behavior attributes in addition to the style name. Additional space is saved by defining defaults for each of the behavior attributes, so only those that differ from the default need be defined and styles that match all defaults need no latent style definition.
Latent style definitions are specified using the w:latentStyles and w:lsdException elements appearing in styles.xml.
A latent style definition is only required for a built-in style because only a built-in style can appear in the UI without a style definition in styles.xml.
Style inheritance
层叠样式表 (CSS) 的工作方式。使用
A style can inherit properties from another style, somewhat similarly to how
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) works. Inheritance is specified using the
attribute. By basing one style on another, an
inheritance hierarchy of arbitrary depth can be formed. A style having no
base style inherits properties from the document defaults.
Paragraph styles in default template
Body Text
Body Text 2
Body Text 3
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Heading 7
Heading 8
Heading 9
Intense Quote
List 2
List 3
List Bullet
List Bullet 2
List Bullet 3
List Continue
List Continue 2
List Continue 3
List Number
List Number 2
List Number 3
List Paragraph
Macro Text
No Spacing
Character styles in default template
Body Text Char
Body Text 2 Char
Body Text 3 Char
Book Title
Default Paragraph Font
Heading 1 Char
Heading 2 Char
Heading 3 Char
Heading 4 Char
Heading 5 Char
Heading 6 Char
Heading 7 Char
Heading 8 Char
Heading 9 Char
Intense Emphasis
Intense Quote Char
Intense Reference
Macro Text Char
Quote Char
Subtitle Char
Subtle Emphasis
Subtle Reference
Title Char
Table styles in default template
Table Normal
Colorful Grid
Colorful Grid Accent 1
Colorful Grid Accent 2
Colorful Grid Accent 3
Colorful Grid Accent 4
Colorful Grid Accent 5
Colorful Grid Accent 6
Colorful List
Colorful List Accent 1
Colorful List Accent 2
Colorful List Accent 3
Colorful List Accent 4
Colorful List Accent 5
Colorful List Accent 6
Colorful Shading
Colorful Shading Accent 1
Colorful Shading Accent 2
Colorful Shading Accent 3
Colorful Shading Accent 4
Colorful Shading Accent 5
Colorful Shading Accent 6
Dark List
Dark List Accent 1
Dark List Accent 2
Dark List Accent 3
Dark List Accent 4
Dark List Accent 5
Dark List Accent 6
Light Grid
Light Grid Accent 1
Light Grid Accent 2
Light Grid Accent 3
Light Grid Accent 4
Light Grid Accent 5
Light Grid Accent 6
Light List
Light List Accent 1
Light List Accent 2
Light List Accent 3
Light List Accent 4
Light List Accent 5
Light List Accent 6
Light Shading
Light Shading Accent 1
Light Shading Accent 2
Light Shading Accent 3
Light Shading Accent 4
Light Shading Accent 5
Light Shading Accent 6
Medium Grid 1
Medium Grid 1 Accent 1
Medium Grid 1 Accent 2
Medium Grid 1 Accent 3
Medium Grid 1 Accent 4
Medium Grid 1 Accent 5
Medium Grid 1 Accent 6
Medium Grid 2
Medium Grid 2 Accent 1
Medium Grid 2 Accent 2
Medium Grid 2 Accent 3
Medium Grid 2 Accent 4
Medium Grid 2 Accent 5
Medium Grid 2 Accent 6
Medium Grid 3
Medium Grid 3 Accent 1
Medium Grid 3 Accent 2
Medium Grid 3 Accent 3
Medium Grid 3 Accent 4
Medium Grid 3 Accent 5
Medium Grid 3 Accent 6
Medium List 1
Medium List 1 Accent 1
Medium List 1 Accent 2
Medium List 1 Accent 3
Medium List 1 Accent 4
Medium List 1 Accent 5
Medium List 1 Accent 6
Medium List 2
Medium List 2 Accent 1
Medium List 2 Accent 2
Medium List 2 Accent 3
Medium List 2 Accent 4
Medium List 2 Accent 5
Medium List 2 Accent 6
Medium Shading 1
Medium Shading 1 Accent 1
Medium Shading 1 Accent 2
Medium Shading 1 Accent 3
Medium Shading 1 Accent 4
Medium Shading 1 Accent 5
Medium Shading 1 Accent 6
Medium Shading 2
Medium Shading 2 Accent 1
Medium Shading 2 Accent 2
Medium Shading 2 Accent 3
Medium Shading 2 Accent 4
Medium Shading 2 Accent 5
Medium Shading 2 Accent 6
Table Grid